MS 161
Wintfred Smith
Reelfoot Lake Collection

Box 1

MS 161: Wintfred Smith Reelfoot Lake Collection
Dr. Wintfred L. Smith is a limnologist and the acknowledged expert on the history and culture of the Reelfoot Lake area in northwest Tennessee. A native Tennessean, he took degrees in biology at Tennessee Technological University. He pursued a PhD in limnology (lake ecology) at the University of North Dakota, which was awarded in 1972, while holding a faculty position in biology at the University of Tennessee at Martin. His expertise in aquatic plants led him toward the unique challenges faced at Reelfoot Lake, geologically formed during the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812. Between 1986 and 2000 he coordinated activities at the Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center, a field station operated by the University's Department of Biological Sciences.
Seeking to understand the human uses of the lake and that effect on its ecology, Dr. Smith became well known to the lake's bordering communities. He began collecting material documenting the lake and its history in the 1980s, and was instrumental in the acquisition of the Sabin photographic collection by the Tennessee State Library and Archives. He retired in 2001 but remains active as a collector, eventually amassing the single largest collection of cultural, historical, and professional literature on the Lake and its surrounding area. 
Box 1 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Adams and Walker 1942
a.) Adams, Robert M., and Winslow M. Walker. "Archaeological Suface Survey of New Madrid County, Missouri." The Missouri Archaeologist. pag. Web.
2 Adler, Kraig 1979
a.) Adler, Kraig. "A Brief Hisory of Herpetoloy in North America Before 1900." Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (1979): 1-38. Print.
3 Alderson 1955
a.) Alderson, William T. "State Game and Fish Commission." pag. Print.
4 Alexander, T.H 1929
5 Algee, Isabelle R.; Tiptonville City Cemetary 1998
a.)Algee, Isabelle R., ed. "Lake County Historical Society." Tiptonille City Cemetary (July 1988): 1-168. Print.
6 Algermissen 1982
   a.) Algermissen, S.T., D.M. Perkins, P.C. Hanson, and B.L. Bender. "United States Department of the Interior." Probabilistic Estimates of Maximum Acceleration and Velocity in Rock in the Contiguous United States (1982): 1-99. Print.
7 Allen and Hoshall, Inc. 1980
a.) Allen and Hoshall, Inc. "Positive Bacteriological Analyses of Reelfoot Lake Water and Well Water In The Southern Reelfoot Lake Area." (1975-1980).
8 Amick, H.C and L.H. Rollins  1937
a.)Amick, H.C., and L.H. Rollins. "The Geography of Tennessee." (n.d.): 1-4. Print.
9 AMR, A.M 1983
  a.)AMR, AMR M. "Sedimentological Activity In The Drainage Basin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." (December 1987): 1-110. Print.
10 Anonymous 1891
a.)"A Sportsmen's Paradise." New York Tmes January 11, 1891: 17. Print.
11 Anonymous 1912
a.)Obion County Historical Society. "Historic Souvenir Union City, Tennessee." Union City, Tennessee: Its Commercial and Industrial Advantages (n.d.): n. pag. Print.
12 Anonymous 1928
a.)"Businesses, Manufactures, Merchants, and Tradesman." (Publihed By: Carl E. Milln Jr, August, 2004): n. pag. Print.
13 Anonymous 1930
a.) Cashiers Check; To: Rena Bresser. Remitter: Wintfred L. Smith.                                                                                                                   b.) Kentucky Explorer August 1993: Print
14 Anonymous 1945
a.) "Child Life" magazine; August 1945.
15 Anonymous 1950
a.) "Legend of Fact?" comic book.                                                              b.) Receipt and First State Bank official check for the comic book. 
16 Anonymous 1951a
a.)"The Tennessee Conservationist." January 1951: 1-31. Print.
17 Anonymous 1951b
a.) "The Tennessee Conservationist." May 1951: 1-31. Print.
18 Anonymous 1951c
a.) "The Tennessee Conservationist." October 1951: 1-31. Print. 
19 Anonymous 1952a
a.) "The Tennessee Conservationist." March 1952: 1-31. Print.
20 Anonymous 1952b
a.) "The Tennessee Conservationist." September 1952: 1-31. Print.
21 Anonymous 1959
a.) "The Tennessee Conservationist." April 1959: 1-31. Print.
22 Anonymous 1960
a.) "Scenic Tennessee: The Volunteer State In Full Natural Color."
23 Anonymous 1963
a.) "Tennessee : The Nation's Most Interesting State"
24 Anonymous 1964
a.) "Scenic South." August 1964: Print.
25 Anonymous 1966
a.) "The Tennessee Conservationist." January 1966: 1-31. Print.
26 Anonymous 1970
a.) "Commercial Appeal Mid-South Magazine." October 4, 1970. 
27 Anonymous  1974
a.) Airpark Lodge at Reelfoot Lake." Architectual Rec. 155 (6): 95-97.
28 Anonymous 1981
a.) "Waterfowl." Tennessee Wildlife: 5-12. November-December 1981.
29 Anonymous 1983
a.) "A Big Quake Bides Its Time." The central Mississippi Valley's New Madrid seismic zone remains one of the most active in the entire U.S. 
Box 2 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Anonymous 1991
a.) Back Then: A Pictorial History of Americans Afield. Minocqua, WI: Willow Creek, 1991. Print.
2 Anonymous  1993
a.) "Natural Wonders." : Nature Outlook: February 1993. Vol 10. No.1
3 Anonymous 1996
a.) A Tennessee Journey. May 26,1996.
4 Anonymous 1998
a.) The Tennessee Conservationist. "Profile of a Watershed: The Obion River." November/December 1998.
5 Anonymous 1999a
a.) National Geographic December 1999: n. pag. Print. Vol. 196, No. 6
6 Anonymous 1999b
a.) "Quality Prohibitation of the Society of Environmental Journalists." SE Journal. 9(3):26. Fall 1999
7 Anonymous 2000
a.)ProQuest. "Researchers Calculate Slip Rate for Mississppi Valey Fault." Message to Wintfred Smith. August 28, 2002. E-mail.
8 Anonymous 2003
a.) Southern Backroads. "A History of The South Magazine." March/April 2003. Print.
9 Anthony, A. 1981
a.) Anthony, Allen. "Kentucky Bend: A Struggle for Political Identity." The Filson Club History Quarterly November 21,1984: n. pag. Print.
10 W.J. Autin, S.F. Burns, B.J. Miller, R.T, Saucier, J.I. Snead 1988
a.) Autin, Whitney J., Scott F. Burns, Bobby J. Miller, Roger T. Saucier, and John I. Snead. "Quaternary Geology of the Lower Mississippi Valley." The Geological of North America (1988): n. pag. Web.
11 Bagnall, Norma H. 1996
a.) This book is at the home of W.L. Smith
12 Bailey, B. 1974
  a.) Picture book of Tennessee. Albert Whitman and Co. (Book not available.)
13 Baker, L.C.  1937
a.) Baker, Louise C. "Mating Habits and Life History of Amphiuma Tridactylum Cuvier and Effect of Pituitary Injections." April 2, 1937. pag. Print.
14 Baker, C.L.  1945
a.) Baker, C. L. "The Natural History and Morphology of Amphiumae." 1945.
15 Baker, C.L.  1947
a.) Baker, C. L. "The Species of Amphiumae." The Journal of The Tennessee Academy of Science 22.1 (January, 1947): 9-21. Print.
16 Baker, C.L., L.C., Baker, and M.F. Caldwell 1947
a.)Baker, C. L., Louise C. Baker, and Mabel F. Caldwell. "Observation of Copulation in Amphiuma Tridactylum." The Journal of The Tennessee Academy of Science 22.1 (January, 1947): 87-88. Web.
17 Baker, C.L. Obituary 1993
a.) Journal of The Tennessee Academy of Science. Obituaries. Dr. Clinton L. Baker. 
18 Baker, T. and Michael Gibson 2001
a.)GeoRef. July 7, 2002. Web. 
19 Bangham, Ralph V.  1948
a.) Bangham, Ralph V. "Parasites of Freshwater Fishes." State of Ohio Section of Fish Management (November 29, 1948).
20 Barrett, A.T. 1904
a.) Barrett, Albert T., LL.D. Supplementary Volume for Tennessee. 1904.
21 Barstow, C.J.  1970
a.) Barstow, C.J."Fish and Wildlife Resources Obion and Forked Deer River Basin, Tennessee. July 1970. 
22 Batie, S.S 1983
a.) Batie, Sandra S., Soil Erosion. 1983.
23 Batie and Healy 1983
a.)Batie, Sandra S., and Robert G. Healy. "The Future of American Agriculture." Scientific American 248.2 (1983): 45-53. Print.
24 Beckner 1981
a.)Beckner, Jeff S. Letter to Dr. Wintfred Smith. March 18, 1986.   b.) Smith, Wintfred L. Letter to Mr. Jeff Beckner. October 24, 1985.                                                                                                          c.) Beckner, Jeff S. Letter to Smith, Wintfred T. October 16, 1985.           d.) Beckner, Jeff. "Dispersed Organic Sediments in the Reelfoot Lake Basin, Western Tennessee."                                                          e.) Beckner, Jefferson S. Organic Sedimentaion Processes of Buck Basin, Brewer's Bar, and Upper Blue Basin Within Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. December, 1986.
25 Beuerlein, Karin 2003
a.)  Tennessee Home. February 2003.
26 Bishop 1878
a.) Bishop, Nathaniel H. Four Months in a Sneak-Box. "A Boat Voyage of 2600 Miles Down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and Along the Gulf of Mexico. 1878.
27 Blythe, E.W., W.T. McCutchen and R. G. Stearns 1975
a.)Blythe, Ernest W. Jr., McCutchen, William T., and Stearns, Richard G. "Geology of Reelfoot Lake and Vicinity."                       b.) Stearns, Richard G. "Field Trips in West Tennessee." April 1975.
28 Blythe 1981
a.) Blythe, Ernest W. "Symposium and Field Trip Guides; Earthquakes and Related Features of the Mississippi River Valley." April 24-26, 1981.
29 Boone, Jack 1939
a.) Boone, Jack. Backwoods Woman.
30 Botkin, B.A.  1955
a.) Botkin, B.A. (ed.). 1955. A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore. "The Legend of Reelfoot Lake."
Box 3 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Bowers, L.J.  1973
a.) Bowers, L.J. "Tree-Ring Dating of the Bald Cypress (Taxodium Bistichum [L] Rich.) In the Lower Mississippi Valley." M.S. Thesis. Arkansas State University. 
2 Bowers  1974
a.) Bowers, Lynne J. "Den'dro Kre Nal'e Je (It's Boring!)." The Tennessee Conservationist 40.6 (June 1974).
3 Bradbury 1891
a.) Bradbury, John. "Travels in The Interior of America." (1819).
4 Bradley and Hollyday 1980
a.) "Tennessee Ground-Water Resources."
5 Brady, M.W.  1987
a.) Bradley, Michael W. "Construction, Geologic, and Hydrolic Data For Observation Wells In The Reelfoot Lake Area, Tennessee and Kentucky." Nashville, TN. 1987.
6 Brakke, David F.  1996a
a.) Brakke, D.F. 1996. "Geology re-defined: Lake formation according to folk tale and legend." 20-21, 50-54.
7 Brakke, David F.  1996b
a.) Brakke, D.F. 1996. "Magical powers, mystical beings and haunted waters: lake lore in folk tales, legends and literature." Laketime 16: 12-13, 30-34, 57-59.
7.1 Brakke, David F.  1999
a.)Brakke, D.F. 1999. "Thoreau and his contemporaries: literature for aquatic species." ASLO Bull. 8: 38-40.
8 Brayton, L.D.  1929
a.) L.O. Brayton. Engineering Co. Brayton Building., Dyersburg. Letter to Governor Horton, Henry H. from L.O. Brayton. February, 1984. 
9 Brehm, C.E.  1926
a.) Brehm, C. E. 1926. Tennessee. Department of Agriculture. State of Tennessee, Nashville. 
10 Broadhead 1902
a.) Broadhead, G.C. 1902. "The New Madrid Earthquake." American Geologist. 30: 76-87.
11 Brooks, A.L.  1932
a.) Brooks, A.L. 1932. "Early Plans for Railroads in West Tennessee." 1830-1845. Tennessee History Magazine. 3, Series 2 (1): 20-39.
12 Broshears 1991
a.) Broshears, Robert E. "Characterization of Bottom-Sediment, Water, and Elutiate Chemistry at Selected Stations at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." U.S. Geological Survey: Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4181. 
13 Brower, K.  1998
a.) Brower, K. 1998. "Photography in the Age of Falsification." The Atlantic Monthly. 281(5): 92-111.
14 Brown, F.  1984
a.) Brown, Fred. "Fighting to Save Lake Reelfoot."
15 Brown, J.E.  1977
a.) "Ford Times." Detroit's Rennaissance Center 70.1 (January 1977).
16 Brown, W.M. 1898
a.) Recreation. August, 1898. Vol. 9 (2). 
17 Brown, Jackson, Keathley, and Moore 1969
a.) Brown, William T., Jackson, W.C., Keathley, G.L., Moore, C.L. "Soil Survey of Lake County, Tennessee." September 1969.
18 Brown, Jackson, Keathley, and Moore 1973
a.) Brown, William T., Jackson, W.C., Keathley, G.L., Moore, C.L. "Soil Survey of Obion County, Tennessee." January 1973.
19 Bryan 1816
a.) Turner, Lue V., Mrs. Letter to Dr. Winfred L. Smith. November 8, 1985. MS. Luther L. Gobbel Library, Lambuth College, Jackson, Tennessee.                                                                                                       b.) Dow, Peggy. "History of Cosmopolite; or The Four Volumes of Lorenzo Dow's Journal." 1848.                                                              c.) Dow, L. 1816. "History of Cosmopolite. Third edition, corrected and enlarged. Philadelphia.                                                  d.) 1900. American Historical Magazine. "The Earthquake of 1811."                                                                                                                  e.) Dow, L. April 8, 1985. "Country of Mississippi Valley Collection." Memphis State University. 
20 Bryan 1816b
a.) Bryan, Elija. "Reelfoot." 
21 Burbank 1963
a.) Burbank, James H. "An Evaluation of the Aquatic Pest Plant Control Program at Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. Vol. 38, Num. 1. January, 1963.
22 Burkett and Huggins  1993
a.) Burkett, Ray D., Huggins, James A. "First Records of Albinism in Nerodia Rhombifer (DiamondBack Water Snake)." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 68(1):32. January 1993.
23 Burt 1955
a.) Natural History February 1955. b.) Burt, Jesse C. "Reelfoot Lake-Child of Violence." Natural History. February 1955.
24 Bushnell, Bushnell and Parker  1939
a.) Bushnell, Ralph J., Bushnell, Elizabeth P., and Parker, Malcom V. "A Chromosome Study of Five Members of the Family Hylide." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. Vol. XIV, Num 2. April, 1939.
25 Butler, D and Jean Butler 2003
a.) A Page in Time No. 2. may 2003. "A Visit to Tiptonville.", 14-16. "Busy Bee CafĂ©." photo p.12. 
26 Butler, Darrell, and Jean Butler 2003
a.) A Page in Time.
27 Butwin, David 1971
a.) Butwin, David. Saturday Review. Booked for Travel. "Steamin' up the River- I: Redbud Time n Blues Town." 36-38. May 29,1971. b.)Butwin, David. Saturday Review."Steamin' up the River-II: How the "Queen" Was Saved." 54 (23): 44-46,63. June 5, 1971.                 c.) Butwin, David. Saturday Review. "Steamin' up the River-III Old Pilots, New Hopes." 54(24): 36, 41-42. June 12, 1971.
28 Byrd, E.E 1938
a.)Baker, C.L. Report of the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station II (April, 1938).
29 Byrd, E.E 1940
a.) Byrd, Elon E. Report of the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station IV. "Larval Flukes from Tennessee. II. Studies on Cercariae from Physa Gyrina Say, With Descriptions of Two New Species." 124-131. January, 1940. 
Box 4 of 89 
File No.  Title Date
1 Cain, F.B. 2001
a.) Southern Backroads. August/September 2001.
2 Caldwell, R.H.  1989
a.) Caldwell, Russell H. Reelfoot Lake."The Tourists' Guide."
3 Caldwell, Russell H.  2003
a.) Caldwell, Russell H. Hunting & Fishing Collectibles Magazine.Vol 3, Num 6. "History of Reelfoot Lake and The Cochran Family." p.10. November-December, 2003.
4 Caldwell, Russell H.  2004
a.) Hunting & Fishing Collectibles Magazine. Vol 4, Num 2. March-April, 2004.
5 Caldwell, Russell 2005
a.)Jones, Evan. "Caldwell's Latest Book on Reelfoot Is a Labor of Love." Cafe County Banner 7 December 2005: 1. Print.
6 Caldwell, Russell 2005b
a.) Caldwell, 2005. Notes. 
7 Calhoun, GR.  1925
a.)Calhoun, Geo. R. Tennessee Game and Fish Laws and Federal Regulations for Protection of Migratory Birds. 1925-1926. 
8 Carlisle, T.P.  1948
a.) Carlisle, Thomas P. Lapidary Journal. "Reelfoot Waits." 1948-1958. 
9 Carlson, S.D. and M.J. Guccione  2000
10 Carroll, R.F.  1967
a.) Carroll, R.F. 1967. "Margaret Clark Griffis, Plantation Teacher." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 26:295-303.
11 Carter, J.R.  1958
a.) Carter, John Ray. "Life and Lore of Reelfoot Lake." August, 1958.
12 Carter  1976
a.) Carter, Virginia. "Briefing of Wetlands Project L Western Tennessee." March 31, 1976.                                                                         b.) Carter, Virginia; Stevens, Alan. "Test of New Fish and Wildlife Service Wetland Classification System in Western Tennessee." July 30, 1976.                                                                                                        c.) Reelfoot Lake Study Quadrangle. "National Wetland Classification and Inventory."                                                                         d.) Carter, V., Burbank, J. "Tentative Classification System for Tennessee Wetlands." October 1, 1975. 
13 Carter and Burbank 1975
a.) Carter, V., Burbank, J. "Tentative Classification System for Tennessee Wetlands." February 21, 1975. 
14 Carter, A. Doss, D. Malone, W. Godsey 1977
a.) Proceedings of 2nd Annual William T. Pecora Memorial Symposium. October 25-29, 1976. 
15 Carter and Burbank 1978
a.) Carter, Virginia, Burbank, James H. "Wetland Classification System for the Tennessee Valley Region." June, 1978. 
16 Center for Eathquake Studies 1996
a.) Center for Earthquake Studies. Damages & Losses from Future New Madrid Earthquakes. "A Central U.S. Earthquake Intensity Scale "CUSEIS" for Pre-Earthquake Planning." April, 1996.
17 Champlin, T.  1978
a.) Champlin, Tim. "Soaring Over The Cypress." The Tennesssee Conservationist. XLIV. January-February, 1978. 
18 Chew, C.Y., Larry Moore, Roger H. Smith  1991
a.) Chew, Chee Yen; Moore, Larry W.; Smith, Roger H. "Hydrological simulation of Tennessee's North Reelfoot Creek watershed." Research Journal WPCF. Vol 63, Num 1. January/February, 1991. 
19 Chief of Engineers 1891
a.) Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. 1891. Chief of EngineersAnnual request of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, to the Secretary of War fo rthe Year 1891.Chief of Engineers U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 
20 Christy, D.  1848
a.) Christy, D. 1848. Letters on Geology; Being a Series of Commmunications… giving an outline of the geology of the West and South West…. Rossville, Ohio. 
21 Chrisy, David 1848
a.) Christy, D. 1848. "Letters on Geology." J.M. Christy, Printer. Rossville, Ohio. 
22 Churchwell, R.  1986
a.) Churchwell, R. 1986. "A Study of Marsh Enroachment into Reelfoot Lake Using Aerial Photography." March 3, 1986.
23 Clapper, L.S.  1951
a.) Clapper, Louis S. "Outdoors in Tennessee." 20-21. The Tennessee Conservationist. November, 1951.
24 Clapper, Louis 1953
a.) Clapper, Louis. "State Fishing Prospects Good." 15-17. The Tennessee Conservationist.April, 1953. 
24.1 Clarke, A.C. and M.McQuay  1996
a.) Clarke, A.C. and M. McQuay. 1996. Notes. 
25 Clay 1983
a.) Clay, Floyd M. "History of Navigation on the Lower Mississippi." January, 1983.  
26 Clean-Flo Laboratories Inc.  1985
a.) Clean-Flo Laboratories, Inc. "Restoration and Water Quality Management of Reelfoot Lake Via Continuous Laminar Flow Invesion/Oxygenation." Preliminary Proposal. February 28, 1985.                                                                                                          b.) Clean-Flo brochure. 
Box 5 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Cleaveland, M.K. 2004
a.) Cleaveland, Malcolm K. 2004. "Report: Tree-ring Sampling of Baldcypress at Reelfoot Lake for Jamie and Bonnie Hamilton." Private report.  
2 Cloar, Carroll 1985
a.) Note: Kelly, J.C. 1985. 
3 Cobb 1918
a.) Meyer, Cindy. Rendition of "Fishhead". 1986.                                 b.) Cobb, Irvin S. 1918. "The Escape of Mr. Trimm. New York. 
4 Cocke 1917
a.) Interlibrary Loan for Dr. W.L. Smith. "Forest and Stream." Vol. 87. January, 1917. 
5 Coggins 1984
a.) Coggins, Allen R. "The Early History of Tennessee's State Parks, 1919-1956." Tenn. Historial Quarterly. 43(3): 295-315. Fall, 1984.
6 Cogswell, Robert  1999
a.) Cogswell, Robert. "Dale Calhoun & The Reelfoot Lake Boat." Tennessee Folklore Soc. Bull. 59:48-60. Vol 59 (2). 1999. 
7 Cohen, Stan 1980
a.) Cohen, Stan. "A Pictorial History of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942." The Tree Army. March, 2000. 
8 Cole, R.S.  1891
a.) Cole, R.S. "My Hunting Trips to Reelfoot Lake." October 13, 1891. 
9 Collins, JR. D.S.  1937
a.) Collins, D.S. Jr. "The Aquatic Earthworms (Microdrili) of Reelfoot Lake." J.Term. 1937. 
10 D.E. Collins, George W. Benz, James E. Deck 1997
a.) Collins, David E., Benz, George W., and Deck, James E. "Stock Assessment of Turtle Species Inhabiting Reelfoot Lake, with Special Emphasis on Population Structre and Stability." May 19, 1997. 
11 Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants 1978
a.) Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. "The Rare Vascular Plants of Tennessee." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. Vol 53 (4). October, 1978. 
12 Condon, James E.  1969
a.) Condon, James Emmett. "Tennessee's Vanishing Ferries: Part II." The Tennessee Conservationist. Vol 35 (3): 5-10: March, 1969. 
13 Cooperative Water Resources Investigations Program between state of Tennessee and the USGS, WRD in the Reelfoot Lake Basin Annual Water Budget Proposal. 
a.) United States Department of the Interior. Cooperative Water Resources Investigations Program between the State of Tennessee and the U.S. Geological Survey, WRD in the Reelfoot Lake Basin. Annual Water Budget Proposal. 
14 Corgan, J.X.  1985
a.)Corgan, James X. "Early Medical Dissertation Research on Tennessee Geology." Department of Geology Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee 37044. Received August, 1985. 
15 Corgan, J.X. and M.B. Berwind 1999
a.) Corgan, James X., Berwind, Marvin B. "Geological Mapping in Tennessee: 1752-1831; 1831-1840." Abstracts of Presentations at the 108th Annual Meeting. January-April, 1999. 
16 Corgan, J.X.  2001
a.) Corgan, James X. "Leaders of the Tennessee Academy of Science, 1912-1936: An Overview and Bibliography." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. Vol 76(4): 85-90. October, 2001. 
17 Cottam, Clarence. Report of Investigation August 20-25, 1939; Includes Report, Supplement, and Petition.  1939
a.) Cottam, Clarence. "Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee; Report of Investigation August 20-25, 1939." 
18 Cottam, Clarence  1939b
a.) Cottam, Clarence. "Report Concerning Reelfoot Lake: November 17-20, 1939." October, 1982. 
19 Cotton, Corinne C.  1936
a.) Cotten, Campbell Corinne. "Reelfoot or Indian Blankets and Blue Bonnets in Story and Drama A Symphony of Words in Red and White and Blue." Abilene Printing & Stationery Co. Abilene, Texas. 1936. 
20 Coardin L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Coolet, E.T La Roe 1979
a.) Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F. C. Coolet, E.T, La Roe. Classification of Wetlands and Deep Water Habitats of the United States. 
21 Cowser, Robert 1984
a.) Journal of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society founded 1958. June 1984. Vol 12.
22 Cox, Katherine D.  1998
a.) Cox, Katherine D. "Memories of Reelfoot Lake." May 5, 1998. 
23 Craig, S. and Guge, R. 
a.)Craig, Suzanne, Guge, Rod. "Cooperation Can Make The Difference." Tennessee Magazine. July, 1984. Vol 27 (7): 12-14. 
24 Cramer, Z.  1814
a.) Cramer, Zadok. 1814. The navigation. Cramer, Spear, and Eickfaum. Pittsburg. 
25 Crisman 1992
a.) Crisman, Thomas L. "Natural Lakes of the Southeastern United States: Origin, Structure, and Function." 1992
26 Croker, E.H.  1978
a.) Crocker, Elaine Hall. "Bathymetric Mapping of a Small Area of Lower Blue Basin." July 5, 1978. 
27 Croker, R.A.  1991
a.) "The Nuclear Energy Arena". SCIENCE 255(5049): 1296-1297. 
28 Crofford, E.  2000
a.) Crofford, Emily. " When the River Ran Backward." 2000. Carolrhoda Books, Inc./ Minneapolis. 
29 Cummings, s.  Reprinted 1978
a.) Cummings, S. 1847. "The Western Pilot." George Conclin, Cincinnati. 
30 Cunningham, Bill  1981
a.) Cunningham, B. 1981. "Flames in the Wind." Cockrel Corporation, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
31 Cunningham, L., Fr. Holland, and S. Flowers No Date
a.) Cunningham, L, F. Hollnad, and S. Flowers. "Lake County Gems and Gemlets." Vol. 1. Lacke County Schools, Tiptonville, TN. 
32 Currey 1853
a.) Currey, Richard O. "Physical Topography in its Relation to Medicine." 110-112, 322-329, 402-417. Southern Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Vol. 1, 1853. 
33 Currey 1854
a.) Currey, R.O. 1854. "Medical Topography of Nashville and Vicinity. Southern Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences.2:87-94, 137-138. and map.                                                       b.) Southern Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Vol. 2, 1854. 
34 Dahl and Johnson 1991
a.) Dahl, Thomas E, Craig E Johnson. "Wetlands Status and Trends." First Update of the National Wetlands Status Report 1991. 
35 Daniel, L.J. and L.N. Bock 1996
a.) This book is at the home of W.L. Smith. January 20, 1997
36 Davant, Mary 1953
a.)Davant, M. 1953. "Reelfoot Lake, a West Tennessee Beauty Spot." The Volunteer Gardener.10(2):3-4.  
Box 6 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Davidson, M.B.  1984
a.) Davidson, Mary Beth. "Born of an Earthquake/ Epitaph by Man." The Tennessee Alumnus.Spring 1984.  
2 Davidson, Mary Beth. Born of an Earthquake/ Epitaph by Man 1984
a.) Davidson, Mary Beth. "Born of an Earthquake/ Epitaph by Man." Special to the Tennessee Alumnus. February 3, 1984. 
3 Davidson, M.B.  1987
a.) Davidson, Mary Beth. "Tracking the Wild Eagle." 45-47. Tennessee Alumnus. Spring, 1987. 
4 Davis, J.D. also Robbins A.  1929
a.) Davis, J.D. 1929. "Two Towns Describe Reelfoot Lake. Fulton Where Milk and Fish Don't Disagree." Kentucky Progress Magazine. 1(10): 31, 48.                                                                                 b.) Robbins, A. 1929. "Two Towns Describe Reelfoot Lake. Hickman in the Land of Cotton." Kentucky Progress Magazine. 1(10):31, 41. 
5 Davis, E.  1998
a.) Davis, E. 1998. Lake County memories identity in newsprint and pictures. Rose Print Co. 
6 Davis, M.  1998
a.) Davis, M. 1998. "Talking Pictures: State Photographers Remember the Good Old Days." The Tennessee Consersvationist. 64(6):10-13. November/December, 1998. 
7 De Costa  1964
a.) DeCosta, J.J. 1964. "Invest. Indiana Lakes & Streams." 6(2): 65-101. Vol 6 (2). August, 1964
8 De Costa  1968
a.) DeCosta, J. 1968. "Species Diversity of Chydorid Fossil Communities in the Mississippi Valley." 32: 497-512. 
9 Delcourt P.A., H.R. Delcourt, R.C. Brister and L.E. Lackey  1980
a.) Delcourt, Paul A., Hazel R. Delcourt, Ronald C. Brister, and Laurence E. Lackey. "Quaternary Vegetation History of the Mississippi Embayment." 111-132. 1980.
10 Delcourt and Delcourt  1981
a.) Delcourt, Paul A., Hazel R. Delcourt. "Vegetation Maps for Eastern North America: 40,000 YR B.P. to the Present." 1981. 
11 Delcourt and Harris 1980
a.) Hazel, Delcourt R., W.F. Harris. "Carbon Budget of the Southeastern U.S. Biota: Analysis of Historical Change in Trend from Source to Sink." Science. Vol. 210: 321-323. October 17, 1980. 
12 Demaree 1932
a.) Demaree, Delzie. "Submerging Experiments with Taxodium." Ecology. 13: 258-262. 1932.                                                                            b.) Kurz, Herman. "Cypress Buttresses and Knees in Relation to Water and Air." Ecology. 15:36-41. 1934.
13 Dennison, Earl 1950
a.) Dennison, Earl. "Duck Calling." Newbern, Tn. 1950.
14 Dennison, Earl 1950b
a.)Dennison, Earl. "Duck Calling." Newbern, Tn. 1950.
15 Denton 1984
a.) Denton, Greg. "Sunset for Reelfoot Lake?" The Tennessee Conservationist. Vol. 50 (4). July/August, 1984. 
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a.)  Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Water Management. "A Clean Lakes Study: The Upper Buck Basin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee: Part A, Diagnostic Study." July, 1984. 
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a.) Denton, Gregory M. "Lake Conservation: An Introduction." The Tennessee Conservationist. 52(3): 5-7. May/June, 1986. 
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a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Office of Water Management. "The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee." August, 1986. 
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a.) Denton, Gregory M. "Summary of the Sedimentation Studies of Reelfoot Lake, 1982-1986." August, 1986. 
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1 Denton, G.M 1987
a.) Denton, Gregory M. "Water quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986." For the Reelfoot Lake Legislative Task Force Representative John Tanner. January, 1987.                                                  b.) Denton, Gregory M. "Water Quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986." For the Reelfoot Lake Legislative Task Force Representative John Tanner. May, 1987. 
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a.) Denton, Gregory M. "Water Quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986." For the Reelfoot Lake Legislative Task Force Representative John Tanner. May, 1987. 
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a.) Denton, Greg. Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. Letter. March 4, 1987.                                                   b.) Water Quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986.                                          c.) Hurst, Harold. Tennnessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Letter to Greg Denton. March 25, 1987.                                                   d.)Denton, Gregory M. "Water Quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986. Draft. February, 1987.
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a.) Denton, Gregory M., Morris C. Flexner. "Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) Rates at Reelfoot Lake." November, 1991.
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a.) Denton, Gregory M., Carole S. Freeman. "The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee 1998 305(b) Report." September, 1998.
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a.) Denton, Gregory M., Kimberly J. Sparks, Deborah H. Arnwine, Linda K. Cartwright. "2002 305(b) Report The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee." December, 2002.
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a.) Dickson, Bruce D. Jr., L. Janice Campbell. "Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges: A Curltural Resources Survey." 1979.
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a.) Dietzel, ED. "Now Let's Go Back: Rmembers Early Union City." 1977.
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a.) Edwards, Sidney W. "Preliminary Report on the Trichoptera of Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 30: 8-10. 1955.
7 Elliott, N.J.  1948
a.) Elliott, Nancy Jane. "the New Madrid Earthquakes." Dunklin County Historical Society. August 27, 1948.
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a.) Endsley, J.R. "Some Things of Scientific Interests in West Tennessee." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 10:240. 1935.
9 English, Alice 1967
a.)English, Alice. "Following Footsteps Through History: A Guide to Sites and Shrines in Memphis, Tennessee." 1967. 
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a.) Etnier, David A., John T. Baxter, Jr., Stephen J. Fraley, and Charles R. Parker. "A Checklist of the Trichoptera of Tennessee." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 73(1-2): 53-72. 
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a.) Evans, Estwick. "A predestrious Tour of Four Thousand Miles, Through the Western States and Territories, during the Winter and Spring of 1818." Printed by Joseph c. Spear. 1819.
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a.) Eyles, Don E., Lindsay K. Bishop. "An Experiment on the Range of Dispersion of Anopheles Quadrimaculatus." The American Journal of Hygiene. 37(3): 239-245. May, 1943.
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a.) Eyles, Don E., Lindsay K. Bishop. "The Microclimate of Diurnal Resting Places of Anopheles Quadrimaculatus Say in the Vicinity of Reelfoot Lake." Public Health Reports. 58(6): 217-230. February 5, 1943.
17 Feldman, Jay 2005
a.) Feldman, J. 2005. "When the Mississippi ran Backwards." 
18 Finch, Stephen A.  1969
a.) Finch, Stephen A. "Reelfoot: A Forgotten Paradise." The Tennessee Conservationist. 35(9):1-3. September, 1969.
19 Fisherman Magazine 1952
a.) Fisherman Magazine. 1952. Reelfoot Lake. "Official Guide and History of Tennessee's Famous Earthquake Lake." Fisherman Press. 
20 Fisk. Maps to Accompany Fisk's Report 1944
a.) Fisk, H.N. 1944. "Geological Investigation of the Alluvial Valley of the Lower Mississippi River." Mississippi River Commission. 
21 Fisk, H.N.  1947
a.) Fisk, Harold N. "Fine-Grained Alluvial Deposits and Their Effects on Mississippi River Activity." War Department Corps of Engineers Mississippi River Commision. July, 1947.
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23 Fleming, Jerry M.  1991
a.) Jerry Fleming: Phone numbers.                                                                   b.) Recoomendation letter for Jerry M. Fleming from Winfred Smith. The University of New Mexico. August 9, 1991.                           c.) White, Carl. "Aquatic Ecology/ Toxicology." UNM Fall, 1991.    d.) References for Aquatic Ecology/ Toxicology.                                  e.) Aquatic Ecology/ Toxicology.                                                                        f.) Graduate Student Handbook. The University of New Mexico: Department of Biology." 
24 Fletcher, S.T. 1987
a.) Fletcher, Scott T. "Draft Report on Baseline Water Quality Characteristics of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." To: Howard, Robert. September 22, 1987.
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a.) Ford, Robert P. "Wetlands." The Tennessee Conservationist. 53(1): 15-18. January/February, 1987.
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a.) "Charles B. Fort, 82, WWII, loved sailing." Lake County Banner August 18, 2004.
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a.) Fort, Charles. "Across Lake Michigan in a Reelfoot Boat." October 20, 1963.
31 Forrester, Rebel 1978
a.) Forrester, R. 1978. "A Note on Obion County." Tennessee Historical Quarterly. 37:444-445.
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a.) Forrester, R.C. "The Sleeping Beauty of Obion County." 1996.
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a.) Wood, Betty Burdick, R.C. Forrester. Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake: The Untold Story. December 6, 2001. Flyer.                                     b.) Wood, Betty Burdick, R.C. Forrester. "Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake: The Untold Story." Lake County Banner. December 12, 2001.                                                                                                                           c.) Book Signing. The Messenger. Union City, Tennessee. December 5, 2001.
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a.) Forrester, R.C. "Firefly Summer: A Novel of the Night Riders." 2004.
5 Fowler, H.W. 2001
a.) Fowler, H.W. 2001. "A Place Called Home. Growing Up in Hickman, Kentucky." 
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a.) Francis, G.E. 1888. "Photography as an Aid to Local History." American Antiquarian Society. 5: 274-282.
9 FTN Associates, LTD 1987
a.) FTN Associates, Ltd. "Water Quality Analyses Task Series 300 Report Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." December, 1987.
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a.) FTN Associates, Ltd. "Water Quality Analysis Task Series 300 Report Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." December, 1987. Draft Report.
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a.) Ganier, Alber F. "The Wildlife Met by Tennessee's First Settlers." Tennessee Avifauna. (3) October, 1974.
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a.) Garrett, W.T. 1900. "The Earthquake of 1811." American Historical Magazine.5: 235-237.
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a.) Glass, P.T. 1900. "Sketch of Henry Rutherford." The  American Historical Magazine. 5: 225-229. 
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a.) Glazier, W. 1893. "Down the Great River." Hubbard Brothers Publishers. 
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a.) Goodman, John D. "Observations on the Anatomy, Classification, and Life History of the Trematode Genus Stomatrema Guberlet." The Tennessee Academy of Science. 24(1): 52-59. January, 1949.
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a.) Goodpaster W., Donald F. Hoffmeister. "Notes on the Mammals of Western Tennessee." Journal of Mammalogy. 33(3): 362-371. August, 1952.
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a.) Goodspeed Publishing Company. Obion County History of Tennessee. 1887.
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a.) Goodspeed Publishing Company. Lake County History of Tennessee. 1887.
19 Goodwin, Clive 1991
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a.) Hays, Walter W. "Summary Report of the Workshop on "Continuing Actions to Reduce Losses from Earthquakes in the Mississippi Valley." 1983.
21 Gould, A. and Emile C. Schurmaches  1954
a.) True: The Man's Magazine. December, 1954.
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a.) Gould, E.W. 1889. "The Steamboat." Fifty Years on the Mississippi.                                                                                                            b.) Gould, E.W. 1889. Fifty Years on the Mississippi. "First Trip of the New Orleans." 
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a.) Graham, Hugh D. "Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake." The American Historical Review. 75(7): 2141. December, 1970.
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a.) Graham, Philip. "Showboats." The History of an American Institution. University of Texas Press. 1969.
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a.) Greene, Mark A., Jody, K. Knox, T. David Pitts. "Status of the Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee Heron and Egret Colony: 1990-1991." The Migrant 62(4): 89-96. December, 1991.
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a.) Greer, Bill. "Earthquake!" The Sunday Look. September 15, 1968.
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a.) Grollimund, Balz, Zoback, Mark D. "Did Deglaciation Trigger Intraplate Seismicity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone." Geology. 29(2): 175-178. February, 2001.
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33 Guier 1979
a.) Guier, Quint T. "The New Madrid Earthquake." J. Jackson Purchase Historical Society. 7:11-14. 1979.
34 Guthrie, M. 1986
a.) Guthrie, Milo. " Reelfoot Lake Concerns and Management Notes." September 5, 1986.                                                                              b.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitation/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment Supporting Information." 
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a.) Guthrie, Milo. "The Rare Plants and Flora of Reelfoot Lake." 1987.
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a.) Guthrie, Milo. "A Floristic and Vegetational Overview of Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 64(3):113-116. July, 1989.
3 Hackney, C.T., S.M. Adams and W.H. Martin 1992
a.) Hackney, C.T., S.M. Adams, and W.H. Martin. 1992. "Biodiversity of the Northeastern United States." 
4 Halbert and Ball 1895
a.) Halbert, H.S., and T.H. Ball. "The Creek War." 1895.
5 Hall, A.C. 1909
a.) Hall, A.C. 1909. "The Reelfoot Lake Night Riders." The Independent. 66(3137):78-84.
6 Halstead, D.H.  -
a.) Halstead, Dorthy H. "Some Happenings of the New Madrid Earthquake 1811-1812." New Madrid Historical Museum. Est. 1975.
7 Hamel, Paul 1993
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8 Hamilton 1980
a.) Hamilton, Robert M. "Quakes along the Mississippi." Natural History. 89(8):70. August, 1980.                                                                    b.) Natural History. 
9 Hamilton and Johnston 1990
a.) Hamilton, Robert M., and Arch C. Johnston. "Tecumseh's Prophecy: Preparing for the Next New Madrid Earthquake." U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1066. 
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a.) Handley, Harry E. "The Field Unit in Local Public Health Service: Tennessee and Mississippi, 1930-1937." 1938.
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a.) Harington, Donald. "The Witness of Hummingbirds." Oxford American. (51):70-83. Fall 2005.
12 Harknesss, D.J. 1976
a.) Harknes, David J. Legends of Southern Indians. 51(3). October, 1976.
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a.) Hart, A.B. 1918. "The Story of the Mississippi." The Mentor. 6(15):1-12. 
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a.) Hartung, August A. "Physicochemical Limnology of Caddo Lake, Texas and Louisiana." August, 1983.
15 Hatcher and Ahlstedt 1982
a.) Hatcher, Robert M., Steven A. Ahlstedt. "Survey of Endangered and Threatened Mollusks in Tennessee Streams." March, 1982.
16 Hatcher and Miller 1982
a.) Hatcher, Rober M., Donald H. Miller. "Bald Eagle Hacking Project at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, 1981." August, 1982. 
17 Haynes, J.H. 1972
a.) Haynes,  Jewell H. "The Land of Cypress Trees." 1972.
18 Hays and Gori 1983
a.) Hays, Walter W., Paula L. Gori. "A Workshop on "Continuing Actions to Reduce Potenetial Losses from Future Earthquakes in Arkansas and Nearby States"." United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey. September, 1983.
19 Headden, H.C. 1941
a.) Headden, H.C. 1941. "Conservation of Wildlife and Forrests in Tennessee." 
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a.) Hefner, J.M., B.O. Wilen, T.E. Gahl, W.E. Frayer. Southeast Wetlands: Status and Trends, Mid 1970's to Mid- 1980's. 
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a.) National Wildlife Refuge Association.  "Taking Flight: An Introduction to Building Refuge Friends Organizations." 1997.
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1 Hendrickson, W.B. 1943
a.) Hendrickson, W.B. 1943. "David Dale Owen Pioneer Geologist of the Middle West." Indiana Historical Bureau, Indianapolis. 
2 Henry, L.K. 2006
a.) Henry L.K. "Otto Emery Jennings 1877-1964." Section of Botany Carnegie Museum of Natural History. March, 2006.
3 Henson, J.W.  1990
a.) Henson, J. Wesley. "Aquatic and Certain Wetland Vascular Vegetation of Reelfoot Lake, 1920s-1980s. III. Submersed Macrophytes." Joural of the Tennessee Academy of Science 65(4). October, 1990.
4 Henson, I Florist Survey 1990
a.) Henson, J. Wesley. "Aquatic and Certain Wetland Vascular Vegetation of Reelfoot Lake, 1920s-1980s. I. Floristic Survey." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 65(3). July, 1990.
5 Henson, J.W.  1990
a.) Henson, J. Wesley. "Aquatic and Certain Wetland Vascular Vegetation of Reelfoot Lake, 1920s-1980s. IV. Seasonally Emergent Macrophytes." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 65(4). October, 1990.
6 Henson, J.W. II Persistant Marshes 1990
a.) Henson, J. Wesley. "Aquatic and Certain Wetland Vascular Vegetation of Reelfoot Lake, 1920s-1980s. II. Persistent Marshes and Marsh-Swamp Transitions." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 65(3). July, 1990.
7 Henson, J.W., and W.A. Sliger -
a.) Henson, J.W., W. A. Sliger. "Aquatic Macrohytes of Reelfoot Lake, Following Introduction of the White Amur." 
8 Henson, J.W. and W.A. Sliger 1993
a.) Henson, Wesley J., Wilburn A. Sliger. "Aquatic Macrophytes in Reelfoot Lake after the Release of Grass Carp." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 68(2):58-62.
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a.) Henson, Rick. "Life on the Log." 1996.
10 Henson, Rick. Remember in Red 1996
a.) Henson, Rick. "Remember in Red." 1996.
11 Henson, Rick 2004
a.) Henson, R. 2004. "Just Plaind Brady." Publish America. 
12 Herndon, Paul C.  1960
a.) The Tennessee Conservationist. 26(12). December, 1960.
13 Hernon, Peter 1998
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a.) Moore, Clarence B. "Some Aboriginal Sites on Green River, Kentucky Certain Aboriginal Sites on Lower Ohio River Additional Investigation on Mississippi River."  1916.
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a.) Moore, Larry W., Chee Y. Chew, Roger H. Smith, Surya Sahoo. "Modeling of Best Management Practices on North Reelfoot Creek, Tennessee." 1992.
15 Moreland, G.M. 1930
a.) Moreland, George M. "Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal, Memphis August 31, 1930.
16 Morgan, M 1929
a.) Morgan, Marshall. "Reelfoot Lake." American Forests and Forest Life 35(11):681. November, 1929.
17 Morgan, Marshall 1929
a.) Morgan, Marshall. "Reelfoot Lake. The Great Hunting and Fishing Preserve an Earthquake Made." American Forests and Forest Life. 
18 Morris, William Plant 1931
a.) Morris, Williamson Plant. "The Civil War as Experienced by Williamson Plant Morris, age 11." February 20, 2001.
19 Morris, Robbie 1972
a.) Morris, Robbie. "Obion, Tennessee 1872-1972." 
20 Morrison, J.H. 1903
a.) Morrison, J.H. 1903. "History of American Steam Navigation."  0
21 Morse 1941
a.) Morse, William Clifford. "New Madrid Earthquake Craters." Seismotological Society of America 31:309-319. 1941.                              b.) Barnhardt, Michael L., Darrell J. Kunken. "Identifying Buried Soils and Geomorphic Surfaces on Floodplains." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 66(3). July, 1991.
22 Mueller, K and Jocasta Champion, M. Guccione, K.Kelson 1999
a.) Mueller, Karl, Jocasta Champion, Maragret Guccione. "Fault Slip Rates in the Modern New Madrid Seismic Zone." Science 286:1135-1138. 1999.
23 Munson, Larry 1965
a.) Munson, L. 1965. Larry Munson's Fishing Guide to Tennessee Waters
24 Myer, W.E. 1928
a.) Myer, W.E. 1928. "Indian Trails of the Southeast." U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Forty-Second Annual Report 1924(25):727-857. 1928.
25 Myers, G.T. 1984
a.) Refer to Petit, G. 1984. Horizons Tennessee Wildlife. 8(1):4-5. 
26 McGarrity, R. 1934
a.) McGarriey, Col. Reginald. "The Duck Season Opens at Reelfoot." The Tennessee Sportsman 1(2):3. 1934.
27 McCall 1984
a.) McCall, Edith. 1984. "Upheaval on the Mississippi." American History Illustrated 19(6):18-21.
28 McClung, Mildred M. 1955
a.) McClung, Mildred Mays. 1955. "Caddo Lake, Moss-Draped Swampland of Mystery." 1955.
29 McClung Mildred M. 1974
a.) McClung, Mildred Mays. "Caddo Lake Mysterious Swampland." April, 1974.
30 McCormick, M.  1986
a.) McCormick, Marge. "Provate Ownership Vs. The Public Interest." The Tennessee Conservationist 52(5):16. September/October, 1986.
31 McCrary 1987
a.) McCrary, David. "Reelfoot Lake." The Tennesseian 17(8). October, 1987.
32 McCullough, Venneman, Hartung, and Wedding 1985
a.) McCullough, Jack D., Timothy E. Venneman, August A. Hartung, and Dennis M. Wedding. "Occurrence of the Rotifer Trochosphaera Solstitialis (Thorpe 1893) in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 60(1):20. January, 1985.
33 McCutcher, W.T. -
a.) McCutchen, William T. The Geologic History of Tennessee 
Box 21 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 McDaniel, W.C. 1983
a.) McDaniel, W.C. "Reel-Ice." Mid-South The Commercial Appeal pg. 17. January 16, 1983.
2 McGee 1892
a.) Mcgee, W.J. 1892. "A jFossil Earthquake." Geological Society of America. 4:411-415. 
3 McGee, G.R. 1911
a.) McGee, G.R. 1911. "A History of Tennessee." American book Company. 
4 McGee, Gentry R. 1919
a.) This book is on the bookshelves of W.L. Smith (home) 
5 McGill, John T. 1929
a.) McGill, J.T. "The Tennessee Academy of Science." Science 69:593. June 7, 1929. 
6 McGill, J.T. and W.W. Craig 1933
a.) McGill, J.T. and W.W Craig. 1933. "The Wonership of Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 8:13-21.
7 McGill, J.T.  1935
a.) McGill, J.T. "Report on Spring Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science." Journal of Tennessee Academy of Science 10:265-266.
8 McIntyre, SC and McHenry SC. 1986
a.) McIntyre S.C. and J.R. McHenry. "Sedimentation in Buck Basin of Reelfoot Lake." Erosion Control…… Protecting our Future Proceedings of Conference XVII:15. February, 1986.
9 McIntyre, S.C. and J.W. Nancy 1990
a.) McIntyre, Sherewood C. and James W. Naney. "Reelfoot Lake Sedimentation Rates and Soures." Water Resources Bulletin 26(2):227-232. April, 1990.
10 McIntyre, S.C. and James W. Naney 1991
a.) McIntyre, Sherwood C. and James W. Naney. "Sediment deposition in a forested inland wetland with a steep-farmed watershed." Journal of Soil and Water Conseravation. 46(1):64-66. January/February, 1991.
11 McIntyre, Naney, Lance, Denton 1986
a.) McIntyre, S.C., J.W. Naney, and J.c. Lance. Sedimentation in Reelfoot LakeFinal report on Cooperative Research for Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Office of Water Management Nashville, Tn. August 1986.                                                       b.) McIntyre, S.C., J.W. Naney , and J.C. Lance Sedimentation in Reelfoot Lake May, 1986.
12 McKinley, A.C. 1929
a.) McKinley, Ashley C. Applied Aerial Photography 1929.
13 McQueen, J.R. 1950
a.) McQueen, J.R. Fun While Driving! (In Tennessee) First Edition 1950.
14 National Geographic Society O'Neill, Thomas 1989
a.) Customer's Receipt paid to Richview Books from Wintfred Smith. 
15 (NSF) National Science Foundation 1976
a.) National Science Foundation. Mosaic 7(4). July-August, 1976.
16 Nature Conservancy 1996
a.) The Nature Conservancy 17(2). Summer 1996.
17 Naylor, Jack 1995
a.) Naylor, Jack. "Kodak in War Time." The Journal. New England Journal of Photographs. 1995.
18 Nelson 1924
a.) Nelson, Wilbur A. "Reelfoot-An Earthquake Lake." National Geographic January, 1924.
19 Nelson, W.A. 1924
a.) Nelson, W.A. "Reelfoot-An Earthquake Lake." National Geographic Magazine 45(1). January, 1924.
20 Netherland, J. 1988
a.) Tennessee Illustrated. The Shining of Memory 1(4). November/December, 1988.
21 Netherton, John 1995
a.) Netherton, John. "Mountains to Wetlands." Outdoor Photographer 11(9):34-37, 100. November, 1995.
22 Netsch 1965
a.) Netsch, Norval F. "Reelfoot Crappie." Annual Report. March 15, 1964- June 30, 1965. 
23 Neuman, F.G. 1937
a.) Neuman, Fred G. Paducah's Super-Flood The Story of Paducah's Greatest Disaster Graphically Told In Words and Pictures. January/February, 1937.
24 New Madrid Teachers Assoc. 1948
a.) New Madrid Teacher Association. New Madrid Teachers Assoc. "Historical New Madrid County Mother of Southeast Missouri." March 19, 1948. 
25 Newman, A., S. Stein, J. Weber, J. Engeln, A. Mao, T. Dixon 1999
a.) Newman, Andrew, Seth Stein, John Weber, Joseph Engeln, Ailin Mao, Timothy Dixon. "Slow Deformation and Lower Seismic Hazard at the New Madrid Seismic Zone." Science 284:619. April 23, 1999.
Box 22 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Newton, J.H. and R.P. Sims 1964
a.) Newton, John H., Raymond P. Sims. "Soil Survey of Fulton County, Kentucky." Soil Survey Fulton County Kentucky. Series 1961, No. 8. August, 1964.
2 Nichols 1961
a.)Nichols, H.M. "Reelfoot Lake Investigations." July 1, 1958 to December 31, 1958.
3 Nichols 1963
a.) Nichols, Hudson M. "Reelfoot Lake Investigations." February 28, 1963. 
4 Nichols 1966
a.) Nichols, Hudson M. "Reelfoot Lake Investigations." June, 1966.
5 Niles, John J. 1990
a.) Niles, John Jacob. "John Jacob Niles for Voice and Piano." 1990.
6 NOAA 1970
a.) Earthquake History of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce. 
7 NOAA 1979
a.) Earthquake History of the U.S. U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA) and U.S. Department Interior. 1979.
8 Noon, Carolyn 1998
a.) Noon, Carolyn. "Fish Advisories Highlight Health Threats." Mississippi Monitor pg. 14. January/February, 1998.
9 NCSU Water Quality Group -
a.) NCSU Water Quality Group. "Tennessee/Kentucky Reelfoot Lake (RCWP10)." Project Synopsis. 
10 Norton, M 1947
a.) Norton, M. 1947. "Finding of the Millions." 
11 Nuttli 1973
a.) Nuttli, Otto W. "The Mississippi Valley Earhtquakes of 1811 and 1812: Intensities, Ground Motion and Magnitudes." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 63(1):227-248. February 1973.                                                                                                           b.) "Earthquake." Louisiana Gazette (St. Louis) Volume 4. 
12 NUTTLI 1982
a.) Nuttli, O.W. "Damaging Earthquakes of the Central Mississippi Valley." Investigations of the New Madrid, Missouri, Earhquake Region. 1982.
13 O'Brien, Tim 1999
a.) O'Brien, Tim. 1999. "Tennessee. Off the Beathen Path." The Globe Pequot Press. Old Saybrook, CT.
14 Odhiambo, B.K and Margaret Guccione 2000
a.) Odhiambo, Ben K., Margaret J. Guccione. "The Origin and Infilling of an Abandoned Mississippi River Meander Channel, New Madrid Seismic Zone, Northwestern Tennessee."Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America 32(3):37. 2000.
15 Oil Subdivision (Reelfoot Lake Oil Subdivision Frank L. Bunn, Owner Tiptonville, Tenn.) -
a.) Bunn, Frank L. Reelfoot Lake Oil Subdivision Written after August, 1919.
16 Obion Co. Historical Soc. 1987
a.) Obion County Historical Society. 1981. Obion county History, Union City, Tennessee. Volume 1. Historical Sciety Union City, Tn. 
17 Odum, J.K., E.A. Luzietti, W.J. Stephenson, K.M. Shedlock, and J.A. Michael 1995
a.) Odum, J.K., E.A. Luzietti, W.J. Stephenson, K.M. Shedlock, and J.A. Michael. "Missouri, High-Resolution, Shallow, seismic refection survys of the Northwest Reelfoot Rift boundry near Marston, Missouri" July, 1995.
18 Obion County Historical Society 1976
a.) Union City, Tennessee. Its Commercial and Industrial Advatages. Past, Present and Future Progress and Prosperity. The Field Publishing Company. 
19 Orr, A. ed.  1997
a.) Orr, A., ed. 1997. "Memoirs of Elvis Capps." Lake County Historical Society Yearbook 1997 p. 4-18.
20 Ortmann, A.E. 1926
a.) Ortman, A.E. 1926. "Unionidae from the Reelfoot Lake Region in West Tennessee." The Nautilus 39(3):87-94. 
21 Owen 1856
a.) Owen, David D. 1856. "Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky, Made During the Years 1854 and 1855." 
22 Palmer, T.S. 1912
a.) Palmer, T.S. "Chronology and Index of the More Important Events in American Game Protection 1776-1911. 1912.
23 Page, Ceas, Swofford, and Buth 1992
a.) Page, Lawrence M, Patrick A. Ceas, David L. Sofford, and Donald G. Buth. "Evolutionary Relationships within the Etheostoma squamiceps Complex (Percidae; Subgenus Catonotus) with Descriptions of Five New Species." Copeia 1992. No. 3.
24 Pardue, A.H. 1916
a.) Pardue, A.H. "Oil and Gas Conditions in the Reeelfoot Lake District of Tennessee." The Resources of Tennessee 6(1):17-36. 1916.
25 Pardue, Kesler, Dabezies, Prufert 1986
a.) Pardue, John, David H. Kesler, Jean Dabezies and Lee Prufert. "Phosphorus and Chlorophyll Degradation Product Profiles in Sediment from Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 61(2):46. April, 1986.
26 Parker 1937
a.) Parker, Malcom V. "Some Amphibians and Reptiles from Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 12(1) and Report of the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station1(1). January, 1937.
27 Parker, W.J.  1977
a.) Parker, Willie J. "Undercover Work in Tennessee." Halt! I'm a Federal Game Warden 
28 Parks 1979
a.) Parks, Norman L. "Lake County Agriculture." 1979.
29 Payne, Mildred Y.  1974
a.) Payne, Mildred Y. "On Reelfoot Lake." 1974.
30 Peacock 1973
a.) Peacock, Blanche G. "Reelfoot Lake State Park." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 32(3). Fall 1973.
31 Peacock 1977
a.) Peacock, Blanche G. "A Note on Lake County." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 36(4):537-538. 1977.
32 Penick 1975
a.) Penick, James Jr. "…"I will stamp on the ground with my foot and shake down every house…"." American Heritage 27(1):82-87. December, 1975.
32.1 Penick, J.L. (Revised Edition) 1981
a.) Penick, J.L. , Jr. 1981. "The New Madrid Earthquakes. University of Missouri Press. 
33 Pennington, W. 1990
a.) Pennington, Wendell. "Proposal to Analyze Zooplankton Samples Reelfoot Lake." 
34 Petersen, W.J. 1979
a.) No reference to Reelfoot Lake. 
35 Peterson, C.T. 1988
a.) Peterson, Clell T. The Eagles Return 1988.
36 Peterson, Clell T. 1988
a.) Peterson, Clell T. The Eagles Return 1988.
Box 23 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Petit, G.D. 1967A
a.) Petit, Gedeon D. "Reelfoot Lake Crappie Investigations." July 1, 1965-June 30, 1966.
2 Petit, G.D. 1967B
a.) Petit, Gedeon D. "Reelfoot Lake Crappie Investigations." July 1, 1966-June 30, 1967. 
3 Petit, G.  1984A
a.) Petit, Ged. "The Problem: Siltation." Tennessee Wildlife 18(1):12-16. May/August, 1984.
4 Petit, G. 1984B
a.) Petit, G. 1984. "Troubled Waters." Tennessee Wildlife 7:4-9. 
5 Petit, G. 1984C
a.) Petit, G. 1984. "Troubled Waters." Tennessee Wildlife 7:4-9. 
6 Petit, G.D. and W.L. Turner 1968A
a.) Petit, Gedeon D., William L. Turner. "Reelfoot Lake Crappie Investigaions." July 1, 1967-June 30, 1968. Project No. F-24-4.
7 Petit, G.D. and W.L. Turner 1969
a.) Petit, Gedeon D., William L. Turner. "Reelfoot Crappie Investigations." Project No. F-24-5. 
8 Petit, G.D. and W.L. Turner 1970
a.) Petit, Gedeon D., William L. Turner. "Reelfoot  Crappie Investigations." Project No. F-24-6.
9 Petit, D.D and W.L. Turner 1971
a.) Petit, Gedeon D., William L. Turner. "Reelfoot Crappie Investigations." Project No. F-24-7.
10 Pickering ENGR. Assoc. 1969
a.) Pickering Engineering Association. "Dredging Report Reelfoot Lake State Park." State of Tennessee Department of Conservation." September, 1969.
11 Pickering Engineering Associates, Inc. Gassner, Nathan and Browne 1969
a.) Pickering Engineering Association. "Utility Report Reelfoot Lake State Park." State of Tennessee Department of Conservation." September, 1969. 
12 Phillips 1989
a.) Phillips, Doug. "The Copper, Lead, and Organic Content of Selected Shallow Sediments of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." A Senior Project Presented to the University Scholars Committee The University of Tennessee at Martin. April 19, 1989.
13 Pierson 1938
a.) Pierson, G.W. 1938. "Encounter with Choctaw Indians." Tocqueville's and Beaumount in American Oxford University Press. New York.
14 Pilsbry, H.A. and S.N. Rhoads 1896
a.) Pilsbry, Henry A., Samuael N. Rhoads. "Contributions to the Zoology of Tennessee No. 4, Mollusks." Natural Sciences of Philadelphia48 :487-506. 1896.
15 Pique, Z.W. 2003
a.) Pique, Zee W. "Growing Up in Water Valley, Kentucky." New Ground 5(1): 51-74. 2003.
16 Pitelka, F.A.  1939
a.) Pitelka, Frank A. ""Cranetown" at Reelfoot Lake." The Audubon Bulletin 29:9-12. April, 1939.
17 Pitts, David 1992
a.) Pitts, David T. "An Introduction to the Birds of Northwest Tennessee." Revised December, 1992.
18 Pimentel, D., C. Harvey, P. Resosudarmo, K. Sinclair, D. Kurz, M. McNair, S. Crist, L. Shpritz, L. Fitton, R. Saffouri, R. Blair  1995
a.) Pimentel, David, C. Harvey, P. Resosudarmo, K. Sinclair, D. Kurz, M. McNair, S. Crist, L. Shpritz, L. Fitton, R. Saffouri, R. Blair. "Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits." Science 267: 1117-1123. February 24, 1995.
19 Pitts, T.D. Reelfoot Biological Station 1969
a.) Pitts, T.D. 1969. Inventory of papers and publications in required file of Reelfoot Lake Biological Station. (Papers collected from Reelfoot Lake Biological Station). 
20 Pitts, T.D.   1982
a.) Speech by T. David Pitts. "Changes in Wildlife at Reelfoot Lake." 1979.
21 Pitts, T.D. 1982B
a.) Pitts, David T. "First Record of Occurrence and Possivle Nesting of Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck in Tennessee." The Migrant 53(1). March, 1982.
22 Platt 1993
a.) Simmons, David A. Timeline brochure. September/October 1993.
23 Platt, T.R. 2006
a.) Platt, Thomas R. "First Report of Echinochasmus sp. From the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina L.) from Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, U.S.A." Comparative Parasitology 73(2), July, 2006.
24 Poe 1967
a.) Poe, J.C. The Raving Foe. A Civil War Diary and List of Prisoners 1967.
25 Poinar, George Jr., and C.M. Chandler 2004
a.) Poinar, George Jr., Clay M. Chandler. "Synopsis and Identification of North American Hairworms (Gordioidea: Nematomorpha)." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 79(1):1-7. January, 2004.
26 Pomeroy 1974
a.) Pomeroy, Maurice. "The Stump Jumper of Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Conservationist 60: 18-20. 1974.
27 Porter, David, D. 1886
a.) Porter, David D. The Naval History of the Civil War 1886.
28 Potter, J.O. 1973
a.) Potter, Jerry O. Problems relating to the Development of Northwest Tennessee. 1973.
29 Potter, Pryer, Smith and Rich 1984
a.) Potter, Paul Edwin, Wayne A. Pryor, Lawson M. Smith, and David Rich. 1984 Annual Field Conference of the Geological Society of Kentucky. "Teaching and Field Guide to Alluvial Processes and Sedimentation of the Mississippi River, Fulton County, Kentucky, and Lake County, Tennessee." 
30 Powles, James M.  2005
a.) Powles, James M. 2005. "Steaming through the Trees." America's Civil War pg. 30-37. March, 2005.
Box 24 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Price, S. 1977
a.) Price, Steve. "Old Legends Live at Reelfoot Lake." Southern Living. 12(3): 112-115. March, 1977.
2 Price, W.  1960
a.) Price, W. "The Lower Mississippi." National Geographic 5(118): 680-725. 1960.
3 Purcell, M.G. 1915
a.) Purcell, M.G. "Stories of Old Kentucky." American Book Company. 
4 Purcell, M.G. 1929
a.) Purcell, martha G. The Birth of Reelfoot Lake and the Legend of Kalopin 1929.
5 Purser, J.L. and Roy B. Van Arsdale 1998
a.) Purser, Jodi L., Roy B. Van Arsdale. "Structure of the Lake County Uplift: New Madrid Seismic Zone." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 88(5) :1204-1211. October, 1998.
6 Pyle, L. and Mary Ladd 1998
a.) Pyle, Linda, Marry Ladd. "Reelfoot Lake. The Circle of Life." 1998.
7 Quattrocki etal. 1982
a.) Quattrochi, Dale A., James E. Anderson, David P. Brannon, Charles L. Hill. "An Initial Analysis of Landsat 4 Thematic Mapper Data for the Calssification of Agricultural, Forested Wetland, and Urban Land Covers." National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Resources Laboratory November, 1982.
8 Raab, James. W. 1999
a.) See Misc. files  for information on Williams. 
9 Rawls, Jr. C.K. 1950
a.) Rawls, Charles K. Jr. ""They Is But They Ain't" Sprigs and Grays are Pintails and Gadwalls." The Tennessee Conservationist 15(9):7. December, 1950.
10 Rawls , Jr. C.K.  1951
a.) Rawls, Charles K. Jr. "Reelfoot Smorgasbord." The Tennessee Conservationist 16(12):4. December, 1951.
11 Rawls 1955
a.) Rawls, Charles K. Jr. Reelfoot Lake Waterfowl Research 1955.
12 Reelfoot Gardens, Inc.  1995
a.) Reelfoot Gardens 1995.
13 Reelfoot Lake Grand American Duck & Goose 1998
a.) Reelfoot Lake Grand American Duck & Goose Calling Championships. 1998.
14 Reelfoot Lake Project (DSCC) 2000
a.) Reelfoot Lake Project Description.                                                           b.) Ellipse. The University of Tennessee at Martin.                                              c.) Virtual Field Trip to Reelfoot Lake. 
15 Reelfoot Lake State Park 1996
a.) Reelfoot Lake State Park advertisement. The Tennessee Magazine40(8): 5. August, 1996.
16 Reddy, Sutton, Bowes 1983
a.) Reddy, K.R., D.L. Sutoon, G. Bowes. "Freshwater Aquatic Plant Biomass Production in Florida." Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings 42: 28-40. 1983.
17 Reffalt 1985
a.) Reffalt, William C. "A Nationwide Survey Wetlands in Extemis." Wilderness pg. 28. Winter 1985.
18 Rhoads, S.N. 1895
a.) Rhoads, S.N. 1895. "Contributions to the Zoology of Tennessee. No. 1, Reptiles and Amphibians." Proceedings of the Academny of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 47: 376-407.
19 Rhodes, Henry G.  1921
a.) Rhodes, Henry G. "After 'Honkers' at Reelfoot Lake." National Sportsman 46(4):215-216,256-257. April, 1921.
20 Rice, Lucille A. 1942
a.) Rice, Lucille A. "The Food of Seventeen Reelfoot Lake Fishes in 1941." The Tennessee Academy of Science 17(1):4-13. January, 1942.
21 Rehder, J. and D. Quattrochi. NASA Contractor Report 3012 1978
a.) Rehder, J., D. Quattrochi. 1978. The Verification of Landsat Data in the Geographical Analysis of Wetlands in West Tennessee NASA, Sce. And Technical info. Office. NASA Contractor Report 3012.
22 Rhodes, H.G. 1935
a.) Rhodes, H.G. 1935. "Quackers of Reelfoot." Fur-Fish-Game 41(3):8-10.
23 Riley, R.L. 2006
a.) Riley, R.L. 2006. Chief Reelfoot 
24 Risser 1981
a.) Risser, James. "A Renewed Threat of Soil Erosion: It's Worse than the Dust Bowl." Smithsonian 11(12):120-122, 124, 126-131. 1981.
25 Rist, Curtis 2000
a.) Rist, Curtis. "When the Past is Relative." Time Digital 5(7):60-70. 2000.
26 Robbins, C.H. and Simon, A.  1983
a.) Robbins, Clarence H., Andrew Simon. Man-Induced Channel Adjustment in Tennessee Streams U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 82-4098. 1983.
27 Robbins, C.H.   1985
a.) Robbins, Clarence H. "Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake Basin, Obion and Lake Counties, Northwestern Tennessee.                                  b.) Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4097 Maps. 
Box 25 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Robbins, C.H. 1985
a.) Robbins, Clarence H. "Water Budget and Estimated Suspended-Sediment Inflow for Reelfoot Lake, Obion and Lake Counties, Northwestern Tennessee, May 1984-April, 1985." United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey. 1985. 
2 Robbins, Garrett, Mulderink 1985
a.) Robbins, Clarence H., Jerry W. Garrett, and Delores M. Muderink. "May 1984-April 1985 Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Pesticides in Bottom Material in Tributary Streams--Basic Data Report." U.S. Geological Survey. 1985.
3 Robison, et al.  1997
a.) Robison, W. Allen, Jennifer Wilson, Steven R. Alexander, and Mark Wilson. Environmental Contaminant Surveys at National Wildlife Refuges in West Tennessee U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region. September, 1997.
4 Roberts, F.  1987
a.) Roberts, Floyd. "Reelfoot Resurgence." The Tennessee Magazine 30(8):14-16. August, 1987.
5 Roelle, Farmer, Hamilton, Williamson, and Seitz 1986
a.) Rolle, James, Adrian Farmer, David Hamilton, Samuel Williamson, and William Seitz. Roelle, Farmer, Hamilton, Williamson, and Seitz. Water Management Alternatives at Reelfoot Lake: Results of a Workshop October, 1986. DRAFT.                    b.)  Rolle, James, Adrian Farmer, David Hamilton, Samuel Williamson, and William Seitz. Roelle, Farmer, Hamilton, Williamson, and Seitz. Water Management Alternatives at Reelfoot Lake: Results of a Workshop. December, 1986.
6 Roper, J.  1971
a.) Roper, James. "The Earliest Pictures of Memphis: Charles Lesueur's Drawings, 1828-1830." West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 25:5-25. 1971.
7 Rose 1965
a.) Rose, S.E. "Poetic Legend Debunked by History of Reelfoot." The Tennessee Conservationist 31:14-15. November, 1965.
8 Rosenbaum, J.G., J.E. Mirecki and E.S. Schweig 1996
a.) Rosenbaum, J.G., J.E. Mirecki, and E.S. Schweig. "Environmental Magnetic Record of the 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquakes in Sediments from Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee: Implications for Recurrence Intervals." American Geophysical Union 77(46):162. 
9 Rosenbaum, J.G. and R. L. Reynolds 1996
a.) Rosenbaum, J.G., R.L. Reynolds"Interpretation of Environmental Magnetic Records in Lake Sediments: A Multidisciplinary Approach." American Geophysical Union 77(17):88. 1996
10 Ross 1847
a.) Ross, Capt. Chas. 1847. "The Earthquake of 1811 at New Madrid and along the Mississippi Valley, together with other lakes." (Reprinted in : Botkin, B.A., ed 1978. "A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore." p. 527-532.
11 Ross, Capt. Charles 1996
a.) Ross, Captain Charles. "Leend of the Earthquake of 1811. A Kentuckian Lived Through the Deadly Event and Tells of It." The Kentucky Explorer 10(10):16-20. April, 1996. 
12 Ross, M.  1968
a.) Ross, M. 1968. "The New Madrid Earhquake." Arkansas Historical Quarterly 27(2):83-104.
13 Rothrock, M.U. 1955
a.) Rothrock. 1955. Notes on Reelfoot Lake. 
14 Roy, Leonard C.  1939
a.) Roy, L.C. 1939. "Highlights of the Volunteer State." National Geographic 75:553-594.
15 Royce, Charles C.  1900
a.) Royce, Charles C. "Indian Land Cessions in the United States." 1900.                                                                                                                             b.) E-mail from Wintfred Smith to Stan Subject: eBay Item #307911532 1890s Map Tenn and Alabama Indian Land.                                                                                                              c.) Customer's Receipt. To: Stan Meade, From: Wintfred Smith.    d.) Royce, Charles. 1899. Indian land in the United States. 18th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethinoogy 1896-97, Part II. 
16 Rushing 1990
a.) Rushing, Anthony C. "Ranks of Honor." A Regimental History of the 11th Arkansas Infantry Regiment and Poe's Cavalry Battalion C.S.A., 1861-1865. April, 1990.
17 Russ 1982
a. ) Russ, D.P. "Style and Significance of Surface Deformation in the Vicinity of New Madrid, Missouri." 1982.
18 Safford 1869
a.) Safford, J.M. 1869. "Geology of Tennessee. The Mississippi Bottoms, or Bottom. 
19 Safford 1887
a.) Safford, J.M. 1887. "The Upland Geological Formations of Obion, Dyer, Lauderdale, Tipton, and Shelby counties; their General Features and Sanitary Relations." State Board of Health Bulletin 2(12):151-153. 
20 Safford 1887
a.) Safford, J.M. "The Upland Geological Formations of Obion, Dyer, Lauderdale, Tipton and Shelby Counties; their General Features and Sanitary Relations." Tennessee State Board of Health Bulletin 3:3-4;18-19.
21 Samsel, J.  2003
a.) Samsel, J. 2003. "Top Tennessee Summer Largemouth Lakes." Tennessee Sportsman 2003(7):20-22, 49.
22 Sampson 1913
a.) Sampson, F.A. 1913. "The New Madrid and other Earthquakes of Missouri." Bulletin of the Seismological Society 3:57-71.
23 Saucier 1970
a.) Saucier, R.T. "Origin of the St Francis Sunk Lands Arkansas and Missouri." U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station May, 1970.
24 Saucier 1974
a.) Saucier, Roger T. "Quaternary Geology of the Lower Mississippi Valley." Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series No. 6.
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a.) Saucier, Roger T. Effects of the New Madrid Earthquake Series in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley February, 1977.
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a.) Saucier, Roger T. "Geomorphological Interpretations of Late Quaternary Terraces in Western Tennessee and Their Regional Tectonic Implications." U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1336-A. 1987.
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a.)Saucier, Roger T. "Not 200, But 12,000 Years of Human Influence on the Mississippi Valley Landscape." Abstracts with Programs 1989.
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a.)Saucier, Roger T. Saucier, R.T. Geoarchaeological evidence of Strong Prehistoric Earthquakes in the New Madrid (Missouri) Seismic Zone." Geology 19a;296-298. April, 1991.
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a.) Schock, Jack M. Prehistoric Indians of Southern Kentucky 1978.
5 Scholtz, D. (Revised Report) 1985
a.) Schultz, Donald. "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee Alggal Growth Potential Test (Revised Report)." 1985.
6 Schultz, D.A. 1985
a.) Schultz, Donald A. "A Statistical Examination of Five Years (1981-1985) of Algal Growth Potential Test Dry Weight Data (mg/L) from Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." 
7 Schuman, Marquerite 1985
a.) Schuman, M. "Playmakers Theatre." 1985.
8 Scheweig, E.S. and M.A. Ellis 1994
a.) Scheweig, Eugene S. and Michael A. Ellis. "Reconciling Short Recurrence Intervals with Minor Deformation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone." Science 264:1308. May 27, 1994.
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a.) Schweig, Eugene S., Roy B. Van Arsdale. "Neotectonics of the Upper Mississippi Embayment." Engineering Geology 45: 185-203. 1995.
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a.) Scott, Danny, Wayne Pollock. "The Resource: Clean Water." Tennessee Wildlife8(1):9. May/August, 1984.
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a.) Scott, R.N. "Headquarters Army of the Mississippi."
12 Seismological Society of America 1992
a.) Eastern Section Seismological Society of America. Seismological Research Letters 63(3). July-September, 1992.
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a.) Shackford, J.A.. 1956. "David Crockett. The Man and the Legend." University of Nebraska Press. 
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a.) Shaler, N.S. 1878. "Reelfoot Lake." Atlantic Monthly 42:216-222.
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a.) Shaler, N.S. 1887. "Notes on the Bald Cypress." Harvard University, Mass. Comp. Zool. Mem. 16(1):3-15.
16 Sharma 1993
a.) Sharma, G.K. "Leaf Epidermal and Gross Morphological Adaptations in Salix Nigra Marsh (Salicaceae) in Relation to Environment Al Pollution." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 68(3):73-76. July, 1993.
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a.) Sharma, G.K., Lorraine Madsen. "Variation in Bald Cypress from Different Habitats." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 53(3):115-116.. July, 1978.
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a.) Sharma, G.K., Lorraine Madsen, Robert Day, and Mike Craven. "Bark Characteristics as Indicators of Environmental Pollution in Liquidambar Styraciflua L." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 53(3):117. July, 1978.
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a.) Sharma, G.K., Deborah A. Davis. "Adaptations in Leaflet Morphology and Epidermal Dynamics in Parthenocissus Quinquefolia L. in responnse to Environmental Pollution." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 76(2):53-56.
20 Sharp 1926
a.) Sharp, H.S. 1926. "The Drowned Meanders and Flood-Plain Scrolls of Reelfoot Lake, Northwestern Tennessee." The Geographical Review 16:490-491.
21 Shaub, E.L. 1956
a.) Shaub, Earl L. "State Museum One of Most Interesting in Southland." The Tennessee Conservationist 22(8):10. September, 1956.
22 Shaub, E.L. 1958
a.) Shaub, Earl L. "….To Have Dominion." The Tennessee Conservationist 24(1):3. January, 1958.
23 Shaver, J.M. 1933
a.) Shaver, Jesse M. "A Preliminary Report on the Plant Ecology of Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 8:48-54. 1933.
24 Shea, D., A. Huysman, J. Fleming and J. O'Neal 1995
a.) Shea, Damian, Amy Huysman, Jim Fleming, Jerry O'Neal. "Lower Mississippi River Ecological Assessment Study." May 11, 1995.
25 Shelford, V.E. 1926
a.) Shelford, V.E. 1926. "Natrualists's Guide to the Americas." 
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a.) Shelford, V.E. 1954. "Some Lower Mississippi Valley Flood Plain Biotic Communities; Their Age and Elevation." Ecology 35(2):126-142.
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a.) Shepard, Edward. 1905. "The New Madrid Earthquake." Journal of Geology 31:45-62. 
28 Shepherd, S.L. and M. J. Guccione 2000
a.) Shepherd, Stephanie L., Margaret J. Guccione. Shepherd, S.L. and M. J. GuccioneCharacterization of Fill in Deformed Abandoned Meander of he Mississippi River, Reelfoot, TN, New Madrid Seismic Zone." Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America 32(3):41. 2000.
29 Sherriff 1977
a.) Sherriff, Steven D. "The Relationship of Organic Matter in Sediments to Wind Driven circulation in Blue Basin, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." April, 1977.
30 Sherwin, Holly 1997
a.) Sherwin, Holly. "Up the Creek with a Paddle: Tennessee State Parks Offer Many Wonderful Canoe Destinations." The Tennessee Conservationist 63(3):11. May/June, 1997. 
31 Shipp 1973
a.) Shipp, C.E. 1973. "New Rumble in the Swamps." Parks & Recreation pg. 19. October, 1973.
32 Shoup 1939
a.) Shoup, Charles. "An Annotated Bibliography of the Zoology of Tennessee." The American Midland Naturalist 21(3). May, 1939. 
33 Shoup, C.S. 1950
a.) Shoup, Charles S. "Field Chemical Examination of the Waters in Tennessee Streams." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 25(1). January, 1950.
34 Siburt, James T. 1988
a.) Siburt, James T. "Tennessee Colporteurs: Flatboat Evangelism." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 47:227-233. 1988.
35 Simon, A.  1989
a.) Simon, Andrew. "The Evolution of Alluvial Systems in Response to Imposed Channel Modifications, West Tennessee, USA."  Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on River Sedimentation 2:1080. June 5-9, 1989.
36 Sinclair, Hon, and Ferguson  Undated
a.) Sinclair, Ralph, Will Hon, Bob Ferguson. "Amphibians and Reptiles of Tennessee 
37 Sinclair, R.M. and Billy G. Isom 1963
a.) Sinclair, Ralph, Billy g. Isom. "The Occurrence is Certain Bryozoans in Tennessee Waters." January, 1963.
38 Sioussat, S.G.L. 1908
a.) Sioussat, St. George Leakin. "A Preliminary Report Upon the Archives of Tennessee." American Historical Association 2:197-238. 1908.
39 Sliger, Henson, Smith 1985
a.) Sliger, Henson, and Smith. "UTM Professors take Part in Study to Try to Prolong Life of Reelfoot Lake." The Summer Pacer 1(7). August 8, 1985.
40 Sliger and Henson 1986
a.) Sliger, Wilburn A., J. Wesley Henson. "Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Aquatic Macrophytes of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." July 21, 1986.
41 Smith, Cathlee (Thesis)  1981
a.) Smith, Cathlee. "The Relationship of Old Mississippi River Channels to the Origin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." August, 1981.
Box 27 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Smith, G.P. 1979
a.) Smith, Gerald P. Archaeological Surveys in the Obion-Forked Deer and Reelfoot-Indian Creek Drainages: 1966 through early 1975.1979.
2 Smith 1812
a.) Smith, Robert. An Account of the Earthquakes which occurred in the United States, North America. 1812.
3 Smith 1939
a.) Smith, P. 1939. "Neil Macneale, Railroad builder of the Middle West, 1826-1897." The Mississippi Valley Historical Review 26:181-192. 
4 Smith, W.L. and D. Pitts. A Summary Report: Reelfoot Lake 1982
a.) Smith, Wintfred, T. David Pitts. "Reelfoot Lake: A Summary Report." June 30, 1982.
5 Smith, W.L.  1980
a.) Blank
6 Smith, W.L. and D. Pitts  1982
a.) 3 June 1999. Phone numbers from Sliger. Jerry Flemming "farrowed" original typescript of Smith and Pitts (1982). 
7 Smith, W.L. and D. Pitts. Summary Report- Original Drawings  1982
a.) Smith and Pitts. 1982. Summary Report and Graphs.
8 Smith, W.L. and T.D. Pitts. Reprinted 1999
a.) Smith, Wintfred, T. David Pitts. "Reelfoot Lake: A Summary Report." June 30, 1982.
9 Smith, Wintfred L. 2004
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Reelfoot Lake. A Limnological Perspective." June 22, 2004.
10 Smith, Wintfred L. 2004
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Reelfoot Lake. A Limnological Perspective." June 9, 2004.
11 Smith, W.L. 2004
a.) Smith, Wintfred. "Reelfoot Lake Symposium." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 79(2):57. April, 2004.
12 Smith, W.L. 2005
a.) Smith, W.L. 2005. "Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. A Limnological Perspective." May, 2005.
13 Smith, R.H., S.N. Sahoo, and Larry W. Moore 1992
a.) Smith, Roger H., Surya N. Sahoo, Larry W. Moore. "Water Resources Planning and Management; Saving a Threatened Resource; In Search of Solutions." Integrated Water Resources Planning for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Annual Conference 19:200-207. August 2-5, 1992.
14 Snay, Richard A., James F.N. and Helen C. Nevgebauer 1994
a.) Snay, Richard A, James F. Ni, and Helen C. Neugebauer. "Geodetically Derived Strain Across the Northern New Madrid Seismic Zone." U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1538-F-G 1994.
Box 28 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Spears, Raymond S. 1910
a.) Spears, Raymond S. "The Madrid Earthquake Contry." Americana Florencce Hull Winterburn March, 1910.
2 Speer, Lindia W. 2000
a.) Speer, Lindia Williams. West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 54:124-126. December, 2000.
3 Stahle, D.W., M.K. Cleaveland, J.G. Hehr 1988
a.) Stahle, D.W., M.K. Cleaveland, J.G. Hehr. "North Carolina Climate Changes Reconstructed from Tree Rings: A.D. 372 to 1985. Science 240:1517-1519. 1988.
4 Stahle, David W. and Malcolm K. Cleaveland 1992
a.) Stahle, David W., Malcolm K. Cleaveland. "Reconstruction and Analysis of Spring Rainfall over the Southeastern U.S. for the Past 1000 Years." Bulletin American Meteorological Society December, 1992.
5 Stahle, VanArsdale, and Cleaveland 1992
a.)Stahle, D.W., R.B. VanArsdale, and M.K. Cleaveland. 1992. "Tectonic Signal in Baldcypress Trees at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Seismological Research Letters 63:439-447.
6 State of Tennessee 1885
a.) State of Tennessee. 1885. "Second Report of the State found of Helth of the State of Tennessee." Albert B. Tavel. 
7 State of Tennessee 1938
a.) State of Tennessee. "Joyous Vacation Days." 
8 State of Tennessee 1939
a.) State of Tennessee. 1939. "Perhaps this Answers Your Questions. Answers to questons not Frequently Asked about Tennessee." Div. of Information; Dept, Nashville.
9 State of Tennessee 1996
a.) Letter from David Sowell to Wintfred Smith. Copy of the New Tennessee Blue Book. 
10 State of Tennessee Buford Ellington, Govenor -
a.) State of Tennessee. Tennessee. The Nation's Most Interesting State 
11 State of Tennessee Gordon Browning Governor -
a.) State of Tennessee. Tennessee. The Nation's Most Interesting State. 
12 Stanley, G. 1985
a.) Stanley, George. "A Place and Space for Wetlands." Ducks Unlimited pg. 17. March/April, 1985.
13 Starnes, L.B. and A.E. Bogan 1988
a.) Starens, Lynn B., Arthur E. Bogan. "The Mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) of Tennessee." American Malacological Bulletin 6(1):19-37. 1988.
14 Stearns 1979
a.) Stearns, R.G. "Recent Vertical Movement of the Land Surface in the Lake County Uplift and Reelfoot Lake Basin Areas, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky." 1979.
15 Stearns, R.G. 1992
a.) Stearns, Richard G. "Civil War Battle of Island 10-The Geology of History." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 67(1-2):13.1992.
16 Stearns and Marcher 1962
a.) Stearns, R.G., M.V. Marcher. 1962. "Late Cretaceous and Subsequent Structrual Development of the Northern Mississippi Embayment Area." Geological Society of America Bulletin 73:1387-1394. November, 1962.
17 Stearns and Marcher 1977
a.) Stearns, Richar G., Robert A. Miller. "Earthquake Hazards in Tennessee." Earthquake Hazards in Tennessee Environmental Geology Series No. 4 1977.
18 Steenis J.H. and Mitchell R.T. 1950
a.) Steenis, John H., Robert T. Mitchell. "Leaf Beetle Versus Lotus." Journal of Wildlife Management 14(4):478. October, 1950.
19 Steinhart 1983
a.) Steinhart, Peter. "The Edge gets Thinner." Audubon 85(6):94-126. Nov. 1983.                                                                                           b.) National Wildlife February/March, 1985.
20 Stephenson, W.J., K.M. Shedlock, and J.K. Odom.  1995
a.) Stephenson, W.J., K.M. Shedlock, and J.K. Odum. "Tennessee. Characterization of the cottonwood Grove and Ridgely faults near Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, from high-resolution Seismic Reflection Data." U.S. Geological Survey June, 1995.
21 Stewart and Knox 1993
a.) Stewart and Knox. "Plenty of Blame for All In Quake Panic." Science 261:1673. September 24, 1993.
22 Stewart, D. and R. Knox 1995
a.) Blank
23 Stout 1984
a.) Stout, Kristen. "Identification of Aquatic Maccrophytes in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." United States Environmental Protection Agency. December, 1984.
24 Street, R. 1997
a.) Street, R. "A Contribution to the Documentation of the 1811-1812 Mississippi Valley Earthquake Sequence." Earthquake Notes 53(2). April-June, 1982.
25 Stroder, N. 1950
a.) Stroder, Norm. "The Reelfoot Boomers." Outdoor Life 105(6):26. June, 1950.
26 Sturrock, Jr. A.M 1986
a.) Sturrock, Jr. Alex M. "Instrumentation for Measuring Lake and Reservoir Evaporation by the Energy-Budget and Mass-Transfer Methods." U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-863.
27 Sudworth and Kellebrew 1897
a.) Sudworth, George B., J.B. Killebrew. "The Forests of Tennessee. Their Extent, Character, and Distribution." 1897.
28 Suberman, Stella/The Jew Store -
a.) Suberman, S. 1995. "The Jew Store." 
29 Summers, Judy 1996
a.) Summers, Judy. "Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake Scrapbook." October, 1908- July, 1909.
30 Summers, Judy 1998
a.) Summers, Judy. "The McQueen Family Tree from Scotland to Reelfoot Lake." 1998.
31 Summers, Judy 2001
a.) Summers, Judy. 2001. "Changing Times on Reelfoot Lake." Southern Backroads October/November, 2001.
32 Sutton, Richard L.  1922
a.) Sutton, Richard. "Reelfoot Snapshots." National Sportsman March, 1922.
33 Swiney, C. 2001
a.) Swiney, Cathleen. "The World in his Hands." The Tennessee Magazine 45(1):20-22. 2001. 
34 Sydansk and Turner 1941
a.) Sydansk, Raymond, r.G. Turner. "Area Appraisal Report Reelfoot Lake Tennessee." Central Southeastern Regional Study. Part I. 1941.
Box 29 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Talley, King, Willis, Crews, Stanley and Smith DRAFT 1984
a.) Talley, King, Willis, Crews, Stanley and Smith. Environmental Assessment. 
2 Talley, King, Willis, Crews, Stanley and Smith.  Dec. 17 1984
a.) Talley, Thomas, J.Mitch King, Rober Willis, Wendell Crews, Glen Stanley, Wintfred Smith. "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitaiton/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment." December 17, 1984.                                                                                        b.) Reelfoot Lake Envirnmental Assessment Distribution List.                         c.) United States Department of Interior. Letter. 
3 Talley, King, Willis, Crews, Stanley, and Smith  Dec. 19, 1984
a.) Talley, Thomas, J.Mitch King, Rober Willis, Wendell Crews, Glen Stanley, Wintfred Smith. "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitaiton/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment." December 17, 1984.                                                   
4 Talley, King, Willis, Crews, Stanley, and Smith  Jun. 1, 1984
a.) Talley, Thomas, J.Mitch King, Rober Willis, Wendell Crews, Glen Stanley, Wintfred Smith. "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitaiton/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment Supporting Information." June 1, 1984.                                                   
5 Talley, King, Willis, Crews, Stanley and Smith Jun. 11, 1984
a.) Talley, Thomas, J.Mitch King, Robert Willis, Wendell Crews, Glen Stanley, Wintfred Smith. "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitaion/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment Supporting Information." June 11, 1984. 
6 Taylor 1952
a.) Taylor, Hillsman. 1952. "The Night Riders of West Tennessee." The West Tennessee Historical Society Papers 6:77-86.
7 Taylor 1979
a.) Taylor, Jan. "Awash in Ashport. " The West Tennesee Farm. The University of Tennessee at Martin. 
8 Teams 2004
a.) TEAMS Spring Conference sign-up sheets.                                                                       b.) From Wintfred Smith. To: Kathleen Rugel. Subject: Invasive Species.                                                                                                                              c.) From Kathleen Rugel. Subject: Conference. January, 17, 2005.                                       d.) "The Pearl Button. Tennesse Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences." 4(1). March 2005.                                                                                                                                        e.) "The Pearl Button. Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences." 3(4). December 2004.                                                                                                                               f.) 1997 TEAMS Conference at Reelfoot Lake. April 11 and 12, 1997.                                                                                                                         g.) Letter from Kathleen Rugel. Subject: Correction to TSTA TEAMS sessions. November 4, 2004.                                                                                                                                                    h.) "TEAMS. Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences. Professional Development Spring Conference." Henry Horton State Resort Park. April 8-10, 2005. Brochure.                                                                                                       i.) Professional Development Content Sessions to Assist Science Teachers in Meeting the State's Definition of Highly Qualified to be Offered November 18-20, 2004, at the Cool Spring Marriott in Franklin, TN Sponsored by the Tennessee Science Teachers Asssociation." TSTA conference 2004, Synopsis.                                                         j.) 2004 TSTA Conference and Professional Develpment Institute Pre-Registration Form.                                                                                                                                     k.) "Water Transparency Protocol." Globe 2003.                                                                   l.) Angelo Secchi (1818-1878).                                                                                                          m.) "The Secchi Disk-What is it?"                                                                                                        n.) "The Great North American Secchi Dip-In.                                                                                            o.) Carson, Robert E., Jay Lee, and Michael R. Binkley. "The Great American Secchi Dip-In: A National Snapshot of Lake Water Transparency."                                                                                                                  
P.) "Water Transparency." Q.) "Plumbing the Depths."                                                                                                                           R.) "What is a Secchi Disk?" S.) "Secchi Disk."                   T.) Limnology: Past, Present, and Future. BSC 450. Powerpoint.     U.) "Dip into Volunteer Monitoring with the Great North American Secchi Dip-In." 
9 Tenn. Dept. Agri. 1970
a.) Tennessee Department of Agriculture. "A Summary of Pesticide Use and Pesticide Conntainer Disposition in Tennessee Agriculture." 1970.
10 Tennessee Dept. of Conservation -
a.) Tennesee Department of Conservation. "Happy Hunting Grounds of Tennessee." undated.
11 Tennessee Department of Conservation 193-
a.) Tennessee Department of Conservation. "Joyous Vacation Days. In Scenic State of Tennessee. The Playground Nature made for You." 
12 Tennessee Department of Conservation 1939
a.) State of Tennessee Department of Conservation. Tennessee Department of ConservationThe Natural Resources of Tennessee. A Report of Progress and Plans." 1939.
13 Tennessee Department of Conservation 1950's
a.) State of Tennessee. Undated. "The Tennessee Scene." 
14 Tennessee Department of Conservation 1955
a.) Division of State Information. 1955. "Fishing Guide to the Great Lakes of Tennessee." 
Box 30 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Tennessee Department of Conservation 1987
a.) Tennessee Department of Conservation. "Reelfoot Lake Recommendations and Concerns of the Tennessee Department of Conservation." June 26, 1987.
2 Tennessee Dept. of Conservation -
a.) Department of Conservation State of Tennessee. "Happy Hunting Grounds of Tennessee." 
3 Tennessee Conservation Department -
a.) Frame box found at Reelfoot Lake State Park by D. Haggard, 2005.
4 Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation 1991
a.) Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Water Pollution Control. "Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) Rates at Reelfoot Lake." November, 1991.
5 Tennessee Dept. of Environmet and Conservation 1994
a.) Tennessee Department of Environmet and Conservaion. "The Status of Water Quality in Tennesee. 1994 305(b) Report." November, 1994.
6 Tenn. Dept. of Environment and Conservation 305(b) Report 1996
a.) Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. "The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee. 1996 305(b) Report." November, 1996.
7 Tennesee Dept. of Environment and Conservation 2004
a.) Tennessee Department of Envirnment and Conservation. "Notice of Determination. Proposal for an Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for Navigation Channel Maintenance Dredging at Reelfoot Lake, Lake and Obion Counties." 2004.
8 Tennessee Department of Public Health 1978
a.) Tennessee Department of Public Health Division of Water Quality Control. "Reelfoot Lake Pesticide Survey Lake & Obion Counties." October 2-6, 1978.
9 Tennessee Department of Public Health 1980
a.) Tennessee Department of Public Health Division of Water Quality Control. "Reelfoot Lake Pesticide Survey Lake and Obion Counties." 1980.
10 Tenn. Dept. Public Health 1982
a.) Tennessee Department of Public Health Division of Water Quality Control. "Reelfoot Lake Report. A Summary Report Prepared for the Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Program Project in Tennesee." October, 1982.
11 Tenn. Dept. Health and Environment 1984
a.) Letter from Garland P. Wiggins. To: Winfred Smith. 
12 Tenn. Dept. Health & Environment 1984
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. Division of Water Management. "Status of Water Quality in Tennessee." 1984. 
13 Tennessee Department of Health and Environment 1985
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. "Bruner Receives Water Conservationist Award." Environmental Pipeline May, 1985.
14 Tennessee Department of Health and Environment 1987
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Construction Grants and Loans. "Streamflow and Water-Quality Data for Three Major Tributaries to Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee, October 1987-March, 1988." 
15 Tennessee Dept Health and Environment 1988
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. "The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee. 305(b) Report." April, 1988.
16 Tennessee Department of Health and Environment 1988
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. "Quality of Ground Water in Shallow Wells in Agricultural Areas of Haywood, Shelby, Lake, nad Obion counties, Tennessee, January and February 1988." 1988.
Box 31 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Tennessee Dept of Health and Environment 1990
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. "The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee. 1990 305(b) Report. Technical Report." April, 1990.
2 Tennessee Department of Health and Environment 1991
a.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. "Results of a 1989 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey of Reelfoot Lake." April, 1991. 
3 Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. Earthquake 1987
a.) Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. Earhquake 1987. UTM Campus. October 22, 1987.
4 Tenn. Game and Fish Comm. Undated
a.) Tennessee Game and Fish Commission. "Tennessee Fish and Where to Catch Them." 
5 Tennessee Game and Fish Commission 1963
a.) Tennessee Game and Fish Commission. 1963. "Field Manual for Investigation of Pollution and Fish Kills." 
6 Tenn. Game & Fish commission 1951
a.) Tennessee Game and Fish Commission. "A Statement to the District Corps of Engineers, Memphis, Tennessee." Concerning a Proposed Flood Control and Drainage Survey of Reelfoot Lake and Viciniity-Tiptonville." May 17, 1951.
7 Tennessee Game and Fish Commission 1953
a.) Tennessee Game and Fish Commission. "Tennessee Game and Fish Laws." 1953 ed.
8 Tenn. State Library and Archives 1993
a.) Tennessee State Library and Archives. "The Volunteer Challenge: Final Report of the Statewide Assessment of Historical Records in Tennessee." 1993.
9 Tennessee State Planning Commission 1958
a.) Tennessee State Planning Commission. "Reelfoot. Plan for Comprehensive Development." October, 1958.
10 Tenn. State Planning Commission 1958
a.) Tennessee State Planning Commission. "Reelfoot. Plan for Comprehensive Development." 1958.
11 Tennessee State Planning Commission 1958
a.) Tennessee State Planning Commission. "Proceedings of Reelfoot Lake Area Development Meeting Walnut Log, Tennessee October 27, 1958." 
12 Tenn. Valley Authority 1934
a.) Woolrich, W.R., John L. Neeley, Jr. Tennessee Valley Authority. "Agricultural-Industrial Survey." 1934.
13 TWRA Undated
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "A Strategic Plan for Wildlife Resources Management." 1982-87.
14 TWRA 1983
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake Management Plan." May, 1983.
15 TWRA 1985
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake. An Assessment for Water Level Management." The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Region I. April, 1985.
Box 32 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1985
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency's Report to the Legislature on Activities, Accomplishments, and Plans at Reelfoot Lake for 1985." 1985.
2 The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1986
a.) The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Region I. "Reelfoot Lake Fifty-Year management Plan." December, 1986. DRAFT.
3 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1987
a.) Tennessee Wildflife Resources Agency. "Construction, Geologic, and Hydrologic Data for Observation Wells in the Reelfoot Lake Area, Tennessee and Kentucky." 1987.
4 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Recommendation to Task Force 1987
a.) The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Recommendations to the Reelfoot Legislative Task Force for Protection and Enhancement of Reelfoot Lake and its Ecosystem." August, 1987.
5 Tennessee Wildlife Resources. 2nd Draft 1988
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake. Fifty Year Management Plan." December, 1986.                                                           b.) Reelfoot Lake Goals
6 Tenn. Wildlife Resources. FINAL 1988
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake. Fifty Year Management Plan." March, 1988.
7 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1995-1996
a.) Tennessee Wildlife resources Agency. "Tennessee Hunting & Trapping Guide." 1995-1996.
8 Tennessee Wildlife Reaources Agency 1997
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake Annual Report." Fiscal Year 1995-1996.
9 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.   1999
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Tennessee Wildlife "50th Anniversary Issue." January/February, 1999.
10 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency  1999
a.) "The Future of Reelfoot Lake? You Decide!"
11 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1999
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake Annual Report FY 1997/98." 
12 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 1999
a.) "The Future of Reelfoot Lake? You Decide!"
13 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 2000
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Tennessee Fish." Angler's Guide. 
14 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 2000
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agecy. "Tennessee Aquatic Database System." Compact Disk (CD). 2000.
Box 33 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 2000-2001
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake Annual Report FY 2000/2001."
2 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 2001/2002
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake Annual Report FY 2001/2002." 
3 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 2001
a.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake Annual Report FY 1999/2000." 
4 Tennessee Wildlife Resouces Agency 1994
a.) Tennesse Wildlife Resources Agency. "Tennessee Fishing Regulations." March 1, 1994- February 28, 1995. 
5 Thomas 1970
a.) Thomas, Bill. "Legendary Reelfoot." Travel v.134. July, 1970.
6 Thomas, Bill 1970
a.) Thomas, Bill. "Reelfoot~~." Dodge News Magazine Pg. 6. April, 1970.
7 Thomas, W.  1965
a.) Thomas, William. "Reelfoot. Nature's Cupboard Supplies Sport, Way of Life." The Commercial Appeal Mid-South Magazine pg. 14. October 17, 1965.
8 Thomas, W.  1970
a.) Thomas, William. "Life on 'The Log'." Mid-South magazine Commercial Appeal January 18, 1970.
9 Thomas, W.  1971
a.) Thomas, William. "Reelfoot: The Changing Image." Mid-South Commercial Appeal Magazine. Pg. 10. November 21, 1971.
10 Thomas, W.  1972
a.) Thomas, William. "Grease Money and Satisfaction." Mid-South Magazine Commercial Appeal pg. 4. November 26, 1972.
11 Thomas, W.  1986
a.) Thomas, William. "The Log." Mid-South Magazine Commercial Appeal pg. 5. June 8, 1986.
12 Thompson, Ernest T.  1956
a.) Thompson, Ernest T. "the Fabulous David Crockett. His Life and Times in Gibson County." David Crockett Memorial Association. Rutherford, Tennessee. 1956.
13 Thornley, S.  1988
a.) Thornley, Stew. "On To Nicollet: The Glory and Fame of the Minneapolis Millers." 
14 Thurston, R.H.  1878
a.) Thurston, R.H. 1878. "A History of the Growh of the Steam Engine." 
15 Tkach, V.V. and S.D. Snyder. Zdzislaw Swiderski 2001
a.) Tkach, Vasyl B., Scott D. Snyder, and Zdzislaw Swiderski. "On the phylogenetic relationships of some members of Macroderoididae and Ochetosomatidae (Digenea, Plagiorchioidea)." Acta Parasitologica 46(4):267-275. 2001.
16 Trapido, Harold, Unpub. MS Snakes and Turtles of Reelfoot 1936
a.) Trapido, Harold. "A Biological Survey of Reelfoot Lake, Lake and Obion Counties, Tennessee; July and August, 1936. Parts one and Two Snakes and Turtles." 1936.
17 Trapido  1943
a.) Trapido, H. 1943. "Observations on the Feeding Behavior of Some Water Snakes." The Chicago Naturalist 6(2):42.
18 Trentham & James 1981
a.) Trentham, Jimmy N. Ted R. James. "Seasonal Selecton in the Freshwater Heterotrophic Bacterial Community." Microbial Ecology 7:323-330. 1981.
19 TRI County Alfalfa Cooperative, Inc.  1986
a.) Tri County Alfalfa Cooperative, Inc. "Budget Projections." for Reelfoot Lake Legislative Task Force. February 18, 1986. 
20 Trimble & Carey 1984
a.) Trimble, Stanley W., William P. Carey. "Sediment Characteristics of Tennessee Streams and Reservoirs." Unitted States Department of the Interior Geological Survey Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. 1984.
21 Tuberville 1987
a.) Tuberville, Jack. "The Reelfoot Lake Boat: A Tennessee Original." The Tennessee Conservationist 53(6):3. November/December, 1987.
22 Tuberville, Jack 1988
a.) Tuberville, J. 1988. "A Well-Used Boat. The Reelfoot Lake Stumpjumper." Wooden Boat (82):19-20,23,25. 
23 Turner, H.M.  2006
a.) Turner, Hugh M. "Distribution and Prevalence of Allocorrigia Filiformis (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae), a Parasite of the Crayfish Procambarus clarkii, Within the State of Louisiana and the Lower Mississippi River Valley, U.S.A." Comp. Parasitol. 73(2):274-278. 2006. 
24 Turpin, T. 1931
a.) Turpin, Tom. "How to Call Ducks." Field and Stream September, 1931. 3(6):30-31,69,82.
25 Union City Daily Messenger 1988
a.) Union City Daily Messenger Union City, Tenn., Turesday, February 23, 1988.
26 Union City Jaycees "Century on Parade"  1954
a.) Union City Centennial Diadem of Dixie. "A Century on Parade" June 20-30, 1954.
27  U.S. Army Corps of Engrs.  1954
a.) Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Office of the President Mississippi River Commission Vicksburg, Mississippi. "Review of Reports on lower Mississippi River for Flood Control and Major Drainage in the Reelfoot Lake Area, Tennessee and Kentucky." April 19, 1954.
28 U.S. Army Engr. District, Memphis 1970
a.) U.S. Army Engineer District, Memphis, Tn. "Environmental Statement Western Tennessee Tributaries, Tennessee and Kentucky." September 25, 1970.
29 U.S. Army corps of Engineers 1983
a.) US Army Corps of Engineers. "Reelfoot Lake Water Supply Alternatives." December, 1983.
30 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  1986
a.) US Army Corps of Engineers. Notice of Public Meeting & Initiation of Reconnaissance Studies for Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee & Kentucky. February 4, 1986.                                                      b.) US Army Corps of Engineers. Public Meeting on the Reelfoot Lake Reconnaissance Study. March 6, 1986.
31 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987
a.) Department of the Army Memphis District, Corps of Engineers. Notice of Public Meeting to Present Findings of Reconnaissance Stucies for Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee & Kentucky.                                                                                                             b.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Public Meeting to Present Findings of Reconnaissance Studies for Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee & Kentucky. June 25, 1987.                                                                     c.) Reelfoot Lake Tennessee & Kentucky. Pre-Briefing for Tennessee and Kentucky Officials Reelfoot Lake Public Meeting. June 25, 1987.                                                                                                                d.) US Army Corps of Engineers. Public meeting to Present Findings of Reconnaissance Studies for Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee & Kentucky. June 25, 1987.
Box 34 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 United States Corps of Engineers 1993
a.) US Army Corps of Engineers. "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee & Kentucky Reconnaissance Report." November, 1993.
2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1993
a.) US. Army Corps of Engineers. "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee & Kentucky Reconnaissance Report." 1993.
3 United States Army Corps of Engineers 1995
a.) Department of the Army Memphis District, Corps of Engineers. "Eye on the Eagle." May, 1995.
4 U.S. Corps of Engineers 1998
a.) Department of the Army Memphis District, Corps of Engineers. "Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky Reconnaissance Report." Executive Summary. June 11, 1998.
5 U.S. Dept of Agriculture 1956
a.) U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservationn Service. "Sediment Production Study Reelfoot Lake Area. Obion County, Tennessee and Dulton County, Kentucky." 1956.
6 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1960
a.) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 1960. "Watershed Work Plan, Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed." Soil Conservation Science MR. 60-31.                                                                                                                       b.) "Description of the Watershed." 
7 United States Dept. Agriculture and Obion-forked Deer Plan Formulation Task Force.  1977
a.) U.S. Department of Agriculture and Obion-Forked Deer Plan Formulation Task Force. "Land Treatment Plan for Erosion Control and Water Quality Improvement. Obion-Forked Deer River Basin, Tennessee." November, 1977.
8 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1969
a.) U.S. Department of Agriculture. "The Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Story." 1969.
9 U.S. Dept. of the Interior 1967
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior. "Birds of the Reelfoot & Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges." December, 1967.
10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  1975
a.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Eutrophication Survey. "Pacific Northwest Environmental Research Laboratory." June, 1975.
11 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  1983
a.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Aerial Photographic Inventory of Aquatic Macrophytes." Reelfoot Lake, Tennesee. August, 1983.                                                                                             b.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Interagency Agreement. 
12 U.S. Fish & Wildl. SVC. 1954
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. "A Report on Fish and Wildlife Resources in Relation to the Corps of Engineers Plan for Developing Reelfoot Lake and Vicinity Kentucky and Tennessee." June, 1954.
13 U.S. Fish & Wildl. Svcs. 1957
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. "A Report of the Fish and Wildlife Resources of Reelfoot Lake and Vicinity with a Plan for Control of Sediment from Indian Creek Watershed Tennessee." February, 1957.
Box 35 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Draft. 1988
a.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "Preliminary Draft EIS for Reelfoot Lake." 
2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.   1988
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region. Reelfoot Lake Water Level Management Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1988.
3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1989
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region. Reelfoot Lake Water Level Management Final Impact Statement July, 1989.
Box 36 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1991
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region. "Draft Environmental Assessment and Land Protection Plan Acquisition of Lands for Sediment Basin Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge. Obion County, Tennessee." December, 1991.
2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2005
a.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot/Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge." Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment. December, 2005.
3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  2006
a.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot/Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge." Comprehensive Conservation Plan. April, 2006.
4 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge -
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region. "Draft Environmental Assessment and Land Protection Plan Acquisition of Lands for Sediment Basin Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge. Obion County, Tennessee." December, 1991.
5 United States Dept. of the Interior 1998
a.) U.S. Department of Interior. "Perspectives on the Land Use History of North America: A Context for Understanding our Changing Environment." Biological Science Report. September, 1998.
6 U.S. General Accounting Office 1992
a.) United States General Accounting Office. "Natural Resources Protection. Reelfoot Lake Lease Terms Met, but Lake Continues to Deteriorate." August, 1992.
7 U.S. Geological Survey 1981
a.) U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. Stanley P. Sauer. "Tennessee Statewide Sediment-Sampling Network." Progress Report for Quarters Ending September 31 and December 31, 1980.
8 U.S. Geological Survey 1981
a.) U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. Arthur L. Putnam. "Tennessee Statewide Sediment-Sampling Network." Progress Report for Quarters ending March 31 and June 30, 1981.
9 U.S. Geological Survey 1983
a.) U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division, Larry Hayes. "Reelfoot Basin Hydrologic Monitoring Program for RCWP." Progress Report September 30, 1983.
10 U.S. Geological Survey 1983
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. "A Workshop on "Continuing Actions to Reduce Losses from Earthquakes in the Mississippi Valley Area"." 1983.
11 U.S. Geological Survey 1984
a.) U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. "Water-Quality Monitoring of Reelfoot Lake." Project Proposal. September, 1984.
12 U.S. Geological Survey 1987
a.) U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. "Characterization of Inflow of Pesticieds and Nutrients from Storm Runoff into Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee." Project Proposal. August, 1987. 
13 Univ. Tennessee Press 1973
a.) University of Tennessee Press. 1973. "A Narative of the Life of David Crockett of the State of Tennessee." 
14 Usher 1837
a.) Usher, F.C. 1837. "On the Elevation of the Banks of the Mississippi, in 1811." American Journal of Science 31(1st ser.): 294-296.
15 Utz, Thorton 1956
a.) Utz, Thorton. "The Strange Lake that is Reelfoot." Sports Afield 136(4):76. October, 1956.
16 Valentine, R., J. Mirecki, and E.S. Schweig 1994
a.) Valentine, Robby, June Mirecki, and Eugene S. Schweig. "Estimate of Historical Sedimentation Rate in a Core from Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences 69(2):46. 1994.
17 Valzania, Kimberly 2003
a.) Valzania, Kimberly. 2003.Tennessee Rookie Read-About Geography. 
18 Van Arsdale, Roy 1997
a.) Van Arsdale, Roy. "Hazard in the Heartland: The New Madrid Seismic Zone." Geotimes May, 1997.
19 Van Arsdale, R  1999
a.) Van Arsdale, R. "Displacement history and slip rate on the Reelfoot fault of the New Madrid seismic zone." Engineering Geology 55(2000):219-226. June, 1999.
20 Van Arsdale, Stahle and Cleaveland 1991
a.) Van Arsdale, R., D. Stahle, M. Cleaveland. "Tectonic Deformation Revealed in Baldcypress Trees at Reelfoot Lake, Tennesseee." July, 1991.
21 Van Arsdale and Schweig 1992
a.) Letter. To: Wintfred Smith From: University of Kentucky. Confirmation letter for reservations for the Geological Society of Kentucky Fall, 1992 Field Trip.                                                                         b.) VanArsdale, Roy, Eugene Schweig. "A 1992 Field Trip for the Geological Sociey of Kentucky." Mississippi River Sedimentology & New Madrid Earthquake Seismicity. Neotectonics of Reelfoot Lake and Vicinity, Northwestern Tennessee." 
Box 37 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Van Arsdale, R.B., K.J. Kelson and C.H. Lumsden 1995
a.) Van Arsdale, Roy, Keith I. Kelson, Charles H. Lumsden. "Northern Extension of the Tennessee Reelfoot Scarp into Kentucky and Missouri." Seismological Research Letters 66(5):57-62. September/October, 1995.
2 R. Van Arsdale, and G. Hall 1997
a.) Van Arsdale, R. , G. Hall. "Baldcypress Tree Ring Elemental Concentrations at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, From AD 1795 to AD 1820." November, 1995.
3 Van Arsdale, Stahle, Cleaveland, and Guccione 1998
a.) Van Arsdale, Roy, David W. Stahle, Malcom K. Cleaveland, Margaret J. Guccione. "Earthquake Signals in Tree-Ring Data from the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Implications for Paleoseismicity." Geology 26(6):515-518. June, 1998.
4 Van Arsdale, R., J. Purser, W.J. Stephenson, J.K. Odum 1998
a.) Van Arsdale, Roy, Jodi Purser, William J. Stephenson, Jack K. Odum. "Faulting Along the Southern Margin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87(1):131-139. 1998.
5 Van Arsdale, R.B., r. T. Cox, A. Johnston, W.J. Stephenson, J.K. Odum 1999
a.) Van Arsdale, Roy, Randel T. Cox, Arch C. Johnston, William J. Stephenson, Jak K. Odum. "Southeastern Extension of the Reelfoot Fault." Seisomological Research Letters 70(3):348-359. May/June, 1999.
6 Van Cleave, H.J. 1947
a.) Van Cleave, Harley J. "The Eoacanthocephala of North America, Including the Description of Eocollis Arcanus, New Genus and New Species, Superficially Resembling the Genus Pomphorhynchus." Journal of Parasitology 33(4):285-296. August, 1947.
7 Van Dresser, C.  1955
a.) Van Dresser, Cleveland. "Reelfoot, A Dying Lake." Nature Magazine 48:90-93.
8 Vanderwood 1958
a.) Vanderwood, Paul Joseph. "The Night Riders of West Tennessee." 1958.
9 Vanderwood, Paul J. 1st Edition 1969
a.) Customer's Receipt. Paid to: Indian Cave Books. "Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake." From: Wintfred Smith. 
10 Vanderwood, Paul J. 1969
a.) Vanderwood, Paul J. 1969. "Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Hisorical Quarterly 28(2):126-140.
11 Vanderwood 1969
a.) Letter. From: Charley Fansler. To: Wintfred Smith.                            b.) Letter. 1989.
12 Van Dyck, J.T.  1970
a.) Van Dyck, John T. "Some Aspects of the Natural History of the Diamond-Backed Water Snake (Natrix rhombifera rhombifera) (HALLOWELL) 1852." February 19, 1970.
13 Vegt, J.H. 1975
a.) Vegt, Jelle H. "Tracing of Actual Erosion and Soil-Capability-Groupings for the Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed." October, 1975.
14 Reelfoot Lake "Virtual Field Trip" -
a.) "Aquatic and Wetland Vegetation of Reelfoot Lake."                               b.) "The Fishes of Reelfoot Lake."                                                                      c.) "Geologic History of the Reelfoot Region."                                               d.) Downing, Marvin. Reelfoot since c. 1930s [Reelfoot.doc; 1-4-96 version].                                                                                                                           e.) McDonough, Daniel. "The History of Reelfoot to 1913.                            f.) McDonough, Dan. "Reelfoot Lake-History to 1930." Outline.            g.) "Geologic History of the Reelfoot Region."                                                h.) Downing, Marvin. "Reelfoot since c. 1930s."                                                i.) "The "Standard" Pontoon Boat Cruise."                                                           j.) Reelfoot Virtual Field Trip-Rough Draft.                                                       k.) Viadro, Debra. "Virtually There." Education Week June 14.       l.) "Alternanthera to Zizaniopsis. Digitized Aquatic Plant Photographs Available." Aquaphyte Spring 1995.                              m.) Ellipse 3(4). Summer 1995.
15 Virtual Field Trip Dyersburg CESME 1999
a.) Ellipse 8(1). August, 1999.                                                                                             b.) Ellipse April 1999. A CESME/CECE Publication.                                          c.) Tentative Schedule for the Reelfoot Lake Outdoor Cirrculum Seminar.                                                                                                                              d.) Reelfoot Lake Outdoor Classroom Curriculum Guide.                         e.) Preparation and Application of Virtual Field Trips. November 11, 1998.
16 Visiland, P.  1986
a.) Visilind, P. 1986."Rising, Shining Tennessee." National Geographic 169(5):602-637. May, 1986.
17 Viitanen 1973
a.) Viitanen, W.J. 1973. "Folklore and Fakelore of an Earthquake." Kentucky Folklore Record 19:99-111.
Box 38 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Viitanen 1972
a.) Viitanen, W.J. 19732. "The Winter the Mississippi ran Backwards: The Impact of the New Madrid, Missouri, Earthquake. Of 1811-1812 on Life and Letters in the Mississippi Valley." Published by University Microfilms International. 
2 Viitanen 1977
a.) Viitanen, Wayne. "The New Madrid Earhquakes of 1811-1812." The Register 75(2):150-15. April, 1977.
3 Walke 1877
a.) Walke, H. "Naval Scenes and Reminiscences of the Civil War in the United States, on the Southern and Western Waters During the Years 1861, 1862, and 1863 with the History of that Period Compared and Corrected from Authentic Sources." 1877.
4 Wallace 1985
a.) Wallace, David Rains. "Wetlands in America Labyrinth and Temple." Wilderness pg. 13. Winter 1985.
5 Wang, F., L. Hans and H. Kung 2003
a.) Wang, F., L. Han, and H. Kung. 2003."Relationship between Spectral Reflectance and Water Quality in Reelfoot Lake, Tn." Southeastern Division Association of American Geographers Charlotte, N.C. Abstract only. 
6 Warren, Burr, and Biggins 1994
a.) Warren, Melvin, Brooks Burr, and Richard Biggins. "Technical/Agency Draft Recovery Plan for Relict Darter (Etheostoma chienense)." July, 1994.
7 Wascher, H.L., R. P Humbert and J.G. Cady 1947
a.) Wascher, H.L., R.P. Humbert and J.G. Cady. "Loess in the Southern Mississippi Valley: Identification and Distribution of the Loess Sheets." Soil Science Society Proceedings 1947 pg. 389-399.
8 Watson, Aubrey 1995
a.) Watson, A. 1995. "Eagle Watch at Earthquake Lake." Tennessee Conservationist 61(1):14-17. 
9 Waud, A.R. 1963
a.) Waud, A.R. "Drawings of Alfred Waud." Missouri Historical Society Bulletin 19:276. July, 1963.
10 Waud, A.R.  1981
a.) Waud, Alfred R. "The South Revisited." Nineteenth Century Illustrator and Reporter. April 1-30, 1981.
11 Webb and Sisk 1975
a.) Webb, David, and Morgan Sisk. "The Fishes of West Kentucky. III. The Fishes of Bayou de Chien." Kentucky Academy of Science 36:63-70. 1975.
12 Weisberger 1984
a.) Weisberger, Bernard A. "Epidemic."American Heritage 35(6):57-64. 1984.
13 Weiker, W 1926
a.) Weiker, W. 1926. "With Rambo at Reelfoot Lake." Hunting and Fishing 3(5):7-8.
14 Wells 1933
a.) Wells, F.G. 1933. "Ground-water Resources of Western Tennessee." U.S.Geologic Survey Water-Supply Paper. 656.
15 Wells 1984
a.) Wells, Ann Harwell. "A Checklist of Tennessee Maps, 1820-1830. Tennessee Historical Quarterly 43(3):209-228. Fall 1984.
16 Wesner, C 1990
a.) Wesner, Cathie. "Reelfoot Lake." Writers' Ink pg. 1. 1990.
17 West, C.V. 2001
a.) West, C.V. 2001. "Tennessee's New Deal Landscape." University of Tennessee Press. 
18 West, L.T., Em Rutledge and D.M Barber 1980
a.) West, L.T., E.M. Rutledge, and D.M. Barber. "Sources and Properties of Loess Deposits on Crowley's Ridge in Arkansas." Soil Science Society of America Journal 44:353-358. 1980. 
19 Wharton, C.H.  1970
a.) Wharton, Charles H. The Southern River Swamp - A Multiple-Use Environment May, 1970.
20 Wilkins, Ann A.  1929
a.) Wilkins, Ann. "Answering the Call on Reelfoot Lake." Outdoor Life 64(4):14. October, 1929. 
Box 39 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Wilkins, Horace V. 1927
a.) Wilkins, Horace V. "A Red-Letter Day on Reelfoot." Field & Stream 32(8):36. December, 1927. 
2 Wilkins 1929
a.) Wilkins, Ann Arnold. "Answering the Call On Reelfoot Lake." Outdoor Life 64(4):14-15, 51-53. 1929.
3 Williams, E.F. III 1968
a.) Williams, Edward F. III. "Early Memphis and Its River Rivals." The West Tennessee Historical Sociey Papers Volume 22. 1968.
4 Williams, Stephen 1994
a.) Williams, Stephen. "Changes in the Landscape: The Lower Valley and Elsewhere A.D. 1000 to Now." A Discussion Symposium at the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. November 11, 1994
5 Williams, S.C.  1945
a.) Williams, S.C. 1945. "The Admission of Tennessee into the Union."
6 Wilson, C.W. Undated
a.) Wilson, Charles W. "Geology of Reelfoot Lake State Park and Vicinity, Lake and Obion Counties, Tennessee." 
7 Winchester, Simon 2005
a.) Note.
8 Woolsey, F.W. 1969
a.) Woosley, F.W. "Reelfoot: time, water, the land, the people." The Courier-Journal & Times Magazine July 6, 1969.
9 Wright 1890
a.) Wright, Elizabeth. "A Lady who has Lived to See Every President of the Union." 1890.
10 Wynnburg Woman's Club 1961
a.) Wynnburg Woman's Club. "Reelfoot Lake Area Cook Book." 1961.
11 Wood, Robert M. 1987
a.) Wood, Robert Muir. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Causes, Effects & Predictions 
12 Yambert, Bill 1976
a.) Yambert, Bill. "Eagle Watch-1976." The Tennessee Conservationist 41(10):17. November, 1975. 
13 Yurewicz, Carey and Garrett 1987-1988
a.) Yurewicz, M.C., W.P. Carey, and J.W. Garrett. "Steamflow and Water-Quality Data for Three Major Tributaries to Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee, October 1987-March 1988." U.S. Geological Survey 1988.                                                                                                                                                  b.) Pesticide Analyses, Water Year October, 1987 to September, 1988.                                                                                                                                     c.) Nonpoint Study Sampling Program. August, 1988.                                                      d.) Hoos, Anne, Patrick Tucci, Bradley Bryan, and William Carey. "Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake Basin, Obion and Lake Counties Tennessee, May, 1984 to May, 1987 and Potential Effects of Proposed Lake-Level Manipulations."                                                                      e.) Water Resources in Tennessee: Current Conditions 1(4). December, 1987.                                                                                                                                      f.) "Water-Resources Investigations in Tennessee: Programs and Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey. 1987-1988." U.S. Geological Survey                                                                                                                                 g.) "Water Resources Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey for Tennessee, 1906-1987. U.S. Geological Survey. 
14 Zoback, M.D. 1979
a.) Zoback, Mark D. "Recurrent Faulting in the Vicinity of Reelfoot Lake, Northwestern Tennessee." U.S. Geological Society of America Bulletin 90: 1019-1024. November, 1979.
15 Zoback, M.D., Hamilton, Crone, Russ, McKeown and Brockman 1980
a.) Zoback, M.D., R.M. Hamilton, A.J. Crone, D.P. Russ, F.A. McKeown, S.R. Brockman. "Recurrent Intraplate Tectonism in the New Madrid Seismic Zone." Science 209(4460): 971-976. August, 1980.
Box 40 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1  Acts, Legislative (and Regulations) Relating to Reelfoot Lake -
a.) Tenn. Code Annotated, Vol 12A. 1983. "Waters, Waterways, Drains and Levees."                                                                                                      b.) Public Acts of Tenn. 1947.
2 Advisory Board Obion Co. Soil Conservation District -
a.) Orr, John R. Soil Conservation District Obion County. 
3 Aeration, Artificial -
a.) Agricenter International Memphis, Tennessee Brochure.             b.) Aerator Performance Test Results. 
4 Aerial Photography, NASA, ASCS, etc.  1937-Present
a.) Reelfoot Lake Watershed. 1986. Aerial Photographs Received from Tennessee State ASCS Office. 
5 Agriculture 1984
a.) Coleman, Laura. "Farmers say TVA is spoiling crops in Hardin County." Commercial Appeal pg. B1. May 27, 1984.
6 AIDP work 1980
a.) "Clean Lakes Grant Application." Water Main 1(9). June, 1980.
7 Aircraft 1999
a.) "A Look back at WWII through the Messenger's files." The Messenger Union City, Tennessee. September 24, 1999
8 Air Park Inn 2003
a.) Brannon John. "Herron: Reopen Airpark Inn." The Messenger Union City, TN. Pg. 10. January 28, 2003. 
9 Alfalfa -
a.) "Future looks bright-New Mill make alfalfa co-op year round operation." Lake County Banner 64(8). March 25, 1987.                                 b.) Gaither, Steve. "Alfalfa cooperative works toward processing plant." Commercial Appeal pg. B2. November 30, 1984.                                                           c.) Carroll, Mark. "Program Pays Off for Ray Quinn." The Daily Messenger Union City, TN. November 13, 1984.                                                  d.) Riley, Harriet. "Reelfoot farmers eye alfalfa grants." The Commercial Appeal Memphis, Tn. July 12, 1984.                                                e.) "Panel will promote alfalfa for Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal Memphis, TN. July 11, 1984.                                                                       f.) "Seed Early for Highest Yields." Lake County Banner March 3, 1950.                                                                                                                                           g) "Alfalfa No Longer; Street Now Bears Proudly the Name 'Cates'." Lake County Banner November 12, 1948.                                                          h.) "Alfalfa Mill Starts." Lake County Banner April 1948.                                     i.) Donaldson, R.C. "Lake County Bygones." Lake County Banner. July 4, 1947. p. 5.                                                                                                                j.) "Alfalfa Mill is Boughy By Saundrs-Begins 1943 Run." Lake County Banner April 16, 1943.                                                                        k.) "Alfalfa Most Reliable Hay Crop." The Commercial Appeal  September 5, 1930.                                                                                                                                        l.) "Miss Latimer Named Alfalfa Queen Monday." The Commercial Appeal March 21, 1930.                                                                                                                        m.) "24-Acre Field Produces 280 Tons of Alfalfa in Five Years." The Commercial Appeal February 22, 1924.                                                                                           n.) "Alfalfa in the South." The Commercial AppealSeptember 12, 1913                                                                                                                 o.) "Growing Alfalfa." The Commercial Appeal May 26, 1911.
10 Animals, Misc. -
a.) "A dietary overlap of Evening Grosbeaks and Carolina Parakeets." Wilson Bull." 95(3):452. 1983.                                                            b.) "Brands Scare as Unfounded." Lake County Banner June 20, 1952.                                                                                                                              c.) "Whatsit on Prowl Here." Lake County Banner June 13, 1952. d.) "Whistling Swan Returns to Reelfoot Lake Area." Lake County Banner December 15, 1950.                                                                                             e.) "The Snake Story was Big, but the Snake was Bigger; So We Heard."  Lake County Banner June 24, 1949.                                                         f.) "Stock of Beavers Placed in Reelfoot Lake by Conservation Authorities." Lake County Banner September 4, 1942.                                              g.) "A Four-Legged Sparrow." Lake County Banner May 1, 1942.                    h.) "3 Bears, 50 Turkeys Placed in Resere." Lake County Banner August 30, 1940.                                                                                                                    i.) "December Snake Story." Lake County Banner December 23, 1938.                                                                                                           j.) "Guineas at Reelfoot." Tiptonville Times May 11, 1934.                         k.) "Mocking Bird Sings its Way to Top of State's List of Favorite Birds." The Commercial Appeal (Union City) August 14, 1933.                                               l.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal July 17, 1903.
m.) "Big Bull Snake in River Bottom." The Commercial Appeal July 22, 1927.                                                                                                                                     n.) "Stinging Snake Killed on Obion River Near Terrell." The Commercial Appeal May 24, 1901.                                                                                          o.) The Independent  December 20, 1895.
11 Aquarium-Tenn. Freshwater Chatt. Tn.  -
a.) "Huge Aquarium will have Reelfoot Area." Lake County Banner December 25, 1991.                                                                                                                  b.) Tennessee Aquarium Visitor Guide.                                                                 c.) Tennessee Aquarium Chattanooga "Look Below the Surface."                                                                                                                                                d.) "The Tennessee Aquarium… … Celebrating the River."                            e.) Chattanooga Life & Leisure                                                                                   f.) The River Report                                                                                                          g.) Waite, Thomas L. "A New Look Plus Jobs on The River." The New York Times April 24, 1988.                                                                                   h.) "Fishing Headquarters." Chattanooga News-Free Press April 25, 1988.                                                                                                                                i.) "Chattanooga's Aquatic Future." The Chattanooga Times February 20, 1988.                                                                                                                                  j.) "National Sport Fishing Center." June 20, 1988.                                                  k.) Tennessee Aquarium Schematic Design Report. 
12 Archaeology Awareness Week -
a.) Smith, Kevin, Nick Fielder, Katherine Stanford. Tennessee Archaeology Awarness Week Calendar of Events. September 13-21, 1997.                                                                                                                                     b.) The University of Tennessee at Martin University Museum Featured Exhibits 1997-98. 
13 Archeology, Reelfoot Lake, Indian Mounds -
a.) eBay Item "Indian Pottery"                                                                                   b.) eBay Item "Native American Pot"                                                                            c.) Corwin, Tom. "Reelfoot Lake dig may help predict next earthquake." The Jackson Sun July 12, 1993.                                                                           d.) Tennessee State Parks Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Area.                                                                                                                                      e.) Reelfoot Lake NPS grant proposal.                                                                      f.) "Reelfoot Lake: Alternatives for Lake Management."                                      g.) Tennessee Department of Conservation. Reelfoot Lake outline.                                                                                                                                  h.) Lake County Banner July 4, 1952.                                                                           i.) "Rise and Fall of Indian Mounds told by Franko." Lake County Banner  May 13, 1953.                                                                                                         j.) "Rise and Fall of Indian Mounds told by Franko." Lake County Banner March 20, 1953.                                                                                                         k.) "Prehistoric Canal Temple and Cemetery Lie Near Hickman, Ky." Lake County Banner March 27, 1953.                                                                  l.) "Treasure Hunters Exploited the Priceless Old Buying Grounds." Lake County Banner April 3, 1953.                                                         m.) "Ancient Forts once Stood in Kentucky, not Far from here." Lake County Banner April 10, 1953.                                                                           n.) Franko, Alfred. "Fortificaitons in the Area have not yet been Excavated." Lake County Banner April 17, 1953. 
o.) Franko, Alfred. "Centuries-Old Temple Stood on Site of Hickman Church Building." Lake County Banner April 24, 1953.                   p.) Franko, Alfred. "Franko Completes Installment on Moundbuilders of this Area." Lake County Banner May 1, 1953.                     q.) Franko, Alfred. "Ancestors of Chickasaws were Moundbuilders in this Vicinity." Lake County Banner May 8, 1953.                                                                                                                                          r.) Franko, Alfred. "Unknown Enemy Destroyed High Culture of Moundbuilders." Lake Coungy Banner May 15, 1953.                                         s.) Franko, Alfred. "Educate on Value of Mounds and it will be OK: Franko." Lake County Banner May 29, 1953.                                                                 t.) Franko, Alfred. "Dr. Franko's Column." Lake County Banner June 12, 1953.                                                                                                                     u.) Donaldson, E.C. "The Crime at Old Samburg." Lake County Banner July 2, 1948.                                                                                                           v.) "R.C. Donaldson Describes 'Indian Mounds' in Reelfoot Lake Region." Lake County Banner December 20, 1946.                                                              w.) "Reelfoot Burial Mound." Tiptonville Times July 19, 1935.                                    x.) "Chief Reelfoot's Body in Mound--Maybe." Tiptonville Times June 28, 1935.                                                                                                                       y.) "More Skeletons are Uncovered." Tiptonville Times June 21, 1935.                                                                                                                                             z.) "Ancient Burial Mound on Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville Times June 14, 1935.
aa.) "Indian Burial Mound to be Opened June 1." Tiptonville Times May 24, 1935.                                                                                                    bb.) "8 More Skeletons Await Excavating." Tiptonville Times May 10, 1935.                                                                                                                            cc.) "Indian Burial Mound Discovered at Lake." Tiptonville Times  May 3, 1935.                                                                                                                    dd.) The Commercial May 11, 1928.                                                                                  ee.) The Commercial May 2, 1924.                                                                                     ff.) "Samburg." The Commercial July 11, 1905.                                                      gg.) The Commercial July 17, 1903.                                                                           hh.) "Samburg." The Commercial July 10, 1903.
14 Area-Volume Relationships Reelfoot Lake  -
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Area-Volume Relationships based on 1956 Hydrographic Survey by Corps of Engineers."
15 Arnett, Gary
a.) Brannon, John. "Arnett Case to be Mediated." The Messenger Union City. August 5, 2005. p.1, 14.
16 Art -
a.) "Ted Summers, Art, Earhquake, Lexie Leonard." October 4, 2003. b.) Department of the Interior. "New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey." March 1989.                                                                               c.) Department of the Interior. "New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey." July 1988.                                                                                          d.) Kelly, James C. "Landscape and Genre Painting in Tennessee, 1810-1985." The Tennessee Conservationist September/October, 1985. 51(5):9-14.
17 Artists -
a.) Claudia Robertson Smith. Lake County Banner February 6, 2002.                                                                                                              b.) "Well Strikes Gas Showing at 480ft." Tiptonville Times November 13, 1931.                                                                                                                                          c.) "A Shooting Match. A Tale of Reelftoot Lake." The Commercial May 30, 1902.
18 Arts & Crafts Festival Reelfoot Lake  -
a.) "Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival." Brochure. October 4,5,&6, 2002.                                                                                                            b.) "Reelfoot set for grandest festival ever." The Lake County Banner 75(39). September 30, 1998.                                                                                      c.) "Spring crafts show at lake." Lake County Banner April 1, 1987.                                                                                                                d.) "Reelfoot Arts & Crafts 25th Annual Festival." October 4,5, &6, 1996.                                                                                                                                   e.) "Art festival opens 3-day run Friday." Lake County Banner September 27, 1989.                                                                                                                                            f.) The Associated Press. "Reelfoot is site for 'Fugitive' 2."                                           g.) "Reelfoot Arts and Crafts Festival." Brochure. September 29,30, October 1, 1995.                                                                                                                        h.) "Arts and Crafts Festival." Brochure. October 5, 6, 7, 1984.
19 Aviation -
a.) "Did Lindberg visit Reelfoot?" Lake County Banner January 28, 1987.                                                                                                                                                 b.) "Candidate for Sheriff Flying Over the County." The Commercial Appeal July 22, 1927.                                                                                                           c.) "Aerial Movements." The Commercial Appeal June 15, 1923                                       d.) "Free Flying Circus on Opening of Brown Sahoe Factory." The Commercial Appeal June 1, 1923.                                                                                                             e.) "Nashville Fliers Visit Union City." The Commercial Appeal May 11, 1923.                                                                                                                                              f.) "Flying Circus." The Commercial Appeal May 4, 1923.                                                             g.) "U.S. Aviators Visit Union City Last Sunday." The Commercial Appeal January 24, 1919.                                                                                                                                    h.) "Hundreds View the Army Plane." The Dresden Enterprise October 11, 1918.                                                                                                                             i.) "Cheer Arrival of Army Plane." The Dresden Enterprise October 4, 1918.                                                                                                                                                 j.) "Earth Caves in at Reelfoot Lake." The Dresden Enterprise June 21, 1918.                                                                                                                                   k.) "War Plane Accident Makes Panic in Fulton." The Commercial Appeal  May 24, 1918.                                                                                                                                    l.) "Airship over Hickman." The Commercial Appeal June 11, 1915.                                                                                                          m.) Swartz, C.E. Aeroplane Exhibition Company.                                                           n.) "The Aeroplane Flies Wednesday." The Commercial Appeal June 13, 1913.                                                                                                                                              o.) "See the Airship." The Commercial Appeal August 18, 1911.
20 Balloons -
a.) "The Balloon Ascension."                                                                                       b.) "Thrilling Adventure" Hickman Courier August 5, 1871.
21 Benthic Invertebrates -
a.) Data fro Reelfoot Lake transcript run by NSF Summer Institute on June 27, 1981.
22 H.M. Bessie Water Power Project Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division -
a.) United States of America Before the Federal Energy Regualatory Commission. "Application to Surrender Preliminary Permit."                                                                                                                           b.) Katz, Jeffrey. "LGW could profit from river plant, official contends." June, 1984.                                                                                                     c.) "Mansur, Michael. "LG&W proposal to bypass Bessie fires questions." The Commercial Appeal  February 26, 1984.                                                     d.) Flaum, David. "LG&W Wants to Strdy Hydroelectric Feasibility." The Commercial Appeal  September 23, 1983.                                                        e.) U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "Notice of Application Filed with the Commission." May 2, 1983.                                               f.) Hydroelectric Plant Constructin at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources Projects."                                                                                               g.) United States of America Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "Order Issuing Preliminary Permit." August 18, 1983. h.) McClain, Kathleen. "Letter to officials downplays Bessie's impact." Memphis Press-Scimitar July 23, 1983.                                                              i.) Brown, Fred. "Corps protests power project."                                                          j.) McClain, Kathleen. "Memphis residents left in dark about LG&W power plant plans." Memphis Press-Scimitar July 17, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                                     k.) McClain, Kathleen. "Controversy reigns over Bessie projects." July 19, 1983.                                                                                                                                   l.) "LG&W's upriver plans." Memphis Press-Scimitar July 19, 1983.
m.) Black, Kay Pittman. "Mayor, councilmen surprised by LG&W plans." Memphis Press-Scimitar July 19, 1983.                                                   n.) Wallace, Linda. "Power Plant Idea Sparks Irritation." The Commercial Appeal July 19, 1983.                                                                                    o.) United States of America Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "Application for Preliminary Permit."                            p.) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 
23 Reelfoot Lake Bibliography -
a.) Smith, Wintfred. "A Guide to the Literature Relating to Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Draft Copy. `
24 Birds -
a.) Tennessee Connections Spring 2003.
25 Black Patch Night Riders Tobacco Wars -
a.) "Night Riders." January 14, 1996.
Box 41 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Boardman Resort -
a.) Reelfoot Lake Boardman Resort. Brochure 
2 Boats and Eqpt. (Gammerdinger) -
a.) Wilson, Taylor. "Almost like the 'reel' thing." The Jackson Sun August 1, 1993.                                                                                                                        b.) "The Reelfoot Stumpjumper: Traditional Boat Building in Tennessee."                                                                                                                                  c.) Bowden, Kevin. "Festival Will Feature Calhoun's Stumpjumper." The Messenger Union City, Tn. June 18, 1986.                                               d.) Meeker, Frances. "Calhoun Family Boasts 100-Year-Old Talent."                                                                                                                                         e.) Gantlett, W.I. "Samburg, Inc." Lake County Banner April, 1951. 
3 Boats, River  -
a.) Napolin Ark. June 1999.
4 Boats, Steam -
a.) Harris, C.M. "The Imporbable Success of John Fitch." American Heritage of Invention and Technology 4(3). Winter 1989.
5 Boaz, Gene Photography 1996
a.) Gene Boaz Photography. B.) Boaz, Gene. "Nature's Images." 
6 Books -
a.) "Oceans Lakes and Streams." 1993 Catalog of Publications. 
7 Bowen, Mary G. Visual Artist -
a.) Mary Gwyn Bowen Mud Puppy Paddlings Plantation Gallery.
8 Boundary (Between Lake and Obion Counties) -
a.) House Bill No. 25. "An ACT to establish the boundary line between the counties of Lake and Obion."                                           b.) "Lake boundaries not being disputed." Lake County Banner September 25, 1985.                                                                                                                          c.) Article X. "Oaths, Bribery of Electors, New Counties." Amended Constitution 1870.                                                                                         d.) Lewis, Emmett. "Lake County carved from Obion in 1870." Lake County Banner September 25, 1985.                                                                           e.) Boundaries Creation of County Acts of 1870 Chapter No. 30.   f.) Chapter XXX "An ACT to establish the County of Lake." 
9 BRAT Bicycle Ride Across Tennessee -
a.) "BRAT to visit Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 6, 1999.
10 Brayton, L.O.  -
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Outlet Improvement Lake, Obion & Dyer Counties Tennessee." 
11 Bridges -
a.) The Commercial  April 5, 1912.
12 Bridge-Spillway Project 2004-2005
a.) Jones, Evan. "New Spillway gets Support." Lake County Banner 81(49):1,3. December 8, 2004.                                                                                   b.) Krone Kathy. "TDOT presents plans for new spillway, bridge at Reelfoot." Dyersburg State Gazette                                                                  c.) Hiles, Bill. "Tanner frustrated by meddling Kentucky officials." December 1, 2004.                                                                      d.) "TDOT seeks comment on spillway bridge." Lake County Banner 81(47): 1. November 24, 2004.
13 Brochures 1945
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Tennesse. A Natural Wonderland Fashioned by an Earthquake Caprice in Northwestern Tennessee." Brochure.                                                                                                                    b.) "Fishing in Tennessee." 1945.
14 Broadmoor Store -
a.) "Broadmoor Store comes back to life in book." Lake County Banner October 1, 2003.
15 Brochures (1) -
a.) Tennessee State Parks.                                                                                              b.) New Madrid Historical Museum . On the Mississippi River. New Madird, Missouri.                                                                                               c.) New Madrid Missouri. Oldest American City West of the Mississippi.                                                                                                                         d.) Obion County Museum "Where Yesterday Lives".                                          e.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Tennessee State Parks.                               f.) Reelfoot & Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges. Hunting Regulations.                                                                                                                                g.) Reelfoot & Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges. Fishing Regulations                                                                                                                                      h.) Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                       i.) Reelfoot Lake Samburg Motes on the Bank of Reelfoot.                                        j.) Samburg Motes & Bunch's Grocery.                                                                                 k.) Reelfoot Lake. North West Tennessee's All Season Natural Attraction. 
16 Brochures (2) -
a.) Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                                   b.) Reelfoot Lake State Park. Auto Tour.                                                                  c.) Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges. Tennessee/Kentucky.                                                                                                              d.) Reelfoot Lake Goose & Duck Hunting.                                                                    e.) Bald Eagles of Reelfoot Lake State Park. 
17 Brochures (3) -
a.) Wildflowers of Land Between the Lakes.                                                             b.) Birds of Land Between the Lakes.                                                                           c.) Carl Perkins Square.                                                                                                     d.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Tennessee State Parks.                                e.) The Volunteer Collection.                                                                                             f.) Amphibians and Reptiles. Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges.                                                                                                                             g.) Mammals. Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges.                                                                                                                             h.) Silvertop Farms. 
18 Brochures (4) -
a.) Reelfoot Lake Tennessee. Blue Bank Motel & Dining Room.                               b.) Reelfoot Scenic "Cruises".                                                                                            c.) Bald Eagle and Waterfowl Tours. Reelfoot Lake State Park.                             d.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Fishing.                                                                       e.) Boyette's. Reelfoot's Famous Dining Room. F.) Wickliffe Mounds.                                                                                                                                        g.) Samburg Motel.                                                                                                                     h.) Reelfoot Lake: A Place of Change.                                                                                 i.) Johnson Reels Panfish-A-Rama. One-Day Bluegill Tournament on Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                                          j.) The University of Tennessee at Martin Addenda. 1(7).                                           k.) Yesterdays in Obion County. Obion County Museum.                                                l.) Reelfoot Lake-Tennessee's Earthquake Lake.                                                                     m.) Canada Gose Hunting Paradise.                                                                               n.) Eighteenth Annual Arts and Crafts Festival.                                                    o.) Hillbilly Holler. 
p.) Reelfoot Lake Eagle Nest Motel. Sportsman's Paradise for Fishing & Hunting.                                                                                                                    q.) Reelfoot Lake. North West Tennessee's All Season Natrual Attraction.                                                                                                                                       r.) Cypress Poing Motel.                                                                                                                               s.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Tennessee State Parks. 
19 Brochures (5)  -
a.) 1812 Earhquake Souvenir Edition and Menu. The Lakeview Times                                                                                                                                     b.) Eagle Watching Guided Boat tours. Sportsman's Resort.                   c.) Designer Ducks at Reelfoot.                                                                                   d.) Bald Facts about Bald Eagles in Tennessee.                                                              e.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 1993.                                       f.) Samburg Motel Reelfoot Lake "Special".                                                                     g.) "The Business Environment You Want Near One of America's Most Fascinating Natural Wonders..." Obion County, Tennessee.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 h.) Lake Co. Reelfoot Rescue Squad Eathquake Preparedness.                          i.) Fishing & Hunting 'Special' Fishing at Reelfoot Lake all Season Special.                                                                                                                                          j) Dunning, Natllee. "'Earthquake lake'." USA Weekend March 13-15, 1992.                                                                                                                                         k.) 1812 Earthquake Souvenir Edition. The Lakeview Times 1(1). l.) "A Hide Away in the Southern Tradition." Northwest Tennessee Tourism Guide                                                                                             m.) "Come to Northwest Tennessee." Northwest Tennessee Tourism Guide   
20 Brochures (6) -
a.) Fishing Southern Lakes 1983 Issue.                                                                      b.) The Historical News 14(41-TN) August, 1994.                                                                   c.) Bald Eagles of Reelfoot Lake State Park. Tennessee State Parks.                                                                                                                                       d.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Auto Tour.                                                                      e.) Reelfoot Lake Tennessee. 
21 Brochures (7) -
a.) Reelfoot Lake Tennessee.                                                                                    b.) Eagle Tree Gallery at Reelfoot Lake.                                                                   c.) Blue Bank/Cypress Point Resort & Restaurant.                                               d.) Fishing & Hunting 'Special' Hunting at Reelfoot Lake.                              e.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Tennessee State Parks.                       f.) Photographing Nature" a Workshop with Byron Jorjorian. Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                      g.) Boyette's Reelfoot's Famous Dining Room.                                           h.)Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program-1996.                                  i.) Reelfoot Scenic Boat Cruises May1-October 1.                                                    j.) Eagles of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                      k.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Special Programs for Groups.                                          l.) Reelfoot Lake State Park 1996 Calendar of Events.                                         m.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Bird Checklist.                                                             n.) Boyette's Resort and Bo's Landing & Deli. 
o.) Guides of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                        p.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Auto Tour Map.                                                       q.) Reelfoot Lake in History and Tradiation.                                                         r.) Mallard Duck Hunts offer ing Reelfoot Lake Timber or Mississippi River Open Water Hunts.                                                                            s.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 1997.                                    t.) Northwest TN Tourism.  Come Visit Tennessee's Reelfoot Lake and Kentucky Lake 
22 Brochures (8) -
a.) Twenty-sixth Annual Reelfoot Arts and Crafts Festival.                     b.) Reelfoot Lake Cypress Point Motel.                                                                    c.) Cypress Point Resort & Gift Shop.                                                                         d.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 1998.                              e.) The Legend of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                    f.) Northwest TN Tourism. Come Visit Tennessee's Kentucky Lake and Reelfoot Lake                                                                                                         g.) Summertime in Tennessee State Parks.                                                               h.) Pictorial Guide to Union City, Tennessee. 
23 Brochures (9)  -
a.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Auto Tour.                                                                   b.) Reelfoot Lake Tennessee. Cypress Point Resort.                                       c.) Twenty-seventh Annual Reelfoot Arts and Crafts Festival.              d.) Samburg Motel Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                     e.) Come Visist Tennessee's Kentucky Lake and Reelfoot Lake.        f.) Reelfoot Lake Callmakers and Collectors Waterfowl Festival. g.) Cast & Blast. Blue Bank Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                          h.) Blue Bank Resort & Restaurant.                                                                                      i.) Tennessee Fishing.                                                                                                              j.) Reelfoot & Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges.                                                                    k.) Mississippi River Trail.                                                                                            l.) Union City & Obion County Tennessee. 
24 Brochures (10) -
a.) Canoeing at Reelftoot.                                                                                        b.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 1999.                          c.) Reelfoot Lake State Park 1999 Calendar of Events.                                 d.) Come Visit Tennessee's Kentucky and Reelfoot Lake.                         e.) Reelfoot Lake Southshore Family Resort.                                                       f.) Union City & Obion County Tennessee.                                                                  g.) Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                 h.) Albert's Photo Gallery.                                                                                                    i.) Cypress Point Resort.                                                                                                         j.) Elm Valley Farms Walnut Log Lodge.                                                                       k.) Pier Restaurant Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                 l.) Boyette's Resort.                                                                                                              m.) Reelfoot Lake. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.                                 n.) Guide to Tennessee Fishing 1968. 
25 Brochures (11) -
a.) Historic… Montgomer Bell State Park.                                                                      b.) Hometown Magazine January/February 1999.                                                                      c.) Welcome to Reelfoot Lake. Land and Obion Counties Tennessee.                                                                                                                            d.) Reelfoot Lake State Park 1999 Calendar of Events. 
Box 42 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Brochures (12) -
a.) Albert's Photo Gallery                                                                                              b.) Come Visit Tennessee's Kentucky and Reelfoot Lake                                  c.) The City of Martin.                                                                                                   d.) Tennessee Hunting & Trapping Guide.                                                           e.) Tennessee State Parks                                                                                                   f.) Tennesseee Fish and Where to Catch them.                                                  g.) Virginia's Lakeside Garden. Resort Retirment with assistance on Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                   h.) Reelfoot Lake State Park. 
2 Brochures (13) -
a.) Boyette's Resort.                                                                                                        b.) Blue Bank Resort.                                                                                                       c.) Eagle Nest Resort.                                                                                                        d.) Southshore Family Resort.                                                                                             e.) Gary's Camp.                                                                                                                        f.) Cypress Point Resort. Fishing & Hunting Special Fishing.                                         g.) Cypress Point Resort. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                               h.) Twenty-eighth Annual Reelfoot Arts and Crafts Festival.  
3 Brochures (14) -
a.) Cypress Point Resort.                                                                                                        b.) Blue Bank RESort & Restaurant.                                                                                 c.) Eagle Nest Resort.                                                                                                       d.) The Lakeview Times Volume 11(6).                                                                           e.) Bald Eagles of Reelfoot Lake State Park.                                                              f.) Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                                   g.) 2000 Reelfoot Lake Grand American Duck and Goose Calling Championships.                                                                                                                        h.) Northwest TN Tourism. Come Visit Tennessee's Kentucky & Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                        i.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Special Programs for Groups.                                j.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 2000.                                  k.) Canoeing at Reelfoot.                                                                                                  l.) Reelfoot Lake State Park.                                                                                       m.) Reelfoot Lake State Park bird Checklist.                                                         n.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Campground Information.                                    o.) Reelfoot Scenic Boat Cruises May 1- October 1.                                                      p.) Reelfoot Lake Calendar of Event.                                                                                         q.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Auto Tour.                                                                 r.) Reelfoot Lake State Park. Bald Eagle and Waterfowl Tours.                   s.) Guides of Reelfoot Lake. 
4 Brochures (15) -
a.) Reelfoot-An Earthquake Lake.                                                                                b.) The Legend of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                             c.) The Lakeview Times Volume 11(6).                                                                               d.) Boyette's Resort.                                                                                                      e.) Blue Bank Resort.                                                                                                                  f.) Friends of West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges. Membership campaign 2000.                                                                                        g.) Bald Eagles of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                   h.) Reelfoot Lake State Park 2000 Calendar of Events.                                            i.) Albert's Photo Gallery.                                                                                         j.) Reelfoot Lake Hillbilly Junction.                                                                               k.) "Dairy Queen" from Tiptonville.                                                                        l.) Cypress Point Resort. Fishing & Hunting Special.                                           m.) Reelfoot Lake Inn.                                                                                                        n.) Blue Basin Cove Bed & Breakfast.                                                                                   o.) Boyette's Reelfoot's Famous Dining Room. 
5 Brochures (16) -
a.) Samburg Motel. Reelfoot Lake, TN.                                                                         b.) Twenty-nineth Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival.                                         c.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Tennessee liscense plate.                                                                                                                             d.) Boyette's BBQ.                                                                                                    e.) Reelfoot & Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges.                                    f.) Eagle Nest Resort Sportsman's Paradise for Fishing & Hunting.                                                                                                                                         g.) Eagle Tree Gallery at Reelfoot Lake.                                                              h.) Eagle Nest Resort Sportsman Paradise for Hunting & Fishing. i.) Cypress Point Resort. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                      j.) 30th Annual Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival.                                                           k.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Airpark Inn & Restaurant Complex.    l.) Reelfoot Lake State Parkk 2001 Calendar of Events.                            m.) Twenty-seventh Annual Reelfoot Arts and Crafts Festival.      n.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 2001.                           o.) Tennessee: Sounds good to me. Special Travel Section.                         p.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, "Reelfoot Lake."                q.) Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                            r.) 30th Annual Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival. 
6 Brochures (17) -
a.) Annual Events at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                         b.) Cypress Point Resort, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                       c.) 30th Annual Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival.                                                d.) Boyette's Resort.                                                                                                       e.) Eagle Nest Resort. Reelfoot Lake Fishing & Hunting Package & Map.                                                                                                                             f.) Boyette's Resory.                                                                                                         g.) Albert's Photo Gallery.                                                                                         h.) Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                                        i.) Hamilton's Resory on Beautiful Reelfoot Lake.                                                j.) Reelfoot Lake Goose & Duck Hunting. Hamilton's Resory.                                       k.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge.                                                                                                                                    l.) Hillbilly Junction.                                                                                                            m.) Cypress Point Resort. White's Landing. 
7 Brochures (18) -
a.) Eagle Nest Resort.                                                                                                 b.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Guest Speaker Program 2002.                      c.) Reelfoot Lke, Tennessee.                                                                                   d.) Union City & Obion County, Tennessee.                                                            e.) Tiptonville Main Street Association. Tiptonville, Tennessee.   f.) Bo's Landing.                                                                                                                 g.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serrvice. Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge.                                                                                                                                        h.) Reelfoot Lake Inn.                                                                                                               i.) Reelfoot Lake Area Map.                                                                                                 j.) Hillbilly Junction, Reelfoot Lake.                                                                            k.) Map of Obion County, Tennessee. 
8 Brochures (19) -
a.) Tiptonville Main Street Association. Tiptonville, Tennessee. b.) Gray's Camp. Tiptonville, TN.                                                                                   c.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Srvice. Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges Public Use Regulations 2002-2003.                                       d.) Boyette's Resort.                                                                                                      e.) Reelfoot Lake Goose & Duck Hunting. Hamilton's Resort.                               f.) The Southland's Greatest Sportsman's Paradise...Bill Nation's Camp.                                                                                                                                        g.) Bo's Landing. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                h.) Hamilton's Resort.                                                                                                          i.) Reelfoot Lake Inn. Duck & Goose Hunting Package.                                            j.) Acorn Point Lodge on Reelfoot Lake.                                                                     k.) Samburg motel. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                       l.) Southshore Family Resort.                                                                                    m.) Sportsman's Resort. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                  n.) Tennesse State Parks. Canoeing at Reelfoot.                                                          o.) Map of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                 p.) 31st Annual Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival.                                                          q.) Tennessee State Parks. Reelfoot Lake State Park Auto Tour.      r.) Cochran's Guide Service & Custom Duck and Goose Calls.    
9 Brochures (20) -
a.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Auto Tour.                                                                   b.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Hiking Trails.                                                          c.) 32nd Reelffot Arts & Crafts Festival.                                                                  d.) Souvenir Edition and Menu The Lakeview Times Volume 11(6)                      e.) Friends of West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges. Membership Action Portfolio.                                                                          f.)Walton's Kwik Mart.                                                                                                         g.) Fourteenth Annual Waterfowl Festival. 2003.                                                        h.) Map of Reelfoot Lake. 
10 Brochure (21) -
a.) Tennessee State Parks.                                                                                          b.) Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                               c.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges Public Use Regualtions. 2003-2004.                                                d.) Samburg Motel. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                                    e.) Northwest TN Tourism.                                                                                      f.) Souvenir Edition and Menu The Lakeview Times                                         g.) Guides of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                    h.) The Legend of Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                i.) 32nd Annual Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival.                                                          j.) Reelfoot Lake State Park; Common Eagle Sighting Points.                                     k.) Blue Bank Resort. Map of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.                                                        l.) Hillbilly Junction Gift Shop.                                                                                               m.) Reelfoot Corps Teachers. Reelfoot Corps Teacher Training Workshop. 
11 Brown, Paul 2005
a.) "Brown ends long tenure at Reelfoot WMA." Lake County Banner 82(32):1,2. August 10, 2005.
12 Brown Pelicans 1999
a.) "Brown Pelicans Seen in Flight Over the Washour, Lake County, Tennessee." November 6, 1999.
13 Brown Shoe Factory Union City, Tenn 1923
a.) "Union City Welcomes Brown Shoe Factory." The Commercial Appeal p. 10. June 6, 1923.                                                                                         b.) "Union City will Celebrate Opening of Brwon Shoe Co. Plant." The Commercial Appeal pg.8. June 3, 1923.                                                   c.) "Say Union City Faces Boom in Industry." The Commercial Appeal pg. 11. December 17, 1922.
14 Bruen, David and Lois Adamor 2004
a.) Adamov, Lois, David Bruen. "Reelfoot Candle Company." 
15 Bullfrogs 1880
a.) The Hickman Courier June 4, 1880.
16 Bunch V. Hodel (Reelfoot Lake Drawdown Case) 1985
a.) State of Tennessee. "Bunch V. Hodel (Reelfoot Lake Drawdown Case)." July 30, 1985.
17 Burdick, J.C. (John Carlos)  1928
a.) "J.C. Burdick, SR. Died at Home here Wednesday." The Commercial December 21, 1928.                                                                                           b.) " A Correction." The Commercial Appeal February 11, 1925.                                                   c.) "Letter from J.C. Burdick." The Commercial Appeal  February 8, 1925.                                                                                                                 d.) "Burdick States Case." The Commercial Appeal September 19, 1913.                                                                                                                e.) Hale, Will, Dixon Merritt. " A History of Tennessee and Tennesseeans." 1913.                                                                                                     f.) "Reelfoot Fish Co. Dissolved." The Commercial Appeal  May 8, 1908. g.) "Letter from J.C. Burdick." The Commercial Appeal August 24, 1908.                                                                                            h.) "J.C. Burdick." The Commercial Appeal September 23, 1904.                                                 i.) J.C. Burdick's. The Commercial Appeal December 4, 1903.                                                            j.) The Commercial Appeal July 24, 1903.                                                                                    k.) "To Control Fisheries." The Commercial Appeal  July 16, 1902.                                       l.) The Commercial Appeal October 4, 1901.                                                                                   m.) The Commercial AppealSeptember 20, 1901.
18 Burdick, J.C. (John Clement) -
a.) "J.C. Burdick." The Commercial AppealApril 18, 1930.                                                       b.) "Those Who Carry on and Keep the Home Fires Burning." The Commercial Appeal April 18, 1930.                                                                                                       c.) "Business Man to Face Trial." The Commercial Appeal May 9, 1919. d.) "Beautiful Reelfoot Lake Paradise for Sportsmen." The Memphis Nave Scinitar November 19, 1905.
19 Burnett, J.T.  -
a.) "In Memoriam- - James Tillmon Burnett." Lake County Banner  September 24, 1948.                                                                                                 b.) "Death Claims a 'First' Citizen." Lake County Banner September 3, 1948.
20 Burrus, Ralph 2001
a.) "Ralph Burrus." The Lake County Banner 78(32):1,2. August 8, 2001.
21 Business Establishments -
a.) Lake County Banner June 27, 1990.                                                                   b.) Hickman Carrier  August 5, 1881.                                                                                       c.) "John Simones." Hickman Carrier  March 21, 1874.
22 Calendars 1800-2050
a.) Calendars-1800 to 2050.
23 Callison, Beverly (Beverly Terrett) -
a.) "West Kentucky History and Culture Collection Jackson Purchase Oral History Project." Index to Ansel Royer Memoires. b.) Interview with Mildred Terrett. November 2, 1991.                                                c.) Interview with Beverly Callison. September 19, 1991.                                                 d.) Photographs of Beverly Callison. 
24 Camp, Boy Scout (A.E. Markham) -
a.) "Camp on, Mark-Ham is Given to Boy Scouts." The Commercial Appeal June 15, 1928.                                                                                                 b.) "West Tennessee Boy Scouts to Camp on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 27, 1928.
25 Campbell, Whitthorn  1900
a.) Campbell, Whitthorn. B. Obion Co. 1860. began business in 1889 at Glan. 
26 Joe Cantillon 1969
a.) Cantillon, Joe. 1969: "Major League Baseball Player." "Owner of Minniapolis Millies." 
27 Capooth, Wayne -
a.) Capooth, Wayne. "The Golden Age of Waterfowling." 
28 Carp, Silver 2004
a.) "Black Carp found in Mississippi." Mississippi Monitor 5(5):8. August/September,  2004.
29 Cates Landing Project 2002
a.) Jones, Evan. "Size of port streamlined; industrial prospects visit." Lake County Banner 79(18):1. May 1, 2002.
Box 43 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Centennial, Wildlife Refuge Reelfoot Lake  19-Oct-02
a.) West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges Centennial. Celebrate Refuges! Brochure.                                                                                        b.) "Congressman John Tanner Salutes National Wildlife Refuge System Week, Slated to Attend Centennial Event." Friendly Flyer 3(4):1. Fall 2002.                                                                                                                         c.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. "National Wildlife Refuges: Happy 100th Birthday."                                                                                                       d.) "Reelfoot NWR nearing century celebration." Lake County Banner  pg.8. May 20, 2002.                                                                                                e.) "Reelfoot NWR to host events on Saturday." Lake County Banner pg.1. October 30, 2002.
2 Chamber of Commerce Reelfoot Area 2000
a.) Mills, Marcia. "Chamber helped with drive for Port Authority." The Lake County Banner January 26, 2000.
3 Chamer of Commerce (Seminars) -
a.) "Reelfoot Lake in History and Tradition." Reelfoot Lake. 
4 Channelization -
a.) Forestry and Wildlife News 1(1). November, 1987.                                                                 b.) Mansur, Michael. "Study weighs stream pollution. Channeled rivers found to be bigger culprits." The Commercial Appeal January 14, 1985.                                                                                                          c.) "The castle's view." The Commercial Appeal.                                                           d.) Mansur, Michael. "Corps eyes alternative for project." The Commercial Appeal July 26, 1984.
5 Charonological Listing of Events that have affected development of Reelfoot Lake.  2002
a.) Smith, Wintfred. "Reelfoot Lake. A Chronological Listing of Events Which have affected its Development." August, 2002.
6 Citizen's Committee Tri-County  June, 1978
a.) Taylor, Jan. "Group will work on Reelfoot Lake." Memphis Commercial Appeal July 2, 1978.
7 CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)  -
a.) The Lake County Banner 67(2):1. January 24, 1990.                                                      b.) "CCC to have park reunion." Lake County Banner March 1, 1989.                                                                                                                                                 c.) "CCC Camp Buildings are Being Removed." Lake County Banner June 9, 1939.                                                                                                                   d.) "CCC Camp Abandoned by End of the Week." Lake County Banner July 9, 1937.                                                                                                                        e.) "Orders Arrive Here for CCC Camp Abandonment-June 30." Lake County Banner June 25, 1937.                                                                                               f.) "Temporart Stay in CCC Abandonment Comes Wed." Lake County Banner July 2, 1937.                                                                                                      g.) "Lake County CCC Camp not to move after all." Tiptonville Times August 23, 1935.                                                                                                                         h.) Reelfoot Lake State Park. Reelfoot Lake U.S. CCC Park Builders 
8 Civil War Battle of Island No. 10 -
a.) "The Stuckeys in the Civil War."                                                                                b.) Middle Tennessee State University. "Tennessee Academy of Science. Program of the 101st Meeting." November 22, 1991.                                                    c.) Lewis, Emmett. "Balloon used in Island 10 battle." Lake County Banner September 18, 1991.                                                                                                d.) The Civil War-Battle of Island No. 10. Lake County Banner March 8, 1989.                                                                                                                                  e.) The Lake County Banner July 21, 1939.                                                                          f.) The Lake County Banner June 9, 1939.                                                                          g.) Lewis, Emmett. "Island No. 10. from Old Surveys of Area. 1822-1962."
9 CLAPP, Geo. H., Expedition to Reelfoot Lake. Sponsored by Carnegie Museum.  Aug. 1924
a.) The Official Museum Directory.                                                                                   b.) Pitt, William. Carnegie Magazine 
10 Clean Water Act -
a.) Announcement of Public Meeting concerning Corps of Egineer Regulatory Jurisdiction under scection 404 of the Clean Water Act as it pertains to Reelfoot Lake.
11 Cloar, Jerry A. b. September 26, 1842; d. May 3, 1921. -
a.) The Commercial AppealMay 6, 1921.                                                                                   b.) "To the Public." The Commercial Appeal April 15, 1921.                                                      c.) "Early History of Obion." The Commercial AppealFebruary 25, 1921.                                                                                                               d.) "Death of Mrs. J.E. Cloar." The Commercial Appeal March 12, 1915.                                                                                                                e.) " A Card to the Public." The Independent July 30, 1896.                                   f.) "From Tiptonville." The Independent May 21, 1896.
12 Clothing, "Reelfoot Weather Chief"  -
a.) "Reelfoot Weather Chief" Coat. Photographs. 
13 Club, American Legion -
a.) "Legion Building will be Opened." Lake County Banner April 13, 1951.                                                                                                                                           b.) "Plans Starting for Legion Bldg." Lake County Banner October 28, 1949.                                                                                                                                               c.) The Lake County Banner July 15, 1949.                                                                              d.) "The Snake Story was big, but the snake was bigger; So we Heard." Lake County Banner  June 24, 1949.                                                                            e.) "Veterens to Frolic on Friday Evening." Tiptonville Times January 4, 1935.                                                                                                                                               f.) "Legionnaires will Attend Special Services." Tiptonville Times May 11, 1934.                                                                                                                          g.) "Snapped at the Spillway Monday Morning." Tiptonville Times April 17, 1931.                                                                                                                              h.) "Legion to Have Reelfoot Club." The Commercial Appeal September 22, 1929.                                                                                                                                                   i.) "Clubhouse for Legion Planned." The Commercial Appeal June 28, 1929.                                                                                                                                              j.) "Official Notice American Legion." The Commercial Appeal February 1, 1924.
14 Club, Blue Wing -
a.) By-laws of the Blue Wing Hunting Club. 
15 Club, Dyersburg Outting -
a.) Burke, R.A., N.W. Calcutt, W.T. Sugg. " By-laws of the Dyersburt Outing Club." 
16 Club, Fin and Feather 1983
a.)Reelfoot Fin and Feather Club January 8, 1983.
17 Clubs, Hunting and Fishing -
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Discussed Before Jaycee Gathering." Lake County Banner  September 6, 1940.                                                                                            b.) "Travel Editors will Pay Visit to Reelfoot Lake on May 6th." Lake County Banner March 29, 1940.                                                                            c.) "Two Prominent West Tennesseeans Named on Governor's Staff." The Commercial Appeal October 20, 1933.                                                                                    d.) "State Officials Spending Week-End at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 13, 1933.                                                                                                   e.) "Will Erect Hunt Lodge." Tiptonville Times October 25, 1929.                                           f.) "Hunting Club Incorporates." Dresden Enterprise November 24, 1922.                                                                                                                                                   g.) "With Duck Hunters." The Commercial Appeal November 9, 1917.                                                                                                                h.) "Roosevelt and Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 7, 1910.                                                                                                               i.) "Ozark Lake Hunting Club." The Commercial AppealSeptember 20, 1901.                                                                                                              j.) Hickman Carrier November 4, 1881.
18 Cochran Hotel, Samburg -
a.) ""Johnny" Cochran Dead." The Commercial May 9, 1930.                                     b.) "Twenty-Room Hotel Burns at Samburg." The Commercial Appeal November 8, 1929.
19 Chochran, W.W. Survey of Reelfoot Lake 1902-1905
a.) The Commercial June 19, 1914.                                                          b.) W.W. Cochran Survey photographs. 
20 Comet -
a.) "Halley's Comet in the Weat." The Commercial AppealJanuary 28, 1910.                                                                                                               b.) "A Meteor." The Commercial Appeal October 25, 1901.                                                     c.) " Fear of the Comet." The Commercial Appeal May 6, 1910.
21 Coliform Paper (Slack)  -
a.) "Seasonal Occurrence of Microbial Indicators of Fecal Pollution in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Rough Draft. 
22 Comprehensive Conservation Plan Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge -
a.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "A Comprehensive Conservation Plan. (CPP).                                                                                                b.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. " Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge.                                                                                                                            c.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge."                                                                                                                                       d.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges Amphibian and Reptile List."                                     e.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot. National Wildlife Refuge Bird List."                                                                                                             f.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot. National Wildlife Refuge."                                                                                                                              g.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. " Reelfoot and Lake Isom. National Wildlife Refuges Public Use Regualtions 2000-2001."                       h.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot and Lake Isom. national Wildlife Refuges Mammal List." 
23 Comprehensive Conservation Planning Committee 2001
a.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. " Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge."                                                                                                                               b.) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. " Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge.                                                                                                                                c.) Fish and Wildlife Populations Management. Objectives and Goals. 
24 Cookie Cutter -
a.) Tennessee Department of Conservation.                                                      b.) U.S. Departement of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. 
25 Copyright on Reelfoot Maps -
a.) Fishing Hot Sots, Inc. Copyright on Reelfoot Maps to find fish. 
26 Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act, Section 404 -
a.) Smith, W. and T.D. Pitts. 1982. "Reelfoot Lake: A Summary Report." Tenn. Dept. Public Health, Div. Water Quality Control. Nashville.                                                                                                                           b.) Tennessee Department of Conservation. " Reelfoot Lake Project (Tennessee/Kentucky)."                                                                                  c.) Department of Defense. "Federal Register."                                                    d.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Permit Program: a guide for applicants. November 1, 1977.                                                                                                  e.) Preliminary Summary of Reelfoot Lake Area Development Meeting.                                                                                                                                     f.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Commission. 1954. "Review of reports on the lower Mississippi River for flood central and major drainage in the Reelfoot Lake Area, Tennessee and Kentucky." April, 29.                                                                                          g.) "A Statement to the District Corps of Engineers, Memphis, Tennessee, by the Tennessee Game and Fish Commission, concerning a proposed flood control and drainage survey of Reelfoot Lade and Viginity." May 17, 1951.
27 Correspondence -
a.) American Institure of Hydrology. "Information on Certification as a Professional Hydrologist or Professional Hydrogeologist."                                                                                                            b.)Nature of Tennessee                                                                                                               c.) Butler, Murrell. "The Peregrine Falcon at Reelfoot Lake." Butler Galleries                                                                                                                             d.) "Literature Relating to Reelfoot Lake, Lake and Obion Counties, Tennessee." 
28 Cottam, Clarnence -
a.) Cottam, Clarence. Who was Who in America, 1976. v.6 p.93. b.) Cottam, Clarence. Something about the Author, 1981. v.25.       c.) Cottam, Clarence. Contemporarty Authors. 1981. vol. 97-100. d.) Cottam, Clarence. American Meu. Of Science. 1960. 
Box 44 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Cotton -
a.) "Better Crop is Recorded."  Lake County Banner  April 2, 1954. b.) "Farmers Need Stop to Rain." Lake County Banner 81(17). June 11, 1954.                                                                                                                      c.) "Top Record Chalked Up." Lake County Banner July 23, 1954. d.) "Events from Samburg Town." Lake County Banner September 25, 1953.                                                                                                                                        e.) "Cotton Raising in 1807." Lake County Banner January 30, 1953. f.) "Selling Ourselves Short?" Lake County Banner November 21, 1952.                                                                                                                                    g.) "First Cotton Boll Arrives." Lake County Banner August 8, 1952.                                                                                                              h.) "Rain Need Desparate for Farmers in Area." Lake County Banner July 4, 1952.                                                                                                           i.) "Cotton Off to a Slow Start."  Lake County Banner May 30, 1952.                                                                                                                                          j.) "First Open Boll is Reported to Banner." Lake County Banner August 10, 1951.                                                                                                                           k.) "Early Cotton Growing: Bradburry." Lake County Banner June 22, 1951.                                                                                                                                         l.) "Cotton Quota is Large One. Lake County Banner February 9, 1951.                                                                                                               m.) "Cotton or Crappie?" Lake County Banner January 19, 1951. 
n.) "Earlier Planning Urged on Crop." Lake County Banner November 24, 1950.                                                                                                                                              o.) "Narrow Escapes Reported as Storm Suddenly Rises Over Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner June 2, 1950.                                              p.) "Crop Insurance Still Available."  Lake County Banner  June 24, 1949.                                                                                                                                          q.) "File Smith-Doxey Applications Now." Lake County Banner  June 24, 1949.                                                                                                                            r.) "Allotments for Cotton in 1950." Lake County Banner June 3, 1949.                                                                                                                                                 s.) "Price Outlook is Satisfactory."  Lake County Banner April 1, 1949.                                                                                                                                           t.) "Ridgely Farmers Test Machine Cotton Picker with Fair Results."  Lake County Banner October 1, 1948.                                                          u.) "15,000 Harvesters Ready." Lake County Banne November 28, 1947.                                                                                                           v.) "1946 Cotton Crop Experts; County."Better Crop is Recorded."  Lake County Banner  April 2, 1954.                                                                                         w.) "Farmers Need Stop to Rain." Lake County Banner 81(17). June 11, 1954.                                                                                                                                  x.) "Top Record Chalked Up." Lake County Banner July 23, 1954.             
y.) "Events from Samburg Town." Lake County Banner September 25, 1953.                                                                                                                                            z.) "Cotton Raising in 1807." Lake County Banner January 30, 1953.                                                                                                             aa.) "Selling Ourselves Short?" Lake County Banner November 221, 1952.                                                                                                                                           bb.) "First Cotton Boll Arrives." Lake County Banner August 8, 1952.                                                                                                                         cc.) "Rain Need Desparate for Farmers in Area." Lake County Banner July 4, 1952.                                                                                                        dd.) "Cotton Off to a Slow Start."  Lake County Banner May 30, 1952.                                                                                                                                        ee.) "First Open Boll is Reported to Banner." Lake County Banner August 10, 1951.                                                                                                                          ff.) "Early Cotton Growing: Bradburry." Lake County Banner June 22, 1951.                                                                                                                                gg.) "Cotton Quota is Large One. Lake County Banner February 9, 1951.                                                                                                                 hh.) "Cotton or Crappie?" Lake County Banner March 28, 1947.                             ii.) "Producue Prices Soar." Lake County Banner July 19, 1936.
jj.) "Ginnings in County Still Low on October 1-8,756 Bales."  Lake County Banner October 15, 1943.                                                                                                     kk.) "Cotton Harvest Makes Strong Start this Week." Lake County Banner September 4, 1942.                                                                                                                      ll.) Union City Daily Messenger July 5, 1941.                                                                   mm.) "Cotton Classing School to be Held July 7 to 12th." Lake County June 13, 1941.                                                                                                                            nn.) "First Cotton Bloom Found Monday Morning."  Lake County Banner June 25, 1937.                                                                                                            oo.) Tiptonville Times August 23, 1935.                                                                                    pp.) "Farm Prices Up to 1914 Level. Tiptonville Times February 15, 1935.                                                                                                                                                    qq.) "Cotton Report." Tiptonville Times September 12, 1934.                                                   rr.) Early Campaign Clean-Up Will Speed Cotton Checks." Tiptonville Times February 16, 1934.                                                                                                     ss.) "Walker Licensed to Grade Cotton."  Lake County Banner June 13, 1930.                                                                                                                          tt.) "U.S. Board Warns Cotton Growers to Get Acreage." The Commercial AppealJanuary 24, 1930.
uu.) "Cotton Ginned Prio Rio Nov. 1." Lake County Banner December 5, 1924.                                                                                                                                   vv.) "Strong Program for Farmer's Institute." The Commercial Appeal August 12, 1921.
2 Cotton Pickers -
a.) "Machine Picker vs. Hand Picking of Cotton; The Argument is on." Lake County Banner November 12, 1948.                                                                   b.) "Machine Cotton Picker Services Made Available." Lake County Banner September 24, 1948.                                                                                     c.) "Cotton Harvest to Hit Good Pace Next Week."  Lake County Banner September 5, 1947.                                                                                                         d.) "Ten Schools in County Out for Picking Cotton." Union City Daily Messenger September 9, 1941.                                                                                            e.) "County Schools Open Monday."  The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1931.
3 Court Records -
a.) Humphreys, C.C. 1960. "The Formation of Reelfoot Lake and Consequent Land and Social Problems."  West Tennessee Historical Society. 14:32-73.                                                                                      b.) April Term, 1913. Reelfoot Lake Case.                                                                    c.) Cates, Chas T., D.J. Caldwell. "In the Court of Civil Appeals at Jackson, Tennessee." The Assignments of Error and Brief of Complainant. January Term, 1912.                                                                                   d.) Brief and Argument for James C. Harris., Appellant. In Supreme Court at Jackson, TN. 
4 Cox, Becky 2004
a.) The Pearl Button 3(2). June 2004.
5 Crane Town -
a.) Cranetown newspaper photograph. 
6 Creek (Reelfoot) -
a.) "Drainage is Given Boost." Lake County Banner 29(37) October 31, 1952.
7 Davy Crockett Hotel -
a.) The Reelfoot Playgrounds Association. "The Great Master's Garden." 
8 Culp Fred M.  -
a.) Notes from Meeting with Fred M. Culp.                                                      b.) Jordan and Pryor. "A Self Guided Driving Tour of The Battle of Trenton, Tennessee." December 20, 1862.
9 Cypress -
a.) Department of the Interior. "New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey." March 1990.                                                                                     b.) Department of the Interior. "New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey." November 1989.                                                                                           c.) Baldcypress Surveys, 1985-88.                                                                               d.) Klimas, Charles. "Baldcypress Response to Increased Water Levels, Caddo Lake LA-TX."                                                                                        e.) "No Cypress Stumps in Lake, Avers Writer." Lake County Banner March 5, 1954.                                                                                                               f.) "Markham Laird found the Tree He's Been Looking for so Long." Lake County Banner November 3, 1950.                                                                            g.) "A Cypress Giant in Object of a Search." Lake County Banner September 29, 1950.
10 Darter, Relict Bayour Du Chien -
a.) Federal Register "Rules and Regulations." 58(246):68481. December 27, 1993.                                                                                                                                         b.) United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. "Public Hearing on the Proposed Rule to List the Relict Darter as an Endangered Species." April 6, 1993.                                                               c.) Department of the Interior. "Fish and Wildlife Service." Federal Register 58(41):12353. March 4, 1993.                                                                     d.) Questions Contained in Judge Gregory Pruitt's Letter of February 8, 1983 to Rigchard G. Biggins.                                                                             e.) Illinois Dept. of Conservation, Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources, Kentucky Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and Missouri Dept. of Conservation. "The New Madrid Wetlands Project." January, 1989.                                                                                                                              f.) "Proposed Rules." Federal Register 57(239):58774. December 11, 1992.                                                                                                                                                              g.) Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants August 29, 1992.                                                                                                                                                      h.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. Endangered Species Act of 1973. 
11 Davis, Emily -
a.) "Davis 'Memories' books here." Lake County Banner December 2, 1998.                                                                                                                                                    b.) "Author Dr. Emily Davis to speak at West Tenn. Historical Society."  Lake County Banner  November 3, 1999.                                                            c.) "Personals" The Fulton Leader July 16, 1998.
12 Decoy 1995
a.) "Decoy thieves raid lake blinds." Lake County Banner January 18, 1995.
13 Delta Queen -
a.) "Writer raps Delta Queen." Lake County Banner June 24, 1971.
14 De Soto -
a.) "De Soto's Body." Old Shelby County Magazine 
15 Development -
a.) "Clement Vows Lake Aid." Lake County Banner April 9, 1954. b.) "United Front For Reelfoot." Lake County Banner March 5, 1954.                                                                                                                                                c.) "Millions to State Lakes." Lake County Banner Febrauary 12, 1954.                                                                                                             d.) "Tragedy told in Lake Management." Lake County Banner December 11,1953.                                                                                                                         e.) "'No Cure for Lake Ills'." Lake County Banner October 30, 1953.                                                                                                              f.) "Sportsmen Will Hear Olds."  Lake County Banner October 23, 1953.                                                                                                                                           g.) "The Lake Beautiful." Lake County Banner October 16, 1955.                        h.) "Reelfoot Story: Ever Old and Ever New." Lake County Banner October 9, 1953.                                                                                                           i.) "Game and Fish Commission has Full Power in Lake Improvements." Lake County Banner September 18, 1953.                                                             j.) "Wonders told of Great Lake." Lake County Banner May 22, 1953.                                                                                                                                             k.) "No Word on $250,000 for Lake Management." Lake County Banner May 22, 1953.                                                                                                                           l.) "Olds talks on Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner May 15, 1953.                                                                                                                                                             m) "State Starts Lake Planning." Lake County Banner October 10, 1952.                                                                                                                                          n.) "Is this the Big Break?" Lake County Banner September 26, 1952.
o.) "Banner Editorials… For Whom the Bells Toll: Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner September 11, 1953.                                                                                   p.) "Reelfoot Lake Boom Continues." Lake County Banner June 13, 1952.                                                                                                                                              q.) "Wanted--Information." Lake County Banner April 25, 1952.   r.) "Lake Awakens to New Season." Lake County Banner March 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                                     s.) Editoral Column. Lake County Banner August 18, 1950.                                                    t.) "State Assigns Rawls to Lake." Lake County Banner August 11, 1950.                                                                                                                                                            u.) "An Opinion on the Lake." Lake County Banner July 21, 1950. v.) "Reelfoot Lake Promotion." Lake County Banner May 26, 1950.
w.) "How Much for Reelfoot?" Lake County Banner May 19, 1950.                                                                                                                                             x.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 14, 1950.                                              y.) "Reelfoot Style." Lake County Banner June 23, 1950.                                             z.) "Samburg Talks of State Park." Lake County Banner March 31, 1950.                                                                                                                                          aa.) "Reelfoot Lake Conditions." Lake County Banner March 10, 1950.                                                                                                                                                    bb.) "City of Samburg in Debt, Out, In." Lake County Banner March 10, 1950.                                                                                                                                    cc.) "Laird Named Area Manager at Lake." Lake County Banner November 11, 1949.                                                                                                                                dd.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 22, 1949.                                         ee.) "Senate Passes Game Fish Ban." Lake County Banner  April 15, 1949.                                                                                                                               ff.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 8, 1949.                                             gg.) "Tempest Brews Over Reelfoot." Lake County Banner March 25, 1949.                                                                                                                                             hh.) "Memphis Writer Scores State Administration of Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner January 21, 1949.                                                                             ii.) "Reelfoot Lake on its Own." Lake County Banner October 11, 1946.
jj.) "Work on Reelfoot Lake Survey to Start Saturday." The Commercial Appeal September 29, 1933.                                                                                             kk.) "New Spillway Restaurant Now Open." The Commercial Appeal April 3, 1931.                                                                                                                                            ll.) "To Tell World About Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 19, 1928.                                                                                                                                             mm.) "Perfect Plans Exploit Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 12, 1928.                                                                                                                      nn.) "Last Friday Opened a New Transportation Era." The Commercial Appeal April 30, 1926.                                                                                           oo.) "Another Boost for Union City and Obion County." The Commercial Appeal February 8, 1925.                                                                                                         pp.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 14, 1923.                                             qq.) "Reelfoot Lake Improvement Fund." The Commercial Appeal January 5, 1923.                                                                                                                                                     rr.) "New Hotel at Walnut Leg." The Commercial Appeal April 25, 1919. ss.) "Developing Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal August 15, 1913. tt.) "Tiptonville Waking Up." The Commercial Appeal April 22, 1910.                                                                                uu.) "Reelfoot CLypress ar Used for Piers at Fisherville." Lake County Banner April 23, 1954.                                                                                                  vv.) "The Reelfoot Country -Plan for Comprehensive Development." Planner Article November 5, 1958.                                                                       
ww.) Lake County, Tennessee. "An Applicaiton for Technical Assisstance Under Section 301 of Public Law 89-136 to the Economic Development Administration for Reelfoot Lake Utility and Recreation Development Plan.                                                                                   xx.) "Take Lake from game and Fish Group, Council Asked." Lake County Banner June 18, 1954.                                                                                                   
yy.) "Clement Premises Aid for Lake, End to Fish Sale." Lake County Banner June 18, 1954.                                                                                                  zz.) "Banner Editorials... Reelfoot: Paradise Regained?" Lake County Banner October 8, 1954.                                                                                                      aaa.) "Misplaced Priorities." Memphis Press June, 1983.                                                      bbb.) "Reelfoot-Who benefits from improvements if lake dies?" Memphis Press May 30, 1983.                                                                                                          ccc.) "Lake Area Ignored by Agencies." The Daily Messenger June 7, 1983.                                                                                                                                                    ddd.) "River Road Discussed." The Lake County Banner February 18, 1987.                                                                                                                                         eee.) "Building Permit form Rejected at Meeting." The Daily Messenger October 26, 1984.                                                                                                               fff.) "Highway to the West Lake County was on the route." Lake County Banner October 8, 1986.                                                                                                              ggg.) Lewis Emmett. "Early Surveyors charted Lake County." Lake County Banner April 1, 1987.                                                                                                      hhh.) "No major changes at Reelfoot : Hamilton." Lake County Banner February 11, 1987.                                                                                                               iii.) "Writer opposes boat dock closing." Lake County Banner April 1, 1987.
jjj.) "State cancels Reelfoot boat dock lease." The Commercial Appeal May 28, 1987.                                                                                                               kkk.) Jones, Richard. "New boat dock will open soon." Lake County Banner September 1, 1987.                                                                                                        lll.) "Lake Construction booming." Lake County Banner November 10, 1999.                                                                                                                                        mmm.) "New City on Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 12, 1922.
16 Development Council (Local) -
a.) Hamilton, OEDP. June 14, 1983.                                                                             b.) "Reelfoot Lake Gets Boost." The Tennesseean October 19, 1982.                                                                                                              c.) Reelfoot Lake Development Council.                                                                  d.) Reelfoot Lake Wildlife Management Area Proposed Improvement Programs 1982-83.                                                                                e.) Evans, John. "Milfoil: Friend or Foe? Bassmaster Magazine        f.) "The Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Project." The Daily Messenger August 3, 1982.                                                                                                     g.) "Cookie Cutter" Transport Trailer.                                                                             h.) "Effective Aquatic Weed Control and Eradication with... the Cookie Cutter." 
17 Diary, Brown and White 1961
a.) "The Black Insurance Agency." Hickman, Kentucky. 1961.
Box 45 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Ditchess and Circulation Channels Reelfoot Lake -
a.) "Pictures." Lake County Banner January 29, 1954.                                                           b.) "To Blast 2 Lake Channels." Lake County Banner November 13, 1953.                                                                                                                                                         c.) "The Digging of Donaldson's Ditch Now Underway at Lake Reelfoot." Lake County Banner July 15, 1949.                                                                            d.) "Explosion or Earthquake Mystery is Solved." Lake County Banner June 3, 1949.                                                                                                                   e.) "Fourth Lake Channel Done-Caller Geese Put Out." Lake County Banner October 15, 1943.                                                                                                    f.) "Reelfoot Moves Along." Lake County Banner May 14, 1943.   g.) "Wildlife Service Plans to Dredge Channels in Lake." Lake County Banner May 1, 1942. 
2 Donaldson, Elizabeth 2002
a.) "Elizsbeth Donaldson Henley, 92 philanthropist, pioneer descendant." Lake County Banner September 25, 2002.
3 Donaldson, L., III ("Lochie") -
a.) "Rites Said for Mrs. Donaldson." Lake County Banner September 18, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                      b.) "Lauchlan Donaldson Pays a Visit to his Keystone Farm." Lake County Banner August 8, 1952.                                                                                                  c.) "Lauchlan Donaldson Jr. was Hurt 41 Years Ago." Lake County Banner December 7, 1951.                                                                                                           d.) "Wit, Wisdom Override Tragedy in Life of Lauchlan Donaldson." Lake County Banner December 8, 1950.                                                                                    e.) "Donaldson-Ownby." The Commercial Appeal September 6, 1901. 
4 Donaldson, L., Sr. (II)? -
a.) "Chickasaws Hunted on Land which Lake Countians Trod." Lake County Banner November 26, 1954.                                                                        b.) "Day of Circuit Rider is Recalled." Lake County Banner December 3, 1954.                                                                                                                                         c.) "Reverie, Predictions are in Old Newspaper Printed Here." Lake County Banner November 19, 1954.                                                                            d.) "An Old-Timer's Recollections of Lake County." Lake County News July 25, 1924.                                                                                                                 e.) "Lake County Citizen Passes to Eternity." The Commercial Appeal July 18, 1924.
5 Donaldson, M.R. 1921
a.) "Prominent Tiptonville Youth is Drowned." The Commercial Appeal May 27, 1921.
6 R.C. Donaldson's Collection Appointment Agreement -
a.) R.C. Donaldson Appointment Agreement. 
7 Donaldson, R. Chris -
a.) Donaldson Family Farms 
8 Donaldson, R.C. "Lake County Bygones" (1) -
a.) "R.C. Donaldson Visits Territory in East Owned by Ancestors in 1730." Lake County Banner July 8, 1949.                                                           b.) "Donaldsons on Trip into East and Canada." Lake County Banner June 10, 1949.                                                                                                          c.) "The Crime at Old Samburg." Lake County Banner July 2, 1948.                                                                                                                                          d.) "Lake County Bygones... Of History and Lore." Lake County Banner April 16, 1948.                                                                                                                          e.) "Lake County Bygones... Of History and Lore." Lake County Banner March 19, 5, February 20, January 30, 1948.
9 Donaldson, R.C. "Lake County Bygones" (2)  -
a.) Donaldson, R.C. "A Slough Landing Tragedy." Lake County Banner December 19, 1947.                                                                                                                         b.) Donaldson, L., Sr. "Some Civil War Experiences." Lake County Banner December 12, 1947.                                                                                                                            c.) Donaldson, L., Sr. "Some Civil War Experiences." Lake County Banner December 5, 1947.                                                                                                                d.) Donaldson, R.C. "Murder on the Old Pole Road." Lake County Banner November 28, 1947.                                                                                                                              e.) Calhoun, Will. "National HIghway to the West." Lake County Banner  November 21, 1947.                                                                                                                        f.) Donaldson, R.C. "Tom, Dick and Harry and their Forbears." Lake County Banner October 10, 1947.                                                                                                 g.) Calhoun, Will. "G.W.L. Marr." Lake County Banner October 3, 1947.                                                                                                                                          h.) Calhoun, Will. "The Battle of the Old Hall." Lake County Banner September 19, 1947.
10 Donaldson, R.C. "Lake County Bygones" (3) -
a.) Calhoun, Will. "The Story of an Inkstand." Lake County Banner September 12, 1947.                                                                                                               b.) Donaldson, R.C. "Steamboat Days (Post War)." Lake County Banner September 5, 1947.                                                                                                                              c.) Donaldson, R.C. "Steamboat Days (Post War)." Lake County Banner August 29, 1947.                                                                                                                  d.) Donaldson, R.C. "Early Steamboat Days." Lake County Banner August 15, 1947.                                                                                                                                     e.) Donaldson, R.C. "Early Steamboat Days." Lake County Banner August 9, 1947.                                                                                                                                            f.) Donaldson, R.C. "High Politics in 1843." Lake County Banner August 1, 1947.                                                                                                                                         g.) Donaldson, R.C. "Pioneer Life in Madrid Bend (Ky.)." Lake County Banner July 25, 1947.
11 Donaldson, R.C. "Lake County Bygones" (4) -
a.) Donaldson, R.C. "Old Land Titles." Lake County Bygones… Of History and Lore. Lake County Banner July 4, 1947.                                                          b.) Donaldson, R.C. "Timber Mining in Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner June 13, 1947.                                                                                             c.) Calhoun, Will. "The Big Fish Fry." Lake County Banner June 6, 1947.                                                                                                                                          d.) Donaldson, R.C. "How the Washout was Formed." Lake County Banner May 30, 1947.                                                                                              e.) Donaldson, R.C. "The Great Fire." Lake County Banner May 23, 1947.
12 Donaldson, R.C. "Lake County Bygones" (5) -
a.) Donaldson, R.C. "The First Newspaper." Lake County Banner May 16, 1947.                                                                                                                          b.) Donaldson, R.C. "The First Newspaper." Lake County Banner May 9, 1947.                                                                                                                               c.) "Source Material Requested for "Bygones."" Lake County Banner May 9, 1947.                                                                                                                    d.) Donaldson, R.C. "The First Law Court." Lake County Banner May 2, 1947.                                                                                                                                 e.) Donaldson, R.C. "The First Railroad." Lake County Banner April 25, 1947.                                                                                                                            f.) "Lake County Bygones." Lake County Banner April 18, 1947.    g.) Donaldson, R.C. "The Beginnings of Tiptonville." Lake County Banner April 11, 1947.                                                                                                            h.) "New Series of Lake County Historical Sketches Instituted." Lake County Banner March 28, 1947.                                                                                    i.) Donaldson, R.C. "The Beginning of Tiptonville." Lake County Banner March 28, 1947.
13 Donaldson, Wellington ("Duke") 1930
a.) Tiptonville Times May 2, 1930.
14 Dow, Lorenzo 1777-1834
a.) "Lorenzo Dow Visits our Region." Lake County Banner December 5, 1952.                                                                                                                  b.) "Method to Preacher's Madness." Lake County Banner November 28, 1952.                                                                                                                c.) "Lorenzo Dow." Lake County Banner November 21, 1952.                          d.) Johnson, A. and D. Malone. 1931. Dictionary of American Biography Volume 3. 
15 Drainage (1) -
a.) "News of Bygone Days." The Commercial Appeal February 13, 1985.                                                                                                                                                  b.) "Reelfoot restudy." The Commercial Appeal. June 22, 1984.     c.) "Draining a basin." The Commercial Appeal May 9, 1984.                                           d.) "Lower Mississippi River and Tributaries in the Reelfoot Lake Area of Kentucky and Tennessee." Letter from the Secretary of the Army.                                                                                                                            e.) "Huge Drainage Bill Okayed." Lake County Banner August 20, 1954.                                                                                                                                               f.) "Drainage Bill Approved by Senate Public Works Group." Lake County Banner July 30, 1954.                                                                                               g.) "County Agent Testifies in Washington on Drainage." Lake County Banner July 23, 1954.                                                                                             h.) "Ditch Work Step Closer." Lake County Banner July 2, 1954.                  i.) "Still No Drainage Solution." Lake County Banner November 6, 1953.                                                                                                                                                    j.) "Farmers Denied Drainage Appropriation." Lake County Banner August 28, 1953.                                                                                                                k.) "Try for Drainage Measure." Lake County Banner August 14, 1953.                                                                                                                                              l.) "Resolution." Lake County Banner April 10, 1953.                                                                          m.) "Drainage Bill Loses in End." Lake County Banner April 3, 1953.
n.) "From Defeat, Unity?" Lake County Banner April 3, 1953.                                                  o.) "Oldtimers Recall Day When Men Claimed They Would Drain Lake." Lake County Banner February 20, 1953.                                                                            p.) "Farmers Pay for Drainage." Lake County Banner November 7, 1952.                                                                                                                                                q.) "Drainage Question Again." Lake County Banner October 31, 1952.                                                                                                                                                    r.) "Drainage Fund is Allocated." Lake County Banner August 8, 1952.                                                                                                                                            s.) "Bad Drainage is Discussed." Lake County Banner June 27, 1952.                                                                                                                                                  t.) "Why Drainage is Bad." Lake County Banner June 13, 1952.                                                u.) "Drainage Needs Told by Cooper." Lake County Banner May 25, 1951.                                                                                                                                                 v.) "Drainage Vital Here Marine General Says." ; "Drainage is Big Problem." Lake County Banner May 25, 1951.                                                                                  w.) "Public Hearing at Tiptonville." Lake County Banner April 20, 1951.                                                                                                                                                             x.) "Limited Funds for Drainage." Lake County Banner March 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                                         y.) "Drainage Conditions to be Talked Here." Lake County Banner.May 18, 1951.                                                                                                                        z.) "Cotton or Crappie?" Lake County Banner January 19, 1951. 
aa.) "Drainage Needs of Lake County are Outlined by Local Farmers." Lake County Banner November 24, 1950.                                                                            bb.) "Forum to be on Drainage." Lake County Banner November 17, 1950.                                                                                                                                             cc.) "Water Moving Our of County." Lake County Banner March 10, 1950.                                                                                                                                                    dd.) "Levvee Drainage Plan Dusted Off."                                                                           ee.) "Farmers Seek Relief for Flooded Lake Margin Lands." Lake County Banner March 25, 1949.                                                                                                   ff.) "Move toward to Dyer Co. Levee." Lake County Banner February 25, 1949.                                                                                                                                        gg.) "Farm Drainage Funds Available." Lake County Banner January 14, 1949.                                                                                                                                            hh.) "Health Dept. to Aid in Drainage." Lake County Banner April 22, 1932.                                                                                                                                          ii.) "Free Bridges Drainage District." The Commercial Appeal April 26, 1918.                                                                                                                                                      jj.) "Letter from Mr. Garrett." The Commercial Appeal May 19, 1909.                                                                                                               kk.) "To Darain Swamp Lands." The Commercial Appeal March 12, 1909.                                                                                                              ll.) "Drainage of the River Bottoms of West Tennessee." The Commercial Appeal June 7, 1907.                                                                                                      mm.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Memphis Daily Appeal February 14, 1885.                                                                                                               nn.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Memphis Daily Appeal January 30, 1885. 
17 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (1) -
a.) "Congressmen tussle over spillway plan." The Tennessean July 17, 2000.                                                                                                                               b.) Brannon, John. "Drawdown results both good and bad." Daily Messenger August 3, 1995.                                                                                                                  c.) "Drawdown Starts at Reelfoot Lake.TWRA Officials Anticipate Risks."                                                                                                                                                    d.) "Drawdown planned after channel dug." Union City Daily Messenger March 20, 1995.                                                                                                                   e.) "Reelfoot drawdown possible." Union City Daily Messengers March 1, 1995.                                                                                                                                     f.) "Reelfoot Lake could benefit from drawdown at Crockett." Union City Daily Messenger February 24, 1995.                                                                                             g.) Brannon, John. "Help for Reelfoot may be years away." Union City Daily Messenger May 20, 1994.                                                                                                        h.) Brannon, John. "Official: Reelfoot needs drawdown." Union City Daily Messenger February 1, 1994.                                                                                                     i.) Fleming, Jeffrey. "Suit Dismissal clears way for Reelfoot rescue plan." Commercial Appeal December 6, 1990.                                                                          j.) Hodson, Sandy, Tom Corwin. "Court tosses out Reelfoot Landowners' Lawsut." The Jackson Sun December 5, 1990.                                                               k.) Oder Granting Federal Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss. December 4, 1990.                                                                                                                                                  l.) "Officials opposed drawdown." Union City Daily Messenger June 14, 1990.                                                                                                                            m.) Jones, Evan. "Fed approves drawdown at Reelfoot. Major drawdon seems unlikely in near future." The Lake County Banner September 27, 1989.                                                                                               n.) Jones, Richard. "New lake drawdown decision near." Lake County Banner July 26, 1989.
16 Drainage (2) -
a.) Letter from the Secretary of the Army. "Western Tennessee Tributaries Tennessee and Kentucky." 
17 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (2) -
a.) United States Environmental Protection Agency. Review of the F&Ws ReelfootLake EIS. January 17, 1989.                                                                          b.) "What Reelfoot needs." Lake County Banner December 28, 1988.                                                                                                             c.) "Drawdown not necessary." Lake County Banner December 28, 1988.                                                                                                                                                 d.) "Gore hears complaints." Lake County Banner December 21, 1988. e.) "Drawdown concerns voiced Lake Residents respond to study." Union City Daily Messenger December 14, 1988.                                                    f.) Huston, Jerry. "Reelfoot plan is released. Proposal vites need for drawdowns." The Commercial Appeal December 2, 1988.                                               h.) "Drawdown still possibility. Reelfoot impact study lists "preferred" alternatives." Lake County Banner November 30, 1988.                                                                                                              i.) "U.S. Policy on Lowering Reelfoot Lake Fuels Debate." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1988.                                                                                        j.) Department of the interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "Water Level Management of Reelfoot Lake."                                                                  k.) "What's going on?" Lake County Banner January 4, 1988.                                                   l.) "Drawdown is answer, native says." The Jackson Sun May 24, 1987.
18 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (3) -
a.) Reelfoot Lake Workshop Information Package. 
19 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (4) -
a.) Christ, Mark. "No drawdown planned for Reelfoot this summer regardless of suit verdict." The Commercial Appeal January 27, 1986.                                                                                                                                                     b.) "Reelfot Lowering stop Called Wrong." The Tennesseean October 23, 1985.                                                                                                                                               c.) "TWRA appeals drawdown ruling." Lake County Banner October 23, 1985.                                                                                                                                             d.) "Extreme Lake Drawdowns in Florida and Louisiana a Field Trip Report." September 17-27, 1985.                                                                                                       e.) Sullivan, Nick. "Suit Seeks to Halt Drawdown."                                                                      f.) "Senator says lake needs impact study." Lake County Banner August 28, 1985.                                                                                                                                    g.) "Drawdown has Damaged Lake Ecology." Daily Messenger July 22, 1985.                                                                                                                              h.) "State to appeal drawdown." Lake County Banner July 17, 1985.
20 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (5) -
a.) Christ, Mark. "State to appeal lake ruling." The Commercial Appeal July 11, 1985.                                                                                                                   b.) Sanford, Otis, Mark Christ. "Water's Up. Judge halts lake drawdown." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1985.                                                         c.) "Reelfoot Lake Project May Speed Decay." Camden Chronicle July 10, 1985.                                                                                                                                     d.) Ballard, Delores. "Hopes die as water recedes at Reelfoot." The Jackson Sun June 24, 1985.                                                                                                  e.) Reelfoot Lake Development Council. "Save Reelfoot Lake" June 17, 1985.                                                                                                                                    f.) "'Full-blown Hearing' set on Reelfoot's drawdown." The Commercial June 7, 1985.                                                                                                        g.) Roberts, Chuck. "Draw-down on Reelfoot is dividing community."                                                                                                                    h.) Christ, Mark. "Lake's spillway releases protest." The Commercial Appeal May 28, 1965.                                                                                                                                       i.) Lewis, Bob. "Reelfoot rift. Imminent drawdown divides friends, families in bitter dispute." The Jackson Sun May 26, 1985.                        j.) Christ, Mark. "Suit requests delay in lake drawdown." The Commercial Appeal May 25, 1985.                                                                                   k.) Christ, Mark. "Drawdown is set at Reelfoot Lake despite halt effort." The Commercial Appeal May 24, 1985.                                                                         l.) Lewis, Bob. "Reelfoot drawdown foes ask judge to halt project." The Jackson Sun May 24, 1985.                                                                        m.) Petit, Ged, Bobby Wilson. "Reelfoot Lake Can be Saved." Tennessee Out-Of-Doors May 1985.
n.) Christ, Mark. "Drawdown called downright wrong." The Commercial Appeal April 7, 1985.                                                                                                 o.) "Decision due May 17 on Reelfoot Drawdown." The Tennesseean May 5, 1985.
22  Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (6) -
a.) Final Environmental Impact Statement Lake Apopka Restoration Project.                                                                                               b.) Cavness, Gale."Drawdown Battle Continues." Union City Daily Messenger May 14, 1985.                                                                                          c.) Concerned Citizens to Stop T.W.R.A.                                                                                d.) Cavness, Gale. "Reelfoot Lake Plan Given." Daily Messenger May 10, 1985.                                                                                                                              e.) Cavness, Gale. "Reelfoot Lake Plan Given Boost." Daily Messenger May 10, 1985.                                                                                                     f.) "Funding for Reelfoot Included in Budget." The Daily Messenger May 10, 1985.                                                                                                  g.) Gaither, Steve. "Drawdown pleas heard on Reelfoot." Commercial Appeal May 10, 1985.                                                                                           h.) Christ, Mark. "Lowering Reelfoot propts questions." Commercial Appeal May 9, 1985.                                                                                  i.) Executinve Summary of Reelfoot Lake an Assessment for Water Level Management. May 8, 1985.                                                                                  j.) Reelfoot Lake an Assessment for a Fish Habitat Improvement Proposal. May 8, 1985.                                                                                                               k.) Petit, Ged, and Bobby Wilson. "Reelfoot Lake Can Be Saved." Tennessee Out-Of-Doors May 1985.                                                                               l.) "Reelfoot Hearing Open for Opinions." The Commercial Appeal May 8, 1985.                                                                                                                                m.) "Muck-pumping device faces test at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 8, 1985. 
n.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. News. May 9, 1985.    o.) "Hearing set on Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 5, 1985.                                                                                                               p.) Christ, Mark. "Residents insist lake drawdown should be delayed." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1985.                                                                        q.) Christ, Mark. "Lower lake to pay off, state says." The Commercial Appeal May 1, 1985.                                                                                                            r.) Cavness, Gale. "Lake Funds Are Promised." Daily Messenger May 16, 1985.
Box 46 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (7) -
a.) The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Reelfoot Lake. An Assessment for a Fish Habitat Improvement Proposal." Draft. March, 1985.
2 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (8) -
a.) "Reelfoot funding takes another step." The Lake County Banner September 13, 2000.                                                                                                              b.) "Troy residents offer 'Vision' for county." The Messenger August 25, 2000.                                                                                                                                  c.) Seago, Les. "Low water hurts business for Reelfoot Lake resorts."                                                                                                                                         d.) Cavness, Gale. "Hurst Defends Reelfoot Lake Drawdown Plan." Daily Messenger                                                                                                               e.) Christ, Mark. "Lake drawdown draws up citizens." Commercial Appeal April 7, 1985.                                                                                                 f.) "Reelfoot Lake Seiment Consolidation Study."                                                                   g.) "Drawdown awaits impact statement." "Local interests fear effects of Lake drawdown." Lake County Banner 62(7). March 13, 1985.                                                                                                                                                h.) Lewis, Bob. "Lake drawdown will hurt area, residents say." Jackson Sun December 17, 1984.                                                                                                        i.) "Drawdown not certain: Tanner." Lake County Banner 61(46) December 12, 1984.                                                                                                                                      j.) Cavness, Gale. "Lake Residents Protest Again." Daily Messenger 59(239). December 5, 1984.                                                                                            k.) "Resolution." Lake County Banner December 5, 1984.                                                                   l.) Gaither, Steve. "'Residents say state too hasty with plan for Reelfoot Lake." Commercial Appeal December 5, 1984.                                                       m.) Gaither, Steve. "Residents say state too hasty with plan for Reelfoot Lake." Commercial Appeal December 5, 1984.
 n.) Norrid, Harold. "Lowering Reelfoot Puzzles Mr. Norrid." The Daily Messenger December 6, 1984.                                                                                               o.) Christ, Mark. "Open mind urged on lake plan." The Commercial Appeal December 6, 1984.                                                                                                                p.) "Chamber promotes lake area." Lake County Banner December 5, 1984.                                                                                                                                             q.) "Drawdown Opposed Fulton, Lake County courts against plan." Lake County Banner December 5, 1984. 
3 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (9) -
a.) Christ, Mark. "Proposal to alter Reelfoot meets with area resistance." The Commercial Appeal December 4, 1984.                                                             b.) Cavness, Gale. "Lake Plan Angers Landowners." Union City Daily Messenger December 4, 1984.                                                                                                   c.) "Reelfoot Lake. An Assessment of Economic and Environmental Effects of Lake Rehabilitaion by Water Level Manipulation to Improve Fish Habitat."                                                                           d.) "Drawdown to be topic." Daily Messenger 59(233). November 27, 1984.                                                                                                                                                    e.) Christ, Mark, Steve Gaither. "'Rehabilitative' drawdown cited. Florida precedent supports Reelfoot proposal." The Commercial Appeal November 20, 1984.                                                                                          f.) Christ, Mark. "Criticism floods Reelfoot proposal." The Commercial Appeal November 15, 1984.                                                                                                 g.) Locker, Richard. "Depth shift for Reelfoot draws fire." The Commercial Appeal November 14, 1984.                                                                                         h.) Sullivan, Nick. "Proposal by TWRA may Lower Reelfoot." Tennesseean November 14, 1984.                                                                                            i.) Sullivan, Nick. "Proposal by TWRA may Lower Reelfoot." and "TWRA to detail plans for lowering Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal November 11, 1984.                                                                                                                   j.) Public Notice. "An Explanation of the Major Drawdown for Reelfoot Lake." 
4 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (10) -
a.) Sliger, W.A., J.W. Henson. Research Proposal. "Survey of Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Aquatic Macrophytes of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Phase II." October 23, 1984.                                                   b.) "Halt asked for drawdown at Reelfoot until hearing." The Commercial Appeal                                                                                                                                   c.) "Plan to Lower Level of Lake." The Daily Messenger October 18, 1984. d.) Sliger, W.A., J.W. Henson. Research Proposal. "Pre-Drawdown Survey of Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Aquatic Macrophytes of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, Phase I."                                                     e.) "Extreme Summer Drawdown. A Fish Management Plan for Reelfoot Lake." October 6, 1984.
5 Drawdown (TWRA)-Reelfoot Lake (11) -
a.) "Reelfoot drawdown brings protest form country official." Jackson Sun July 14, 1984.                                                                                                               b.) Cavness, Gale. "Lowering Lake Depth Studied." The Daily Messenger July 13, 1984.                                                                                                                   c.) "Water Level Management Reelfoot Lake." May 11, 1984.                                            d.) "Opposed. Dock, resort operators plan to fight project." Lake County Daily Messenger December 5, 1984.
6 Drawdown (TWRA) Injunction Proceedings (1) 1985
a.) In the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee Eastern Division.                                                                                                 b.) Hamilton. Senate Bill No. 867. Tanner. House Bill No. 880. 
7 Drawdown (TWRA)-Injunction Proceedings (2) 1985
a.) Bunch v. Hodel (Reelfoot Lake Drawdown Case) July 30, 1985.
8 Drawdown 1998
a.) Memorandum: Reelfoot Lake Project Status. April 23, 1998.
9 Drawdown, Public Meeting Tapes  July, 1999
a.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky Project. Public Meeting tapes. July 20, 1999.
10 Drawdown (1) 1999
a.) Brannon, John. "One hurdle left for lake project." Daily Messenger 74(250). December 15, 1999.                                                                                    b.) "River Commission approves Corps' Reelfoot Lake plan." Lake County Banner December 15, 1999.                                                                                              c.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. "Corps' Mississippi River Commission recommends environmental restoration at Reelfoot Lake." December 7, 1999.                                                                                                      d.) Charlier, Tom. "Reelfoot rises, falls in corps rescue plan." Commercial Appeal November 24, 1999.                                   e.) Jones, Evan. "Against State Income Tax." Lake County Banner October 27, 1999.                                                                                                                              f.) "Corps approves final Reelfoot Lake report." Lake County Banner January 19, 2000.                                                                                                                      g.) Brannon, John. "Corps modifies Reelfoot plans." The Messenger October 25, 1999.                                                                                                                    h.) Jones, Evan. "CE lowers drawdown proposal to three feet." Lake County Banner October 13, 1999.                                                                                                 i.) Charlier, Tom. "Reelfoot rises, falls in corps rescue plan." Commercial Appeal                                                                                                                        j.) Wheeler, Linda. "Rebel vet's son sees no big deal." Commercial Appeal September 26, 1999.                                                                                            k.) Charlier, Tom. "Rescuing Reelfoot is not debatable. But plans to save it alarm farmers, resorts." Commercial Appeal 160(269). September 26, 1999. 
11 Drawdown (2) 1999
a.) Charlier, Tom. "Rescuing Reelfoot is not debatable but plans to save it alarm farmers, resorts." Commercial Appeal                                                b.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. August 23, 1999.                                           c.) The Lake County Banner 76(30). July 28, 1999.                                                                    d.) Brannon, John. "Talk of Reelfoot drawdown attracts large crowd to lake." The Daily Messnger 74(144). July 21, 1999.                                           e.) Lake County Banner 76(29). July 21, 1999.                                                            f.) Jones, Evan. "Reelfoot drawdown would be four feet." Lake County Banner 76(28). July 14, 1999.                                                                                g.) "CE sets date for meeting to review Reelfoot plans." The Lake County Banner July 7, 1999.                                                                                              h.) "Commissioners urged to stay informed about CE drawdown proposal." Lake County Banner 76(26). June 30, 1999.                                             i.) Charlier, Tom. "Corps propses project to halt decline of Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 1999.                                                                 j.) "Reelfoot braces for 2nd drawdown battle with release of Corps' report." Lake County Banner 76(24). June 16, 1999. 
12 Drawdown 2000
a.) "Reelfoot spillway work OK'd by corps." The Daily Messenger January 8, 2000.                                                                                                                                              b.) "Reelfoot appropriations clear first step in D.C." Lake County Banner 77(25). June 21, 2000.
13 Drawdown 2001-2003
a.) Environmental Law Report. Bunch v. Hodel.                                                    b.) Jones, Evan. "Resort owner sees troubles on Reelfoot horizon." Lake County Banner March 21, 2001. 
14 Drawdown, Crockett Bottom -
a.) "Area wildlife news. Crockett update." Daily Messenger June 28, 1995.                                                                                                                                    b.) Brannon, John. "Cockett Lake has look of death, birth." Daily Messenger September 15, 1994.                                                                                                     c.) Brannon, John. "Crockett Bottom drawdown begins." Daily Messenger May 18, 1994.                                                                                                       d.) Brannon, John. "Crockett Bottom faces drawdown." Daily Messenger May 11, 1994. 
15 Dredge, Jet Spray 2003
a.) "Reelfoot channel maintenance receives approval from TDEC." Lake County Banner June 23, 2004.                                                               b.) "Area outdoor news and views." The Daily Messenger March 4, 2004.                                                                                                                                                              c.) "Reelfoot Lake Work." photograph. Lake County Banner August 27, 2003.                                                                                                                                          d.) Todd, Wes. "Ditch maintenance begins on Reelfoot. Joint project between TWRA and FWS." Lake County Banner August 6, 2003.
16 Dredging 2003-2004
a.) "Aquatic dredg to help clear Reelfoot channels." Lake County Banner November 27, 2002.
17 Dredging -
a.) Brannon, John. "Reelfoot could benefit from $400, 000 grant." The Daily Messenger January 9, 1995.                                                                                          b.) Charlier, Tom. "Buggy boogies in, helps clear muck, invigoate Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal                                                                                   c.) "Reelfoot grant denied." Daily Messenger January 12, 1995.                                       d.) Brannon, John. "TWRA takes bite out of lake problems." The Daily Messenger July 21, 1994. 
18 Dredges -
a.) "Dredging Reelfoot Lake proposed by engineers." The Daily Messenger January 15, 1990.                                                                                                       b.) MUD CAT.                                                                                                                      c.) Seagren, Eric. "Lake Sediment Removal Available Dredging Techniques and Equipment." April 27, 1985.
19 Drought -
a.) "Smoke Dulls Sun's Afternoon Glow." Lake County Banner November 7, 1952.`
20 Duck Blinds (1) -
a.) "Reelfoot blind drawing attracts hundreds; six duck, sixty day season set for lake, state." Lake County Banner August 11, 2004.                                                                                                                                                                  b.) "The Taj Mahal of duck blinds-" Lake County Banner November 17, 1999.                                                                                                                                                     c.) Brannon, John. "Only 1 blind seized in early season." The Daily Messenger November 18, 1996.                                                                                                    d.) Brannon, John. "Duck blind chef serves 6. The Daily Messenger November 18, 1996.                                                                                                                                 e.) "Duck blind includes amenities of a house." The Commercial Appeal                                                                                                                                                          f.) Brannon, John. "TWRA announces proposals for changes at Reelfoot Lake." The Daily Messenger August 26, 1996.                                                                      g.) "Wood duck, teal season to open September 14." The Daily Messenger August 23, 1996.                                                                                                                                     h.) Brannon, John. "Retired guide shares memories." The Daily Messenger August 23, 1996.                                                                                                                  i.) Brannon, John. "Chaos at Reelfoot a growing concern." The Daily Messenger August 22, 1996.                                                                                                       j.) Brannon, John. "'Drastic changes' planned for Reelfoot blind regulations." The Daily Messenger August 21, 1996.                                                                                  k.) Brannon, John. "TWRA confiscates illegal Reelfoot blinds." The Daily Messenger August 20, 1996.                                                                                                  l.) Krone, Kathy. "Duck blind controversy getting ugly." State Gazette August 21, 1996.                                                                                                           
m.) Brannon, John. "Reelfoot controversy over anticipated over blinds." The Daily Messenger July 25, 1996.                                                                              n.) Brannon, John. "2-story duck blind at lake almost bed-and-breakfast." 
Box 47 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Duck Blinds (2) -
a.) Brannon, John. "TWRA proposes permit system." The Daily Messenger April 1, 1996.                                                                                                           b.) Petition of Howard L. Harlan. Before the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission.                                                                                             c.) Notice of Appeal Procedures.                                                                         d.) Rules and Regulations for birds.                                                                             e.) Reelfoot Draw Duck Blind Procedures.                                                                         f.) Hurst, Harold. "Rulmaking Hearing Rules of Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency." 
2 Duck Calls -
a.) Hamilton, Jamie. "Reelfoot Lake Duck Call History."                                       b.) 1996 Reelfoot Lake Grand American Duck and Goose Calling Championships.                                                                                                               c.) 1992 Reelfoot Lake Grand American Duck and Goose Calling Championships.                                                                                                                d.) "Duck Hunters, How many of these calls can you make?" Lake County Banner November 10, 1950.                                                                                              e.) Lake County Banner 22(24). October 12, 1945.
3 Eagles -
a.) Brannon, John. "Nesting eagles to become parents." Daily Messenger February 11, 2000.                                                                                                            b.) "Baby eagles expected at Reelfoot Lake State Park." Lake County Banner January 26, 2000.                                                                                                  c.) "The eagles have landed..... on line." Robertson County Times March 3, 1999.                                                                                                                      d.) "Reelfoot Lake's for the birds, literally." The Tennesseean         e.) Hire, Sandra. "The Eagles Keep Landing." The Tennessee Magazine 39(1):8-10, 24. January 1995.                                                                                            f.) Bowden, Kevin. "Eagles returning to Reelfoot Lake." Daily Messenger December 22, 1993.                                                                                                                  g.) Weiler, Randy. "Eagles, tourists flocking to Reelfoot Lake." Nashville Banner January 21, 1992.                                                                                                           h.) "Eagles return to Reelfoot, where memories are nestled." Commercial Appeal December 12, 1989.                                                                                               i.) "A transmitter tracking experiment slowed to a halt when Phoenix chose no to soar with the eagles." Torchbearer 28(4). Fall 1989.                                                                                                                                       j.) 37 eagles hacked at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 6, 1988.                                                                                                                                               k.) Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. "Bald Facts about Bald Eagles in Tennessee." September 14, 1987.                                                                              l.) Christ, Mark. "Two more eagles ready to check in at Reelfoot Lake." Commercial Appeal June 28, 1984.                                                                m.) Thomas, William. "Flight plan by Kalopin is all wet." Commercial Appeal February 19, 1984.
n.) "The Vanishing American Eagle." The Commercial Appeal April 7, 1968.
4 Eagle, R.K. Lee, Reelfoot Lake Fishing and Duck Shooting -
a.) "Writer gathers data for story about lake." Lake County Banner January 15, 1937.
5 Earthquake Conference  6-Mar-90
a.) "Earthquakes topic of lecture series." Addenda 3(21). February 26-March 4.
6 Earthquake Information Center, Tenn.  -
a.) Quake Information Center Memphis State University. "Quake action could save Reelfoot." 
7 Earthquakes, New Madrid (1) -
a.) Stewart, David. "How to Build and Use your Earthquake Liquefaction Model."                                                                                                                b.) The Missouri State Emergency Management Agency. "Projected Earthquake Intensities."                                                                                    c.) "Radiocarbon Evidence leads to better earthquake date estimates." October 26, 1999.                                                                                                                       d.) "Recent tremors revive concerns along the New Madrid fault." Daily Messenger November 29, 1999.                                                                             e.) Brannon, John. "New Madrid Fault Zone focus of 'active' research." Daily Messenger October 27, 1999.                                                                                   f.) Charlier, Tom. "Evidence indicates monter quakes prior to 1811-12. Commercial Appeal December 3, 1996.                                                                              g.) Bowden, Kevin. "Study of earthquakes of 1811-12 stirs interest in New Madrid Fault." Daily Messenger April 22, 1996. h.) "Elements of infrastructure and seismic hazard in the central United States." April 1995.                                                                                                              i.) Ferrell, J.E. "Continents still baffle scientists with shifts. Answer would aid forecast of quakes." Commercial Appeal October 26, 1986.                                                                                                                                 j.) Danforth, Kenneth. "Earthquake ot come called 'buried demon'." Lake County Banner August 20, 1986. 
8 Earthquake, New Madrid (2) -
a.) "Odds of quake put at 40-60% by year 2000." Commercial Appeal August 29, 1986.                                                                                                        b.) Robinson, Quintin. "Fake quake set to shake lake visitors." Commercial Appeal September 19, 1986.                                                                             c.) "'Quake danger is called real." Lake County Banner March 19, 1986.                                                                                                                                       d.) New Publications of the USGS. October, 1985.                                                                 e.) "Does you Library's disaster Preparedness Plan Include Earthquakes?" Midwest cooperative Conservation Program May, 1985.                                                                                                                                                    f.) "Earthquake Risk." National Geographic August 1985.                                      g.) "Reelfoot Lake is State's Legacy of Largest U.S. Quake."                                    h.) "Reelfoot." Daily Messenger September 17, 1984.                                                       i.) "Landscape rearranged. Series of tremors formed Lake." State Gazette September 21, 1984.                                                                                                       j.) "Violent Earthquakes in Early 1800's Created Reelfoot Lake." The Harold-Chronicle September 20, 1984.                                                                                k.) "1812 'Quake' Created Reelfoot Lake." Tullahoma News September 20, 1984.                                                                                                                                     l.) "One Quake-and Instant Lake." Philadelphia Daily News October 4, 1984.                                                                                                                                                m.) "Shallow lake is heart of unusual park." Las Vegas, NV Review-Journal September 16, 1984. 
n.) "Reelfoot Lake: A Journey into Unspoiled Nature." The Tennesseean October 14, 1984.                                                                                               o.) "Reelfoot." Ripley Enterprise October 11, 1984.                                                p.) "Earthquake Forms Reelfoot Lake in Winter of 1811." Herald Gazette September 20, 1984.                                                                                                     q.) "Reelfoot." Lewisburg Tribune September 20, 1984.                                                   r.) "Reelfoot Lake Created by Earthquake Winter of 1811-12. Humboldt Courier-Chronicle September 19, 1984.                                                                      s.) Kittredge, Kevin. "Srdis tossed a precautionary 'anchor'." Commercial Appeal August 12, 1984.                                                                                   t.) Christ, Mark. "Since shaky start, lake's been colorful." Commercial Appeal June 30, 1984.                                                                                 u.) "Quake Standards." Commercial Appeal August 5, 1984.                                         v.) "The bell tolls." Commercial Appeal May 1, 1984.                                                   w.) Mansur, Michael. "Quake talk reassures no one. Too little known about New Madrid fault." Commercial Appeal April 29, 1984.                                                                                                                                         x.) Dickerson, James. "It's our fault: Mid-South is achin' for a shakin'." Commercial Appeal April 27, 1984.                                                                  y.) Quigg, H.D. "Geologists say New Madrid fault will show its fury soon. Commercail Appeal November 20, 1983.                                                                     z.) Porter, E.F. "Earhtquake." St. Louis Post-Dispatch February 6, 1983. 
aa.) "Explantion for 'eerie' earthquake lights." Science News 121(23):375. June 5, 1982.                                                                                                     bb.) "Madrid 'Quake Shattered River Islands."                                                                  cc.) "1812 'Quake Letter by Another Oldtimer." Lake County Banner                                                                                                                                        dd.) Henderson, Dan. "Earthquake Zone: Keep Out." Commercial Appeal January 11, 1981.
9 Earthquakes, New Madrid (3) -
a.) Taylor, Jan. "Quake Study at Reelfoot Eyes Future." The Commercial Appeal September 27, 1980.                                                                               b.) Houston, Jourdan. "When the Great Earthquake…" American Heritage  August/September, 1980.                                                                                            c.) "Scientist Estimates Chances of Quake." The Commercial Appeal August 22, 1980.                                                                                                                    d.) "New Madrid Rift Pinpointed, Scientists Claim." TheCommercial Appeal August 22, 1980.                                                                                                       e.) "Earth Sciences. A deeper look at New Madrid." Science News 117(1):9. January 5, 1980.                                                                                                            f.) "Deadly New Quake Zone Discovered." Weekly World News 1(8). December 4, 1979.                                                                                                                  g.) Reynolds, Henry. "Peaceful Reelfoot Lake Belies Violent Beginning." The Commercial Appeal June 9, 1978.                                                           h.) "eerie 'Earthquake Lights' Investigated." Nashville Tennessean July 31, 1977.                                                                                                i.) "Eeratic Animal Behavior may be Quake Tipoff." The Commercial Appeal July 5, 1977.                                                                                                            j.) U.S. National Oceanic and Atmosphereic Administration. "Earthquake Data Services and Publications."                                                        k.) Kellett, Robert. "This is Earthquake Country." The Commercial Appeal April 4, 1971.                                                                                                                        l.) Clark, Blake. "America's Greatest Earthquake." Shreveport Magazine  
10 Earthquakes, New Madrid (4)
a.) Franko, Alfred. "Dr. Franke Ridicules Scientists who Refused to Accept Quake Formation of Reelfoot Lake-Compares them to Detractors of Galileo, Pasteur." Lake County Banner October 2, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                b.) Franko, Alfred. "Experts Quoted on Geology of Quake and its Eftect Locally." Lake County Banner August 14, 1953.                                                                  c.) "Eight Remors Occur in County this Week." Lake County Banner February 13, 1953.                                                                                                               d.) Franko, Alfred. "New Madrid Land Claim." Lake County Banner February 6, 1953.                                                                                                          e.) Franko, Alfred. "Aske Describes 'Quake Area." Lake County Banner January 23, 1953.                                                                                                                      f.) Franko, Alfred. "Credulty of People Played Upon in Explaining New Madrid 'Quake." Lake County Banner January 9, 1953.                                                                                                                                                          g.) Franko, Alfred. "Franko Uncovers Rare Early Account of a Famous 'Quake." Lake County Banner January 9, 1953.                                                           h.) "Did Someone Witness Formation of Reelfoot Lake in'Quake of 1811?'" Lake County Banner January 2, 1953.                                                                          i.) "Novel Account of Earthquake." Lake County Banner December 19, 1952.                                                                                                                                                  j.) Franko, Alfred. "The Earth Shakes, Sinners Quake." Lake County Banner December 12, 1952.                                                                                                         k.) Franko, Alfred. "Franko Tells More History." Lake County Banner November 14, 1952.                                                                                                                     l.) Franko, Alfred. "Background on the Bryan Letter." Lake County Banner November 7, 1952.                                                                                             m.) Franko, Alfredd. "Bryan Letter is Published." Lake County Banner October 31, 1952.
 n.) "The Original Eliza Bryan Letter." Lake County Banner October 31, 1952.                                                                                                                                    o.) "Fordham didn't feel Earthquake." Lake County Banner March 7, 1952.                                                                                                                                   p.) "Most Severe Earth Tremor in Years Startles Countians, Shakes Buildings--No Damage Done." Lake County Banner February 22, 1952.                                                                                                                                             q.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner November 23, 1951.                                                                                                                        r.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner November 16, 1951. 
11 Earthquakes, New Madrid (5) -
a.) Franko, Alfred. "Reelfoot Lake and the Madrid 'Quake." Lake County Banner November 9, 1951.                                                                                               b.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Earthquake." Lake County Banner October 19, 1950.                                                                                                                            c.) "New Madrid 'Quake and Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner October 12, 1951.                                                                                                                       d.) Franko. "Another Quake Letter Found." Lake County Banner September 14, 1951.                                                                                                                     e.) "Eye Witness Account of New Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner August 10, 1951.                                                                                                            f.) "New Madrid 'Quake Series." Lake County Banner August 3, 1951.                                                                                                                                       g.) "Two More Research Articles on 'Quake." Lake County Banner July 27, 1951.                                                                                                                               h.) "When the Mississipppi Ran Backward." Lake County Banner July 27, 1951.                                                                                                                                   i.) Franko, Alfred. "Did Mississippi Actually Flow Backward? Experts say Yes!" Lake County Banner July 20, 1951.                                                               j.) "1811 New Madrid Earthquake and the First Steamboat." Lake County Banner                                                                                                                     k.) "1811 Earthquake and the First Steamboat." Lake County Banner June 8, 1951.                                                                                                                 l.) "1811 Earthquake and the First Steamboat." Lake County Banner June 1, 1951.                                                                                                             m.) "Letter to the Editor." Lake County Banner May 25, 1951.
 n.) "Bradbury 'Quake Account." Lake County Banner April 20, 1951.                                                                                                                                                     o.) "Native Has Novel Notion About 'Quake." Lake County Banner April 13, 1951.                                                                                                          p.) "1812 Earthquake Terroizes Boat Crew. "Lake County Banner April 6, 1951.                                                                                                                                   q.) "Boatmen Horrified by First Shocks of Madrid 'Quake." Lake County Banner March 30, 1951.                                                                                                              r.) "Bradbury Story of Quake Found in N.Y." Lake County Banner March 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                           s.) "Dr. Franko Tells Why He Likes to do Reelfoot Lake Research." Lake County Banner March 16, 1951.                                                                                                t.) "Bodies Floated Down Mississippi During New Madrid Earthquake." Lake County Banner March 16, 1951.                                                                         u.) "Enjoy Lake History." Lake County Banner March 9, 1951.                                                        v.) "French Sailor Was Witness to 'Quake." Lake County Banner March 2, 1951.                                                                                                                                         w.) "Dizziness, Nausea Caused by 1812 Quake." Lake County Banner February 16, 1951.                                                                                                                    x.) "1812 'Quake Letter by Another Oldtimer." Lake County Banner February 9, 1951.                                                                                                                            y.) "Madrid 'Quake Shattered River Islands." Lake County Banner February 2, 1951.                                                                                                                                      z.) "Old Letter Tells of Quake." Lake County Banner January 26, 1951. 
aa.) "1812 Earthquake Described from Boat." Lake County Banner January 19, 1951.                                                                                                           bb.) "Old Letters Reveal Facts on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 12, 1951.                                                                                                                                              cc.) "New Madrid Earthquake." Lake County Banner January 12, 1951.
12 Earthquakes, New Madrid (6) -
a.) Manley, Hazel. "The Formation of Reelfoot Lake." January 8, 1986.                                                                                                                                           b.) "Account of New Madrid Quake was Written by Eye Witness." Lake County Banner June 16, 1950.                                                         c.) Haguewood, J.L. "Crockett, Caught in Quake, was First  "Pale Face" to Gaze on New Reelfoot Lake." Commercial Appeal May 13, 1931.                                                                                                                                 d.) "Earth Tremor felt here Friday Night at 2:55 a.m." Lake County Banner February 5, 1937.                                                                                                e.) Earthquake History of the United States                                                          f.) "Tremors may Shake Mississippi Valley." The Commercial May 3, 1929.                                                                                                                                         g.) "Union City may have Seismograph." The Commercial December 18, 1925.                                                                                                                                   h.) "Seeks Quake Centers on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial December 11, 1925.                                                                                                                            i.) "Reelfoot Shake and Other Quakes." The Commercial July 10, 1925.                                                                                                                                      j.) "Earth is Sinking in Kettle Creek Section." The Commercial December 21,  1923.                                                                                                                       k.) "My Guest and I. A Joy Ride." The Commercial June 11, 1915.  l.) "Reelfoot Earthquake." The Commercial May 26, 1911.                                         m.) "A Most Remarkalble Story. A Story Linked with the History of Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial March 22, 1907. 
n.) "Shocks Still Felt at Reelfoot Lake."The Commercial  May 23, 1906.                                                                                                                                       o.) The Independent November 1, 1895.                                                                                 p.) "Sunday's Earthquake." The Independent September 6, 1895.                                      q.) "The Earthquake of 1811. How Reel-Foot Lake was Formed." Hickman Courier September 28, 1877.                                                                                      r.) "New Madrid Earthquake." Hickman Courier March 2, 1872.      s.) "The Earthquake." New-England Palladium February 25, 1812.
13 Earthquake, New Madrid (7) -
a.) "New Madrid Earthquake Threat May be Overestimated." Mississippi Monitor May 1999.                                                                                           b.) "The Real Story." Lakeline March 1987.                                                                 c.) "Predicting earthquakes still risky business." Lake County Banner June 25, 1987.                                                                                                             d.) Beifuss, John. "Project proposed to study 'Reelfoot rift'." The Commercial Appeal October 29, 1987.                                                                                           e.) Coggins, Allen. "The Earthquakes of 1811 and 1812. Tennessee Conservationist January/February 1989.                                                                      f.) "Enquirer has colorful version of 'quake." Lake County Banner October 25, 1989.                                                                                                                       g.) "Surface evidence of quake discovered." Lake County Banner February 28, 1990.                                                                                                                              h.) Kennedy, Urban. "Sketch No. 16." February 1990.                                                      i.) Lewis, Emmett. "Life on an earthquake fault." Lake County Banner June 20, 1990.                                                                                                      j.) "Quake legislation OK'd." Daily Messenger July 27, 1990.                           k.) Robbins, William. "Town prepares for quake. Scientist's guess taken seriously." The Fresno Bee August 20, 1990.                                           l.) "Historical Reelfoot Lake." Weakly County Press November 15, 1990.                                                                                                                                          m.) "Let nature judge quake prediction." The Commercial Appeal December 2, 1990.
n.) "Quake theory stirs caustion, contempt, hits Reelfoot residents where they live." The Commercial Appeal December 2, 1990.                                                                                                                                    o.) Risher, Wayne. "Crittenden holds 'response' drill for earthquake disaster." The Commercial Appeal December 2, 1990.                                                 p.) Charlier, Tom. "Give him this: Inventor made Earth stand still." The Commercial Appeal December 2, 1990.
14 Earthquake, New Madrid (8) -
a.) Perrusquia, Marc. "City crisis center has quiet day." The Commercial Appeal December 3, 1990.                                                                                       b.) Beifuss, John. "New Madrid 'frenzy' finds fault." The Commercial Appeal December 4, 1990.                                                                                                     c.) Johnson, Rheta Grimsley. "Reelfoot Lake is place to wait for the quake." The Commercial Appeal December 5, 1990.                                                     d.) Burch, Barbara and Tom Charlier. "Earthquake mania cools in Memphis." The Commercial Appeal December 5, 1990.                                                                 e.) Mysterious Stranger ushers forecast into eerie twilight zone." The Commercial Appeal December 6, 1990.                                                                              f.) "Marked or not, town ready." The Commercial Appeal December 5, 1990.                                                                                                           g.) Jones, Evan. "Quake scare won't stop Yule parade." The Commercial Appeal December 5, 1990.                                                                                      h.) Charlier, Tom. "Clock runs out on forecast; 'I-told-you-so's are seismic." The Commercial Appeal December 6, 1990.                                                        i.) Ball, Philip. "Tongues of flame may speak of tremors." The Commercial Appeal December 30, 1990."                                                                                    j.) "The Other(?) Missouri Earthquake." American Histoy Illustrated 25(6):40-43. January/February, 1991.                                                                     k.) Hamilton, Jon. "If catfish feel shaky, watch out." The Commercial Appeal February 21, 1991.                                                                                                       l.) Brannon, John. "Area quakes common: 'big one' anticipated." Daily Messenger May 14, 1991.                                                                                     m.) "Ancestor in New Madrid Earthquake." American History Illustrated26(2):4, 6. May/June, 1991.
n.) "Quake study to begin here." Lake County Banner October 23, 1991.                                                                                                                                          o.) Charlier, Tom. "3-D view sharpens focus on fault line." The Commercial Appeal October 1, 1992.                                                                                      p.) Charlier, Tom. "Blasting along fault is yielding new data." TheCommercial Appeal November 4, 1991.                                                                                                    q.) Computer Search done for Dr. Wintfred Smith. Done in the Database Quakeline. June 30, 1992.
15 Earthquake, New Madrid (9) -
a.) U.S. Department of the Interior. New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey March, 1993.                                                                                                        b.) Jibson, R.W. and D.K. Keefer. "Analysis of the seismic origin of landslides; examples from the New Madrid seismic zone." Geological Society of America Bulletin 105(4):521-536. April, 1993.                                                                                                                                  c.) Rhea, B.S., R.L. Wheeler, and A.C. Tarr. Worksheets for seismotectonic map of the New Madrid 2X2 area. 
16 Earthquake, New Madrid (10) -
a.) 1812 Earhquake Souvenir Edition and Menu. The Lakeview Times. 2(1).                                                                                                                         b.) Eye Witness Account of 1811-12 Earthquake that Formed Reelfoot Lake.                                                                                                                    c.) Moore, Samantha. "It Could happen here." Jackson Sun January 23, 1994.                                                                                                                              d.) Weaver, Margaret. "quabeline Faults." June 30, 1992. Disk.  e.) "Panther-across-the-Sky: Tecuseh and the New Madrid Earthquake." April 24, 1996.                                                                                                                                     
17 Earthquake, New Madrid (11) -
a.) VanDegrift, Stephen. "Disaster Preparedness Technician." August 1996.                                                                                                                                       b.) "Early morning temblor centered west of Ridgely." Lake County Banner August 25, 1999.                                                                                                c.) Recer, Paul. "Scientists: Big Quake is a serious threat in New Madrid zone." The Messenger November 4, 1999.                                                                                           d.) "Delta Queen to make first stop here in nearly 30 years." Lake County Banner October 27, 1999.                                                                                            e.) Reccer, Paul. "Big Earthquake to hit Southern Missouri." Mississippi Moniter 3(12):7. December 1999.                                                                                      f.) Wilson, Wendy. "Scientists study hazards of quakes." The Jackson Sun October 28, 2002.                                                                                                         g.) USGS. "Scientists to Conduct Seismic Experiment Near Memphis Small Underground Explostions will Mimic Earthquake Waves." October 25, 2002.                                                                                                               h.) "Researcher helps date quakes by looking at sediment changes." The Messenger November14, 2000.                                                                      i.) About the New Madrid Fault. 
18 Edgewater Beach -
a.) "Bathing Reach for Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 29, 1925. b.) "Crowd at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal June 12, 1925.                                                                                                           c.) "Thousands Visit Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial AppealJuly 17, 1925.                                                                                                                                                 d.) "Opening Dance at Edgewater Beach." The Commercial Appeal April 23, 1926.                                                                                                                                          e.) "Summer Months Bring Many Tourists and Campers to Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1926.                                                                               f.) "Crowds await Big Fourth Celebration." The Commercial Appeal July 2, 1926.                                                                                                                                                 g.) "Edgewater Beach Dancing Problem." The Commercial Appeal June 4, 1926.                                                                                                                                                 h.) "Garrett to be at Edgewater." Lake County News July 23, 1926.                                                                                                                                                        i.) "Gov. Austin Peay Received Great Ovation at Edgewater." The Commercial Appeal July 6, 1926.                                                                                                              j.) "A Free Fish Fry." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 1926.                                                             k.) "Death Claims one when Auto leaves Reelfoot Levee." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 1926.                                                                                                               l.) "Hitch up your Camel for the Shrine Outing." The Commercial Appeal September 3, 1926.                                                                                                                                                m.) "Lot Sale at Edgewater Big Success." The  Commercial Appeal August 5, 1927. 
n.) "Portageville, Mo. Campers at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 27, 1927.                                                                                                                               o.) "Read What Physician says about Water at Edgewater Beach." The Commercial Appeal July 12, 1929.                                                                        p.) "Reelfoot Ramblings." Tiptonville Times August 18, 1933.
19 EIS (Reelfoot Lake) Wapora, FTN Assoc. (1) -
a.) Mansur, Michael. "Impact study urged on Reelfoot's woes." Commercial Appeal June 19, 1984.                                                                                              b.) "Environmental impact strdy to start here." Lake County Banner August 20, 1986.                                                                                                                 c.) Reelfoot Lake Water Quality Meeting Agenda. November 9-10, 1987. 
20 EIS (Reelfoot Lake) Wapora, FTN Assoc. (2) -
a.) Reelfoot Lake, Tn: Chlorophyll and Secchi Disk Transparency. b.) Reelfoot Lake, Tn: Temperature, pH, and Disssolved Oxygen Profiles. 
21 EIS (Reelfoot Lake) Wapora, FTN Assoc. (3) -
a.) Reelfoot EIS Aquatic Ecology Affected Environment. 
Box 48 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 EIS (Reelfoot Lake) Wapora, FTN Assoc. (4) -
a.) United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. "Public Hearing for Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Reelfoot Lake Water Level Management."                             b.) U.S. Dept. Interior. 1988 Reelfoot Lake water level management draft environmental impact statement. 
2 EIS (Reelfoot Lake) Wapora, FTN Assoc. (5) -
a.) Memphis District Corps of Engineers Comments on Reelfoot Lake Water Level Management Draft Environmenatal Impact Statement."                                                                                                                                    b.) Stage-Frequency Curves for Existing & Alternative Conditions Reelfoot Lake-EIS.                                                                                   c.) Stage-Duration Curves for a 1.05-Year Hypothetical Storm Existing and Alternative Conditions Reelfoot Lake- EIS.                                 d.) "FWS allows more time to reply." Lake County Banner January 4, 1989.
3 EIS (Reelfoot Lake) Wapora, FTN Assoc. (6) -
a.) Economics Reelfoot Lake- EIS                                                          b.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "In Productive Harmony. A Brief Explanations of Environmental Impact Statements." 
4 Channels Environmental Assessment (USFWS) -
a.) Outline of Environmental Assessment Reelfoot Lake Channels.                                                                                                                         b.) Smith, Wintfred. "Environmental Assessment-Reelfoot Lake Channels." DRAFT. April 16, 1984.                                                                            c.) Outline of Environmental Assessment. Reelfoot Lake Channels.                                                                                                                                d.) Reelfoot Lake Navigation Types and Needs. March 26, 1984.
5 Erosion (Soil) -
a.) Howell, Charles. "State Works on mining, erosion." Lake County Banner December 24, 1981.                                                                                         b.) "Erosion Fight Helps cut Reelfoot Silt, Jones Told." The Commercial Appeal July 8, 1983.                                                                               c.) Lewis, Bob. "Is it too late to save? Costs may prohibit efforts to salvage." The Jackson Sun. July 18, 1983.                                                            d.) "Dredger Set for Testing at Reelfoot." Commercial Appeal March 8, 1983.                                                                                                                     e.) Cunningham, Morris. "Soil Erosion under fire in 2 bills." Commercial Appeal October 3, 1983.                                                                                            f.) "Some farmers fight costly soil erosion with no-till plan." Commercial Appeal November 17, 1983.                                                                                       g.) "Reelfoot Lake's silt-filling is slowing, study says." Commercial Appeal March 21, 1984.                                                                                 h.) Mansur, Michael. "Official neglect destroying lake, residents claim." Commercial Appeal April 6, 1984.                                                            i.) "Pinpointing responsibility for Reelfoot proves elusive."                          j.) "Who's in charge?" Commercial Appeal April 13, 1984.                             k.) "Experience talks." Commercial Appeal April 18, 1984.                                  l.) "Burrus May Register Controversial Dump." Daily Messenger April 19, 1984.                                                                                                                           m.) "Director Vetoes Plan, Dump will be Closed." Daily Messenger April 23, 1984. 
n.) Mansur, Michael. "Supporter says Reelfoot Lake victim of dump." The Commercial Appeal April 24, 1984.                                                              o.) "Lakeside lament." The Commercial Appeal April 25, 1984.                               p.) Mansur, Michael. "Eroding Reelfoot dump closed." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1984.                                                                                 q.) "Reelfoot: Maybe state's quick action oon park problem indicates new concern for the lake itself. Good Sign." The Commercial Appeal May 3, 1984.                                                                             r.) Christ, Mark. "Proposed lake limits to benefit sporting." The Commercial Appeal April 29, 1984.                                                                          s.) Mansur, Michael. "Water project to be reassessed by commission." The Commercial Appeal May 16, 1984.                                                   t.) Christ, Mark. "Slow-fall forecast eases river fears." The Commercial Appeal May 16, 1984.                                                                                   u.) Mansur, Michael. "Erosion caused by channeling to be corrected." The Commercial Appeal May 29, 1984.                                                      v.) Christ, Mark. "Erosion at Reelfoot gets federal funds." The Commercial Appeal June 11, 1985.                                                                         w.) Coleman, Laura. "International group to study erosion control at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal February 12, 1987.                                   x.) "Grant to help slow Reelfoot soil erosion." The Commercial Appeal June 1, 1985.                                                                                                     y.) Brannon, John. "Siltation, vegetaion engulfing Reelfoot." The Daily Messenger May 22, 1990.
z.) Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. "Bruner Speaks out the Delegation Dilemma." Environmental Pipeline                           aa.) Mansur, Michael. "Dump site near lake is closed." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1984.                                                                                                     bb.) Mansur, Michael. "Lake supporter pins label of culprit in illegal dump." The Commercial Appeal April 24, 1984.                                            cc.) Sullivan, Nick. "Reelfoot Receives $673,800 in Grants." Tennessean June 10, 1984.                                                                                                   dd.) Mansur, Michael. "Dump site near lake closed." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1984.                                                                                            ee.) "Corps of Engineers has a New Plan to Keep Bluffs from Eroding." Mississippi Moniter 2(3):7. April 1998.                                                       ff.) Reynolds, Henry. "Reelfoot woes get hearing." The Commercial Appeal April 27, 1984. 
6 Exhibits (Tenn State Museum) -
a.) "The Letter Box. Tennessee State Museum." Lake County Banner December 7, 1951.                                                                                                           b.) "Lake Story Told Again." Lake County Banner September 26, 1952. 
7 Expenses: Reelfoot Lake RCWP DWQC -
a.) DWQAC Contract. 
8 Exploration  -
a.) Hamilton, R.N. 1970. "Marquette's Explorations." The Nature's Reexamined 
9 Feasibility Study Corps of Engineers -
a.) "Congress votes lake fund." Lake County Banner August 15, 1984.                                                                                                                                           b.) "Funds for Reelfoot Lake Eliminated by Congress." Daily Messenger October 12, 1984.                                                                                                                             c.) U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. "Reelfoot Lake Water Level Management Final Environmental Impact Statement."                                                                                                                                  d.) Scope of Work Grand Prairie Demonstration Project Fish Evaluation.                                                                                                                                   e.) Transmission Status Report. 
10 Feasibility Study (2nd)  1994
a.) Brannon, John. "Corps of Engineers approves lake study." Daily Messenger December 20, 1994.
11 Film-"Raintree County" MGM Reelfoot Lake  -
a.) Willoughby. November 1983.
12 Films -
a.) "The Secret of Mystery Lake." Walt Disney Pictures 1956-57. b.) "The Fugitive." US Marshals-About the Production. 
13 Films C.L. Bakek Bishop-Melaney, etc.  -
a.) Biennial Report of the Dept. of Public Health. State of Tennessee for the final years 1929-1931.. E. L. Bishop. 
14 Fires (NOT in Samburg or Tiptonville) -
a.) "Fumes Start Blaze at Armstrong Farm." Lake County Banner April 21, 1950.                                                                                                                                       b.) "Fire Sweeps into Woods." Lake County Banner November 13, 1953.
15 First American National Bank -
a.) First American National Bank. Firsts in Nashville. A Pictorial History 
16 Fiscal Review Committee -
a.) Reelfoot Silt Detention Project List of Lake Sites and Their Status.                                                                                                                               b.) Review of Reelfoot Lake Programs. December 8-9, 1988.                           c.) Reelfoot Lake Values. 
17 Fish-Grass Carp Introduction -
a.) "Possible use of Ctenopharvngodon idella for Weed Control at Reelfoot Lake." May 17, 1976.                                                                                  b.) Leslie, Andrew, Larry Nall, and Jess Van Dyke. "Effects of Vegetation Control by Grass Carp on Selected Water-Quality Variables in Four Florida Lakes." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112:777-787. 1983.                                                                                        c.) Cavness, Gale. "Plant-Eating Fish Introduced in Lake." Daily Messenger January 23, 1984.                                                                                                              d.) "TVA to Study Weed-Eating Fish." Bassmaster Magazine May/June 1984.                                                                                                                       e.) Van Dyke, Jess, A.J. Leslie, and L.E. Nall. "The Effects of the Grass Carp on the Aquatic Macrophytes of Four Florida Lakes." J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 22:87-95.                                                                                            f.) Dahnke, Ellen. "'Mower' fish have had their fill." Jackson Sun May 17, 1987.                                                                                                                                            g.) Dahnke, Ellen. "'Mower' fish have had their fill." Jackson Sun May 17, 1987.                                                                                                                                        h.) "Reeloot fish has a mixed effect on lake." Nashville Banner May 28, 1987.                                                                                                                        i.) Reviews in Fisheries Science. 
18 Fish Kills
a.) "Ton of Bass Dead in Reelfoot Lake." Lake Co. Banner August 5, 1938.                                                                                                                         b.) "Lake Needs Attention Jackson Man Tells Poe." Lake Co. Banner August 21, 1939.                                                                                                c.) "Dead Fish Clog Banks of Lower Reelfoot Lake." Lake Co. Banner September 3, 1943.                                                                                                d.) "Fish Killed as Waters Turn Over." Dyer County State Gazet Early September 1993.                                                                                                  e.) "Shad Only Fish Hit by Strange Bacteria." Lake Co. Banner August 21, 1950.
19 Fisheries (1)
a.) "External Anatomy of Fishes."                                                              b.) "Union City Fish Co.." The Commercial Corner September 7, 1899.                                                                                                                c.) "Fisheries"                                                                                                                         d.) "Reelfoot Lake Fish Company." The Commercial January 19, 1923. e.) "Bought Fish Business." The Commercial January 4, 1924.                   f.) "State of Tennessee. Biennal Report of the Department of Agriculture." 1925-1926. Homer Hancock. Commisioner. Printing Dept. Tennessee Industrial School of Nashville. p. 54-56.                       e.) Letter from State Game Warden, Howell Buntin. June 27, 1930.
20 Fisheries (2)
a.) A. E. Whalley, Jr., Chairman, Fish Committee. "Reelfoot Lake Fishery- Summary Report." Fish Management Division March 8, 1966                                                                                                                         b.) "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Fisheries Data Collection Report Reelfoot Lake Cove Rotenone Fish Census." September 28-30, 1982.                                                                                               c.)  "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Fisheries Data Collection Report Reelfoot Lake Cove Rotenone Fish Census." September 13-14, 1983.                                                                                                d.) "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Fisheries Data Collection Report Kentucky Reservoir Rotenone Fish Census 1984."                                                                                                                     e.) "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Fisheries Data Collection Project Reelfoot Lake Rotenone Fish Census 1984."       f.) "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Fisheries Data Collection Report Reelfoot Lake Cove Rotenone Fish Census." September 13-14, 1983.                                                                                                      g.) Brannon, John. "UTM Professor Shares Theory of Fish Survival." Union City Daily Messenger September 19, 1990. 
21 Fishing- Commercial (1)
a.) Jones, Evan. "Death Knell Sounds for Commercial Crappie Fishing." Lake County Banner May 30, 2001.                                                                                                                                                              b.) Reelfoot Biologist-Limnologist. "Crappie not Hitting at Reelfoot." October 5, 1998.                                                                                    c.) Devers, Norman W.. "RE: Facts on 'Commercial Crappie Fishing' Reelfoot Lake." April 6, 1999.                                                                            d.) Reelfoot Biologist. "Re: Facts on 'Commercial Crappie Fishing' Reelfoot Lake." April 8, 1999.                                                                        e.) Fisheries Committee. "A Brief History of Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission April 25, 2001.                  f.) "Local Brevities." The Commercial July 26, 1901.                             g.) "A Big Catch." The Commercial April 22, 1910.                                 h.) "The Fisherman's Catch." The Commercial May 13, 1910.            i.) "A Big Catch." The Commercial April 28, 1911.                                    j.) "Reelfoot Lake Yielded Million Founds of Fish for Market in Two Years." The Commercial Febraury 5, 1925.                                                   k.) "Famous Reelfoot Guide Fights Bar on Catching Bass." The Commercial April 15, 1927.                                                                              l.) "State of Tennessee Biennal Report of The Department of Agriculture to the Government." 1929-1930. W.J. Fitts. Commisioner.                                                                                                    m.) "The Big 'Get Acquainted' Sale of Strictly Fresh Fish and Seafoods." The Commercial December 13, 1929.
22 Fishing- Commercial (2)
a.) "Game Warden and Citizens Discuss Reelfoot Problems." The Commercial March 31, 1933.                                                                                  b.) "State May Purchase Reelfoot Lake Fish." Tiptonville Times July 28, 1933.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       c.)"Reelfoot Fishing Always Improving." Tiptonville TimesJune15, 1934.                                                                                                                       d.) "Reelfoot Lake Association is Formed Last Thursday." Lake County Banner March 3, 1939.                                                                                                           e.) Gantlett, W. L.. "Samburg Inc.: Fishing." Lake County Banner September 10, 1948.                                                                                                                            f.) "Fishing Good on Lake Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 21, 1949.                                                                                                                        g.) "Memphis Writer Scores State Administration of Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner January 21, 1949.                                                                                     h.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing" Lake County Banner February 4, 1949.                               i.) "Size Limits on Game Fish Lifted by Commision; Some Fee Hikes." Lake County Banner February 4, 1949.                                                                                        j.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishermen." Lake County Banner March 25, 1949.                    k.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing." Lake County Banner January 28, 1949.                           l.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing." Lake County Banner May 6, 1949.                           m.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing" Lake County Banner March 18, 1949.                            n.) "Tempest Brews Over Reelfoot." Lake County Banner March 25, 1949                                                                                                                         o.) "Game Fish Ban Killed in House." Lake County Banner April 22, 1949.                                                                                                                       p.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing." Lake County Banner May 6, 1949.                            q.) "Gantlett Sums Up His Views on Reelfoot Lake Situation." Lake County Banner May 5, 1950.                                                                                              r.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner February 2, 1951.                                    
23 Fishing Commercial (3)
a.) "Crappie Sale is Discussed." Lake County Banner February 9, 1951.                                                                                                                  b.) "Samburg Events Reviewed." March 2, 1951.                                      c.) "Round One and Hall is Winner." Lake County Banner March 2, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         d.) "Sale of Fish to be Allowed." Lake County Banner March 9, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         e.) "Several Types of Nets Used." Lake County Banner August 31, 1951. f.) "Locals of Interest from Samburg." Lake County Banner November 9, 1951.                                                                                                                         g.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner June 13, 1952.                               h.) "Beauty Seen at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 3, 1952.            i.) "Hear Both Sides." Lake County Banner February 27, 1953.                          j.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing." Lake County Banner April 17, 1953.              k.) "Fish Bill will be Club Topic." Lake County Banner April 17, 1953.                                                                                                                   l.) "Fish Tagging Explained." Lake County Banner April 17, 1953.         m.) "Club Votes to End Fish Sale." Lake County Banner August 7, 1953. n.) "Crappie Sale is Unlimited." Lake County Banner February 5, 1954.                                                                                              o.) "Browning in Lake Pledge." Lake County Banner June 4, 1954.          p.) "Crappie Law Ruling Given." Lake County Banner September 3, 1954.                                                                                                                q.) "Commercial Fishing on Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Department of Conservation                                                                                                 r.) Champlain Net Co. January 1, 1984.
24 Fishing- Commercial (4)
a.) "Champion Nylon Trammel Nets." Memphis Net & Twine Co.      b.) "Wings & Leads for Hoop Nets -- Nylon Shad Trawls-- Nylon Turtle Nets-- Nylon Holding Boxes." Nylon Net Co. 1984.                 c.) "Fish Farm Equipment and Commercial Nets." Delta Net & Twine Co. September 1, 1983.
25 Fishing- Commercial (5)
a.) Nylon Net Company. Commercial Fishing Supplies 1984 Catalog. 1984. Print.                                                                                                  b.) "Area Wildlife News." The Daily Messenger January 25, 1995.           c.)  "TWRA Seeks Much Stricter Commercial Crappie Rules." Union City Daily Messenger.                                                                                      d.) "Crappie." Lake County Banner March 10, 1999.                                       e.) "Commercial Fishermen Vigorous in Own Defense." Lake County Banner December 16, 1998.                                                                                       f.) Brannon, John. "Fishing for Pay: A Hard, Good Life." Union City Daily Messenger March 30, 1994.                                                                   g.) "Opposition Mounts Against Reelfoot Crappie Harvest." Lake County Banner March 31, 1999.                                                                               h.) "Amplifications." Lake County Banner November 24, 1999.                            i.) Brannon, John. "LC Sheriff Faces Charges of Violating Fishing Laws." Union City Messenger November 19, 1999.                                           j.) "Reelfoot Fishing Violation Brings Fines, Revokation." Lake County Banner December 22, 1999.                                                                                      k.) "Reelfoot Lake Association is Formed Last Thursday." Lake County Banner March 3, 1939.                                                                                         l.) "Bygone Days." The Commercial Appeal April 1, 2003.                  m.) Hamilton Jr., Jamie. "Facts on 'Commercial Crappie Fishing' Reelfoot Lake." Old Paws Fishing Page. April 5, 1999.                          
Box 49 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Fishing-Sport
a.) "Reelfoot Lake." State of Tennessee Biennal Report of the Department of Agriculture. 1923-1924. Homer Hancock Commissioner.                                                                                                   b.) "Fishes are Placed In Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville TimesJune 16, 1933.                                                                                                                        c.) "Creel Census to be Take on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner May 28, 1937.                                                                                                                d.) "Division of Game and Fish." The Natural Resources of Tennessee 1939.                                                                                                              e.) "Hook-Line Fishing is Provided by New Bill." Lake County Banner April 8, 1949.                                                                                                                            f.) "Reelfoot Lake Sports." Lake County Banner June 9, 1950.                                                                      g.) "Reelfoot Lake Sports." Lake County Banner June 16, 1950.                                                                    h.) "Reelfoot Lake Sports." Lake County Banner June 23, 1950.                                                                   i.) "Reelfoot Lake Sports." Lake County Banner June 30, 1950.                                                                                   j.) "Creel Limit is Restored." Lake County Banner December 4, 1953.                                                                                                k.) "Editorial on Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner October 8, 1954.                                                                                                               l.) Wunderle, Steve L. "Reelfoot Lake-- World's Best Bluegill Lake." Midwest Outdoors Fishing March 1985                                                                                                                                                     m.) Burrus, Ralph. "Reelfoot Trivia." Lake County Banner July 26, 1989.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      n.) "Fishermen Rescued in High Winds on Lake." Lake County Banner May 7, 1986.                                                                                                                          
Fishing- Sport Continued 
o.) "Happy Fishermen." Lake County Banner May 7, 1986.                                                                          p.) "TWRA Keeps List of Biggest Fish." Lake County Banner June 27, 1990.                                                                                                                       q.) "Sport Fishing at Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Department of Conservation Division of State Parks.                                                                                                                                                                          r.) "Commercial Fishing on Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Department of Conservation Division of State Parks.                                                                                                                                                   s.) Petit, Ged. "Outdoors." The Camden Chronicle March 7, 1984.                                                                               t.) Brannon, John. "State Agency Plans to Study Crappie Fishing at Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger August 9, 1995.                                                                                                                                u.) "Fish Tourney at Reelfoot?" Lake County Banner October 23, 1985.                                                        v.) "Angler Fishing Pressure for Crappie, Reelfoot Lake, 1977-1996." Reelfoot Office July 16, 1996.                                                                                                                                                                              w.) Brannon, John. "Pro Fisherman sees Familiar Face Eating 'Breakfast of Champions.'" Union City Messenger July 22, 1999.                                                                                                                    x.) "Time for Fall Bassin' on Reelfoot Lake and Coyote Hunting." Union City Messenger November 5, 1999.                                                                                                                                                                       y.) Jones, Evan. "A true Fishing Story." Lake Co. Banner May 14, 2003.                                         z.) "Hawaiian Wigglers Get Bass at Reelfoot Lake." Harding's Magazine 1946.                                                                                                                        aa.) "Paddlefish Rams State Cruise Boat; Surprises Rangers and Passengers." The Lake County Banner July 19, 2000.                                                                                                                                          bb.) Jones, Evan. "Reelfoot Report: Great Fishing, Lousy Weather." Lake County Banner March 27, 2002.                                                                                                                                                                     cc.) "Home and Foreign Gossip." Harper's Weekly November 29, 1873. 
2 Flipper, Jack
a.) "Pies to the Rescue." June 2003.
3 Flippens 
a.)"Flippen's Pier on TV." Lake County Banner September 22, 2004.
4 Flying Saucers
a.) "Flying Saucer seen on Lake." Lake County Banner July 18, 1952.                                                                                                                b.) "Flying Saucers are seen in Lake County." Lake County Banner August 8, 1952.                                                                                                         c.) "News of Interest from Grays Camp." Lake County Banner August 8, 1952.  
5 Floods
a.) "Running into Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 6, 1906.                                     b.) "Conditions in Lake County." The Commercial Appeal April 12, 1912.                                                                                                                  c.) "Confer on Flood Relief." The Commercial Appeal December 20, 1929.                                                                                                                   d.) "Representative of Government Makes Survey of County." The Commercial Appeal April 28, 1933.                                                                                                                                     e.) "Highway 21 Goes out at Washout Wednesday Night." Lake County Banner February 5, 1937.                                                                                                                                                         f.) "All-Time Record Mississippi Flood Crest Arrives." Lake County Banner February 5, 1937.                                                                                                                                                g.) "Receding Waters Reveal Heavy Toll." Lake County Banner February 12, 1937.                                                                                                                                                                           h.) "Jadwin Leaves Tiptonville." Lake County Banner February 19, 1937.                                                                                                                     i.) "Says Cut-Off at Madrid Bend Needed." Lake County Banner April 23, 1937.                                                                                                                  j.) "Memphis Writer says Madrid Bend Cut-Off to Follow War's Conclusion." Lake County Banner April 16, 1943.                                                                                                             k.) "Local citizens to be at Hearing." Lake County Banner August 12, 1949.                                                                                                                         l.) "Postal Receipts up in Lake Co." Lake County Banner January 20, 1950.                                                                                                                   m.) "Reelfoot Lake Rises 2-3 Feet." Lake County Banner February 17, 1950.                                                                                                                   n.) "Lake Level Down After Fair Days." Lake County Banner February 24, 1950.                                                                                                                       o.) "Much Wild Game Starves as High Water Continues." Lake County Banner March 3, 1950.                                                                                                                                                      p.) "Water Moving Out of County." Lake County Banner March 10, 1950.                                                                                                                     q.) "More Toubles Beset Farmers." Lake County Banner July 6, 1951.                     r.) "June was Wet, May was Worse." Lake County Banner July 20, 1951.
Floods Continued
s.) "Are We Next?" Lake County Banner August 10, 1951.                                t.) "Great '27 Flood Recalled" Lake County Banner July 19, 1973.           u.) "Great Flood of 1937 won't be Forgotten Here." Lake County Banner July 7, 1977.                                                                                                 v.) Hyde, Abigail. "Flood and Quake." Lake County Banner January 6, 1988.                                                                                                                      w.) "Reelfoot at Highest Level in 30 Years." Lake County Banner February 22, 1989.                                                                                                                 x.) "All-Time Record Mississippi Flood Crest Arrives Here." Lake County Banner February 5, 1937.                                                                                 y.) "Graveyard Slough Project will end years of flooding." Lake County Banner October 31, 2001.                                                                                       z.) "When it rains, it pours!" Lake County Banner December 19, 2001.
6 FolkLore and Legends
a.) "The Legend of Reelfoot Lake."                                                            b.) "The Legend of Kalopin."                                                                         c.) "A Mermaid in Forked Deer River." Hichman Carrier July 22, 1871.                                                                                                                       d.) "The Legend of Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 11, 1906.  e.) "Reelfoot Parties and Reelfoot Lore." The Commercial Appeal July 21, 1911.                                                                                                                        f.) "The Legend of Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 9, 1923.                                                                                                                  g.) "Reelfoot Legend-- the Story Which Never Grows Old." Lake County Banner January 1, 1937.                                                                                  h.) "New Duck Blind is being used for First Time on the Lake." Lake County Banner November 30, 1951.                                                                      i.) "Samburg Inc.: Fishing." Lake County Banner April 24, 1953.               j.) Reelfoot Lake Folklife Festival Flyers. June 14, 1986.                      k.) Reelfoot Lake Folklike Festival Flyers. September 26, 1987.
7 Food Chains, Food Web
a.) "Fishes and Food Chains of Reelfoot Lake." Kirby Pocket Exhibit (TDOC).                                                                                                                  b.) Sliger, W. A.. "Listing of Known Species of Fish from the Reelfoot Lake Area." September 1988.                                                                                       c.) "Fishes and Food Chains of Reelfoot Lake." Kirby Pocket Exhibit (TDOC). 
8 Formation of Reelfoot Lake 
a.) "Tennessee's Earthquake Formed Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 4, 1906.                                                                               b.) "The Sinking of Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial AppealJune 26, 1908.                                                                                                                c.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                d.) "Samburg Inc.: Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 15, 1948.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    e.) "Samburg Inc.: Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 8, 1948.              f.) "Theory Shakes Legend of Reelfoot's Birth." The Jackson Sun November 17, 1986.                                                                                                     
9 Forrester, R.C. 
a.) Forrester, R.C.. "Recalling those Growing Up Years in Union City." Union City Messenger October 29, 1999.                                             
10 A.M. Franko (1)
a.) "Account of New Madrid Quake was Written by Eye Witness." Lake County Banner June 16, 1950.                                                                                                                                   b.) "New York Educator Praises the Faculty of Ridgely School." Lake County Banner October 6, 1950.                                                                                                                             c.) "New York Educator Praises the Faculty of Ridgely School." Lake County Banner October 6, 1950.                                                                                                                             d.) "New Madrid Earthquake." Lake County Banner January 12, 1951.                      e.) "Old Letters Reveal Facts on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 12, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             f.) "1812 Earthquake Decribed from Boat." Lake County Banner January 19, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                          g.) "Old Letter Tells of Quake." Lake County Banner January 26, 1951.                       h.) "Madrid Quake Shattered River Islands." Lake County Banner February 2, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             i.) "1912 Quake Letter by Another Oldtimer." Lake County Banner February 9, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             j.) "Dizziness, Nausea Caused by 1812 Quake." Lake County Banner February 16, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                   k.) "French Sailor was Witness to Quake." Lake County Banner March 2, 1951.                                                                                                                         l.) "Bodies Floated Down the Mississippi during New Madrid Earthquake." Lake County Banner March 16, 1951.                                                                                                            m.) "Enjoy Lake History?" Lake County Banner March 9, 1951.                                        n.) "Dr. Franko Tells Why He Likes to do Reelfoot Lake Research." Lake County Banner March 16, 1951.                                                                                                                              o.) "Bradbury Story of Quake Found in N.Y.." Lake County Banner March 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                            p.) "Boatmen Horrified by First Shocks of Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner March 30, 1951.                                                                                                                                                   q.) "Native has Novel Notion about Quake." Lake County Banner April 13, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    r.) "Bradbury Quake Account." Lake County Banner April 20, 1951.                                        s.) "1811 Earthquake and the First Steam Boat." Lake County Banner June 1, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                              t.) "1811 Earthquake and the First Steam Boat." Lake County Banner June 8, 1951. 
11 A.M. Franko (2)
a.) "1811 New Madrid Earthquake and the First Steamboat." Lake County Banner June 15, 1951.                                                                                                                                    b.) "Early Cotton Growing: Bradbury." Lake County Banner June 22, 1951.                                                                                                                        c.) Franko, Alfred M..  "Did Mississippi Actually Flow Backward? Experts Say Yes!" Lake County Banner July 20, 1951.                                                                                           d.) "Two More Research Articles on Quake." Lake County Banner July 27, 1951.                                                                                                                  e.) "When the Mississippi Ran Backward." Lake County Banner July 27, 1951.                                                                                                                         f.) "New Madrid Quake Series." Lake County Banner August 3, 1951.                      g.) "Eye Witness Account of New Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner August 10, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                h.) "Dr. Franko is Fascinated by Visit with his Thoreau of Reelfoot." Lake County Banner September 14, 1951.                                                                                                                       i.) "Dr. Franko is Fascinated by Visit with his "Thoreau of Reelfoot." Lake County Banner September 14, 1951.                                                                                                   j.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Another Quake Letter Found." Lake County Banner September 14, 1951.                                                                                                                                      k.) "New Madrid Quake and Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner October 12, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             l.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Earthquake." Lake County Banner October 19, 1951.                                                                                                                       m.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner November 9, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                         n.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner November 16, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             o.) "Do You Want More Reelfoot History?" Lake County Banner November 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                          p.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner November 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                          q.) "Fordham didn't feel Earthquake." Lake County Banner March 7, 1952.                                                                                                                         r.) "Dr. Franko has Close Call in Auto Wreck." Lake County Banner April 18, 1952. 
12 A.M. Franko (3)
a.) "Articles to Appear on Indians of Area." Lake County Banner July 4, 1952.                                                                                                                       b.) "Lake History to be Printed." Lake County Banner October 24, 1952.                                                                                                                 c.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Bryan Letters Published." Lake County Banner October 31, 1952.                                                                                                        d.) "The Original Eliza Bryan Letter." Lake County Banner October 31, 1952.                                                                                                                         e.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Background on the Bryan Letter." Lake County Banner November 7, 1952.                                                                                         f.) "Franko Tells More History." Lake County Banner November 14, 1952.                                                                                                               g.) "Lorenzo Dow." Lake County Banner November 21, 1952.                            h.) "Franko Leaves His Pen for Typewriter." Lake County Banner November 28, 1952.                                                                                                                  i.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Lorenzo Dow Visits our Region." Lake County Banner December 5, 1952.                                                                                             j.) "Method to Preacher's Madness." Lake County Banner November 28, 1952.                                                                                                                        k.) "The Earth Shakes, Sinners Quake." Lake County Banner December 12, 1952.                                                                                                                         l.) "Novel Account of Earthquake." Lake County Banner December 19, 1952.                                                                                                         m.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Questions You Have Asked." Lake County Banner December 26, 1952.                                                                                      n.) "Did Someone Witness Formation of Reelfoot Lake in Quake of 1811?" Lake County Banner January 2, 1953. 
13 A.M. Franko (4) 
a.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Franko Uncovers Rare Early Account of a Famous Quake." Lake County Banner January 9, 1953.                                     b.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Credulty of People Played Upon in Explaining New Madrid Quake." Lake County Banner January 9, 1953.                                                                                                             c.) "Ashe Describes Quake Area." Lake County Banner January 23, 1953.                                                                                                            d.) "Cotton Raising in 1807." Lake County Banner January 30, 1953.                                                                                                                e.) "New Madrid Land Claim." Lake County Banner February 6, 1953.                                                                                                                 f.) "DeSoto Visited Near Here on His Famous Trip says Franko." Lake County Banner February 13, 1953.                                                                    g.) "Congress Checks up on some Local History and on DeSoto." Lake County Banner March 6, 1953.                                                                      h.) "Rise and Fall of Indian Mounds told by Franko." Lake County Banner March 13, 1953.                                                                                        i.) "Rise and Fall of Indian Mounds told by Franko." Lake County Banner March 30, 1953.                                                                                       j.) "Prehistoric Canal Temple and Cemetery Lie Near Hickman, KY." Lake County Banner March 27, 1953.                                                           k.) "Treasure Hunters Exploited the Priceless Old Burying Grounds." Lake County Banner April 3, 1953.                                                  l.) "Ancient Forts Once Stood in Kentucky. Not far from Here." Lake County Banner April 10, 1953.                                                                   m.) "Fortifications in this Area have not yet been Excavated." Lake County Banner April 17, 1953.                                                                      n.) "Centuries-Old Temple Stood on Site of Hickman Church Building." Lake County Banner April 24, 1953. 
14 A.M. Franko (4) 
a.) Franko Completes Installment on Moundbuilders of This Area." Lake County Banner May 1, 1953.                                                                 b.) "Ancestors of Chickasaws we Moundbuilders in this Vicinity." Lake County Banner May 8, 1953.                                                                       c.) "Unkown Enemy Destroyed High Culture of the Moundbuilders." Lake County Banner May 15, 1953.                                                              d.) "Dr. Franklin Answers Woman Who Fears Destructive Vandalism." Lake County Banner May 22, 1953.                                            e.) "Franko Heads Teacher Group." Lake County Banner May 22, 1953. f.) "Educate on Value of Mounds and it will be OK: Franko." Lake Co. Banner May 29, 1953.                                                                                    g.) "Who Built Mounds in Tiptonville Vicinity? Franko Tells Theory." Lake County Banner June 5, 1953.                                                                  h.) "Dr. Franko's Column." Lake County Banner June 12, 1953.                i.) "How Reelfoot Lake got its Shape." Lake County Banner June 19, 1953.                                                                                                                           j.) "Dr. Franko's Column." Lake County Banner June 26, 1953.                k.) "Dr. Franko's Column." Lake County Banner July 10, 1953.                   l.) "Old Legend of Chickasaws is Revived by Dr. Alfred Franko." Lake County Banner July 31, 1953.                                                                      m.) "Dr. Franko Tells How Tribe Carried Bones for 43 Years." Lake County Banner August 7, 1953.                                                                                n.) "Experts Quoted on Geology of Quake and its Effect Locally." Lake County Banner August 14, 1953.                                                                    o.) "Cuming Recorded 1808 Visit to this REgion of Idyllic Beauty." Lake Co. Banner August 21, 1953.                                                                      p.) "Dr. Franko Answers Letters from his Readers." Lake County Banner August 28, 1953. 
15 A.M. Franko (6)
a.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Dr. Franko Answers Lettrs from his Readers." Lake County Banner August 28, 1953.                                               b.) "Franko Answers." Lake County Banner August 28, 1953.                                    c.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Oil Well Drilling Important Geologically, Dr. Franko Says." Lake County Banner September 4, 1953.                                        d.) "Dr. Franko Answers LEttrs from Readers Interested in Reelfoot." Lake County Banner September 18, 1953.                                            e.) Frnako, Alfred M.. "Dr. Franko Ridicules Scientists who Refused to Accept Quake Information of Reelfoot Lake-- Compare them to Detractors of Galileo, Pasteur." Lake County Banner October 2, 1953.                                                                                                                        f.) "Newest Franko Series Tells all about Night Rider Evils." Lake County Banner November 27, 1953.                                                                              g.) "The Night Rider Series." Lake County Banner December 4, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                                                h.) "The Night Rider Series." Lake County Banner December 11, 1953.                                                                                                                i.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 1, 1954.              j.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 8, 1954.            k.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 15, 1954.                                                                                                            l.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 22, 1954.                                                                                                             m.) "Franko Honored For Loyal Civic Service." Lake County Banner January 22, 1954. 
16 A.M. Franko (7) 
a.) "Night Riders Series." Lake County Banner January 29, 1954.                     b.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner February 5, 1954.                                                                                                               c.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner February 19, 1954.                                                                                                                 d.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner February 26, 1954.                                                                                                              e.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 5, 1954.           f.) "Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 12, 1954.                g.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 19, 1954.       h.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 26, 1954.        i.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 2, 1954.             j.) "Murder of Captain Rankin is Told in Night Rider Series." Lake County Banner April 9, 1954.                                                                                 k.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 16, 1954.          l.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 23, 1954.        m.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 30, 1954.        n.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 7, 1954.          o.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 17, 1954.        p.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 21, 1954.        q.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 28, 1954.
17 Franko, A.M. (8)
a.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 4, 1954.            b.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 11, 1954.        c.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 18, 1954.        d.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 25, 1954.       e.) "Night Rider Series- A Finale." Lake County Banner July 2, 1954.
18 Frogs
a.) Gantlett, W. L.. "Samburg Inc.." Lake County Banner May 4, 1951.                                                                                                                 b.) "Tennessee Amphibian Monitoring Program: 1998 Progress Report."                                                                                                                       c.) "UT Martin's Wildlife Society Chapter Named Nation's Best." Addenda Faculty and Staff Newsletter September 13, 1999.
19 Fulton County, Kentucky
a.) "Historical Sketch of Fulton County." The Daily Hickman Courier October 5, 1877.                                                                                                         b.) "Fulton County." The Daily Hickman Courier                                       c.) Mansur, Michael. "Officials Wonder if Water Diversion Ruined Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1984.                               d.) "Fulton County joins Reelfoot dispute." The Lake County Banner March 27, 1985. 
20 Games
a.) "Lake Firms on Board Game." Lake County Banner December 28, 1988. 
21 Game Wardens
a.) "Game Warden at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 1, 1913.     b.) "War is Declared on Chicken Hawk." Nashville Tennessee April 13, 1922.                                                                                                                 c.) "Lion's Nail Story of State Game Warden." The Commercial Appeal November 23, 1923.                                                                                                      d.) "Dyersburg Man is New Lake Warden." The Commercial Appeal March 6, 1925.                                                                                                                        e.) "Damon Headden is named State Game Warden." The Commercial Appeal February 17, 1933.                                                                              f.) "Reelfoot Lake Game Warden is Accidently Shot." The Commercial Appeal July 25, 1930.                                                                                g.) "Reelfoot Wild Life." The Commercial Appeal March 4, 1927.                    h.) "R.O. Brinkley New Game Warden for Obion County." The Commercial Appeal December 25, 1931.                                                                              
22 General 
a.) Brochure on Photographing Nature a Photograpy Workshop with Byron Jorjorian
23 Geology
Box 50 of 89
File No.  Title  Date
1 Geology Div. (TENN) (Also Tenn. Geol. Survey)
a.) "Dr. Franko Answers Woman Who Fears Destuctive Vandalism." Lake County Banner May 22, 1953.                                          b.) Franko, Alfred M.. "Oil Well Drilling Important Geologically, Dr. Frankp Says." Lake County Banner September 4, 1953.
2 Ghosts
a.) Houk, Anita. "Of ghosties and goblins and the Frayser Pig Man." The Commercial Appeal October 30, 1985. 
3 Glodo, Victor (Duck Calls) b. ______ , d. 1910?
4 Godsey, Susan Caroline (Obion County's )
a.) Godsey, Susan Caroline. "Birthplace of Sleeping Beauty." The Commerical Appeal May 9, 1924.
5 Golden, H.M.
a.) The Independent December 6, 1895.                                                              b.) "Rise of Democracy." The Commercial Appeal August 8, 1913.                    c.) "Obion Circuit Clerk Accused of Shortage." Dresden Enterprise July 21, 1916.                                                                                                        d.) "Clerk Golden Upon the Mercy of The Court." The Commercial Appeal September 22, 1916.                                                                                                     e.) "Golden Sureties Protest." The Commercial Appeal September 22, 1916.      
6 Golf Course 
a.) "Private Investor plans 18-Hole Golf Course Here." The Lake County Banner June 20, 1990.                                                                               b.) "Businessman plans Reelfoot Golf Course." Union City Daily Messenger June 21, 1990.                                                                                c.) "Golf Club investors Lacking." Union City Daily Messenger June 25, 1990.                                                                                                                d.) "Lake golf course is pushed by Tiptonville businessman." Union City Daily Messenger June 29, 1990. 
7 Gooch, Robert
a.) "Fish Market Opens." Lake County Banner July 1, 1949. 
8 Greene Line Streamers
a.) "Mardi Gras by Mississippi Steamboat." 1950.                                b.) "Greene Line River Cruises." 1950.                                                      c.) "River Cruises." 1960.
9 GreenLee, S. and H. Ballard
a.) Greenlee, S. and Ballard Jr., H.. "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Grant Proposal: Field Surveys for two Potentially Endangered Wetland Orthoptera." July 23, 1998.
10 Greenways
a.) Williams, Kathleen. "Tennessee Greenways and Trails a Citizen Action Guide." The Conservation Fund's Tennessee Greenways Program 
11 Guides
a.) "Lake Claims Life of Guide." Lake County Banner November 26, 1954.                                                                                                                 b.) "Name of Licensee." TWRA December 28, 1977.                                        c.) "Guides of Reelfoot Lake." RLSP February 26, 1994.
12 Hamilton, AL (1) 2003-
a.) Removal and Development of Designated Natural Areas Under Natural Ares Preservation Act. State of Tennessee Office of the Attorney General December 12, 2001.
13 Hamilton, AL (2)
a.) "Photo Albums by ReelfootLakeWatchGroup." Webshots.Web. January 18, 2004. <>                                                                                                                              b.) "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee and Kentucky U.S. National Natural Landmark (NPS)." AOL.Hometown. Web. January 11, 2004. <>                                                                                                                 c.)  "Photo Albums by ReelfootLakeWatchGroup." Webshots. Web. January 21, 2004. <>                                                                                                                             d.) "USGS 07027000 Reelfoot Lake NR Tiptonville, TN." Waterdata.usgs. Web. February 8, 2004. <>
14 Hamilton, AL (3) 2003
a.) "Meeting reveals strong support for TWRA channel maintence." Lake County Banner March 3, 2004.                                                                     b.) Krone, Kathy. "Public endorses jet spray dredge at Reelfoot hearing." State Gazette. Web. February 27, 2004. <>                       c.) Jones, Evan. "Support shown for dredging." The Messenger February 26, 2004.                                                                                                      d.) Brannon, John. "Dredging Focus of Public Hearing." The Messenger February 19, 2004.                                                                              e.) Jones, Evan. "Court passes port resolution, rejects higher building permit fees." Lake County Banner February 8, 2004.                         f.) "Reelfoot Lake and River System at Champey Pocket on Southwest Side of Lake." Webshots. Web. February 16, 2004. <>   g.) "Photo Albums by ReelfootLakeWatchGroup." Webshots. Web. February 16, 2004. <>                                                                                                                             h.) Krone, Kathy. "Hearing set on TWRA's use of jet-spray dredge at Reelfoot." Dyersburg State Gazette January 29, 2004. 
15 Hamilton, AL (4) 2003
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Environmental Habitat and Waters." Reelfoot Lake State Park Enterpretive Center. March 7, 2004.                              b.) "Photo Albums by ReelfootLakeWatchGroup." Webshots. Web. March 15, 2004. <>                                                                                                                                  c.) "Reelfoot Lake and River System at Champey Pocket on Southwest side of Lake." Webshots. Web. March 15, 2004. <> 
16 Hamilton, AL (5) 2003
a.) "Photo Albums by ReelfootLakeWatchGroup." Webshots. Web. January 30, 2004. <>                                                                                                                             b.) "Reelfoot Lake National Wildlife Refuge-- South of Walnut Log, TN- Tier 3 waters of the State of Tennessee and Navigable waters." Webshots. Web. January 30, 2004. <http://>                    c.) "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee and Kentucky." AOL.Hometown. Web. January 28, 2004. <>                                                                                                                 d.) "Photo Albums by ReelfootLakeWatchGroup." Webshots. Web. January 28, 2004. <>                                                                                                                               e.) "Photo Albums by pisa_asitopa." Webshots. Web. January 28, 2004. <>           f.) "Photo Albums by kneebooter." Webshots. Web. January 28, 2004. <>
17 Hamilton, AL (6) 2003
a.) Droitsch, Danielle. "A Message from the Director." Watershed Watch. December 16, 2003.                                                                                      b.) Hamilton, Al. "A Draft of 11/23/03: Al Hamilton background data etc." America Online: HAMILTONAL99 November 24, 2003.
18 Hamilton, AL (7)  2003
a.) Re: "Opinion Letter." Hamilton vs. Myers to V.A. Sikora. December 15, 2003.
19 Hamilton, AL (8) 
20 Hamilton, AL (9) 
a.) Bamman, Gale Williams. "This Land is our Land! Tennessee's Disputes with North Carolina." A Free Geneology Website Trusted by USGenNet. Web. March 22, 2001. <>
21 Hamilton, AL (10) 
a.) "House Joint Resolution No. 415." State of Tennessee House of Representatives April 23, 1984.                                                                      b.) "Letter from The Secretary of the Army." Committee on Public Works. April 28, 1948.                                                                                        c.) "List of Depository Libraries as of September 1982." The Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service June, 1983.                     d.) "How to Find U.S. Statutes and U.S. Code Citations." Reproduced by the Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service. January 27, 1982.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
22 Hamilton, AL (11)
a.) "Hunters Jump on Hamilton." Lake County Banner October 24, 1984.                                                                                                                 b.) Gaither, Steve. "Lake County till catches Obion eye." The Commercial Appeal September 17, 1985.                                                            c.) "Heart of the Mississippi River Regions: Tennessee."                 d.) "Gill picks resort owner as top aide." The Commercial Appeal February 7, 1987.                                                                                                                        e.) "Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission." Natural Resources Article 8-1808(d), Annotated Code of Maryland December 1986.                                                                                                                        f.) Hamilton, AL. "Habitat Manipulation Lake Tohopekaliga and Lake  Kissimmee Drawdowns." Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission 1987 Largemouth Bass Management Symposium April 7, 1987.                                                                                                                  
23 Hamilton, AL (12)
a.) "Recommendations of the Reelfoot Legislative Task Force for Protection and Enhancement of Reelfoot Lake and Its Ecosystem." September 1987.
24 Hamilton, AL (13)
a.) "Water Management Plan." Reelfoot and Lake ISOM National Wildlife Refuges Samburg, Tennessee October 15, 1958.                          b.) "A Comprehensive Plan to Resolve Resource Problems at Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge." Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service September 1984.
25 Hamilton, AL (14) 
a.) Hamilton, AL. "Reelfoot Lake and Its Ownership by the State of Tennessee at Natural Ordinary Low Water Mark Purchase Project--  76 Years." July 10, 1989.
Box 51 of 89
File No.  Title  Date
1 Hamilton, AL (1)
a.) "Former mayor says lake concerns ignored." Union City Daily Messenger October 4, 1989.                                                                                 b.) "Talk of drawdown disturbs residents." Union City Daily Messenger October 2, 1989.                                                                                  c.) "Pinion pushing lawsuit for lake lease violations." Union City Daily Messenger October 3, 1989. 
2 Hamilton, AL (2)
a.) "Record of Decision for Reelfoot Lake Water Level Management." United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service.
3 Hamilton, AL (3) 
a.) Coggins, George Cameron. Public Natural Resources Law. New York: Clark Boardman Company, Ltd, 1990. Print.                                b.) "In Productive Harmony: A brief explanation of environmental impact statements." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.             c.) Brannon, John. "Siltation, vegetation engulfing Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger May 22, 1990.  
4 Hamilton, Jamie Jr. 
a.) "Happy Anniversary." Lake County Banner September 10, 2003.               b.) "TWRA officer files suit over alleged Internet info." Lake County Banner June 18, 2003.                                                                                       c.) Brannon, John. "TWRA officer files $1.75M lawsuit." The Messenger June 13, 2003.                                                                               
5 Hamilton, Jamie SR
a.) "Resort owner supports Kentuckians on lake issue." Lake County Banner June 27, 2001.                                                                                        
6 Hamilton Family
7 Hamilton vs. Myers North Carolina Land Grants  2002-2003
a.)Paine, Donald F.. "Peremptory challenges: The Reelfoot Lake Night Rider trial." Tennessee Bar Journal.                                              b.) "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee-- Squatter's Rights in Ownership of Private Duckblinds and Basic History of Private Duckblind Ownership on Reelfoot Lake from 1940's." Reelfoot Lake-- Squatter's rights in Private Duckblinds. Web. May 28, 2003. <>
8 Harris, Anselmo 
a.) "A Fine Eagle." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 1915.                                     b.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 18, 1929. 
9 Harris, James C. (1) 
a.) Harris, J.C.. "The One-Eyed Cotton King." 
10 Harris, James C. (2)
a.) The Memphis Daily Appeal February 13, 1885.                                         b.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Memphis Daily Appeal January 30, 1885. 
11 Harris, James C. (3)
a.) "The State Capital: Reelfoot Lake." The Memphis Daily Appeal February 14, 1885.                                                                                                      b.) "The Railroad Project." The Commercial Appeal September 6, 1901.                                                                                                                  c.) The Commercial Appeal September 27, 1901.                                                              d.) "W Railroad Enterprise." The Commercial Appeal September 27, 1901.                                                                                                            e.) The Commercial Appeal October 25, 1901.                                                                f.) The Commercial Appeal February 28, 1902.                                                               g.) "Celebrated Relfoot Lake Case." The Commercial Appeal June 20, 1902.                                                                                                                  h.) "Degree of Supreme Court." The Commercial Appeal June 20, 1902.                                                                                                            i.) "To Control Fisheries." The Commercial Appeal July 16, 1902.                   j.) "Lake County Railroad." The Commercial Appeal July 19, 1901.                 k.) "Temporary Injunction Granted Restraining Fishing or Hunting for Profit." The Commercial Appeal September 12, 1902.                                              l.) The Commercial Appeal November 28, 1902.                                                              m.) "Reelfoot Lake-- Moving Factory." The Commercial Appeal December 19, 1902.                                                                                                                        n.) "He Lost Money." The Commercial Appeal February 13, 1903.                               o.) "James C. Harris." The Commercial Appeal May 1, 1903.                            p.) Jones, Evan. "The Cotton King." Lake County Banner July 25, 2001.
12 Harris, Judge
a.) "Woodland Mills." The Commercial Appeal November 22, 1901.                          b.) "Chancery Court." The Commercial Appeal April 14, 1905.                         c.) "Imaginary." The Commercial Appeal August 13, 1909.                                   d.) "Judge Harris Comes Home." The Commercial Appeal August 20, 1909.                                                                                                               e.) "Misleading the Public." The Commercial Appeal August 20, 1909.                                                                                                               f.) "Death of Judge Harris." The Commercial Appeal June 17, 1910.              g.) "Judge Harris' Widow Protests." The Commercial Appeal August 19, 1910.                                                                                                            h.) "The Break Will of Judge Harris." The Commercial Appeal September 30, 1910.                                                                                                                         i.) "Judge Harris' Widow." The Commercial Appeal March 31, 1911.                                                                                                             j.) "Say Harris Was Poisoned." NewYorkTimes June 13, 1910.           k.) "Night rider Witness Dead." New York Times June 12, 1910.
13 Health (Diseases, Medicine)
a.) The Daily Hickman Courier March 2, 1877.                                                                                b.) "The Epidemic." The Daily Hickman Courier November 15, 1878.                                             c.) "The Public Health." The Daily Hickman Courier February 21, 1879.                             d.) "Fever in the South." The Daily Hickman Courier February 21, 1879.                                  e.) "A Sanitary Law." The Daily Hickman Courier February 28, 1879.                                         f.) "Alarming." The Daily Hickman Courier July 18, 1879.                                                       g.) "Yellow Fever Ordinanee." Hickman Courier July 25, 1879.                                           h.) "Sanitary Matters." The Daily Hickman Courier June 25, 1880.                                    i.) "Small-Pox in Obion." Daily Memphis Avalanche February 6, 1885.                                    j.) "Small-Pox in Obion." Daily Memphis Avalanche February 15, 1885.                                k.) Daily Memphis Avalanche February 27, 1885.                                                                                 l.) "Small-Pox in Obion County." The Memphis Daily Appeal March 3, 1885.                                                                                                                 m.) "Dangerous House-Fly." The Commercial Appeal May 19, 1911.                                           n.) "Samburg." The Commerical Appeal April 2, 1915.                                                                            o.) "Scarlet Fever by County Health Unit." The Commercial Appeal October 19, 1923.                                                                                                                                                                         p.) "Typhoid Fever Cases Few in Obion County." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                                                                        q.) "Health Unit Continues to Fight Malaria." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                                                                     r.) "Health  Department Gives Warning Against Malaria." The Commercial Appeal August 27, 1926.                                                                                                                                                              s.) "Typhoid Fever Causes Agitation in Lake County." The Commercial Appeal September 17, 1926.                                                                                                                                                                           t.) "Smallpox Causes Quarantine Near Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 25, 1931.                                                                                                                                                                u.) "No Smallpox at Samburg." The Commercial Appeal October 9, 1931.                                            v.) "General Death Rate in Obion County in 1930." The Commercial Appeal June 12, 1931.                                                                                                                                                                               w.) "Vital Statistics Given in Report." Tiptonville Times September 12, 1934.                                                                                                                        x.) "Epidemic is Waning." Lake Co. Banner April 19, 1940.                                                        y.) "Only 110 of the 1600 Cases of Syphilis in County Being Treated." Lake County Banner June 14, 1940.                                                                                                                                 z.) "Two Jailed for Evasion of Syphilis Treatment." Lake County Banner May 1, 1942. 
aa.) "Highly Unsanitary Conditions are Prevalent about Lake, Says Wyatt." Lake County Banner July 31, 1942.                                                                                                       bb.) "666 Stops Chills Fever." Lake County Banner July 18, 1947.                                             cc.) "A Wise Polio Precaution: Keep Foods Well Covered." Lake County  Banner July 25, 1947.                                                                                                                                                                dd.) "Health Department Notes." Lake County Banner November 26, 1948.                                     ee.) "Mass Attack Launched Against Venereal Disease in Tennessee." Lake County Banner January 14, 1949.                                                                                                                                    ff.) "One Out of Three Had V-D on one Farm-- Mass Tests Advised." Lake County Banner January 21, 1949.                                                                                                                                 gg.) "Health Department Notes." Lake County Banner October 12, 1945.                                  hh.) "Health Department to Go After Syphilis Among Farm Groups." Lake County Banner March 4, 1949.                                                                                                                                   ii.) "Funds Received for Care of Polio Cases." Lake County Banner November 11, 1949.                                                                                                                                                                  jj.) "Kathryn Work is Home and Recovering from Polio." Lake County Banner August 11, 1950.                                                                                                                                                             kk.) "Polio Vaccine Report Given." Lake County Banner July 2, 1954.                                      ll.) "Risher, Wayne. "Pesticide traced to drinking water of family's home." The Commercial Appeal August 10, 1984.                                                                                                                   mm.) "Sewage project delays to continue." Lake County Banner September  21, 1953.                                                                                                                                                               nn.) Mitchell Jr., Vyron. "Reelfoot Septic Tank." Fulton Daily Letter July 18, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                        oo.) "Wrong decision on Reelfoot." The Jackson Sun July 11, 1985.                            pp.) "Shortfall is on Agenda." Lake County Banner May 7, 1986.                                             qq.) "Barker given Post." Lake County Banner August 20, 1986.                                                       rr.) Hiles, Bill. "Reelfoot Lake sewer project gets unexpected refusal from samburg." State Gazette May 2, 1986.                                                                                              ss.) Robinson, Quintin. "Reelfoot plans may include three options from corps." The Commercial Appeal September 22, 1987.                                                                                           tt.) "Reelfoot Lake sewer system remedies health problems." Union City Daily Messenger May 15, 1990. 
14 Henley Libby (Ms. Robert Henley) Daughter of L. Donaldson, Sr.
15 Henson, James Wesley 
16 Henson  1973
a.) "Pesticide Levels in Water and Wildlife of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee." Water Resources Research Center August, 1973.
17 Henson, J.W.  1985
a.) Henson, J.W. (Late Summer-Fall, 1985): Survey of Moist Soil Plants Growing on Exposed Bottom Areas of Reelfoot Lake. University of Tennessee at Martin.
18 Henson  1985
a.) "A Quantitative Sampler for Various Aquatic Macrophyte Growth Forms, Including Rhizomes and Propagules from Sediments." 
19 Henson, J.W.  1990
a.) "Aquatic Wetland Vascular Flora of Reelfoot Lake."                     b.) "Aquatic Wetland Vascular Flora of Reelfoot Lake."
20 Herbicides
a.) Applied Biochemists, Inc. Water Weeds and Alga.Mequon: Applied Biochemists, Inc., 1976. Print.                                                     b.) Monsanto Company. Rodeo Herbicide for Aquatic Vegetation Management.St. Louis: Monsanto Agricultural Products Company, 1985. Print.                                                                                                 c.) Pennwalt Corporation. Review of the Effects of Endothall Products on Aquatic Ecosystem. Philadelphia: Pennwalt Corporation. Print.                                                                                            d.) Pennwalt Corporation. Submersed Aquatic Weeds and Algae Guide. Philadelphia: Pennwalt Corporation. Print. 
Box 52 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (1) 2002-2003
a.) "Rationale Sheet State of Tennessee General NPDES Permit for Application of Herbicides to Reelfoot Lake." February 7, 2003.       
2 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (2) 2002-2003
a.)"Consumer Factsheet on: Endothall." EPA. Web. February 26, 2003. <>
3 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (3) 2002-2003
4 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (4) 2002-2003
5 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (5) 2002-2003
6 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (6) 2002-2003
7 Herbicides, Aquatic, NPDES Permit, General, Draft, Correspondence (7) 2002-2003
a.) Krone, Kathy. "Reelfoot herbicide question gets zero input from public." State Gazette January 12, 2003.                                                        b.) Krone, Kathy. "State proposes altering permits for herbicides at Reelfoot Lake." State Gazette January 9, 2003.                                               c.) Davis, Paul E.. Application of Aquatic Herbicides to Reelfoot Lake. Division of Water Pollution Control 2002.                                     d.) "Legal: Public Hearing Notice No. 02-010." Union City Messenger November 29, 2002.
8 Highways
a.) "Route is Surveyed." The Commercial Appeal December 10, 1922.                                                                                                               b.) Fauntleroy, Thomas. "Tennessee Plans a Memorial Road." New York Times July 6, 1930.
9 Hickman, KY
a.) Heinze, John C.. "ICE! ICE! ICE!" Hickman Courier May 2, 1868.                             b.) "The Mystery of The Hills around Hickman Explained." Hickman Courier March 13, 1869.                                                                                                                                                      c.) "Is Hickman to be Cut off Entirely." Hickman Courier March 25, 1871.                                                                                                                        d.) "For French Mustard, go to Joe's." Hickman Courier May 6, 1871.                                                                                                                       e.) "For Lake Ice, go to Joe's." Hickman Courier May 6, 1871.                                         f.) "For Chewing Tobacco, go to Joe's." Hickman Courier May 6, 1871.                                                                                                                        g.) "Railroad from Hickman to Troy." Hickman Courier September 9, 1871.                                                                                                                       h.) "The Railroad Future- Road from Hickman to Troy." Hickman Courier September 16, 1871.                                                                                                                                                             i.) "Nashville and North-estern Railroad Two Daily Passenger Trains." Hickman Courier September 16, 1871.                                                                                                                                j.) "Outlets, River and Railroads." Hickman Courier September 30, 1871.                           k.) "Our Levee Prospect." The Hickman Courier August 31, 1872.                                       l.) "The Levee." The Hickman Courier October 5, 1872.                                                                 m.) "The Hickman and Madrid Bend Levee." The Hickman Courier October 5, 1872.                                                                                                                                                                         n.) "Railroad Mass Meeting and Barbecue." The Hickman Courier August 3, 1872.                                                                                                                                                                         o.) "Our Railroad Prospect." The Hickman Courier August 3, 1872.                                     p.) "Bar Meeting." The Hickman Courier August 28, 1874.                                                     q.) "Dan Rice's Floating Opera." The Hickman Courier October 22, 1880.                                                                                                                         r.) "Hickman, Kentucky." Hickman Courier June 2, 1882.                                                 s.) "Tiptonville to Hickman." Hickman Courier September 8, 1882.                                         t.) "New Hickman Boat." Hickamn Courier                                                                                       u.) "An ancient diary unearthed: Hickman in it's earliest days." Hickman Courier April 30, 1981.                                                                                                                               v.) Gaither, Steve. "Corps' best-laid plans go awry, leaving town in a mess." The Commercial Appeal August 26, 1986.                                                                                                     w.) "Cracks Hickman's on the move." Hickman Courier                                                         x.) "Hubbard in Hickman." Union City Daily Messenger October 24, 1986.                                                                                                                        y.) Gaither, Steve. "Downtown Hickman may flee river." The Commercial Appeal October 12, 1986.                                                                                                                                    z.) "Hubbard makes Hickman Tour." Union City Daily Messenger October 13, 1986.  
10 Higsby, Arch 
11 History- General Reelfoot Lake
a.) "Reelfoot Lake as it Looks out in the Open." Press Scimitar November 19, 1905.                                                                                                                                                                               b.) Marshall, E.H. (ed.) History of Obion County: Towns and Communities Churches, Schools, Farming, Factories Social and Political. reprinted by H.H. Lanzer Co., Union City, TN, 1970 and 1974.                                                                                                                                              c.) "The Pride of Tennessee." The Commercial April 18, 1902.                                                              d.) "One Hundred Years." The Commercial May 4, 1923.                                                                         e.) "Story of Reelfoot Lake and the Sports of the Kings." The Commercial April 18, 1930.                                                                                                                                                                f.) "Lake History to be Printed." Lake County Banner October 24, 1952.                                                        g.) "Questions you have asked." Lake County Banner December 26, 1952.                                                       h.) "DeSoto Visited Near Here on His Famous Trip, Says Franko." Lake County Banner February 13, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                 i.) "Congress Checks up on some Local History and On Desota." Lake County Banner March 6, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                         j.) "How Reelfoot Lake got its Shape." Lake County Banner June 19, 1953.                                                                                                                        k.) "Dr. Franko's Column." Lake County Banner June 26, 1953.                                                                           l.) "Dr. Franko's Column." Lake County Banner July 10, 1953.                                                                           m.) "Old Legend of Chickasaws is Revived by Dr. Alfred Franko." Lake County Banner July 31, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                         n.) "Dr. Franko Tells How Tribe Carried Bones for 43 Years." Lake County Banner August 7, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                           o.) "Cuming Recorded 1808 Visit to this Region of 'Idyllic Beauty.'" Lake County Banner August 21, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                                  p.) "Dr. Franko Answers Letters from Readers Interested in Reelfoot." Lake County Banner September 18, 1953.                                                                                                                                                                       q.) "Old Diary Describes Reelfoot Lake as ot was 100 Years Ago." Lake County Banner March 19, 1954.                                                                                                                                                                                  r.) Taylor, Jan. "Quaint Reelfoot Lake Names Keep History Alive." Commercial Appeal December 26, 1970.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
11 cont. s.) Lewis, Emmett. "Early Communities Recalled." Lake County Banner July 26, 1989.                                                                                                                                                                          t.) "Obion County: Recreation." The Historical News October, 1999.                                                                                                                                       u.) Forrester, R.C.. "A Millennium to Remember." The Messenger December 31, 1999.                                                                                                  v.)" '37 Flood, WWII tie for Story of Century." Lake County Banner January 19, 2000.                                                                                                                            w.) "Courting Included Cold Trip, 25 cent Movies." Lake County Banner January 26, 2000.                                                                                                                                                                           x.) "Reelfoot Lake Scenes from way Back When!" Lake County Banner May 23, 2001.                                                                                                                                                                          y.) Todd, Wes. "Budget Talks Continue for County Commission." Lake County Banner August 1, 2001.                                                                                                                                         z.) "Sportsman Paradise is at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal December 17, 1922.                                                                                                                     aa.) "A Sportsmen's Paradise." NewYork Times January 11, 1891. 
12 History- Illustrated Reelfoot Lake 
13 Hollis Gerald Co. Section 401- Water Quality Certification.
14 Homra, A. 
a.) "Alex Homra is Buried Sunday." Lake County Banner February 18, 1949.
15 Human Interest (1)
a.) "The Sunday Law." Hickman Courier October 7, 1871.                                                      b.) "A Pathetic Picture." Hickman Courier July 27, 1872.                                                         c.) "Rejuvenate Reelfoot!" Memphis Press-Scimitar June 3, 1939.                                   d.) McGowan, Robert. "Naturalists' Paradise- Reelfoot Lake." Commercial Appeal August 29, 1954.                                                                                                                                e.) Brosnan, James W. "Researchers Study Man's Role in Killing Reelfoot Lake." Commercial Appeal.                                                                                                                                                f.) Sullivan, Nick. "Ecological Breakdowns Anger Swain." The Tennessean March 12, 1978.                                                                                                                                                                    g.) "What one poet likes at lake." Lake County Banner January 8, 1981.                                                                                                                   h.) "Doomed Lake?" The Jackson Sun August 9, 1981.                                                                      i.) Roberts, Bill. "Reelfoot-- A lake in transition." The Jackson Sun August 9, 1981.                                                                                                                                                                             j.) Brown, Fred. "Fate of Reelfoot in Farmers' Hands." Memphis Press-Scimitar January 4, 1983.                                                                                                                                                   k.) "The People's Lake." Memphis Press-Scimitar January 3, 1983.                                  l.) "Paradise Imperiled." Memphis Press-Scimitar January 1, 1983.                         m.) "Reelfoot Lake." Memphis Press-Scimitar January 5, 1985.                                            n.) "Lake to be Revitalized." Lake County Banner February 1, 1984.                                  o.) "Reelfoot may die in only 50 years." Lake County Banner July 13, 1983.                                                                                                                       p.) Mansur, Michael. "Governor fishes Reelfoot Lake, pledges action." Commercial Appeal May 13, 1984.                                                                                                          q.) Cavness, Gale. "Alexander Vows Support for Reelfoot Lake Work." Union City Daily Messenger May 14, 1984.                                                                                                           r.) "Governor's Curtain." The Commercial Appeal June 3, 1984.                                      s.) "Reelfoot Restudy." The Commercial Appeal June 22, 1984.                                          t.) "Enough Already." Lake County Banner July 4, 1984.                                                                   u.) "Words aren't enough." The Commercial Appeal August 14, 1984.                    v.) "Reelfoot's real trouble." Dyer County Tennessean August 16, 1984.                                                                                                                               w.) Walter, Tom. "Turner crew painting 'Portrait' of state." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1984. 
16 Human Interest (2) 
a.) "Candidate Gore Points to His 'Effectiveness.'" The Daily Messenger October 16, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                          b.) "TWRA plan may be risky, but it's worth a try." The Jackson Sun November 18, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                       c.) Wambles, Johnson. "Interest becomes career." The Pacer October 9, 1986.                                                                                                                     d.) "Reelfoot future begins." Lake County Banner March 11, 1987.                                               e.) Dahnke, Ellen. "Experts may not have answers to save lake." The Jackson Sun May 17, 1987.                                                                                                                                            f.) Dahnke, Ellen. "Level of lake knotty problem." The Jackson Sun May 17, 1987.                                                                                                                                                                       g.) Dahnke, Ellen. "The Dilemma of Reelfoot Lake." The Jackson Sun May 24, 1987.                                                                                                                                                                          h.) "Fishermen keep lake from death." Jackson Sun May 24, 1987.                               i.) Dahnke, Ellen. "Fight to save waterway deepens rift in family." Jackson Sun May 24, 1987.                                                                                                                                                   j.) Dahnke, Ellen. "Dispute may lead nature to resolve Reelfoot's Future." The Jackson Sun May 24, 1987.                                                                                                                     k.) "Saving a Treasure." The Commercial Appeal September 14, 1987.                                     l.) Hiles, Bill. "Water Quality named as key lake problem." Dyersburg Gazette June 27, 1987.                                                                                                                                                   m.) "Fall from truck fatal to child." Lake County Banner June 3, 1987.                                  n.) "Lake residents claim time is of the essence." Union City Daily Messenger October 13, 1988.                                                                                                                                                       o.) "Warning came early of Reelfoot deterioration." Union City Daily Messenger June 18, 1990.                                                                                                                                                        p.) Brannon, John. "Lake fishing forecast gloomy." Union City Daily Messenger July 27, 1990.                                                                                                                                                        q.) "Reelfoot races time, with strategy unsure." The Jackson Sun October 21, 1990.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           r.) "Lake water study nears completion." Union City Daily Messenger November 21, 1990.                                                                                                                                                                        s.) "A melancholy letter to Santa." Lake County Banner December 25, 1991.                                        t.) Corwin, Tom. "Reelfoot fights to survive." The Jackson Sun November 11, 1992.                                                                                                                                                                      
u.) Childs, Laurel E.J.. "Return to Reelfoot evokes memories of the past." Lake County Banner September 29, 1999.                                                                                                                                 v.) "Lottie Mitchell Leonard, 88 Reelfoor pioneer descendant." Lake County Banner October 13,1999.                                                                                               w.) "UT Martin concert has local ties to lake." Lake County Banner November 17, 1999.                                                                                                      x.) Jones, Evan. "Readers asked to help pick story of the century." Lake County Banner January 5, 2000.                                                                                                   y.) "Soybean farmers pin hopes on 2000." Lake County Banner May 3, 2000.                                                                                                                        z.) "Union City Negro is brough to Memphis." The Commercial Appeal December 7, 1972. 
17 Hunting
a.) "Six Ducks, Sixty Days." Lake County Banner August 27, 2003.                                             b.) Jones, Evan. "Duck Season 2001-02: Good bye and good riddance." Lake County Banner January 30, 2002.                                                                                                                                c.) "TWRA moves to stop sale of WMA blinds." Lake County Banner March 31, 1999.                                                                                                                                                                           d.) Nowell, Robbye. "Tennessee's Most Unique Hunting Club is..." Tennessee Magazine January 18, 1988.                                                                                                                             e.) "Duck blind allocation at Reelfoot set." The Commercial Appeal July 26.                                                                                                                     f.) "Local News." Hickman Courier October 27, 1882.                                                                        g.) "Hunting-Fishing Club on Outing." The Commercial Appeal August 27, 1926.                                                                                                                              h.) "Reelfoot Club Closes Annual Outing on Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 3, 1926.                                                                                                                                                    i.) "Hunters Flock to Reelfoot as Ducks Arrive." The Commercial Appeal November 5, 1926.                                                                                                                                                                           j.) "Change Bag Limit for Hunters of Ducks." Tiptonville Times January 10, 1930.                                                                                                                          k.) "Interesting Memories Related by Esq. Calhoun, Who's Quitting Farm." Lake County Banner December 10, 1937.                                                                                                                            l.) "Duck Hunting Area Increased." Lake County Banner December 14, 1945.                           m.) "Quail, Rabbit Season to Open." Lake County Banner November 26, 1948.                                                                                                                        n.) "Grinnel Event Winner Named." Lake County Banner May 30, 1952.                              o.) "Too Dry for Hunting." Lake County Banner October 31, 1952.                                                  p.) "When a Guide isn't Guiding, What's  He Doing? Duck Hunting." Lake County Banner December 12, 1952.                                                                                                                                 q.) Gantlett, W. "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner December 10, 1948.                                          r.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner December 9, 1949.                                                                            s.) Roberts, Herb. "Old Time Hunting." Tennessee Department of Conservation.                                                                                                              t.) Cortese, James. "Life-Style Slowing Down as Tales Hold Fast Pace." The Commercial Appeal March 5, 1979.                                                                                                      u.) "Early season for Reelfoot was disaster." Sports Plus/ The OutdoorsNovember 9, 1984.                                                                                            
v.) Christ, Mark. "Delights pooled at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal January 19, 1986.                                                                                                                  w.) "Reelfoot Blinds not occupied by shooting time are up for grabs." Lake County Banner April 21, 1986.                                                                                       x.) "Lake bag limit doubled." Lake County Banner August 20, 1986.                         y.) "Duck Population on the increase." Lake County Banner August 20, 1986.                                                                                                                         z.) Jones, Evan. "The man who gaurds the geese." Lake County Banner November 11, 1987.                                                                                                      aa.) "Friends for Ducks organization releasing mallards at Reelfoot." The Daily Messenger July 8, 1988.                                        bb.) "Reelfoot goose hunting takes flight." The Commercial Appeal January 14, 1990.                                                                                      cc.) "A warm day foils Tanner's foray." The Commercial Appeal January 21, 1990.                                                                                                     dd.) "Waterfowl hunters prepare for season." Robertson County Times September 13, 1995.                                                                                      ee.) Brannon, John. "3 Charged for Illegal Hunting." Union City Daily Messenger February 16, 1993.                                                                   ff.) "Reelfoot Lake Sportsman's Paradise as Hunting Season." The Commercial Appeal December 17, 1922.                                                            gg.) Bible, John F. "Hunting in the Mississippi Swamps." The Commercial Appeal May 27, 1923.                                                            hh.) Hampton, Kate P. "A Story of Reelfoot Lake." NewYork Times October 6, 1923. 
18 Hunting, Market
Box 53 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Hyde, Abigail 
a.) "Many visit Reelfoot for Fourth of July." Lake County Banner July 7, 2004.
2 Hydrology
3 Hydrographic Characteristics Provisional Data (CH. Robbins, USGS) 1931, 1956, 1983-84
a.) "Preliminary Annual Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Constituents in Stream-Bottom Material." U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division Tennessee District April 1984.                                  b.) Denton, Greg. "Continuation of Hydrolic Data Collection at Reelfoot Lake." U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division Tennessee District March 12, 1985.                                                                 c.) "Hydrologic data ready on lake." Lake County Banner December 4, 1985. 
4 Hydrographic Survey C.L. Baker 1938-1942
a.) Map of Reelfoot Lake Showing the Extent of Vegetation, the Depths, and Boundaries of the State Park. 
5 Hydrographic Survey Corps of Engineers  1956
6 Hydrographic Survey USGS 1984
7 Ice Cover
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Frozen from Shore to Shore." The Commercial Appeal January 13, 1928.                                                                                                        b.) "Reelfoot Lake Frozen Over." The Commercial Appeal December 6, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           c.) "Lake Freezes Over to Depth of Four Inches." Lake County Banner February 9, 1951.                                                                                                         d.) Lewis, Emmett. "Sawing ice for summertime." Lake County Banner December 27, 1989. 
8 Illinois College of Photography Effingham, Illinois
a.) Fraprie, Frank R. "The Illinois College of Photography." American Photography September 1912                                                               b.) Banbury, Larry F. Biographical Historical Illustrated. Effingham: Banbury Publishing Company, 1982. Print.                                               c.) Campbell, Tony. "A Picture from the Past." Effingham Illinois Daily News July 8, 1993.                                                                                   d.) Illinois College of Photography 
9 Indian Creek Watershed
a.) Christ, Mark. "Reelfoot Future Tied to Watersheds." The Commercial Appeal August 17, 1983.                                                             b.) "Dyersburg firm may hook lake contract." The Commercial Appeal January 25, 1984.                                                                                        c.) Christ, Mark. "Watershed is priority, officials say." The Commercial Appeal January 24, 1985.                                                                                       d.) "Utility Relocation Appears Bottleneck." The Daily Messenger October 26, 1984.                                                                                                                  e.) Christ, Mark. "Watershed network panel's top concer." The Commercial Appeal November 12, 1984. 
10 Insects
11 Interpretive Center Renovation Expenses
12 Interpretive Research at Reelfoot Lake 
a.) Smith, Winfred L. "A Proposal fpr the Preparation of an Interpretive Research Document for the Reelfoot Lake Interpretive Center." Department of Biological Sciences September 14, 1984. 
13 Interpretive Center  1985-1986
a.) Reelfoot Lake State Park Museum Exhibit (Copy Panel Rough Draft #1). April 1986
14 Interpretive Center  1985-1986
a.) Meyer, John. "Reelfoot Lake Interpretive Center Audio Visual Programming 1986 Display." January 6, 1986. 
15 Interview
16 Interview, TV with KET W.L. Smith
17 Jennings, O.E.
18 Johnston, Arch 
19 Jorjorian, Byron 
20 Karwiel, Lela (Jack Cody) 
a.) "Lela Karwiel." Union City Messenger August 7, 2000.
21 Keel, Tim
22 Kentucky Bend; Bessie Bend, ISL. No. 10, River Channels 
a.) "How Kentucky Bend Came to be in Blue Grass State Finally Explained." Lake County Banner November 14, 1952.
23 Kiwanis Kiddie Park 
a.) Jones, Evan. "End of an Era Kiwanis Kiddie Park closed for good." Lake County Banner August 18, 2004. 
24 Kirby Pocket
25 Kroll, H.H.
26 Ku Klux Klan
a.) "Ku Kluxism in Tennessee Tested." Hickman Courier September 5, 1868.                                                                                                                         b.) "Weakley County Ku Klux." Hickman Courier November 14, 1868. 
27 Lake, Caddo Tex-LA
28 Lake City
a.) "To Sell Lots at Reelfoot." The Dresden Enterprise August 18, 1922.                                                                                                                        b.) "Townsite on Reelfoot." State Gazette September 29, 1922.                     c.) "Townsite on Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 6, 1922.                                                                                                                  d.) "Lake City." State Gazette November 7, 1922.                                            e.) "Lake City." The Commercial Appeal November 10, 1922.                                        f.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 10, 1922.                             g.) "Reelfoot Lake." State Gazette November 7, 1922.                                   h.) "Lake City to be Born November 18." The Dresden Enterprise November 10, 1922.                                                                                                       i.) "Lake City Lot Sale Rained Out; Another." The Dresden Enterprise November 17, 1922.                                                                                             j.) "Lake City Meeting." The Commercial Appeal September 14, 1923. 
Box 54 of 89
File No.  Title  Date
1 Lake County Banner 
a.) "Lewis Center seeks items." Lake County Banner February 27, 2002.                                                                                                                b.) "Way Back When." Lake County Banner March 1, 1989.                          c.) "Welcome to Our New Home." Lake County Banner November 8, 1989.                                                                                                                d.) "1990 Progress Edition." Lake County Banner March 21, 1990.
2 Lake County Commission 
a.) Jones, Evan. "Sundquist tax plan draws fire from court." Lake County Banner March 17, 1999.
3 Lake County Dream Catchers 2003
a.) "Dreamcatchers seek a vision for county." Lake County Banner June 4, 2003. 
4 Lakeview Dining Room 
a.) "Lakeview rises from ashes to continue Reelfoot tradition." The Lakeview Times February 2, 2002. 
5 Lake County Historical Society
a.) "Historical Society meeting reset." Lake County Banner March 17, 1999.                                                                                                                       b.) "Ghost swamp canoe float set." Lake County Banner March 17, 1999. 
6 "Lake Co. - Early History."  
a.) "Historic Spot- Lost by Caving of River Bank." Lake County Banner September 24, 1926.                                                                                                     b.) "Old Home Burns Down." Tiptonville Times December 13, 1929.           c.) "A Diary of 1856." Tiptonville Times June 6, 1930.                             d.) "Old Newspaper Clipping Relates Story of Conditions in Lake County 58 Years Ago." Tiptonville Times December 18, 1931.                      e.) "1883 Document Lists Old-Timers Who Did Their Stint on Roads." Lake County Banner October 15, 1948.                                                      f.) "Will N. Calhoun Buried Sunday in Louisiana." Lake County Banner January 14, 1949.                                                                                                         g.) "University Begins Hunt for Historical Treasure." Lake County Banner March 10, 1950.                                                                                      h.) "Lived at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner September 8, 1950.                                                                                i.) "Student Writes of Lake Co." Lake County Banner November 19, 1954.                                                                                                                 j.) "Town that disappeared." Lake County Banner October 2, 1975.             k.) Hyde, Abigail. "Local history recalled--Marian a village in Lake." Lake County Banner September 3, 1981.                                                        l.) Lewis, Emmett. "100 Years ago." Lake County Banner November 5, 1986.                                                                                                           m.) Hyde, Abigail. "Old Reelfoot called 'Garden of Eden.'" Lake County Banner November 5, 1986.                                                                                n.) "New book traces history of local families." Lake County Banner March 4, 1987. 
7 Lake County Museum Wauconda, IL.
8 Lake Isom
a.) "Isom Lake to Open in April." Lake County Banner March 30, 1951.
9 Lake-Level Database Contributors Survey 
10 Lake Levels
11 Lake Levels (2)
a.) "Lake Level is to be Lowered." Lake County Banner April 1, 1949.                                                                                                                                        b.) "Samburg wants hi school back." Lake County Banner January 27, 1950.                                                                                                       c.) Mansur, Michael. "Officials wonder if water diversion ruined Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1984.                               d.) Christ, Mark. "Farmers, landowners put cash on line for lake." The Commercial Appeal March 26, 1985.                                                     e.) "County seeks information on altering Reelfoot depth." Commercial Appeal March 20, 1985.                                                                 f.) "Fulton to fund Reelfoot fight." The Commercial Appeal March 29, 1985.                                                                                                                 g.) "Road Commissioners must run again in '86." Lake County Banner April 24, 1985. 
12 Lake No. 9
a.) "New Fishing Hole." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1924.                        b.) Mansur, Michael. "Farmer Protests refilling Lake 9." The Commercial Appeal  October 7, 1984.                                                                                   c.) "Funds OK'd for lawyer on Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal  March 19, 1985.                                                                                                                       d.) Christ, Mark. "Permit clouds project." The Commercial Appeal  e.) Mansur, Michael. "Officials wonder if water diversion ruined Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1984.                                 f.) "Reelfoot Restudy." The Commercial Appeal June 22, 1984.          g.) Christ, Mark. "Gill asks closing of pump." The Commercial Appeal September 20, 1985.                                                                                     h.) "Christ, Mark. "Farmers dispute Gill's lake plan." The Commercial Appeal September 21, 1985.                                                                i.) "Gill charges project violating drawdown." The Commercial Appeal October 1, 1985.                                                                                           j.) Hiles, Bill. "Corps could face millions in fines." State Gazette October 11, 1985.                                                                                                        k.) "Permit clouds project." The Commercial Appeal October 12, 1985. 
13 Lake No. 9 (2)
14 Lake No. 9 (3)
a.) Seago, Les. "Engineers Say Gill is Wrong." Union City Daily Messenger October 17, 1985.                                                                               b.) Christ, Mark. "Corps all wet on lake plan, says Rep. Gill." The Commercial Appeal October 24, 1985.                                                               c.) "Engineers respond to Rep. Gill." Lake County Banner October 23, 1985. 
15 Lake No. 9 (4)
a.) Brosnan, James W. "Opponents of pumping plant funding fear revenge." The Commercial Appeal November 11, 1985.                                              b.) "Lake Topic at Nashville Meet." The Daily Messenger November 15, 1985.                                                                                                                        c.) "Pumping Plant Labeled Waste." The Daily Messenger November 13, 1985.                                                                                                                          d.) "Jones Aide Denies Fear of Retaliation by Ford." The Daily Messenger November 12, 1985.                                                                                                           e.) Christ, Mark. "Wildlife chiefs will eye possible impact on lake." The Commercial Appeal December 8, 1985.                                                                          f.) "Fish Kill Extensive on Lake Number 9." Union City Daily Messenger October 14, 1985.                                                                                                                             g.) "Gill claims drainage illegal." State Gazette October 16, 1985.                        h.) "Engineer Project to be Topic." Daily Messenger August 16, 1983.                  i.) "Delay Being Sought on Reelfoot Project." The Daily Messenger June 20, 1984.                                                                                                                           j.) "Federal Agency Probing No. 9 Fish Kill." Union City Daily Messenger October 15, 1985.                                                                                                            k.) "Closing small lake cause of fish kill." The Commercial Appeal October 17, 1985.                                                                                                                           l.) Christ, Mark. "'Unbiased' study sought for lake." The Commercial Appeal November 25, 1985.                                                                                                        m.) Mansur, Michael. "Is diversion of water ruining Reelfoot Lake?" The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1984.                                                                         n.) "Corps rely on lake described as 'bull.'" The Commercial Appeal October 24, 1985.                                                                                                                        o.) "Lake plan viewed." The Commercial Appeal February 11, 1986.                     p.) Cavness, Gale. "More Questions Raised about Reelfoot Needs." Union City Daily Messenger June 15, 1984.
16 Lake No. 9 Pumping Station Corps of Engineers 
a.) Gaither, Steve. "Rep. Gill accuses Corps of Engineers of blocking study on Reelfoot water." The Commercial Appeal May 17, 1986.                                                                                                                   
17 Landfill- Union City
a.) Brannon, John. "Landfill owner pays fine for out-of-state waste." Union City Daily Messenger                                                         
18 Land Purchase
a.) Mansur, Michael. "Panel pushes for land purchse to brake Reelfoot Lake shrinking." The Commercial Appeal March 10, 1985.  b.) Locker, Richard. "Land acquisition is asked to shield Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal March 13, 1985.                                                c.) "State land purchases could cost county thousands." Lake County Banner February 4, 1987. 
Box 55 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Landing- Reelfoot 
a.) Historic Spot Lost by Caving of River Bank." The Commercial Appeal September 17, 1926. 
2 Lease Law (1)  1941
3 Lease Law (2) 1941
a.) "Goal of Memorandum to modify Lake lease." Union City Daily Messenger June 5, 1990.                                                                                 b.) Brannon, John. "Federal agency owes Tanner, area, apologies." The Daily Messenger June 5, 1990.                                                         c.) "USFW&S to control Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger May 24, 1990.                                                                                                         d.) "Lake action concerns Tanner." Union City Daily Messenger June 18, 1990.                                                                                                            e.) "Tanner orders probe into lake agreement." Union City Daily Messenger June 22, 1990.                                                                                f.) Hiles, Bill. "Tanner seeks GAO study of Reelfoot." State Gazette June 22, 1990.                                                                                                       g.) Brannon, John. "Tanner investigation gains allies." Union City Daily Messenger July 5, 1990.                                                                         h.) "Official's letter lists priorities." Union City Daily Messenger June 25, 1990.                                                                                                        i.) "Tanner's initiative applauded by Gill." Union City Daily Messenger June 26, 1990.                                                                                  j.) "Tanner asks investigation." Lake County Banner June 27, 1990.      k.) Christ, Mark. "Reelfoot's 1941 lease may delay low water." Commercial Appeal May 21, 1985.                                                                l.) "Sasser, TWRA head support lake probe." Union City Daily Messenger June 28, 1990.                                                                                m.) "Court reviews lake lease." Union City Daily Messenger July 27, 1990. 
4 Lease Law (3) 1941
a.) Brannon, John. "Reelfoot Lake report hits snag." Union City Daily Messenger May 1, 1992.                                                                         b.) Brannon, John. "Reelfoot Lake report hits snag, is delayed." The Weakley County Press May 12, 1992.                                                   c.) Brannon, John. "After 2 years we're still waiting." Union City Daily Messenger May 6, 1992.                                                                      d.) "Tanner, Sasser, Gore Release GAO Report on Reelfoot." The Dresden Enterprise August 26, 1992.                                                              e.) "Congressman John Tanner Reports to The Eighth District - Reelfoot Report." The Dresden Enterprise August 26, 1992.                       f.) Brown, Fred. "A question of responsibility." Memphis Press May 30, 1983 
5 Lease Law (4) 1941
a.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial September 28, 1923.                                                                                b.) "Wants to Save Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner August 22, 1924.                                                    c.) "Lions hear plans to develop lake." Tiptonville Times July 10, 1935.                                                                                                                       d.) "Gov. Browning Hears Reelfoot Lake Plans." Lake County Banner September 17, 1937.                                                                                                                                                                           e.) "Isaam Lake Area being Condemned by Governm't." Lake County Banner October 29, 1937.                                                                                                                                                                   f.) "U.S. Goverment Surveys The Reelfoot Lake Area." Lake County Banner May 12, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                         g.) "State Commissioner and Headden Express Concern for Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner March 24, 1939.                                                                                                                                                       h.) "Petition Would Have Reelfoot Lake Become a National Park." Lake County Banner August 11, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                                   i.) "Widespread Publicity Given Lake Petition." Lake County Banner August 18, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                          j.) "State Conservation Board Studies Reelfoot Problems." Lake County Banner September 8, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                                            k.) "Many Solutions for Reelfoot Lake Ills." Lake County Banner September 15, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                          l.) "14-Point Improvement Plan Enacted for Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner September 29, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                                        m.) "Cooper Pledges a National Park Plan." Lake County Banner December 1, 1939.                                                                                                                                                                       n.) "Federal Control for Lake Crops up Again." Lake County Banner January 17, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                        o.) "Reelfoot Lake Bill Introduced in House." Lake County Banner January 24, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                        p.) "Reelfoot Lake Bill Passes Lower House." Lake County Banner February 7, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                        q.) "Reelfoot Lake Act Houses Legislature." Lake County Banner February 14, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                        r.) "Wide-Sweeping Revision of Lake Regulations in Force." Lake County Banner February 21, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                             s.) "Federal-State Collaboration May Bring Better Days for Reelfoot." Lake County Banner February 28, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                   t.) "WPA project to Provide Reelfoot Ditch Clearance." Lake County Banner March 1941.                                                                                                                                                                          u.) "Federal Men Here to Study Lake Proposal." Lake County Banner May 9, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                       v.) "U.S. Plans for Lake Covered in Report." Lake County Banner May 30, 1941.                                                                                                                w.) "Federal Agency Would Undertake Extensive Program on Reelfoot." Lake Co. Banner June 6, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                         x.) "State Reaction on Lake Plan Awaited." Lake County Banner June 13, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
t.) "WPA project to Provide Reelfoot Ditch Clearance." Lake County Banner March 1941.                                                                                                                                                                          u.) "Federal Men Here to Study Lake Proposal." Lake County Banner May 9, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                           y.) "Officials Going to Nashville Business." Lake County Banner June 27, 1941.                                                                                                                         z.) "State, Federal Authorities Will Confer Wednesday on Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner July 4, 1941.                                                                                                                      aa.) "Tiptonville Board to Study Water Plan." Lake County Banner July 4, 1941.                                                                                                                bb.) "Federal Aid for Reelfoot Lake Now Seems Certain." Lake Co. Banner July 11, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                 cc.) "Reelfoot Lake Project Approval Expected." Lake County Banner August 8, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                       dd.) "Lake Commission to Meet Again Today." Lake County Banner August 15, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                              ee.) "Reelfoot Commission Fails to Sign Papers." Lake County Banner August 23, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                   ff.) "Reelfoot Lease Celebrated by Colorful Program Wed." Lake County Banner September 12, 1941.                                                                                                                                         gg.) "Prominent W. Tennesseans Attend Lake Celebration." Lake County Banner September 19, 1941.                                                                                                                  hh.) "Federal Men Begin Their Studies of Reelfoot Needs." Lake County Banner October 10, 1941.                                                                                                                                               ii.) "Wildlife Officials Pay Visit to Lake." Lake County Banner January 30, 1942.                                                                                                                         jj.) "New Lake Administrative Officer Is Now On Duty." Lake County Banner March 20, 1942.                                                                                                                                                        kk.) "Wildlife Heads Visit Reelfoot Lake This Week." Lake County Banner April 2, 1943.                                                                                                                                                                      ll.) "Lake Refuge Manager Is To Transfer To New Project." Lake County Banner November 19, 1943.                                                                                                                                             mm.) "Plan Improvement Program for Lake." Lake County Banner August 2, 1946.                                                                                                                                                                         nn.) "Low Level Outlet and Fish Ladder Being Built at Spillway." Lake County Banner September 5, 1947. 
6 Lease Law (5) 1941
7 Lee Family Photo
8 Legend (Reelfoot Lake)
a.) "The Legend of Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 9, 1923.                                                                                                                   b.) "Writer's Indian Legends Aid Reelfoot Publicity." The Commercial Appeal November 23, 1928.                                                                              c.) Gantlett, W.L.. "Samburg Inc.." Lake County Banner December 24, 1948.                                                                                                          d.) Gantlett, W.L.. "Samburg Inc.." Lake County Banner December 31, 1948. 
9 Leonard, Lexie 
a.) Taylor, Jan. "Quaint Reelfoot  Lake Names Keep History Alive." The Commercial Appeal December 26, 1970. 
10 Leptodora, Reelfoot Lake, Blue Basin (Emily Hickerson) 1992
11 Levee 
a.) "Lively Discussion of the Mississippi Levees." Hickman Courier December 16, 1871.                                                                                                                                                                   b.) "The Mississippi Levee Charter." Hickman Courier January 27, 1872.                                                                                                                        c.) "Levee Tax Carried." Hickman Courier November 9, 1872.                                     d.) "Our Mississippi Levee." Hickman Courier November 9, 1872.                           e.) "The Mississippi Levee Company." Hickman Courier January 4, 1873.                                                                                                                        f.) "A Question of Territory. The Mississippi of Levee Project." Hickman Courier January 18, 1873.                                                                                                                                                        g.) "Mississippi Levees." Hickman Courier February 15, 1873.                                           h.) "River News." Hickman Courier January 31, 1879.                                                                 i.) "Levee Near Hickman." The Commercial Appeal August 16, 1901.                              j.) "Fill Gap in Levee." The Commercial Appeal July 19, 1912.                                         k.) "Reelfoot Levee Holds." The Commercial Appeal May 7, 1913.                               l.) "Correspondence Concerning Levee Construction From Tiptonville to Mouth of Obion River." The Commercial Appeal September 12, 1919.                                                                                                                      m.) "Reports Levee Safe." The Commercial Appeal April 8, 1927.                                   n.) "Reelfoot Fight is Very Costly." The Commercial Appeal May 6, 1927.                                                                                                                    o.) "Flood Work to Take Half Billion Dollars." The Commercial Appeal March 30, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                               p.) "Seek Bid on Levees in Reelfoot District." The Commercial Appeal May 3, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                             q.) "Engineers Fighting to Save Reelfoot Levee." The Commercial Appeal May 17, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                       r.) "Reelfoot Levee Work Underway." Lake County Banner August 18, 1944.                                                                                                                        s.) "Reelfoot Levee Work Processing." Lake County Banner September 8, 1944.                                                                                                                                                                      t.) "Levee Drainage Contract Offed." Lake County Banner September 5, 1947. 
12 Lewis, Emmett Tiptonville, TN
a.) "A Little Piece of History." Lake County Banner August 21, 2002.            b.) "Lewis Heritage Center like a walk into the past." Lake County Banner July 17, 2002.                                                                                          c.) "Work progresses on museum; volunteer help, items needed." Lake County Banner June 20, 2001.                                                                     d.) "Museum work begins." Lake County Banner July 28, 1999.               e.) "Main Street Museum to open." Lake County Banner November 22, 2000. 
13 Lightning Rods
a.) "Paris' Lightning Rod Thief Pinched on Eiffel Tower." The Commercial Appeal June 13, 1923. 
14 Litigation 
a.) Brannon, John, "Public vs. private use of lake at stake in riparian rights suits." Lake County Banner December 1, 2004.                             b.) Brannon, John. "Pinion: Lawsuits could spell end of Public use of Reelfoot." The Messenger November 22, 2004.                                          c.) "State should charge back property taxes at Reelfoot." The Messenger November 26, 2004.                                                                              d.) "State senator concerned about lawsuits at Reelfoot." The Messenger November 23, 2004. 
15 Litigation, Reelfoot Lake 2002
a.) "Sixth Circuit refuses to rehear riparian case." Lake County Banner May 15, 2002.                                                                                                       b.) "Reelfoot shoreline owners win major riparian court decision." Lake County Banner February 27, 2002. 
16 Logging and Lumbering
a.) "Virgin Timber Lands Fading in this County." The Commercial Appeal September 24, 1925.                                                                                                        b.) "Forgeign Market for Mops Handles." The Commercial Appeal October 21, 1927.                                                                                                                        c.) Donaldson, R.C.. "Timber Mining in Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner June 13, 1947.                                                                                          d.) "Here's How They Removed Logs From Reelfoot 70 Years Ago." Lake County Banner.                                                                                                e.) "Picture Break." The Obion County Weekly April 30, 1970.          f.) Burns, Anna C.. "Frank B. Williams Cypress Lumber King." Journal of Forest History 24 (1980): 127-133. Print.                              g.) Mancil, Ervin. "Pullboat Logging." Journal of Forest History 24 (1980): 135-141. Print.                                                                                      h.) "A Call for Technological Innovation." Journal of Forest History 24 (1980): 134.                                                                                                       i.) Wade, Paul. "Tenn. should sell some forest land, Dunavant suggests." The Commercial Appeal December 3, 1989. 
17 Lowe, Walter Edgar  1898-?
18 Madrid Bend
a.) "James C. Harris." Hickman Courier September 11, 1869.                      b.) "The Levee to Madrid." Hickman Courier December 16, 1871.               c.) "Hickman and Madrid Bend Railroad and Levee." The Hickman Courier August 3, 1872.                                                                                        d.) "Will The Levee Be Built?" Hickman Courier August 3, 1872.            e.) "Madrid Bend." Hickman Courier August 17, 1872."                                  f.) "Our Levee and Railroad." Hickman Courier August 24, 1872.         g.) "Strikers in Madrid Bend." Hickman Courier August 10, 1877.        h.)  "Madrid Bend." Hickman Courier February 24, 1882.                              i.) "A Home Away From Home." The Commercial Appeal December 22, 1974. 
19 Magnolia Beach
20 Maintenance  2004
Box 56 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Management 
a.) McClain, Kathleen. "Reelfoot task force accord secures go-ahead for dam." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 9, 1983.                                                          b.) McClain, Kathleen. "Timetable pushed for Reelfoot dam Project." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 8, 1983.                                                                    c.) "Senate Approves $200,000 to Aid Rescue of Reelfoot." Commercial Appeal September 20, 1983.                                                                                               d.) McClain, Kathleen. "Aerial views dramatically reveal poor health of beautiful Reelfoot." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 12, 1983.                                                                                                                          e.) "Senate OK's $200,000 to Aid Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal September 20, 1983.                                                                                                                             f.) "Senate votes 'cookie cutter.'" Lake County Banner September 21, 1983.                                                                                                                 g.) Christ, Mark. "Wildlife committees set Reelfoot Report." The Commercial Appeal October 25, 1983.                                                                                               h.) "Reelfoot changes studied." Lake County Banner May 2, 1984.                              i.) "Funding to be sought to help lake farmers." The Daily Messenger May 3, 1984.                                                                                                                             j.) Deibel, Mary. "Water projects for Mid-South pass roadblock." The Commercial Appeal June 29, 1984.                                                                                k.) Christ, Mark. "State move puts Reelfoot under new management." The Commercial Appeal July 1, 1984.                                                                                l.) "Impact of Reelfoot project due study." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1984.                                                                                                                             m.) "Claim Lake Lots Violate Law." The Daily Messenger October 8, 1984.                                                                                                                        n.) "Delays Protested by Conservationists." The Daily Messenger October 8, 1984.                                                                                                         o.) "Reelfoot Lake Plan Given Boost." The Daily Messenger.                            p.) "TWRC meets here." Lake County Banner January 24, 1990.                                           q.) "New permit needed at Lake." Lake County Banner January 24, 1990.                                                                                                                                                                                  
r.) "Conservation group joins Reelfoot's federal lawsuit." Union City Daily Messenger September 18, 1990.                                                                                           s.) "Today in History." The Daily Messenger February 13, 1996.                                       t.) Corwin, Tom. "Conervationists join Reelfoot fight." The Jackson Sun September 19, 1990.                                                                                                                        u.) Brannon, John. "A right to know about Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger Staff May 16, 1991.                                                                                                                                   v.) "Area wildlife news." The Daily Messenger November 15, 1994.                            w.) Mitchell, Rita. "Reelfoot Plan raises Concern." Fulton Leader September 5, 1992.                                                                                                                           x.) "TWRA Manager defends policy." Union City Daily Messenger September 18, 1990. 
2 Management Plan 50 Year
3 Management  2000
4 Maps (tourism) Articles and Notes
a.) "State Relief Map of Tennessee is Now Out." The Commercial February 24, 1928.                                                                                                      b.) "New Lake Maps List Camps on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner June 30, 1950.                                                                                                        c.) "New Maps of Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner January 27, 1950.                                                                                                                      d.) "Esso's Tennessee Road Map Cover Fedtures Painting of Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner July 29, 1949.                                      e.) "Morris Camp Publishes New Map of Reelfoot." Lake County Banner November 16, 1951.  
5 Maps- Reelfoot Lake (1)
6 Maps- Reelfoot Lake (2)
a.) "Lake County Bygones." Lake County Banner April 18, 1947.
7 Maps- Reelfoot Lake (3)
8 Maps- Reelfoot Lake (4)
9 Maps- Reelfoot Lake (5) 
10 Maps- Reelfoot Lake (6)
11 Department of Conservation 
12 Marker, Historical to be placed at Reelfoot                                                            R.C. Forrester and B. Wood Union City For Tenn.Historical Commission 
13 Marker, Historical to be placed at Reelfoot Lake Mrs. C. Miles (Union City) and E. Lee (Martin) for Daughters of the American Colonists
14 Markham, Albert E.
15 Markham, A.E.
a.) "New Reelfoot Agent." The Commercial Appeal April 3, 1931.       b.) "Mrs. A. E. Markham Drinks Poison by Mistake Sunday." The Commercial Appeal May 8, 1931.                                                                 c.) "Col. A. E. Markham Passes Away Ending Colorful Life." Lake County Banner May 10, 1940. 
16 Marshall, B.  2004
17 Marshall, Joe 
18 Mastodon
a.) "UTM seeking mastodon bones from 1964 find near Samburg." Lake County Banner October 10, 2001.                                                                         b.) "Buried Deep." The Daily Messenger December 10, 1964.                       c.) "Teeth, Bones of Mastodon found at Lake." 
19 Mayfield, G.R.
a.) "Dr. Mayfield Visits." The Commercial Appeal April 16, 1926. 
20 Meanders 
21 Meetings, Misc., at Reelfoot Lake 
a.) "Medicos at Reelfoot." The Commercial October 13, 1916.                b.) "Gov. Peay and Party will Visit Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 19, 1923.                                                                                                        c.) "Gov. Austin Peay Coming Friday." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                   d.) "Reelfoot Lake will be Mecca for Democrats." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1926.                                                                                       e.) "Brown Shoe Co. St. Louis Men at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 5, 1927.                                                                                          f.) "The Legislature Picnic at Reelfoot with Mayor Riley." The Commercial Appeal August 26, 1927.                                                                                g.) "Kentucky Druggists Visit Reelfoot Lake on Outing Wednesday." The Commercial Appeal June 22, 1928.                                                  h.) "Farm Bureau have Picnc at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 17, 1928.                                                                                                       i.) "Scientists to Meet in Memphis." The Commercial Appeal April 19, 1929.                                                                                                                  j.) "Obion County Oil Company Entertains Dealers at Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 14, 1933. 
22 Memorandum of Understanding  1987
a.) Brannon, John. "New evidence entered in suit." Union City Daily Messenger April 9, 1990.                                                                                 b.) "Kentucky legislator opposes non-federal control at lake." The Daily Messenger April 30, 1990.                                                                    c.) "Kentucky senator calls for meeting." Union City Daily Messenger May 3, 1990.                                                                                  d.) "Fulton County opposes state control of lake." Lake County Banner May 2, 1990.                                                                                                         e.) "USFW&S to control Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger May 24, 1990.                                                            
Box 57 of 89
File No.  Title Date 
1 Merriwether, Thomas J. 
2 Mines
a.) "Notice of Intent to Surface Mine." 
3 Mississippi Valley Collection Memphis State Univeristy 
4 Morris Family (Obion Co.) 
5 Morris, Herbert and Anita
6 Morris, T.O.
a.) "Morris Nominated Attorney-General." Dresden Enterprise July 21, 1916.                                                                                                                                              b.) "Climb Mountains Cross the Sahara." The Commercial Appeal February 1, 1924.                                                                                                         c.) "Thos. O. Morris Attorney General." Dresden Enterprise April 21, 1916.                                                                                                                    d.) "Morris and Fry Form Partnership with Fred Callahan." The Commercial Appeal October 29, 1926.                                                              e.) "T.O. Morris Taken Suddenly By Death." Lake County Banner March 13, 1942. 
7 Mosquitoes
a.) "A West Kentucky Colony." Hickman Courier April 15, 1871.     b.) "Reelfoot Rambling." Tiptonville Times August 18, 1933. 
8 Mosquito Control 
a.) "Health Department Gives Warning Against Malaria." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                b.) "Work on Boy Scout Camp at Reelfoot Lake Under Way." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                 c.) "Help tp Prevent Mosquito Breeding." The Commercial Appeal June 29, 1928.                                                                                                                        d.) "Health Workers Give Demonstration." The Tiptonville News September 8, 1928.                                                                                                        e.) "Mosquitoes." The Commercial Appeal August 16, 1929.                                 f.) "Dust Blower Kills Mosquito." The Commercial Appeal August 30, 1929.                                                                                                               g.) "Malaria Control." The Commercial Appeal June 19, 1931.                                    h.) "Mosquito Control." The Commercial Appeal June 10, 1931.                     i.) "Suggestions for Mosquito Control." The Commercial Appeal September 18, 1931.                                                                                                                         j.) "Mosquito Control." The Commercial Appeal May 26, 1933.                           k.) "Mosquito Control." The Commercial October 6, 1933.                          l.) "Fly Control is Underway Here." Lake County Banner July 21, 1950.  m.) "Nashville Man Dies who Screened County." Lake County Banner May 2, 1951.                                                                                                         n.) "Spray Program to Start Here." Lake County Banner July 13, 1951.                                                                                                                   o.) "Spray Program Gets Underway." Lake County Banner July 20, 1951. 
9 Moultrie, J.L.
10 Movies 
a.) "Tiptonville and Ridgely are in the Movies Now-- Showing Next Week." Lake County Banner May 17, 1840.
11 Mud Negro 
a.) "The Mud Negro of Obion." Hickman Courier April 16, 1880. 
12 Mueller, Karl
13 Music
a.) "Eddy Duchin Here For Christmas Dance." Lake County Banner December 2, 1949.                                                                                                                   b.) "Eddy Duchin Here For Lions Christmas Dance." Lake County Banner December 16, 1949.                                                                                        c.) "Lake Pageant Friday." Lake County Banner August 7, 1953.                   d.) "'Reelfoot Blues' Is Inspired Poem With Real Lake Flavor." Lake County Banner November 13, 1953. 
14 Music, Sound Recordings                                                                                  The Legend of Reelfoot Lake                                                                        Lake of Mystery 
15 McGill and Craig Transcript copies from personal papers of Dr. C.L. Baker
16 McGill and Craig Transcript copies from personal papers of Dr. C.L. Baker (1)
17 McGill and Craig Transcript copies from personal papers of Dr. C.L. Baker (2)
18 McGill and Craig Transcript copies from personal papers of Dr. C.L. Baker (3)
19 McCrary, David
a.) Jones, Richard. "McCrary- respected name at Reelfoot." The Lake County Banner November 13, 1985.                                                           
20 Naifeh, James "Bebe" 
a.) "Naifeh was political force in Lake County for half century." Lake County Banner September 25, 2002.                                                                        b.) Gaither, Steve. "Lake County executive says he owns Reelfoot farm land." The Commercial Appeal May 21, 1985. 
21 Names (Locations on Reelfoot Lake) 
a.) Taylor, Jan. "Quaint Reelfoot Lake Names Keep History Alive." Commercial Appeal December 26, 1970.
22 Natural Area Plan- Reelfoot Lake 
23 Natural Area, Reelfoot Lake
24 National Geographic Magazine 
a.) "Reelfoot Rodeo Is Growing In Flame And Importance- More Plans Are Made." Lake County Banner May 13, 1938.                                     b.) "Magazine Shoots Lake." Union City Daily Messenger July 13, 1977. 
25 National Wildlife Federation 
26 Nature Conservancy Reelfoot Conservation Strategy, 2003. 
a.) A Guide to the Rare Invertebrates of Tennessee for the New Millennium. January, 2001. 
27 Nature Conservancy 
a.) Brannon, John. "Worldwide club to aid Reelfoot." The Union City Messenger February 14, 2003. 
28 Navigabilty Study Corps of Engineers Memphis, Tenn. 
29 Navigation and Water Rights- Reelfoot Lake (1) 
a.) Mansur, Michael. "Reelfoot's navigability out of state's hands." The Commercial Appeal June 23, 1984. 
30 Navigation and Water Rights- Reelfoot Lake (2) 
31 Navigation and Water Rights- Reelfoot Lake (3) 
32 Navigation, Mississippi River 
a.) Mississippi River Navigation. Vicksburg: Publiv Affairs Office, Mississippi River Commission and U.S. Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi Valley, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1979. Print. 
33 Nelson, Wilbur. "Wilbur Nelson Talks." The Commercial Appeal November 11, 1922. 
Box 58 of 89
File No.  Title Date 
1 Nelson, Wilbur A. Aerial Photography and Mapping
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Drying Up, Committee Told." The Commercial Appeal March 2, 1923. 
a.) Nelson, Wilbur A.. Reelfoot-- An Earthquake Lake Its Romance And History.                                                                                                         b.) "Quake at Reelfoot caused by Earth Slipping on Fault Line, says Geologist." The Commercial Appeal December 2, 1923. 
2 Net Fouling
3 New Madrid 
4 Newspaper Correspondents
a.) Hickman Courier January 24, 1879.                                                               b.) Hickman Courier May 28, 1880.
5 Newspapers, History of
a.) "History of Hickman Newspapers." Hickman Courier February 28, 1877.                                                                                                                       b.) "Famous Flood Editions in 1912 were Printed on Wrapping Paper." Lake County Banner February 5, 1937.                                                       c.) "48 Year-Old Newspaper Shows Skill of Publisher J.T. Pratt." Lake County Banner August 20, 1948.                                                                     d.) "Announcement." Lake County Banner April 29, 1949. 
6 Newton, Margaret (Miss Maggie) 
a.) Jones, Evan. "Does Miss Maggie Newton still walk the halls of her namesake school?" Lake County Banner October 29, 2003. 
7 Night Rider Postcards 
8 Night Rider Notes 1998-1999
a.) "Old Photos Needed." The Messenger October 22, 1999.                  b.) "Beautiful Reelfoot Lake Paradise for Sportsmen." The Memphis News Scimitar November 9, 1905.
9 Night Riders Maps and Photographs 
10 Night Riders- Program 
a.) "14 Year Old Boy Kills Father." Tiptonville Times August 3, 1928. b.) "Joe Carter (105) visits with Will Parks (103)." Lake County Banner October 5, 1988.                                                                                                           c.) "The Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake-- Col. Taylor's miraculous escape from death." Lake County Banner October 12, 1988.                   d.) "The Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake-- Judge Harris was tough adversary." Lake County Banner October 19, 1988.
11 Night Riders  
a.) "Local and Personal." The Commmercial Appeal July 27, 1906.                                            b.) "The Night Riders Warning." The Commercial Appeal May 8, 1908.                                       c.) "Charged with Night Riding." The Commercial Appeal May 15, 1908.                                   d.) "Night Riders Cease." The Commercial Appeal August 1908.                                                         e.) "Col. Taylor's Escape." The Commercial Appeal October 23, 1908.                                                  f.) "Col. Taylor Safe." Dresden Enterprise October 23, 1908.                                                         g.) "Night Riders." Dresden Enterprise October 23, 1908.                                                                h.) "Quentin Rankin Slain." The Commercial Appeal October 23, 1908.                                               i.) "Col. R.Z. Taylor Tells of His Escape." Dresden Enterprise October 30, 1908.                                                                                                                  j.) "Martial Law at Reelfoot." Dresden Enterprise October 30, 1908.                                    k.) "Warrants are Issued." Dresden Enterprise November 6, 1908.                                            l.) "Editor James Brice." Dresden Enterprise November 6, 1908.                                                    m.) "The Lake Prisoners Lose." Dresden Enterprise November 13, 1908.                            n.) "Night Riders Win Victory." Dresden Enterprise November 20, 1908.                                  o.) "Reelfoot Lake Facts." The Commercial November 27, 1908.                                                p.) "123 Night Riders Indicted." Dresden Enterprise December 11, 1908.                             q.) "Judge Jones Draws Lines." Dresden Enterprise December 11, 1908.                                  r.) "Woman Witness Asks Protection." The Atlanta Journal December 22, 1908.                                                                                                                                                                         s.) "Night Rider had Gun in Court." The Atlanta Journal December 23, 1908.                                                                                                                        t.) "Alibis Claimed for Night Riders."  The Atlanta Journal December 23, 1908.                                                                                                                            u.) "Night Rider Secret." The Atlanta Journal December 23, 1908.                                                      v.) "Night Riders were at Home." The Atlanta Journal December 29, 2008.                                                                                                                       w.) "Identified Four of the Assassians." Lake County News December 31, 1908.                                                                                                                 x.) "Driven by Remorse, Woman Condemns Outlaw Husband." The Atlanta Journal January 2, 1909.                                                                                                                                       y.) "Man Shoots Wife, Then Kills Self." The Atlanta Journal January 4, 1909.                                                                                                                        z.) "Verdict Meets with Approval." The Atlanta Journal January 9, 1909.                                                                                                                          
aa.) "Six Night Riders Will Be Hanged; Two Go To Pen." The Atlanta Journal January 9, 1909.                                                                                                                                                              bb.) "Supreme Court." The Commercial June 4, 1909.                                                          cc.) "Scores Court for Night-Rider Case." The Atlanta Journal July 5, 1909.                                                                                                                  dd.) "The Investigation." The Commercial August 13, 1909.                                                     ee.) "A Challenge to Civilization." The Commercial August 13, 1909.                                ff.) "Astors are told not to Preach on Night Rider Cases." The Atlanta Journal December 19, 1909.                                                                                                                                                     gg.) "Will not Stand for it." The Commercial January 14, 1910.                                                hh.) "NightRiders Again." The Commercial January 14, 1910.                                                 ii.) "NightRiders." The Commercial January 28, 1910.                                                                     jj.) "The Fishermen's Side." The Commercial February 4, 1910.                                                kk.) "Fehringer Goes to Prison." The Commercial Oct. 21, 1910.                                      ll.) "Nightrider Deed Recalled." The Commercial Oct. 20, 1911.                                   mm.) "Reelfoot Reminiscences." The Commercial Mar. 8, 1912.                                  nn.) "Law on the Lake." The Commercial May 8, 1914.                                                       oo.) "Night Rider Troubles." The Commercial Febraury 19, 1915.                                          pp.) "Testimony Conflicting." The Commercial February 26, 1915.                                        qq.) "Eighteen Nightriders in Court at Hickman." The Commercial February 26, 1915.                                                                                                                                                                         rr.) "Gov. Rye Takes Steps." The Commercial Febraury 26, 1915.                                                ss.) "Night Riders." Dresden Enterprise March 5, 1915.                                                           tt.) "Thirteen Nightriders Bound Over, $500 Each." The Commercial March 1, 1915.                                                                                                                                                                      uu.) "Nightrider Trials Again." The Commercial May 7, 1915.                                         vv.) "Felony of Nightriding." The Commercial March 12, 1915.                                            ww.) "Judge Warns Maskers." The Commercial October 19, 1923.                                           xx.) "Nite Riders Will Enter Independent Tournament." The Commercial October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                                                                         yy.) "Lake Citizens Form Protective Group." Tiptonville Times February 23, 1935.                                                                                                                                                                             zz.) "Would Write Reelfoot Lake Story for Movies." Lake County Banner March 10, 1944.
aaa.) "Oldtimers Recall Day When Men Claimed They Would Drain Lake." Lake County Banner February 20, 1953.                                                        bbb.) "Newest Franko Series Tells All About Night Rider Evils." Lake County Banner November 27, 1953.                                                                          ccc.) "The Night Rider Series." Lake County Banner December 4, 1953.                                                                                                              ddd.) "The Night Rider Series." Lake County Banner December 11, 1953.                                                                                                               eee.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 8, 1954.                                                                                                                 fff.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 15, 1954.                                                                                                              ggg.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 22, 1954. 
12 Night Riders (2)
a.) "Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner January 29, 1954.                                b.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner February 5, 1954.                          c.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner February 19, 1954.                       d.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner February 26, 1954.                      e.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 5, 1954.                          f.) "Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 12, 1954.                              g.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 19, 1954.                      h.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner March 26, 1954.                        i.) "The Nigh Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 2, 1954.                               j.) "Murder of Captain Rankin is told in Night Rider Series." Lake County Banner April 9, 1954.                                                                                                  k.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 16, 1954.                       l.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 23, 1954.                      m.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner April 30, 1954.                     n.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 7, 1954.                          o.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 14, 1954.                     p.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 21, 1954.                      q.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner May 28, 1954.                       r.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 4, 1954.                             s.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 11, 1954.                             t.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 18, 1954.                        u.) "The Night Riders' Series." Lake County Banner June 25, 1954.                          v.) "Night Rider Series- A Finale." Lake County Banner July 2, 1954.                    w.) Baker, George. "The Reelfoot Night Riders." Nashville Tennessean February 23, 1964.                                                                                                                   x.) "Reelfoot Night Rider Violence Recalled." The Daily Messenger December 31, 1984.                                                                                                                             y.) Marqus, Don. "The Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake- Col. Taylor's miraculous escape from death." Lake County Banner October 12, 1988.                                                                                                                  z.) "The Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake- Judge Harris was tough adversary." Lake County Banner October 19, 1988.                                          
aa.) "The Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake- Night Rider threats left little to be imagined." Lake County Banner October 26, 1988.                    bb.) "The Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake- State plans to take over lake." Lake County Banner November 2, 1988.                                                        cc.) "Early paper opposed Reelfoot nightriders." Lake County Banner November 8, 1989.                                                                                                       dd.) Hayes, Darlene. "Picks from the shelf." Lake County Banner December 5, 2001. 
13 Night Riders Postcard 
14 Niles, J.J  1946
15 Obion Co. Soil Conservation District Advisory Board
16 Obion Co.- Early History
a.) "Obion County." The Commercial Courier September 7, 1899.                            b.) "Outline of Obion County History and Biography." The Commercial Appeal Anniversary Ed. April 18, 1930.                                              c.) "New Beauty for the New Ford." The Commercial and the Obion County Enterprise Con-solidated October 3, 1924.                                     d.) "Outline of Obion County History and Biography." The Commercial Appeal 1930.
17 Obion County Museum Calender 
18 Obion Forked Deer River 
a.) Mansur, Michael. "Draining basins and billfolds." The Commercial Appeal March 4, 1984.                                                                  b.) "Draining a basin." The Commercial Appeal May 9, 1984.           c.) "River Authority ducks the light of sunshine law." The Commercial Appeal June 7, 1984.                                                                    d.) "Weariness Wins?" The Commercial Appeal June 10, 1984. 
19 Old Reelfoot
a.) Callis, Ruby. "A Story of Old Reelfoot." Reelfoot Outdoors. The Hometown Network, 1967. Web. 30 March 2001. <>
20 Oil Prospecting
a.) "TheOil Company." The Commercial Appeal June 28, 1901.                                                      b.) "Craze for Oil Lands Growing in Tennessee." The Commercial Appeal June 28, 1901.                                                                                                                                                                                         c.) "The Oil Company." The Commercial Appeal August 2, 1901.                                                            d.) "Opportunity is Knocking and Today is the Time to Buy Shares in the Reelfoot Lake Oil Co., Inc." The Commercial Appeal October 8, 1915.                                                e.) "Oil Found in Obion County." Dresden Enterprise December 10, 1915.                              f.) "Obion Co. Oil & Gas Co." The Commercial Appeal March 16, 1917.                                           g.) "The Reelfoot Dome Oil Co." The Commercial  Appeal June 6, 1919.                                       h.) "Lake Oil Interests Begin to Boom." The Commercial Appeal December 12, 1919.                                                                                                                                                                             i.) "Reelfoot Ranger Oil Co." The Commercial Appeal February 6, 1920.                                                     j.) "Lands, Leased or Unleased Long Term Leases." The Commercial Appeal March 19. 1920.                                                                                                                                                                      k.) "Reelfoot Dome Resumes Drilling." The Commercial Appeal April 2, 1920.                                                                                                                         l.) "Drilling Progress at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 16, 1920.                                                                                                                      m.) "Reelfoot Dome Oil Co." The Commerical Appeal April 16, 1920.                                               n.) "Oil Struck at Reelfoot Lake." The Dresden Enterprise April 23, 1920.                                                                                                                           o.) "The Reelfoot Dome Has NOT Struck Oil." The Commercial Appeal April 23, 1920.                                                                                                                                                                           p.) "Late Oil News." The Commercial Appeal April 23, 1920.                                                              q.) "Reelfoot Dome Strikes Oil at 1300 Feet." The Commercial Appeal April 30, 1920.                                                                                                                                                                            r.) "Reelfoot Ranger Oil Co." The Commercial Appeal Apr. 30, 1920.                                           s.) "The Western Union Telegraph Company." The Commercial Appeal May 7, 1920.                                                                                                                                                                             t.) "Reelfoot Ranger Oil Co." The Commercial Appeal May 7, 1920.                                              u.) "The Great Lake Land Sale." The Commercial Appeal May 14, 1920.                                   v.) "Reelfoot Ranger Oil Co." The Commercial Appeal May 14, 1920.                                         w.) "Reelfoot-Ranger Oil Company." The Commercial Appeal May 21, 1920.                                                                                                                         x.) "Partial List of Stockholders of Reelfoot-Ranger Oil Co., in Obion County." The Commercial Appeal June 11, 1920.                                                                                                                y.) "About the Oil Game in the Reelfoot Oil Section." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1920.                                                                                                                                                                        
z.) "Why the Certain Belief that Oil is Here?" The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1920.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   aa.) "In the Oil Sections." The Commercial Appeal July 30, 1920.                  bb.) "Reelfoot Lake Oil Wells." The Commercial Appeal September 24, 1920.                                                                                                                    cc.) "Bill to Annul Oil-Gas Lease." The Commercial Appeal February 4, 1921.                                                                                                                 dd.) "Are We To Settle The Oil Questions At Reelfoot Lake?" The Commercial Appeal March 25, 1921.                                                                              ee.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 22, 1921.                              ff.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Dresden Enterprise April 15, 1921.                gg.) "Deep Test Near Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 22, 1921.                                                                                                                      hh.) "The Deepest Well In This Section." The Commercial Appeal April 29, 1921.                                                                                                                       ii.) "Noted Geologists at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 21, 1921.                                                                                                                       jj.) "Oil Leases." The Commercial Appeal March 28, 1930.                                    kk.) "Oil Bloom in Bloom Again." Tiptonville Times July 4, 1930.          ll.) "1,500 Flock to See Well Drill." Tiptonville Times October 30, 1931.                                                                                                                 mm.) "Well. Strikes Gas Showing at 480 ft." Tiptonville Times November 13, 1931.                                                                                                                 nn.) "Every Geological Indication Points to Great Stores of Oil and Gas in West Tennessee." Tiptonville Times June 12, 1931.              oo.) "Experts Recommend Closer Water Care." Lake County Banner September 25, 1936.                                                                                                   pp.) "Ton of Bass Dead in Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner August 5, 1938. 
21 Oman, Rose
22 Ostracods Reelfoot Lake 
23 Owen, David D. 
a.) Owen, David D. Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky Made During the Years 1854 and 1855. Frankfort, KY: 1854-1855. b.) "An Introduction to Primary Research Sources in the University of Louisvill Archives, William F. Ekstrom Library." 
24 Ownership 
a.) "The Reelfoot Lake Matter." The Commercial Appeal April 8, 1910.                         b.) "Reelfoot Lake Matter." The Commercial Appeal September 16, 1910.                                                                                                                   c.) "The Reelfoot Lake Inquiry." The Commercial Appeal May 13, 1910.                          d.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 9, 1910.                                           e.) "To Buy Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 16, 1910.                                                                                                                     f.) "Reelfoot Charters Filed." The Commercial Appeal September 16, 1910.                                                                                                                     g.) "General Caldwell's Lake Bill." The Commercial Appeal March 3, 1911.                                                                                                                         h.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal March 10, 1911.                                               i.) "Light on Reelfoot Claims." The Commercial Appeal April 7, 1911.                               j.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 14, 1911.                                                 k.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 14, 1911.                                                l.) "The Reelfoot Lake Controversy." The Commercial Appeal April 21, 1911.                                                                                                                      m.) "Reelfoot Lake Suit." The Commercial Appeal December 22, 1911.                                  n.) "Purchase of the Lake." The Commercial Appeal January 5, 1912.                                    o.) "Reelfoot Lake Private Property." The Commercial Appeal April 12, 1912.                                                                                                                        p.) "Reelfoot Lake Case." The Commercial Appeal April 19, 1912.                                     q.) "Prohibiting Royalties." The Commercial Appeal April 4, 1913.                             r.) "Supreme Court at Jackson." The Commercial Appeal April 18, 1913.                                                                                                                                                               s.) "State Supreme Court on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal June 13, 1913.                                                                                                                                                                            t.) "Game Warden at Reelfoot." The Commerical Appeal Appeal August 1, 1913.                                                                                                                                                                            u.) "Jury of View Findings." The Commercial Appeal September 26, 1913.                                                                                                                     v.) "Fishermen Organize." The Commercial October 17, 1913.                                       w.) "Chancery Suit." The Commercial Appeal April 11, 1914.                                             x.) "Reelfoot Lake Property." The Commercial Appeal May 1, 1914.                            y.) "Reelfoot Suit Compromised." The Commercial Appeal September 4, 1914.                                                                                                                 z.) "West Tennessee Land Co. Stock to be Sold." The Commercial Appeal October 15, 1915.                                                                                                       
aa.) "Want Strip at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal March 30, 1923.                                                                                                                  bb.) "Hillsman Taylor Offers Lake Land." The Commercial Appeal June 15, 1923.                                                                                                                       cc.) "Hillsman Taylor Offers Lake Land." The Commercial Appeal June 15, 1923.                                                                                                                         dd.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 28, 1923.                     ee.) "Chief Stockholder West Tenn. Land Co." The Commerical Appeal November 16, 1923.                                                                                                      ff.) "Public Schools, Public Health Public Roads and Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal February 8, 1924.                                                          gg.) "State Game Preserve at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal December 31, 1924.                                                                                                      hh.) "Big Part of Gov. Peay's Program Goes into Laws." The Commercial Appeal May 1, 1925.                                                                                ii.) "State Purchases Lands Adjoining Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal March 16, 1928.                                                                               jj.) "Reelfoot Lake Land Cases are Decided by Jury." The Commercial Appeal November 16, 1928.                                                                                    kk.) Brown, Fred. "Fate of Reelfoot Remains a mystery." The Commercial Appeal June 24, 1984. 
Box 59 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Parasites 1980
2 Park, Reelfoot Lake, Closing  Sept. 2001
a.) "Airpark latest to feel state scalpel." Lake County Banner February 2, 2000.                                                                                                                        b.) Brannon, John. "Hamilton invites private business to lease Reelfoot Inn and Restaurant." The Messenger February 3, 2000.            c.) Miller, Karin. "Parks will close even if fees created and budget passes." The Messenger Feb. 9, 2000.                                                       d.) Aldrich, Marta W. "Are free visits to Reelfoot Park nearing an end?" Lake County Banner June 13, 2001.                                                        e.) "Governor Announces Closures and Reductions in Division of State Parks." Tennessee Anytime. TN Department of Environment and Conservation, 29 August 2001. Web. 06 September 2001. <>                                                                                                        f.) "8 Tennessee parks close amid sadness and anger." The Messenger September 4, 2001.                                                                                g.) "RLSP now closed two days a week." The Lake County Banner September 5, 2001.                                                                                                                   h.) "Park closings draw federal scrutiny." The Jackson Sun September 10, 2001.                                                                                                                  i.) Jones, Evan. "Reelfoot Arts and Crafts October 5, 6, 7- Obstacles overcome, Festival ready to roll." Lake County Banner September 26, 2001. 
3 Peacock, Blanche
a.) "Lady dies who pioneered school program." 1988
4 Peddler
a.) "'Rolling store' peddler welcomed in early days." Lake County Banner August 13, 2003.                                                                                          b.) "Old-time peddler identified- Honest." Lake County Banner August 27, 2003. 
5 Pelican, Brown
6 404 Permit
7 Pesticide Analyses- Pesticide Use
a.) "Bathing Draws Crowds to Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 6, 1926.                                                                                                                        b.) "Cotton Defoliant is Being Used." Lake County Banner September 27, 1946.                                                                                                                           c.) "DDT to be Used Around Lake." Lake County Banner February 2, 1945.                                                                                                                 d.) "Death to Insect Pests." Lake County Banner April 4, 1947.                                 e.) "Squires OK Continuance DDT Program Next Year." Lake County Banner October 10, 1947.                                                                                                                     f.) "Few Rejections of DDT spraying in District 1." Lake County Banner Apil 23, 1948.                                                                                                                         g.) "Last Round-Up for DDT service; Project to Close Next Weekend." Lake County Banner June 25, 1948.                                                                                     h.) "DDT Spray for 1688 Premises." Lake County Banner October 1, 1948.                                                                                                                 i.) Gantlett, W.L. "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner November 12, 1948.                                                                                                                  j.) "Committee to Decide on DDT." Lake County Banner October 8, 1948.                                                                                                                     k.) "Restricted DDT Project Planned." Lake County Banner March 11, 1949.                                                                                                                         l.) "Examination of Sprayed Premises Proves the Worth of DDT Program." Lake County Banner July 15, 1949.                                                                                 m.) "DDT Spraying is Offered to All." Lake County Banner April 8, 1949.                                                                                                                n.) "Caution Urged In Use of DDT in Diary Barns." Lake County Banner May 6, 1949.                                                                                                                           o.) "Caution Urged in Use of New Insect Killers." Lake County Banner June 10, 1949.                                                                                                                               p.) "Fish and Game News of Tennessee." Lake County Banner July 13, 1951.                                                                                                                        q.) "New Madrid 'Quake Series." Lake County Banner August 3, 1951.                                                                                                                                           
r.) "Blast Weevils with aldrin." Lake County Banner May 30, 1952.                    s.) "Fly Time is Spray Time, Carter Warns." Lake County Banner July 11, 1952.                                                                                                                        t.) "Spray Program Starts this Week in County." Lake County Banner June 18, 1954.                                                                                                                               u.) "Spray Program has Backing of Orders." Lake County Banner July 2, 1954.                  
8 Photography, History of
9 Photography, Panoramic  2000
10 Placement- Reelfoot Legend 
11 Plankton
12 Plankton Analysis, Reelfoot Lake  12-13 July 1978
a.) Sebestyen, O. 1931. Contributionto the Biology and Morphology of Leptodora Kindth (Focke)(Crustacea, Cladocera). Hungarian Biological Institute 4: 151-170.
13 Plants 
14 Plastic Containers Decoys
a.) "TWRA bans 'jug' decoys here." Lake County Banner October 17, 1984.                                                                                                                 b.) "TWRA announces ban o plastic jugs." Lake County Banner October 24, 1984.                                                                                                                        c.) Jones, Richard. "Writer supports Reelfoot jug decoy ban." Lake County Banner October 24, 1984.                                                                               d.) Reynolds, Henry. "Plastic container use outlawed at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 26, 1984.                                                     
15 Poetry
16 Pondweed, Curly-Leaved
17 Postcard Correspondence (General) 
18 Prehistory
a.) Wood, Peter H. "When Old Worlds Meet." Spring 1992. 
19 Proposals, Research
20 Public Chapter 670
21 Public Chapter 818
22 Public Chapter 1798
23 Public Forum- Reelfoot and Man: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Tenn. Comm. For the Humanities Dyersburg State Community College Jun. 28, 1984
24 Public Use (Value, Evaluation, etc.)
a.) "A Delightful Outing." The Independent July 30, 1896.                                      b.) "Governor Peay Will Speak." Lake County News July 2, 1926.              c.) "Thousands Visit Reelfoot Lake." Lake County News July 9, 1926.                                                                                                                                d.) "Jordan-Hill." The Commercial Appeal September 21, 1928.                                   e.) "Notable Guest Entertained at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1930.                                                                                                           f.) "Tourists Throng Lake Resorts." Tiptonville Times July 11, 1930.  g.) "Huge Throng at Lake on Fourt." Tiptonville Times July 7, 1933.  h.) "Big Non-Resident Increase at Lake." Lake County Banner July 10, 1936.                                                                                                                          i.) "Botanists to Visit Here in Quest of Plant Life." Lake County Banner April 1, 1949.                                                                                                             j.) "Students Work in Lake Area." Lake County Banner April 14, 1950.                                                                                                                    k.) "Lake Draws Its Biggest Crowd." Lake County Banner April 25, 1952.                                                                                                                l.) "Lake Breezes Draw Crowd." Lake County Banner June 13, 1952.     m.) "Many Answer Lure of Lake." Lake County Banner October 24, 1952. 
25 Publications (Local) 
a.) "Have You Seen Copy of Reelfoot Booklet?" Lake County Banner August 15, 1952.                                                                                                      b.) "Lake Story in Color Booklet." Lake County Banner July 4,1952.       c.) "Lake Booklet is Published." Lake County Banner June 12, 1953. 
26 Pyne, Milo
27 Quotes, Descriptive 
a.) "Reelfoot Lake: An Afterthought of Creation- Cobb." Lake County Banner February 23, 1951.                                                                                      b.) "Autumn on Lake." Lake County Banner October 12, 1951. 
28 Radio 
a.) Reelfoot Featured in Broadcast Tonight." Lake County Banner May 15, 1936. 
29 Railroads
a.) "Railroad to Tiptonville." Hickman Courier July 8, 1871.                b.) "More Enterprise." Hickman Courier November 25, 1871.                       c.) "Railroad and Levee Mass Meeting near Tiptonville." Hickman Courier July 20, 1872.                                                                                         d.) The Hickman Courier June 28, 1878.                                                     e.) The Hickman Courier July 18, 1879.                                                       f.) "Our Railroad to Tiptonville." The Hickman Courier June 16, 1882.                                                                                                                         g.) "New Railroad." The Independent November 29, 1895.                             h.) The Commercial Appeal February 27, 1903.                                                               i.) The Commercial Appeal June 2, 1905.                                                                   j.) "The Survey." The Commercial Appeal July 28, 1905.                                         k.) "An Interurban Ride to Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 11, 1905.                                                                                                                         l.) "The Interurban." The Commercial Appeal August 11, 1905.                            m.) "Railroad Survey." The Commercial Appeal August 18, 1905.                          n.) "The Prospects." The Commercial Appeal November 24, 1905.                            o.) "The Railroad Subscription List." The Commercial Appeal December 8, 1905.                                                                                           p.) "Scenic Railway Predicted for Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                          q.) "Scenic Railway Predicted for Reelfoot Lake." Lake County News July 23, 1926. 
30 Rains, L.W.  1899
31 Rat Control 
a.) "County-Wide Rat Poisoning Will Be Staged Here December 6 and 7." Lake County Banner November 26, 1948.                                                                    b.) "Plague Take the Rats." Lake County Banner December 3, 1948.                c.) "Rodent Control Poses Problem." Lake County Banner March 3, 1950.                                                                                                                       
32 Reasons, Dan 
33 Reber Memorial Library Nola Martin Harding Collection Raymondville, Texas  1994
a.) "Keep Your Money in Willacy County." Willacy County News May 6, 1926.                                                                                                         b.) "Get Election Returns at Sabin's." Willacy County News September 2, 1926.                                                                                                                        c.) "Special Venire Called Monday." Chronicle-hyford August 18, 1927.                                                                                                                       d.) "August 17 Report of Grand Jury." Chronicle-hyford August 18, 1927.                                                                                                                        e.) "Willacy Warden Gets Promotion." Chronicle-hyford August 18, 1927. 
34 Reber Memorial Library Raymondville, TX Jul-94
35 Recreation
a.) "Summer Months Bring Many Tourists and Campers to Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1926.                                               b.) "Reelfoot Lake Draws Bathers Far and Near." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1921.                                                                                                          c.) "Bathing Draws Crowds to Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 6, 1926.                                                                                                                           d.) "Guineas at Reelfoot." Tiptonville Times May 11, 1934.                e.) "Chief's Reelfoot Body in Mound-- Maybe." Tiptonville Times June 28, 1935.                                                                                                          f.) "Convention at Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner September 29, 1950.                                                                                                          g.) "Millions to State Lakes." Lake County Banner February 12, 1954.                                                                                                                h.) "Letter Carriers will Pay Visit to Reelfoot." Lake County Banner June 11, 1954. 
36 Reelfoot Gardens, Development 
a.) Charlier, Tom. "Developers envision a garden spot for Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 1995.                                        b.) "Development proposed for Reelfoot Lake area." Union City Daily Messenger July 10, 1995.                                                                      c.) Brannon, John. "Reelfoot Gardens a dream promoter hopes will be reality." Union City Daily Messenger July 17, 1995.                      d.) "Plan for gardens at lake draws opposition." Jackson Sun July 10, 1995.                                                                                                                e.) "Casino not part of picture, yet." Union City Daily Messenger July 18, 1995. 
Box 60 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Reelfoot Lake Commission  Proposed, 1915
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Commission." The Commercial Appeal May 14, 1915.                                                                                                                  b.) The Commercial Appeal May 21, 1915. 
2 Reelfoot Lake Commission First 1925
a.) "Asks Investigation of Reelfoot Lake." State Gazette December 12, 1922.                                                                                                                       b.) "Want Strip at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal March 30, 1923.                          c.) "State Purchases Lands Adjoining Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                                                   d.) "Warren Amendment Hit." The Commercial Appeal February 11, 1925.                                                                                                                     e.) "Reelfoot Lake Bill Approved by Senate Body." The Commercial Appeal February 11, 1925.                                                                                                                                         f.) "Reelfoot Act Passes Religious Test Fails." The Commercial Appeal February 15, 1925.                                                                                                                                                                  g.) "Commission at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 24, 1925.                                                                                                                   h.) "Paris Man Heads Body to Acquire Reelfoot Land." The Commercial Appeal July 24, 1925.                                                                                                                                                       i.) "Lake Survey Begins at Once." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                 j.) "Reelfoot Lake Commission Makes Preliminary Report." The Commercial Appeal January 10, 1926.                                                                                                                               k.) "Lake Commissioners Investigate Survey." The Commercial Appeal May 16, 1926.                                                                                                                                                                       l.) "Park Commission Report on the Reelfoot Surveys." The Commercial Appeal January 28, 1927.                                                                                                                                         m.) "Investigation of Reelfoot Riparian Lands Made and Cost Discussed." The Commercial Appeal March 11, 1927.                                                                                                    n.) "Fisherman Meet Committery at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal March 11, 1927.                                                                                                                                               o.) "Reelfoot Committee Ends Preserve Hearing." The Commercial Appeal March 18, 1927.                                                                                                                                               p.) "Governor is Shocked at Reelfoot People." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                                                                q.) "Reelfoot Lake Land." The Commercial Appeal August 26, 1927.                                 r.) "Legislative Committee to Visit Union City." The Commercial Appeal February 6, 1931.                                                                                                          
3 Reelfoot Lake Commission (Second)  1941
4 Reelfoot Lake of Tennessee
a.) Reelfoot Lake of Tennessee. Tiptonville: Reelfoot Recreation Association. Print. 
5 Reelfoot Lake Task Force Historical Summary  Jul-83
a.) Smith, Winfred L. "A Preliminary Chronological Listing of Events Which Have Affected Its Development." July, 1983. 
6 Reelfoot Lake Task Force 1 of 3 Files 
a.) Protection of Wetlands Executive Order 11990. Presidential Documents: Jimmy Carter, 1977 (Volume 13).                                                                                                                                              b.) Corps of Engineers. Part 240- Water Resources Policies and Authorities: Implementation of Executive Order 11988 on FloodPlain Management 33CFR240.                                                                                                                                                            c.) Corpes of Engineers. Part 322- Permits for Structures or Work in or Affecting Navigable Waters of the United States 33CFR322.                                                                                       d.) Part 273- Aquatic Plant Control 33CFR273.                                                                                                 e.) "State heeds pleas for Reelfoot aid." Lake County Banner December 9, 1982.                                                                                                                                                                            f.) "Lake task force to hold hearing." Lake County Banner February 16, 1983.                                                                                                                         g.) Cavness, Gale. "Lake Future in Hands of Legislative Task Force." The Daily Messenger August 17, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                       h.) "Task force opens inquiry into neglected, dying Reelfoot Lake." The Lake County Banner August 17, 1983.                                                                                                                                                      i.) Christ, Mark. "Task Force to Confront Problems Threatening Reelfoot Lake's Future." The Commercial Appeal August 12, 1983.                                                                                                               j.) Brown, Fred. "Commitment needed quickly to save scenic Reelfoot Lake from vanishing." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 5, 1983.                                                                                                                        k.) "Speed Reelfoot Rescue." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 6, 1983.                                                                                                                         l.) "Task Force Wins Change in Priorities at Lake." Daily Messenger September 9, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                     m.) McClain, Kathleen. "Officials set examination of lake plan." Memphis Press-Scimitar October 26, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                          n.) Smith, Winfred L. "Statement to the Reelfoot Lake Task Force, Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee." October 26, 1983.                                                                                                                                             o.) Locker, Richard. "Lake's future may cost millions." The Commercial Appeal October 27, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                                           p.) McClain, Kathleen. "Reelfoot task force takes key first step." Memphis Press-Scimitar October 27, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
q.) Cavness, Gale. "Management Plan for Reelfoot Established at Nashville Meeting." The Daily Messenger October 27, 1983.                                                                                                                              r.) "Task Force hears lake costs high: $100 million." Lake County Banner November 2, 1983.                                                                                                                         s.) Reelfoot Lake Water Supply Alternatives. US Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                       t.) "Zoning Plan For Reelfoot Subject For Controversy." The Daily Messenger December 6, 1983. 
7 Reelfoot Lake Task Force 2 of 3 files 
a.) Petit, Ged. "Troubled Water." Tennessee Wildlife Magazine January 1984: 1-4. Print.                                                                                           b.) "Appendix A: Agreement Between The Agricultural Stablilization and Conservation Serve And Division of Water Managment." Tennessee Department of Health and Environment.                                   c.) "Manager assigned at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal February 19, 1984.                                                                                                      d.) Locker, Richard. "Tap of Mississippi River called best for Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal February 29, 1984.                               e.) "Saving a Lake." The Commercial Appeal March 4, 1984.                 f.) Christ, Mark. "Task force targets Reelfoot's erosion." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1984.                                                                 g.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Conservation Division of State Parks. Print.            h.) Christ, Mark. "Single Agency Eyed for Reelfoot Assist." The Commercial Appeal February 19.                                                                                            i.) "Task force to look at lake pollution." July 18, 1984. 
8 Reelfoot Lake Task Force 3 of 3 files
a.) Select Committee on Clean Water. Nashville: Department of Health and Environment. Print.                                                                                                       b.) Mansur, Michael. "Two push 'comprehensive' bill for Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 3, 1984.                                                                                 c.) Mansur, Michael. "Restoration for Reelfoot to be studied." The Commercial Appeal August 10, 1984.                                                                                            d.) "Joint Resolution of the Legislative Body of Lake County and The Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Tiptonville Commending the Reelfoot Lake Task Force and the County's Members fo the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee." Lake County Banner August 1, 1984.                                                                                                            e.) Howell, Charles A. "Department Task Force- Safe Growth Cabinet Council Assignments." Memo to Tom Ripley (Assistant Commissioner), Mike Countess (Forestry), Same Pearsall (Ecological Services), Joe Gaines (Parks), Dan Shilstat (Administration), and Fran Wallas (Attorney). August 23, 1984.                                                                                                                               f.) "Work Plan to Address Safe Growth Plan Issues for FY 1984-1985." Prepared by Safe Growth Staff August 7, 1984.                                                        g.) Pearsall, Sam. Memo to Commissioner Howell, Deputy Commissioner Schrag, Assistant Commissioners, Division Directors Lee Ellis, Ollie Keller, Walt Criley, Dan Shilstat, Mary Locker. August 20, 1984.                                                                                                             h.) Schrag, R. Paul. "Reelfoot Lake Projects." Memo to Honorable John Tanner State Representative. October 23, 1984.                                                         i.) McLeod, Gray. "Reelfoot Lake Silt Detention Project Lake Site 18 Status Report." Memo to Paul Schrag. October 12, 1984.                                                          j.) Graves, James V. Memo to Paul Schrag, Deputy Commissioner Department of Conservation. May 24, 1984.                                                              k.) Robinson, David R. "Land Acquisition Process." Memo to Paul Schrag. October 19, 1984.                                                                                                                   l.) Ellis, Leroy J. "Reelfoot Lake, Site 18." Memo to Commissioner Charles A. Howell. October 23, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
m.) Ellis, Leroy J. "Reelfoot Lake, Lake Site 18- Land Acquisition." Memo to David Robinson. September 25, 1984.                                                                            n.) "Reelfoot Reports Slate Tuesday." Daily Messenger November 12, 1984                                                                                                                          o.) Tanner, John Chairmen. Memo to Members of the Reelfoot Lake Task Force, HJR 24. October 29, 1984.                                                                                                                                      p.) Chairman Tanner, John. Memo to Members of Reelfoot Lake Task Force, HJR 24. March 4, 1985.                                                                                                 q.) "Tanner Slaps Lake County Move, Wants Unity." The Daily Messsenger March 19, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 r.) Christ, Mark. "Gill raps drainage at lake. The Commercial Appeal September 10, 1985.                                                                                                                    s.) "A Proposal to the Reelfoot Lake Legislative Task Force for Funding to Complete Development of the Reelfoot Lake Teaching and Research Facility Operated bu the University of Tennessee at Martin." February 10, 1986.                                                                                                                           t.) Christ, Mark. "Update and future plans to top agenda this week for Reelfoot Task Force." The Commercial Appeal February 16, 1986.                                                                                                                                     u.) "Corp of Engineers study offers 3 plans." Lake County Banner June 3, 1987.                                                                                                                     v.) "Tanner Schedules Hearing." Weakly County Press June 23, 1987.                   w.) Reelfoot Lake Recommendations and Concerns of The Tennessee Department of Conservation June 26, 1987.                                                         x.) Locker, Richard. "Task force issues plan to preserve Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal September 11, 1987.                                                                      y.) "Reelfoot Report Given To Governor." September 23, 1987.                                   z.) "Major Projects Proposed for Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner October 21, 1987.                                                                                                                         aa.) "Area legislator supports probe." Union City Daily Messenger July 16, 1990.                                                                                                                       bb.) "State DOT maintains spillway." The Union City Daily Messenger July 16, 1990.                                                                                      
9 Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge
a.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 16, 1902.                                                                b.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 23, 1902.                                                                   c.) "Hickman Citizens Threaten Suit." State Gazette May 16, 1922.                             d.) "Spillway Will Not Be Lowered." State Gazette October 27, 1922.                         e.) "Reelfoot Lake Improvement Fund." The Commercial Appeal January 5, 1923.                                                                                                                                                                         f.) "The Lions." The Commercial Appeal August 11, 1923.                                                                         g.) "Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal September 28, 1923.                                             h.) "Farmers Plan Court Fight on Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 5, 1923.                                                                                                                                                                         i.) "Wants to Save Reelfoot Lake." Lake County News August 22, 1924.                      j.) "Lake Sanctuary For Wild Fowl." The Commercial Appeal November 20, 1925.                                                                                                                                                                        k.) "Survey at Reelfoot for Duck Sanctuary." The Commercial Appeal October 28, 1927.                                                                                                                                                                    l.) "Game Refuge in Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville Times April 4, 1930.                           m.) "Authorize Work at Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner January 2, 1931.                                                                                                                         n.) "Will Dedicate New Spillway Next Tuesday." The Commercial  AppealJuly 10, 1931.                                                                                                                                                                  o.) "Dedication of Reelfoot Lake Spillway Wed." The Commercial Appeal July 17, 1931.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              p.) "Lake Spillway is Dedicated." Tiptonville Times July 17, 1931.                                   q.) "Plans Adopted for Arboretum." Tiptonville Times November 9, 1934.                                                                                                                       r.) "Isaam Lake Area Being Condemned by Government." Lake County Banner October 29, 1937.                                                                                                                                                s.) "Rejuvenate Reelfoot." Memphis Press-Scimitar Jun. 3, 1939.                                   t.) "Shore of Reelfoot is Improved by Clearing Out of Undergrowth." Lake County Banner September 1, 1939.                                                                                                u.) "50 lbs. of Bream." Lake County Banner September 8, 1939.                                           v.) "Level of Reelfoot, Erosion Control and Black Bass Changes Planned." Lake County Banner September 22, 1939.                                                                                                 w.) "New Spillway in Plans for Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 26, 1940.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
x.) "U.S. Government May Expend Large Sum to Preserve Reelfoot Lake." Union City Daily Messenger May 9, 1941.                                                                                                             y.) "Urge Support for Reelfoot Lake Project." Union City Daily Messenger May 15, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                         z.) "Lake Filling Up." Union City Daily Messenger May 15, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                     aa.) "Stateownership." Union City Daily Messenger May 15, 1941.                                                bb.) "Reelfoot Lake Project Given Local Support." Union City Daily Messenger May 20, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                        cc.) "U.S. Plans for the Preservation of Reelfoot Lake Received Here Would Lease One-Third of Territory." Union City Daily Messenger May 27, 1941.                                                                                       dd.) "Need of Action." Union City Daily Messenger May 27, 1941.                                                   ee.) "Purpose of the Investigation." Union City Daily Messenger May 27, 1941.                                                                                                      ff.) "State Game and Fish Director Approves U.S. Plan to Spend Half Million to Save Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger May 30, 1941.                                                                                                               gg.) "Complete Fish Survey of Region." Union City Daily Messenger June 14, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                         hh.) "Reelfoot Lake Commission to Meet July 9." Union City Daily Messenger June 30, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                         ii.) "Soil Mapping Aids Reelfoot Land Program." Union City Daily Messenger July 5, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                              jj.) "Says Lake Agreement Will Be Signed."  Union City Daily Messenger July 9, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                          kk.) "U.S. Project to Improve Lake Assured." Union City Daily Messenger July 10, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                             ll.) "Reelfoot Lake Commission to Meet Here." Union City Daily Messenger July 8, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                         mm.) "Governor Favors Project." Union City Daily Messenger July 9, 1941.                                                                                                                 nn.) "Sanitation Drive At Lake in Progress." Union City Daily Messenger July 29, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                         oo.) "Sanitation Drive in Progress on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner August 1, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                               pp.) "U.S. Government Ready to Sign Reelfoot Lake Improvement Agreement." Union City Daily Messenger August 2, 1941.                                                                                                                         qq.) "National Forest Plans Discussed." Union City Daily Messenger August 7, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
rr.) "Reelfoot Lake Commission to Meet Aug. 15." Union City Daily Messenger August 8, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                           ss.) "Agreement on Reelfoot Near." Union City Daily Messenger August 15, 1941.                                                                                                     tt.) "State Engineers at Reelfoot Lake Today." Union City Daily Messenger August 28, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                                 uu.) "Reelfoot Lake Agreement to be Signed." Union City Daily Messenger August 29, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                          vv.) "Governor to Attend Celebration at Lake on Wednesday, September 10." Union City Daily Messenger September 1, 1941.                                                                                                                                      ww.) "C. of C. Plans Celebration at Reelfoot Lake." Union City Daily Messenger September 2, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                          xx.) "State and Federal Leaders to Speak at Reelfoot Celebration." Union City Daily Messenger September 3, 1941.                                                                                                                                           yy.) "U.C. Hunting Club Members Get Good News." Union City Daily Messenger September 6, 1941.                                                                                                                                                                                        zz.) "Celebrities to Attend Lake Program." Union City Daily Messenger September 8, 1941.  
aaa.) "C. of C. Makes Arrangements for Reelfoot Fete." Union City Daily Messenger September 9, 1941.                                                                  bbb.) "U.S. Wildlife Head Accepts Reelfoot Lease From Cooper at Blue Bank Ceremonies." Union City Daily Messenger September 10, 1941.                                                                                                                       ccc.) "Quick Results not Likely at Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger September 11, 1941.                                                                             ddd.) National Wildlife Refuge System. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Print. eee.) National Wildlife Refuges. Washington, D.C.: Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Print.  
Box 61 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge
a.) "Convicts to Clear Drainage Ditch." Lake County Banner July 10, 1942.                                                                                                                        b.) "Trapping Ruled Out on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner September 18, 1942.                                                                                                                        c.) "The Ditch Work is First." Lake County Banner November 5, 1943.                           d.) "Lake Refuge Manager is to Transfer to New Project." Lake County Banner November 19, 1943.                                                                                                         e.) "New Manager Arrives for Reelfoot and Isom Refuge." Lake County Banner December 3, 1943.                                                                                                              f.) "$155,000 Approved for Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner September 8, 1944.                                                                                                                     g.) "Duck Hunting Area Increased." Lake County Banner December 14, 1945.                                                                                                                    h.) "Low Level Outlet and Fish Ladder Being Built at Spillway." Lake County Banner September 5, 1947.                                                                                             i.) "Spillway Ditch Overgrown." Lake County Banner June 20, 1952.                       j.) "Rules Set on Spillway Gate." Lake County Banner February 27, 1953.                                                                                                                     k.) "Local Groups Work on Bill." Lake County Banner March 27, 1953.                      l.) "Spillway Drainage Bill Passes the Senate." Lake County Banner March 27, 1953.                                                                                                                         m.) "Score Neglect of Lake Ditch." Lake County Banner April 10, 1953.                     n.) "USF&WS discloses budget for refuge." Union City Daily Messenger June 27, 1990.                                                                                                                   o.) "Refuge makes payment." Union City Daily Messenger June 28, 1990.                                                                                                                        p.) "Pinion seeking answers from Supreme Court." Union City Daily Messenger July 19, 1990.                                                                                         q.) Corwin, Tom. "Reelfoot closing fought." Jackson Sun November 1, 1990.                                                                                                                        r.) "New wildlife refuge to open." The Daily Messenger January 15, 1990. 
2 Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge 50th Anniversary 
a.) "Happy 50th Anniversary Reelfoot NWR." The Lake County Banner November 20, 1991.                                                                                      b.) "Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge celebrates 50th." The Daily Messenger November 20, 1991. 
3 Reelfoot Williams  1852
a.) Chauncey L. Canfield, The Diary of a Forty-Niner. 1906/April 18, 1852, Memory.Loc, Morgan Shepard Company, 8 May 2003, < old>                        
4 Regulations, Hunting and Fishing
a.) "Rules for Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal August 1, 1913.                                                                                                              b.) "Laws Governing the Lake." The Commercial Appeal August 15, 1913.                                                                                                                  c.) "Game and Fish Laws." The Commercial Appeal January 23, 1915.                                                                                                                   d.) "Will Collect License." The Commercial Appeal October 8, 1915.                   e.) "The Game Laws." The Commercial Appeal November 12, 1915.                        f.) "Reelfoot Game and Fish." The Commercial Appeal April 6, 1917.            g.) "State Hunters License." The Commercial Appeal October 5, 1917.                                                                                                                 h.)  "Investigate Fish and Game Office." The Commercial Appeal February 28, 1919.                                                                                                                         i.) "Fish and Game Law." The Commercial Appeal April 20, 1923.                     j.) "Two Bound Over to Federal Court." The Commercial Appeal February 3, 1928.                                                                                                                            k.) "Three Men Held on Charge of Selling Wild Ducks." The Commercial Appeal December 25, 1931.                                                                                l.) "Hoover Restricts Season on Duck." The Commercial Appeal August 28, 1931.                                                                                                                        m.) "Regulations For Duck Shooting on Game Sanctuary on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 10, 1933.                                     n.) "No Limit Rule on Fish Hurts." Lake County Banner June 6, 1952.                                                                                                                                                   o.) "Limit Doesn't Bother Many." Lake County Banner December 12, 1952.                                                                                                                 p.) "Creel Limit is Increased." Lake County Banner December 26, 1952.                                                                                                                   q.) "Crappie Sale Fight Looms." Lake County Banner January 16, 1953. 
5 Resorts
a.) Reelfoot Lake Southshore Family Resort. Samburg: Southshore Family Resort, 1993. Print. 
6 Restaurants
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Landmark Goes; Lakeview Burns Down Sunday." Lake County Banner September 17, 1948.                                                                 b.) "Camp Reelfoot Dining Room Burned to Ground." Lake County Banner October 29, 1948.                                                                                         c.) "New Lakeview Dining Room." Lake County Banner February 18 1949.                                                                                                                 d.) "Boyette's Lease Open." Lake County Banner March 11, 1949.            e.) "New Lakeview to Open Saturday." Lake County Banner April 15, 1949.                                                                                                                            f.) "Mrs. McKnight Takes Over at Boyette's on Sunday." Lake County Banner April 29, 1949.                                                                                        g.) "Lakeview Dining Room." Lake County Banner July 23, 1999.            h.) "Gathering at Lakeview a huge success." Lake County Banner July 28, 1999. 
7 Rice, Bill  1987
8 Riley, Robbie L.
9 Roads
a.) "On to the Lake." The Commercial AppealDecember 30, 1910.                          b.) "Good Roads to the Lake." The Commercial Appeal December 30, 1910.                                                                                                                  c.) "Quarterly Court." The Commercial Appeal January 13, 1911.                              d.) "Work on the Lake Road Begins." The Commercial Appeal March 31, 1911.                                                                                                                         e.) "Good Roads Association." The Commercial Appeal June 23, 1911.                                                                                                                   f.) "Union City and Samburg Road." The Commercial Appeal June 23, 1911.                                                                                                          g.) "Shortest and Best Route." The Commercial Appeal August 11, 1911.                                                                                                              h.) "Reelfoot Lake Road Text of New Law." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1919.                                                                                                                                    i.) "Opportunity Knocking." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1919.                   j.) "Reelfoot Lake Road Bill for the County Court." The Commercial Appeal May 30, 1919.                                                                                                       k.) "Road From Union City To Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal March 25, 1921.                                                                                                                         l.) "Obion And Lake In One Big Barbecue." The Commercial Appeal September 23, 1921.                                                                                                               m.) "New Opportunites." The Commercial Appeal September 23, 1921.                                                                                                                   n.) "Highway Meeting Held At Dyersburg Last Friday." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                 o.) "Highway Work in Lake County Progressing." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924. 
10 Roberson, Ilar 
11 Robo- Duck 
a.) Brannon, John. "Robo-Duck just keeps going and going." The Messenger January 19, 2000.
12 Robinson, Myrlle 
a.) "Myrtle Robinson home to be razed; believed to be T'ville's oldest African American home." Lake County Banner September 22, 2004. 
13 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (1) 
a.) NPS Taskforce Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory. Guidance for the Development of Evaluation Plans for NPS Control Projects. Ada, OK.  
14 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (2) 
a.) The Tennessee Department of Public Health Division of Water Quality Control. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Rural Clean Water Program. Nashville, Tennessee.                                                                                                          b.) A Matter of Natural Resources. Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts and Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Print.                                                                                                                          c.) Tennessee Clean Water. Nashville: Bureau of Environment and Office of Water Management. Print.
15 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (3) 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Drainage Area. Application for Rural Clean Water Program Grant. Fulton County: July 1979. 
16 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (4)
a.) Reelfoot Lake RCWP Local Coordinating Committee. Plan of Work Rural Clean Water Program Project for Reelfoot Lake Drainage Area. Obion and Lake Counties and Fulton County: May 1980.                                                                                                                         b.) The Tennessee Department of Public Health Division of Water Quality Control. General Water Quality Monitoring Plan Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP). Nashville: October 9, 1980. 
17 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (5)
a.) Reelfoot Lake Monitoring Work Group. Reelfoot Lake Monitoring Work Group. 14 January 1981.                                                                     b.) Revised Reelfoot Lake RCWP Project Plan of Work
18 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (6)
a.) Smith, Winfred L. "Reelfoot Lake: A General Statement of Problems." Memo to Bob Alexander Division of Water Quality Control Tennessee Department of Public Health. 14 February 1981.                                                                                                                       b.) Winfred L. Smith Department of Biological Sciences University of Tennessee at Martin. A Proposal for the Preparation of a Summary Environmental Report on Reelfoot Lake and its Watershed, with a Historical Description of their Development.March 8, 1981.                                                                                                               c.) Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Project. Agriculture Extension Service. Print.                                                                                                      d.) The Tennessee Department of Public Health Division of Water Quality Control. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP). Nashville. April 15, 1981. 
19 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (7)
a.) Revised Reelfoot Lake RCWP Project Plan of Work October 1980. 
20 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (8)
a.) Tennessee State Rural Development Committee in cooperation with West Tennessee Erosion Control Office. Conservation and Management Update. July 1983.                                                               b.) Locker, Richard. "Alexander Asks Aid Developing Plan for Water." The Commercial Appeal September 23, 1983.                                   c.) Coleman Laura. "Study of water shapes plan for cleanup." The Commercial Appeal September 29, 1983.                                                              d.) North American Lake Management Society. Program with Abstracts International Symposium on Lake & Reservoir Managment. Knoxville: October 18-20, 1983. 
21 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) (9)
a.) Local Coordinating Committee Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Project. Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Program Project Annual Progress Report. Tennessee-Kentucky. October 1985. 
Box 62 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Russell, Bruce
2 Russo, A.S. & A.G. Hicks  2002
3 Rutherford, Henry
4 Safe Growth Team
a.) Safe Growth Team Staff Priority Recommendations for Improving Water Management: A Fifteen Point Plan November 17, 1982.
5 Samburg
a.) "Imported Fancy Half Home at Fish Bros." The Commercial Appeal June 27, 1902.                                                                                                                                                                           b.) "Union City, Reelfoot Lake and Tiptonville Stage Line!" The Commercial Appeal July 4, 1902.                                                                                                                                                                   c.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal June 19, 1903.                                                                               d.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal July 3, 1903.                                                                            e.) "A Shooting Match." The Commercial Appeal May 30, 1902.                                                            f.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1903.                                                                                 g.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal July 24, 1903.                                                                               h.) "Camping on the Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 10, 1905.                                               i.) "Hunting Party." The Commercial Appeal November 10, 1905.                                                                      j.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal July 13, 1906.                                                                               k.) "Tents at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal August 2, 1907.                                                              l.) "Fire at Samburg." The Commercial Appeal April 17, 1908.                                                             m.) "Martin Leonard Killed." The Commercial Appeal August 26, 1910.                                            n.) "Samburg." The Commercial Appeal April 2, 1915.                                                                              o.) "Pleasure Boat Capsized Four Pearson Drowned." The Commercial Appeal May 19, 1916.                                                                                                                                                                       p.) "Killed on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 23, 1916.                                            q.) "A Real Live County Town Shaw's Park." The Commercial Appeal August 15, 1919.                                                                                                                                                                           r.) "Rufe Roney at Samburg Killed." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                   s.) "Monroe Wallace Killed in Fight by R. Parkerson." The Commercial Appeal May 4, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                            t.) "Boy Parkerson Gets Two Years for the Killing of Wallace." The Commercial Appeal May 28, 1928.                                                                                                                                                   u.) "S. Applewhite Famed Reelfoot Guide, Killed." The Commercial Appeal August 3, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                           v.) "14 Year Old Boy Kills Father." Tiptonville Times August 3, 1928.                                      w.) "Sam T. Denton Dies Frp, Injuries Received in Fight at Samburg Sunday Night." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                 x.) "Modern Hotel to be Built at Samburg." The Commercial Appeal March 1, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
y.) "Two Men Killed in Gun Battle at Lake Sunday." The Commercial Appeal March 22, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                        z.) "Samburg Hotel Man Arrested Liquor Charge." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                                                                  aa.) "Hornbeak Man Killed When Hit By Car." The Commercial September 20, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                                  bb.) "Twenty-Room Hotel Burns at Samburg." The Commercial November 8, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                          cc.) "Automobile Wreck Causes Arrest of Walter Hayes." The Commercial May 23, 1930.                                                                                                                                                            dd.) "Harry Lee Watson Takes French Leave From Officers Here." The Commercial October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                         ee.) "Samburg Business Section Wiped Out By Night Fires." Titponville Times February 23, 1934.                                                                                                                                                   ff.) "Gets $75 Game Fine." Lake County Banner April 19, 1940.                                              gg.) "The Crime at Old Samburg." Lake County Banner July 2, 1948.                                    hh.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner October 17, 1947.                                                                    ii.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner October 24, 1947.                                                                    jj.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner December 5, 1947.                                                                    kk.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner December 12, 1947.                                                             ll.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner January 2, 1948.                                                                  mm.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner March 5, 1948.                                                             nn.)  "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner September 10, 1948.                                                            oo.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner October 1, 1948.                                                                  pp.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner October 8, 1948.                                                                    qq.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner October 15, 1948.                                                                  rr.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner November 5, 1948.                                                                  ss.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner November 12, 1948.                                                            tt.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner December 3, 1948.                                                                  uu.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner January 7, 1949.                                                                   vv.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner January 21, 1949.                                                              ww.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner January 28, 1949.                                                               xx.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner February 4, 1949.                                                                 yy.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner February 25, 1949.                                                                   zz.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner March 11, 1949.                 
aaa.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner March 25, 1949.                                                                             bbb.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 8, 1949.                                                                                   ccc.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner May 20, 1949.                                                                             ddd.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner May 27, 1949.                                                                           eee.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner June 24, 1949.                                                                                fff.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner August 5, 1949.                                                                                            ggg.) "Well Known Hotel Owner Mrs. Homer Hayes, Dead." Lake County Banner August 19, 1949.                                                                                                                                                                                         hhh.) "Leo Drowns Sunday." Lake County Banner September 2, 1949.                                                                iii.) "Fishing Good on Lake Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 21, 1949.                                                                                                                         jjj.) "Lots of Ducks at Samburg." Lake County Banner October 28, 1949.                                                   kkk.) "Church Should Mix in Politics." Lake County Banner November 11, 1949.                                                                                                                        lll.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner December 9, 1949.                                                                              mmm.) "Samburg House Contents Burn." Lake County Banner December 9, 1949.                                                                                                                                                                                 nnn.) "Samburg Wants High School Back." Lake County Banner January 27, 1950.                                                                                                                                                                             ooo.) "Lake Level Down After Fair Days." Lake County Banner February 24, 1950.                                                                                                                                                                             ppp.) "City of Samburg in Debt, Out, In." Lake County Banner November 10, 1950.                                                                                                                                                                    qqq.) "Gantlett Sums Up His Views on Reelfoot Lake Situation." Lake County Banner May 5, 1950.                                                                                                                                                                                      rrr.) "Samburg Talks of State Park." Lake County Banner March 31, 1950.                                                                                                                sss.) Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 14, 1950.                                                                                ttt.) "Narrow Escapes Reported As Storm Suddenly Rises Over Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner June 2, 1950.                                                                                                                                                       uuu.) "Gas Taken From Fire Truck Tank." Lake County Banner July 14, 1950.                                                                                                                     vvv.) "Election Tops Samburg News." Lake County Banner August 11, 1950.                                                                                                                 www.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner February 2, 1951.                                                                               xxx.) "Gantlett Lauds Hall for Statement." Lake County Banner March 9, 1951.                                                                                                                   yyy.) "Rev. Williams Resigns Jobs with Crouch Motors." Lake County Banner March 2, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             zzz.) "Samburg City Board Meets." Lake County Banner April 6, 1951.  
aaaa.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 20, 1951.                                                                       bbbb.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner May 11, 1951.                                                                        cccc.) "Locals of Interest from Samburg." Lake County Banner November 9, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                              dddd.) "New Duck BLind is Being Used for First Time on the Lake." Lake County Banner November 30, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                             eeee.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner June 6, 1952.                                                                               ffff.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner June 13, 1952.                                                                                  gggg.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner April 17, 1953.                                                                      hhhh.) "Narcotic Root Found in Hills." Lake County Banner April 24, 1953.                                                                                                                       iiii.) "Events From Samburg Town." Lake County Banner September 25, 1953.                                                                                                                      jjjj.) "News from Samburg." Lake County Banner October 2, 1953.                                                                  kkkk.) "Samburg News Round Up." Lake County Banner January 8, 1954.                                                      llll.) "Court Ruling on Fish Sale." Lake County Banner January 15, 1954.                                                    mmmm.) "Fish Dealers Face Charges." Lake CountyBanner June 11, 1954.                                                                                                               nnnn.) "Fishermen to Trial in Fall." Lake County Banner June 18, 1954.                                            oooo.) "Mayor Want Gantlett Out." Lake County Banner July 16, 1954.                                      pppp.) "Samburg Fish Dealers Fined." Lake County Banner October 29, 1954.                                                                                                                  qqqq.) Fite, Matthew. "Samberg Descendants Will Honor Ancestor." The Commercial Appeal September 20, 1982.                                                                                                                                                   rrrr.) Riley, Harriet. "Cleanup Plan Puts Sparkle In Lake's Future." The Commercial Appeal November 15, 1982.                                                                                                                                                  ssss.) Brown, Fred. "Reelfoot fights bureaucracy in its struggle for survival." Memphis Press-Scimitar January 6, 1983.                                                                                                                                      tttt.) "Lake Plans on Agenda of Meeting." The Commercial Appeal March 7, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                            uuuu.) "Reelfoot Lake Rescue Gathers Steam." The Tennessean September 25, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                      vvvv.) "Road Near Samburg to be Relocated." The Daily Messenger November 8, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                  wwww.) "Squatters on Reelfoot Lake under state's order to move." The Tennessean February 21, 1986.                                                                                                                                                                                   xxx.) Gaither, Steve. "Low lake level 'killing' town." The Commercial Appeal October 23, 1986.                                                                                                                                                                    
yyyy.) Robinson, Quintin. "Reelfoot relief must wait for study." The Commercial Appeal October 28, 1986.                                                                                                                                                                                           zzzz.) "Writer applauds life in Samburg." The Messenger December 14, 1988.                                                                                                                                 aaaaa.) Huston, Jerry. "Samburg voters to select mayor and council today." The Commercial Appeal January 6, 1989.                  bbbbb.) Corwin, Tom. "Controversy swirls around who should control Reelfoot Lake." The Jackson Sun July 5, 1990.                   ccccc.) Brannon, John. "Cranford to veto resolution he proposed on utility district." Union City Daily Messenger March 21, 1995. ddddd.) "Alderman arrested." Union City Daily Messenger January 12, 1995. 
6 Samburg Lawsuit
a.) Brannon, John. "Lake controversy pits david against Goliath." The Union City Daily Messenger March 27, 1990. 
7 Samburg Maps
8 Sanitary Surveys, Sanitation 
a.) "Public Health Service." The Commercial Appeal April 14, 1916.             b.) "Report of Health Work in Obion County." The Commercial Appeal November 24, 1916.                                                                                                        c.) "Tinge in City Water Unavoidable Says Ashley." Lake County Banner Appeal August 28, 1936.                                                                                         d.) "Lions Club Protests City Water Situation." Lake County Banner Sept. 18, 1936.                                                                                                      e.) "Experts Recommend Closer Water Care." Lake County Banner September 25, 1936.                                                                                                       f.) "Sanitation Drive in Progress on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner August 1, 1941.                                                                                                         g.) "Tiptonville Getting Water From Wells." Lake County Banner October 24, 1941.                                                                                                                 h.) "Tiptonville Water is Again Safe." Lake County Banner July 3, 1942.                                                                                                               i.) "Highly Unsanitary Conditions are Prevalent about Lake, Says Wyatt." Lake County Banner July 31, 1942.                                                         j.) Sanitary Survey Report. May and June, 1977.
9 Saunders, G.B.
10 Scheland, "Coot"
a.) Lake County Banner May 30, 1952. 
11 Sediments, Cores S.D. Sherriff
a.) Sherriff, Steven D. The Relationship of Organic Matter in Sediments to Wind Driven Circulation in Blue Basin, Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee.
12 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (1 of 7)
a.) "Hillside Land of County Washing Away." The Commercial Appeal March 21, 1924.                                                                                                                            b.) "Lake Problems Get An Airing By Game Commission Chairman." Lake County Banner April 28, 1950.                                                                                          c.) "Lake Problems Will Be Aired At Forum Set for Tiptonville." Lake County Banner November 10, 1950.                                                                                                d.) "Reelfoot is a Dying Lake." Lake County Banner February 26, 1954.                        e.) "Gantlett Answers Lake Critic." Lake County Banner March 5, 1954.                    f.) "Farmer Replies to Lake Story." Lake County Banner March 5, 1954.                g.) "One of South's Great Lakes is Dying." Memphis Press-Scimitar August 7, 1954.                                                                                                                          h.) "They're Gaining Grounf in the Battle of the Delta." Sun-Democrat August 8, 1954.                                                                                                                     i.) "Lake is Doomed by Silt." Lake County Banner August 20, 1954.                                 j.) "Reelfoot Farmers Invited to Form Watershed Group." Press-Scimitar August 19, 1954.                                                                                                            k.) "Floods are Fought at Tennessee Lake." NewYork Times February 26, 1956.                                                                                                                   l.) U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. Sediment Production Study Reelfoot Lake Area. Obion County, Tennessee and Fulton County, Kentucky: 1956.                                                                                       m.) "Reelfoot Silt Blamed on Sportsmen." Memphis Press-Scimitar November 28, 1956.                                                                                                                            n.) "Obion-Forked Deer Project." The Commercial Appeal May 3, 1959.             o.) "Watershed Program May Preserve Reelfoot Lake." Memphis Press-Scimitar March 14, 1961.                                                                                         p.) Steber, Bob. "Commission Meets on Reelfoot." The Tennessean February 21, 1964.                                                                                                                          q.) Reams, Claude. "Drainage Project Subject of Series." The Jackson Sun June 11, 1964. 
13 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (2) 
a.) Christ, Mark. "Reelfoot Study to Start in May." The Commercial Appeal March 17, 1983.                                                                                      b.) Dr. J. R. McHenry Water Quality and Watershed Research Laboratory Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture. Sedimentation Survey of Reelfoot Lake (Upper Buck Basin), Tennessee. Durant, Oklahoma.
14 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (3)
a.) Lewis, Bob. "Group begins talks on saving Reelfoot." The Jackson Sun August 4, 1983.                                                                               b.) Riley, Harriet. "Farms hold key to lake survival, experts contend." The Commercial Appeal February 6, 1984.                                     c.) Mansur, Michael. "Official neglect destroying lake, residents claim." The Commercial Appeal April 6, 1984.                                                 d.) "Well, Governor?" The Commercial Appeal May 18, 1984. 
15 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (4)
a.) Water Quality and Watershed Research Laboratory Agricultural Research Service. Sedimentation Survey of Reelfoot Lake (Upper Buck Basin). Durrant, Oklahoma: December, 1983.
16 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (5)
a.) Water Quality and Watershed Research Laboratory Agricultural Research Service. Sedimentation Survey of Reelfoot Lake (Upper Buck Basin). Durrant, Oklahoma: April, 1984. 
17 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (6) 
a.) Department of Conservation. Reelfoot Lake Silt Detention Acquisiton Schedule. July 1, 1984. 
18 Sediment Cores- Composition Dating (7)
a.) "30% of Tenn. Lake area has pollution problem." The Commercial Appeal November 1, 1989.                                                                 b.) "Legislators seek funds for Reelfoot." The Daily Messenger January 15, 1990.                                                                                                           c.) "New silt basin planned at lake." The Lake County Banner January 17, 1990.                                                                                                                d.) Christ, Mark. "Dam to ease sediment problem." The Commercial Appeal September 17, 1984.                                                                               e.) "Two federal studies will seek ways to save Reelfoot Lake." The Tennessean November 28, 1985.                                                                      f.) Christ, Mark. "Wildlife Chiefs will eye possible impact on lake." The Commercial Appeal.                                                                               g.) "Study Authorized for Reelfoot Lake." The Tennessean.               h.) Christ, Mark. "Schedule Altered on Silt Catchers." The Commercial Appeal September 9, 1983.                                                                i.) Reynolds, Henry. "Reelfoot woes get hearing." The Commercial Appeal April 27, 1984.
Box 63 of 89
File No.  Title  Date
1 Sediment Oxygen Demand 
2 Sedimentary PO4-P, General H2O Chem Data Collected by UTM Summer Institute  1998
3 Seminar, Reelfoot Lake Biol, 4020, winter 1980 
4 Shadden, Henson, Sliger  1985
a.) R.C. Shadden, J.W. Henson, W.A. Sliger. Design and Evaluation of a Quantitative Aquatic Macrophyte Sampling Dredge. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Biloxi: February 4-5, 1985. 
5 Shaler, N.S. 
a.) "Geological Survey West of the Tennessee. The Mississippi Levee Enterprise." The Hickman Courier March 28, 1874.                      b.) Hickman Courier August 7, 1874.                                                                   c.) Shaler, N.S. 1878. Reelfoot Lake. Atlantic Monthly XLII: 216-222.                                                                                                                           d.) Hickman Courier November 22, 1878.                                                                e.) "Prof. N.S. Shaler." Hickman Courier April 30, 1880.                      f.) "The Midsummer Holiday Scribner." New York Times July 20, 1878. 
6 Shaw, J., and Shaw's Park Samburg
a.) "J.S. Shaw." The Commercial Appeal September 23, 1904.                                   b.) "Shaw's Park Improved." The Commercial Appeal May 10, 1907.           c.) "The Samburg Lands." The Commercial Appeal June 16, 1911.                   d.) "Shaw's Park, Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 14, 1911.                                                                                                                  e.) "Shaw's Park Going! Going! Going! At Auction! on Wednesday, November 22." The Commercial Appeal November 17, 1911.                                            f.) "Sale at Samburg." The Commercial Appeal November 24, 1911.                           g.) "Shaw's Park." The Commercial Appeal October 1, 1915.                                   h.) "A Real Live County Town Shaw's Park." The Commercial Appeal August 15, 1919.                                                                                                                    i.) "Shaw's Park." The Commercial August 22, 1919. 
7 Shelford, V.E. 
a.) Croker, Robert A. Pioneer Ecologist. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. Print. 
8 Shorelines: Past and Future
9 Short Stories
a.) Jones, Evan. "A Reelfoot Christmas." Lake County Banner December 22, 2004.                                                                                                                       
10 Sierra Club 
11 Smith, Claudia 
a.) "Claudia Smith Interviewed by Channel 12, KFVS-TV." Lake County Banner January 30, 2002. 
12 Sliger, Henson, Shadden.  1990
a.) Sliger, Henson, and Shadden. A Quantitative Sampler for Biomass Estimates of Aquatic Macrophytes. Reprinted from J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 28: 100-102.  
13 Smith, W.L. 
a.) "UTM to Train Science, Math Teachers as a State 'Center of Excellence'." The Bulletin of The University of Tennesse at Martin September, 1984.                                                                                               b.) Intents and Purposes: UT's Five Year Plan. Office of University Relations.                                                                                                               c.) "Truetts celebrate special 50th anniversary." Lake County Banner May 7, 2003. 
14 Smith W.L.  1997
15 W.L. Smith Correspondence  2000
16 Smith, W.L. Corres 2004
17 Southeastern Archaeol. Conference Midwest Archaeol Conference Lexington, KY 9-12 November 1994.
18 Species (Rare, Endangered, Threatened)
a.) Smith, Larry. Elements of Natural Diversity Department of Conservation Tennessee Natural Heritage Program. November 7, 1984. 
19 Spicer, Elbert (E.T.)
20 Spicer, Glen  2001
21 "Spiking"/Cutting Trees (Reelfoot Lake) 
22 Spillway (1)
a.) "To Drain the Lake." The Commercial Appeal January 17, 1908.                                                                         b.) "Milton Talley." The Commercial Appeal October 22, 1920.                                                                                      c.) "Draining the Lake Fishermen Protest." The Commercial Appeal June 10, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                         d.) "Want Black Bayou at Reelfoot Dammed." The Dresden Enterprise June 17, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                    e.) "A Fight for Tennessee." The Commercial Appeal July 1, 1921.                                                                     f.) "Black Bayou Drain at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal June 24, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                          g.) "Gen. Morris and the Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 1, 1921.                                                              h.) "Reelfoot Lake Drainage." The Commercial Appeal July 15, 1921.                                                             i.) "To Fill in Black Bayou." The Commercial Appeal July 22, 1921.                                                                       j.) "Filling Black Bayou Outlet in Progress." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                         k.) "Immediate Action at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1921.                                                                                                                           l.) Dredgeboat Sinks Reelfoot is Falling." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1921.                                                                                                                      m.) "Taking the Bull Right by the Horns." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1921.                                                                                                                        n.) "Taking the Bull Right by the Horns." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1921.                                                                                                                        o.) "Sandbags to Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1921.                                                                   p.) "Dredgeboat Sinks, Reelfoot is Falling." The Dresden Enterprise July 29, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                          q.) "Sandbag Dam Holds in Reelfoot Waters." The Commercial Appeal August 5, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                      r.) "New Contract for Filling Black Bayou." The Commercial Appeal August 12, 1921.                                                                                                                                                                            s.) The Commercial Appeal September 30, 1921.                                                                                                                        t.) "Reelfoot Waters Again Find Outlet." The Dresden Enterprise February 17, 1922.                                                                                                                                                                          u.) "More Leary Troubles Located at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal February 17, 1922.                                                                                                                                                                            v.) "Engineers' Work Saves Levee and Overflow." The Commercial Appeal April 7, 1922.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            w.) "Reelfoot Lake Levee Stirs More Trouble." The Commercial Appeal April 21, 1922.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
x.) "Reelfoot Lake Levee Stirs More Trouble." The State Gazette April 25, 1922.                                                                                                       y.) "Highway Department State Engineer's Report." The Commercial Appeal April 28, 1922.                                                                                                                                                                         z.) "Reelfoot Lake Driving Up, Committee Told." The Commercial Appeal March 2, 1923.                          
23 Spilling (2)
a.) "Peay's Visit to Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 8, 1923.                                                                                                                 b.) "Peay Wires Hickman Relief Will Be Given." The Commercial Appeal May 11, 1923.                                                                                                        c.) "Reelfoot Lake Not So Bad As Reports Said." The Commercial Appeal May 11, 1923.                                                                                                        d.) "Dynamiting the Spillway." The Commercial Appeal May 25, 1923.                                                                                                                 e.) "Reelfoot Lake and the Spillway." The Commercial Appeal June 8, 1923.                                                                                                               f.) "Peay's Visit to Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal June 8, 1923.                                                                                                                    g.) "Two Suspects at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal June 22, 1923.                                                                                                                          h.) "State to Act on Reelfoot Lake Case." The Commercial Appeal September 21, 1923.                                                                                                                          i.) "Farmers Plan Court Fight on Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 5, 1923.                                                                                                                             j.) "Final Conference on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 19, 1923. 
24 Spillway (3)
a.) "Roads, Taxes, and Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 16, 1923.                                                                                                                        b.) "Planning to Lower Reelfoot Lake Spillway." The Commercial Appeal February 1, 1924.                                                                                                           c.) "Arks State to Buy Reelfoot." The Commercial AppealFebruary 29, 1924.                                                                                                            d.) "Reelfoot Spillway Now Complete." Lake County News August 8, 1924.                                                                                                                           e.) "The Spillway Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal June 19, 1925.                                                                                                                  f.) "Spillway Repaired." The Commercial Appeal June 26, 1925.                       g.) "At the Spillway Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal August 7, 1925.  h.) "State Officials Visit Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal February 26, 1926.                                                                                                                   i.) "Captain Bright and Company I at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                             j.) "State Gaurd at Reelfoot to Prevent Dynamiting." The Commercial Appeal April 22, 1927.                                                                                               k.) "Slight Rise in River Despite Levee Break." The Commercial Appeal April 22, 1927.                                                                                                         l.) "Capt. Mike Bright and Company I off for Camp." The Commercial Appeal July 15, 1927.                                                                                                  m.) "Bids for Drainage Project at Reelfoot." Tiptonville Times January 10, 1930.                                                                                                                n.) "Drainage Ditch Contract is Let." The Commercial Appeal January 24, 1930.                                                                                                            o.) "Meeting Held at Spillway." Lake County Banner June 13, 1930. 
25 Spillway (4) 
a.) "The Facts about J.S. Riley's Private Drainage Ditch." The Commercial Appeal July 25, 1930.                                                                               b.) "The Facts about the Drainage Ditch." The Commercial Appeal August 1, 1930.                                                                                                                        c.) "To the Hon J.S. Riley Ridgely, Tenn." The Commercial Appeal August 1, 1930.                                                                                                                       d.) "To the Voters of Obion, Lake and Weakley Counties." The Commercial Appeal August 1, 1930.                                                                               e.) "Hull, Horton and Riley Winners in Primary Election." The Commercial Appeal August 8, 1930.                                                                                 f.) "Authorize Work at Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville Times January 2, 1931.                                                                                                                         g.) "Spillway Ribs Being Asked." Tiptoville Times January 9, 1931.        h.) "Large Still Captured on Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville Times February 13, 1931.                                                                                                                   i.) "Spillway Superintendent Is Now in the County." Tiptonville Times February 13, 1931.                                                                                            j.) "Reelfoot Lake Resident Drowned in Dredge Ditch." The Commercial Appeal February 13, 1931.                                                                               k.) "Excessive Price Paid for Reelfoot Lake Land, Witness Says." The Commercial Appeal March 25, 1931.                                                        l.) "Gov. Horton Accused of "Milking" State for Reelfoot Land." The Commercial Appeal March 26, 1931.                                                          m.) "Reelfoot Lake Spillway Will Not Be Lowered." The Commercial Appeal April 17, 1931.                                                                                               n.) "Snapped at the Spillway Monday Morning." Tiptonville Times April 17, 1931.                                                                                                       
26 Spillway (5)
a.) "Spillway To Be Left at 276.29 Ft." Tiptonville Times April 17, 1931.                                                                                                                       b.) The Commercial Appeal June 26, 1931.                                                                c.) "Game Warden Met With Lake Citiyens." Tiptonville Times March 31, 1933.                                                                                                                
27 Spillway (6)
a.) "Senator joins Reelfoot fray." The Daily Messenger                     b.) "Spillway Repair Planned." Union City Daily Messenger                c.) "Leaking Spillway Dam is Not Doing Its Job." Union City Daily Messenger November 19, 1981.                                                                              d.) Jones, Evan. "Dry weather gets blame for falling level of Reelfoot." The Lake County Banner December 3, 1981.                                  e.) "Jones asks spillway work." Lake County Banner December 24, 1981.      
28 Spillway (7)
29 Spillway (8) 
a.) Gaither, Steve. "Repair of leaky Reelfoot Spillway ordered." The Commercial Appeal May 20, 1986.                                                        b.)  Gaither, Steve. "Deed giving state control of spillway stirs Reelfoot Waters." The Commercial Appeal June 20, 1986.                 c.) "Lake Spillway work to begin." Lake County Banner November 5, 1986.                                                                                                                  d.) "Changes seen for Reelfoot as spillway repair to begin." The Commercial Appeal October 30, 1986. 
30 Spillway (9)
a.) "Spillway repairs will lower level of lake." The Lake County Banner June 25, 1987.                                                                                       b.) "Legals." Lake County Banner March 30, 1988.                                            c.) "Legal." The Daily Messenger April 4, 1988.                                       d.) Temple, Donald. "Spillway Gates." Lake County Banner August 24, 1988.                                                                                                                        e.) "County executive seeking state, federal assistance." Union City Daily Messenger July 11, 1990.                                                                f.) Brannon, John. "Bridge history sparks debate." The Daily Messenger July 13, 1990.                                                                                 g.) "Bridge responsibility is state's, says official." Union City Daily Messenger July 16, 1990.                                                                                   h.) "State DOT maintains spillway." Union City Daily Messenger July 16, 1990.                                                                                                           i.) "Inspectors visit spillway bridge." Union City Daily Messenger July 19, 1990.                                                                                                          j.) "Results awaited on bridge probe." Union City Daily Messenger July 25, 1990.                                                                                                          k.) "Spillway Bridge rated 'fair' by Transportation officials." Union City Daily Messenger August 6, 1990.                                                              l.) Brannon, John. "$27 million restoration considered at Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger January 31, 1994.                          m.) Gaither, Steve. "Deed complicates Reelfoot wrangle." The Commercial Appeal Junuary 20, 1986. 
31 Spillway 2002, 2003, 2004 (1 of 4)
a.) Brannon, John. "Plans revealed for spillway, bridge at Reelfoot Lake." The Messenger December 1, 2004.                                                            b.) "Bredesen, others looking out for Reelfoot Lake." The Messenger October 29, 2004. 
32 Spillway 2002, 2003, 2004 (2 of 4)
a.) Krone, Kathy. "Reelfoot Worries Dissolve after Spillway Meeting." State Gazette. N.p., 4 June 2004. Web. 6 June 2004. <>                                b.) Brannon, John. "New Spillway stalled again." Lake County Banner May 19, 2004.                                                                                                       c.) "Building Fish Ladder at Spillway." Union City Daily Messenger September 6, 1947.                                                                                                       d.) Krone, Kathy. "TDOT will pursue environmental permits for Reelfoot spillway." State Gazette. N.p., 21 July 2004. Web. 22 July 2004. <>           e.) "Link Horton In $530-An-Acre 'Swamp' Deal." The Knoxville News-Sentinel March 25, 1931.                                                                            f.) "Land Commission Price Overruled." Nashville Banner March 25, 1931.                                                                                                                          g.) "Reelfoot Lake Scandal Aired." Nashville Banner March 25, 1931.
33 Spillway 2002, 2003, 2004 (3 of 4)
a.) "Details of Deals in Reelfoot Land Bared by Pardue." The Nashville Tennessean March 25, 1931.                                                          b.) "Reelfoot Land Price Excessive, Witnesses Say." The Nashville Tennessean March 25, 1931.                                                                                c.) "Lays $500-An-Acre Purchase." Memphis News-Sentinel March 26, 1931.                                                                                                                d.) "Witness Says Horton Paid $34,965 for Swamp Land Worth But $2,275; Knew Baker Violated Injunction." Chattanooga Daily Times March 25, 1931.                                                                                            e.) "Horton O.K'd $530 An Acre for Land Assessed at $3.50." The Knoxville News-Sentinel.                                                                                 f.) "Lake Deal 'BallyHooed.'" Chattanooga Daily Times March 23, 1931.                                                                                                                        g.) "Reelfoot Delegation Calls on Governor." The Commercial Appeal May 10, 1923.                                                                                       h.) "Armed Gaurds Watch Over Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 4, 1923.                                                                                            i.) "Peay to Thresh Out Reelfoot Problem." The Commercial Appeal June 2, 1923.                                                                                                j.) "Peay Seeks Solution in Reelfoot Tangle." The Commercial Appeal June 5, 1923.                                                                                                k.) "Poor Dynamite Caps Save Reelfoot Dam." The Commercial Appeal May 24, 1923. 
Box 64 of 89
File No. Title Date 
1 Spillway 2002, 2003, 2004 (4 of 4)
a.) Brannon, John. "Right of way funds for spillway Okd." The Messenger April 17, 2003.                                                                                                                                                                 b.) "Bredesen, Tanner inpsect spillway." Lake County Banner October 30, 2002.                                                                                                                                                                              c.) "Reelfoot funding fails to get out of committe." Lake County Banner November 7, 2001.                                                                                                                                          d.) "Tanner: Use state funds for Reelfoot Lake Spillway." The Messenger January 20, 2003.                                                                                                                                               e.) "Spillway, bridge project at Reelfoot gets new backing." State Gazette January 30, 2003.                                                                                                                                                  f.) "Bridge at Reelfoot Lake Gets New Backing." State Gazette January 30, 2003.                                                                                                                                                                              g.) "Reelfoot project General proposed buying farmland." The Messenger July 24, 2002.                                                                                                                                                                         h.) "Corps engineer voices optimism." The Messenger July 23, 2002.                                                                                                                           i.) "'Reelfoot Project' being held up by Kentucky delegation." The Messenger July 24, 2002.                                                                                                                                                           j.) "Corps studies clogged creek in Fulton County." The Messenger June 14, 2002.                                                                                                                                                                                 k.) "Senators seek $1.2M for spillway." The Messenger June 13, 2002.                                                                                                                         l.) "Reelfoot Lake focus of discussion." The Messenger June 12, 2002.                                                                                                                         m.) "Kentucky proposes transfer of control at Reelfoot Lake." The Messenger June 11, 2002.                                                                                                                                                                 n.) "Pinion: Spillway going to be built." The Messenger April 15, 2004.                                                                                                                       o.) "New Spillway funded by TDOT." Lake County Banner April 21, 2004.                                                                                                                        p.) "Tanner, Pinion share news of area projects." The Messenger April 19, 2004.                                                                                                                                                                               q.) "Garrison: Kentucky, Tennessee factions need to work togethr on a compromise." The Messenger April 20, 2004. 
2 Spring Festival
a.) "Gear for open air at Reelfoot fest." The Commercial Appeal April 20, 1984.                                                                                                       b.) "Reelfoot festival shines spotlight on flora, quakes." The Commercial Appeal April 17, 1985                                                                
3 Spout Springs
a.) "Spout Springs." The Commercial Appeal April 18, 1902.                            b.) "Spout Springs." The Commercial Appeal February 14, 1902. 
4 Squirrels (mass migration) 
a.) Madson, John. Gray and Fox Squirrels. East Alton: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, 1964. Print.                                      b.) Guthrie, Donald R.; Osborne, J. Clark; Mosby, Henry S. "Physiological Changes Associated with Shock in Confined Gray Squirrels." Journal of Wildlife Management 31. 1 (1967): 102-108. Print. 
5 Stahle, D.W., Bald Cypress
a.) Stahle, David W. "The Unsung Ancients." Natural History Magazine February, 2002. Print.
b.) "Map of Ancient Trees of North America."
Natural History Magazine February, 2002. Print.
6 State Park (1 of 2)
a.) "Indorses Reelfoot for State Park." Lake County News April 25, 1924.                                                                                                                          b.) "Reelfoot Lake as a State Park." Lake County News December 5, 1924.                                                                                                                  c.) "Study Plans for Park at Reelfoot." Tiptonville Times August 11, 1933.                                                                                                                         d.) "Reelfoot Park Will Enhance Lake's Beauty." Tiptonville Times January 12, 1934.                                                                                                         e.) "State Park Work Is On At Reelfoot." Tiptonville Times January 4, 1935.                                                                                                                         f.) "Work Pushed on Park at Reelfoot." Tiptonville Times February 15, 1935.                                                                                                                          g.) "Taylor Likes Park on Lake." Lake County Banner July 11, 1952.       h.) "Park Okayed at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner December 17, 1954. 
7 State Park (2 of 2)
a.) "Speakers share talent with Reelfoot visitors." Lake County Banner January 4, 1989.                                                                                                            b.) "Airpark Inn closed until next year." Lake County Banner October 23, 1991.                                                                                                                        c.) Brannon, John. "Air Park renovations may not cost $227,000." The Messenger February 18, 2000.                                                                       d.) "Lake's Air Park Inn operating in the red." Union City Daily Messenger August 1, 1995.                                                                                e.) "$227,000 requested to upgrade small building at Air Park." The Messenger February 17, 2000.                                                                         f.) "Canoe tours offer a very unique view of Reelfoot." Lake County Banner March 20, 2002.                                                                                      g.) "Reelfoot top lake in magazine poll." Lake County Banner June 5, 2002.                                                                                                                         h.) The Tennessee Magazine. June 2002: 15-21. Print.
8 State Park Dedication  1961
9 Steam Boats
10 Steele, Fay N. 
11 Stedham, Butch  200
12 Stenis, J. 
13 Sterling Brewers, Inc. 
14 Stills
a.) "Big Still Under Reelfoot Lake." Lake County News September 5, 1924.                                                                                                            b.) "Sheriff McCain Gets Man, Large Amount of Corn Whiskey." The Commercial Appeal July 20, 1928.                                                                       c.) "Officers Capture Large Still at Lake Wednesday." The Commercial Appeal May 29, 1929.                                                                               d.) "Large Still Captured on Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville Times February 13, 1931.                                                                                                                e.) "Large Still Found by Officers in Lake County Last Friday." The Commercial Appeal February 13, 1931.                                                                                f.) "Sheriff Gets a Fifty Gallon Still at Lake." The Commercial Appeal August 28, 1931. 
15 Stockdale, Mike 1993
a.) John W. Farrington, Susan M. Henrichs and Robert Anderson. "Fatty acids and Pb-210 geochronology of a sediment core from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (1977) 41: 289-296. Print.                                                                                                                              b.) Michael L. Jahncke, Theodore I. J. Smith, and Gloria T. Seaborn. "Use of Fatty Acid Profiles to Distinguish Cultured from Wild Fish: A Possible Law Enforcement Tool." Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish and Wildl. Agencies 42: 546-553. Print.
16 Storms
a.) "Three Dead." The Commercial Appeal May 9, 1902.                                     b.) "Cyclone Sweeps Hickman Country." The Commercial Appeal June 1, 1917.                                                                                                                         c.) "Lake Frozen Over First Time in Dec. Since '17." Lake County Banner December 17, 1937.                                                                                            d.) "Samburg Inc." Lake County Banner May 27, 1949.                                     e.) "11-Year Old Boy Adrift in Boat on Lake During High Wind." Lake County Banner May 12, 1950.                                                                      f.) "Narrow Escapes Reported as Storm Suddenly Rises Over Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner June 2, 1950. 
17 Strader, Mrs. Foster Gray's Landing (Camp) 
a.) "When a Guide Isn't Guiding, What's He Doing? Duck Hunting." Lake County Banner December 12, 1952.                                                                      b.) "Beauty Seen at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner October 3, 1952.            c.) "Correspondence Reminices About An Eventful Year Spent at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 8, 1954. 
18 Student Health Coalition Vanderbuilt Medical Center H.S. Webber 
19 Summary Report
20 Sunkist Beach
a.) "Jones newest member of Ridgely board." Lake County Banner June 20, 2001. 
21 Summary of Meeting of Reelfoot Lake                                                             J. Tanner, USFWS, TWRA                                                                                       Ellington Auditorium, July 9, 2001 (1 of 2)
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. Summary of Material Relating to Meeting at Reelfoot Lake on 9 July 2001 Held By John Tanner, Corps of Engineers, USFWS, and TWRA. October 3, 2001.                                                                       b.) "Time running out on a Tennessee treasure." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 2001.                                                                                             c.) "Reelfoot Lake is in trouble." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 2001.                                                                                                                         d.) The Project to Save Reelfoot Lake The Advocates. July 9, 2001. e.) "Tanner to host Reelfoot meeting." Lake County Banner July 3, 2001.  
22 Summary of Meeting of Reelfoot Lake                                                             J. Tanner, USFWS, TWRA                                                                                       Ellington Auditorium,  July 9, 2001 (2 of 2)
a.) Taylor, James. "Reelfoot Lake Tennessee and Kentucky." Reelfoot Lake Briefing. Ellington Auditorium. July 9, 2001. Presentation.                                                                                                        b.) "Tanner seeks support unity for lake project." Lake County Banner July 11, 2001. 
23 Summers, Judy                                                                                             Walnut Log Night Riders
24 Summers, Judy                                                                                              1999
25 Tanner, John
26 Tapes, Audio
27 Taxodium distichum
a.) Kurz, Herman. "Below the Cypress Waterline." Amer. For. And Forest Life 36: 579. Print.                                                                                 b.) Kurz, Herman. "Cypress Buttresses and Knees in Relation to Water and Air." Ecology 15 (1934): 36-41. Print.                                    c.)  Green, W.E. 1947. "Effect of Water Impoundment on Tree Mortality and Growth of Forestry." Journal of Forestry 45: 118-120.                                                                                                                          d.) Gooch, F.S. "Nursery Culture of Cypress."                                       e.) Hall, T.F. and Smith, G.E. "Effects of Flooding on Woody Plants, West Sandy Dewatering Project, Kentucky Reservoir." Journal of Forestry 53 (1955): 281-285. Print.                                                               f.) Pitts, David T. "Effects of Submergence on Taxodium Distichum. Forestry 3010 University of Tennessee at Knoxville 26 February 1974.                                                                                                             g.) Hepting, G.H. "Diseases of Forest and Shade Trees of the United States." USDA Forest Service: Ag. Handbook 386 (1971): 474-475. 
28 Taylor, C. ("Slingshot Charlie") 
a.) "Lake Character to Seek Fame." Tiptonville Times September 19, 1934.                                                                                                                         b.) "Slingshot Charlie Taylor in Magazine?" Lake County Banner July 11, 1952. 
29 Taylor, Peter 
a.) Taylor, Peter. "Out of Trenton, A Tennessee Treasure." August 13, 2001. 6 January 2003.
30 TEAMS (Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Science)
a.) "Reelfoot in the Winter: An Eagle Weekend For Your Students." Spring Conference Reelfoot Lake State Park April, 2000. 
31 Technical Committee Reelfoot Lake
a.) S. 880, 1 1 (1985) (enacted). Print.                                                        b.) Robbins, Clarence. "Effects of Dewatering and Refilling Reelfoot Lake on Ground-Water Levels in the Alluvial Aquifer Surrounding the Lake and Baseflow of Nearby Streams." September 5, 1984.                                                                                                c.) U.S. Geological Survey Water Resource Division Tennessee District. "Effects of Dewatering and Refilling Reelfoot Lake on Ground-Water Levels in the Alluvial Aquifer Surrounding the Lake and Baseflow of Nearby Streams." August, 1984.                                   d.) Denton, Grey. "Reelfoot Lake Continued Monitoring Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Water Management." Reelfoot Lake Technical Committee October 12, 1984.                                                                                                           e.) "Water Quality Monitoring of Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Division of Water Management and the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. Nashville: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resource Division September, 1984. 
Box 65 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Technical Committee 
a.) Reynolds, Henry. "Arkansas officials will drain, then try to rebuild, Mallard Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 3, 1985.            b.) "Information Briefing on the Reelfoot Lake Reconnaissance Study." February 12, 1986. 
2 Technical Committee
a.) Reelfoot Lake Visitor Use Survey. Spring-Winter 1986. Unpublished Survey.                                                                                       b.) Doyle, Henry. "Summary of Past and Current Studies at Reelfoot Lake." April 9, 1987.                                                                                     c.) Doyle, Henry. "Quantitative Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake Basin for Application to Water Management." April 9, 1987. 
3 Technical Committee
a.) "Summary of Reelfoot Lake Reconnaissance Study." June 18, 1987. 
a.) Thoma, James Alexander. Panther in the Sky. New York: Ballantine Books. Print. 
5 Television
a.) "Charles Kuralt shows Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 24, 1990.
6 Tennessee Clean Water Network 
a.) Krone, Kathy. "Tennessee Clean Water Network invites public to Nov. 6 meeting; Reelfoot Lake tours to highlight potential problems." State Gazette. Retrieved from 
7 Tennessee Department of Conservation
8 Tennessee Division of Information 
a.) Maps and Pictures Show Fun You'll Have on your Tennessee Vacation.Nashville: Tennessee Division of Information. Print. 
9 Thompson, L.D. Photographer
10 Theaters
a.) "Little Girl with the Big Voice." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1909.                                                                                                             b.) "The Reynolds Opera House." The Commercial Appeal February 13, 1914.                                                                                                                  c.) "Edison Talking Pictures Coming." The Commercial Appeal February 13, 1914.                                                                                                                        d.) "Talking Pictures." The Commercial Appeal March 6, 1914.                           e.) "Gem Theatre Burned." The Commercial Appeal May 7, 1915.                  f.) "Union City Theatricals." The Commercial Appeal April 15, 1927.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       g.) "New Owners for Theatre." Tiptonville Times July 25, 1930.             h.) "Talkie Opens at Tiptonville." Tiptonville Times March 4, 1932.   i.) "Strand Theater Has New Owner." Tiptonville Times September 30, 1932.                                                                                                                         j.) "G.W. Haynes Buys Tiptonville Show." Tiptonville Times January 13, 1933.                                                                                                                        k.) "Strand and Palace Shows May Close." Tiptonville Times June 2, 1933.                                                                                                                         l.) "Strand." Lake County Banner June 25, 1937.                                           m.) "Strand Work Nears End." Lake County Banner June 13, 1941.         n.) "Lake Character to Seek Fame." Tiptonville Times September 12, 1934.                                                                                                                     
11 Tenn. State Library and Archives
12 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
a.) Johnson, Jim. "Reelfoot Ecology Workshop." September 1972. b.) Brannon, John. "A 'commish' needs thick skin." The Daily Messenger January 28, 1994. 
13 Tent Colony, Blue Bank, 1930s
a.) "Bitter Cold Wave Slowly Subsiding." Tiptonville Times January 25, 1935.                                                                                                                       b.) "Help Badly Needed for Three in Tent." Tiptonville Times October 25, 1935.                                                                                                                  c.) "Help Family in Need! Here is Your Chance." Tiptonville Times November 8, 1935. 
14 Timber 
Timber Scarcity. Hickman Courier October 7, 1871. 
15 Tiptonville (1)
a.) "Old phone directory brings back memories of yesteryear." Lake County Banner June 20, 2001.                                                                                                                                                                                         b.) "Rail Road to Tiptonville." Hickman Courier July 8, 1871.                                                                  c.) "More Enterprise." Hickman Courier November 25, 1871.                                                                              d.) "Railroad and Levee Meeting at Tiptonville." Hickman Courier December 7, 1872.                                                                                                                                                                        e.) "Hickman and Tiptonville." The Hickman Courier July 5, 1873.                                                       f.) "Hickman and Tiptonville Pack." Hickman Courier July 5, 1873.                                                      g.) "Our Tiptonville Levee." Hickman Courier July 5, 1873.                                                                      h.) "Railroad and Levee Mass Meeting Near Tiptonville." Hickman Courier July 20, 1872.                                                                                                                                                                                                    i.) "Local Items." The Hickman Courier November 19, 1880.                                                                               j.) "Tiptonville to Hickman." Hickman Courier February 10, 1882.                                                                 k.) "Our Railroad in Tiptonville." The Hickman Courier June 16, 1882.                                                                                                                           l.) "Another Fire at Tiptonville." The Commercial Appeal August 30, 1901.                                                        m.) "J.D. Arnett Fails." The Commercial Appeal November 29, 1901.                                                                         n.) "Fire at Tiptonville." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1914.                                                                             o.) "The Tiptonville Power Plant Sold." The Commercial Appeal March 4, 1927.                                                                                                                        p.) "$395,921 Required for 'Dream' Water and Sewerage Systems." Lake County Banner March 26, 1948.                                                                                                                                                                   q.) "Water Sewer Report." Lake County Banner March 26, 1948.                                                                    r.) "Existing Sanitary Sewers." Lake County Banner March 26, 1948.                                                         s.) "Preparedness Urged at Lake." Lake County Banner March 30, 1951.                                                    t.) "Let's Clean Up Tiptonville." Lake County Banner April 18, 1952.                                                          u.) "Trial On Sewer Smell Continued." The Commercial Appeal  November 19, 1981.                                                                                                                                                                        i v.) "Reelfoot Park Receives Grant." The Commercial Appeal December 14, 1982.                                                                                                                                                                             w.) "EPA Sewer Grant to Aid Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal October 1, 1982.                                                                                                                                                                           x.) "Plan Offers Ideas for Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 1, 1983.                                                                                                           y.) "Farmer Aid is Sought at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal September 10, 1983.                                                                                                                                                                             z.) "Hearing Slated on Reelfoot Ills." The Commercial Appeal September 7, 1983.                                                                                                                                      
aa.) "Tanner not ready to pledge support for Reelfoot fee." The Commercial Appeal October 14, 1983.                                                                  bb.) "Contracts are signed for lake sewer lines." The Commercial Appeal November 24, 1983.                                                                                     cc.) "Permit to lower level of Reelfoot expected." The Commercial Appeal.                                                                                                                dd.) "Reelfoot lake sites expected by July." The Commercial Appeal March 22, 1984.                                                                                                ee.) "Lake experts to hold forum." The Commercial Appeal June 21, 1984.                                                                                                                 ff.) "New zoning control called Reelfoot aid." The Commercial Appeal May 5, 1984.                                                                                         gg.) "Speaker backs plan for Reelfoot." Commercial Appeal May 11, 1984.                                                                                                              hh.) Christ, Mark. "'Little levee' strengthened residents flee." The Commercial Appeal May 11, 1984.                                                               ii.) Christ, Mark. "Ashe pledges to join push for Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 24, 1984.                                                              jj.) Brown, Fred. "Fate of Reelfoot remains a mystery." The Commercial Appeal June 24, 1984.                                                              kk.) "Study aiming to help Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 28, 1984.                                                                                                                ll.) "Christ, Mark. "State move puts Reelfoot under new management." The Commercial Appeal July 1, 1984.                    mm.) Lewis, Bob. "Reelfoot activist claims delays damage lake, cost taxpayers." The Jackson Sun July 13, 1984.                               
16 Tiptonville (2)
a.) Riley, Harriet. "Reelfoot session keys on progess." The Commercial Appeal July 13, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                                             b.) "Dam obstacle to be moved." The Commercial Appeal October 26, 1984.                                                                                                                         c.) "Christ, Mark. "Criticism floods Reelfoot proposal." The Commercial Appeal November 15, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                                          d.) Christ, Mark. "Lake residents say state plan all wet." The Commercial Appeal November 16, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                                          e.) "Meetings to seek views on lake plan." The Commercial Appeal November 28, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                    f.) "Priorities at Reelfoot on agenda." The Commercial March 12, 1985.                                                                                                                          g.) "Lake citizens want lawyer to eye study." The Commercial Appeal March 18, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                            h.) "Funds OK'd for lawyer on Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                               i.) "Funds sought to study barrier against floods." The Commercial Appeal March 20, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                                             j.) "Reelfoot group expected to decide on court action." The Commercial Appeal May 22, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                                   k.) "Money sought to prepare fight on lake plan." The Commercial April 6, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                           l.) "Natural 'phenomenom' blamed for fish kill." The Commercial Appeal April 11, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                           m.) "More study planned on link of Reelfoot Lake to river." The Commercial Appeal April 1985.                                                                                                                                                                                              n.) "Scientists seek cause of fish kill at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal April 9, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                        o.) "Agency backs off disputed proposal for Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 24, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                                    p.) "Reelfoot Lake Now Dropping Inch Daily." The Tennessean May 28, 1985.                                                                                                        q.) "Corps to explain lake work." The Commercial Appeal June 14, 1985.                                                                                                                        r.) "Corps open to 2nd study on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal November 27, 1985.                                                                                                                                           s.) "Corps to conduct study of problems at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal December 17, 1985.                                                                                                                                                                                             t.) Ballard, Delores. "Reelfoot Blues." The Jackson Sun January 12, 1986.                                                                                                                       
u.) "Time, not stumps, may stop Reelfoot boats." The Commercial January 19, 1986.                                                                                                                                                                            v.) Gaither, Steve. "Study proposal is alive in lake pumping dispute." The Commercial Appeal January 25, 1986.                                                                                                                                                  w.) Christ, Mark. "Resolution maps plan for lake preservation." The Commercial Appeal February 11, 1986.                                                                                             x.) Gaither, Steve. "Hearing about lake nets little." The Commercial March 7, 1986.                                                                                                                                                                            y.) Parish, Norman. "People near Reelfoot want problems solved." The Jackson Sun March 7, 1986.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     z.) "Reelfoot is like fish out of water, state agency told." The Commercial Appeal October 10, 1986.                                                                                                                                 aa.) "Gray's Camp has new owners." Lake County Banner June 24, 1987.                                                                                                                      bb.) Appendix II- Subsurface Materials                                                                                                        cc.) Lewis, Emmett. "Early county history." Lake County Banner June 20, 1990.                                                                                                                 dd.) Markon, Jerry. "County business shifted by courthouse fire." The Commercial Appeal July 6, 1989.                                                                                                                                               ee.) Markon, Jerry. "Fire hits Lake courthouse." The Commercial Appeal July 5, 1989.                                                                                                                                                                              ff.) Jones, Richard. "Court house damaged by flames." The Lake County Banner July 5, 1989.                                                                                                                                                           gg.) "Wood pellets are new cooperative product." Lake County Banner December 16, 1987.                                                                                                                                            hh.) "Obituaries: Davy Robertson." Union City Daily Messenger January 17, 1995.                                                                                                                                                                                 ii.) "Violent death rate high for Lake County teens." Lake County Banner January 18, 1995.                                                                                                                                                                        jj.) "Deaths: Davy Burnett Robertson, 79 was pianist, singer, teacher." Lake County Banner January 18, 1995.                                                                                                                kk.) "Tiptonville pictorial graphic to be offered." Lake County Banner December 2, 1998.                                                                                                                                               ll.) "Main Street team recommends city tap river, lake for tourism." The Lake County Banner March 1, 2000. 
17 Tiptonville River Park 
a.) Jones, Evan. "A good idea." The Lake County Banner December 8, 1999. 
18 Tiptonville- Samburg 201 Facilities Plan 
a.) Sanitary Survey Report. Samburg, TN. May and June, 1977.        b.) "Reelfoot sewage--- disgraceful." Lake County Banner June 19, 1980.                                                                                                                        c.) "Sewage plan vital to development of lake." Lake County Banner September 4, 1980.                                                                                                         d.) "Sewage grants on city agenda." Lake County Banner October 23, 1980.  e.) "Lake pollution high, report says." Lake County Banner December 11, 1980.                                                                                                                          f.) "EPA to rule on Reelfoot." Lake County Banner January 15, 1981.            g.) "Let's do something." Lake County Banner July 30, 1981. 
19 Tobacco War- Night Riders
a.) Henson, Tim. "'Tobacco War' not just a recent occurrence." Robertson County Times July 1, 1998.                                                        b.) Henson, Tim. "Tobacco War rages in 'Black Patch.'" Robertson County Times July 8, 1998.                                                                                 c.) "From handbills to violence." Robertson County Times July 15, 1998. 
20 Tourism
a.) "Selling Ourselves Short?" Lake County Banner November 21, 1952.                                                                                                                   b.) "Tourism Council purchases TV time to promote Reelfoot." Lake County Banner.                                                                                                 c.) "Tourism is big business here."                                                              d.) "Lodgings tax debated here." Lake County Banner February 22, 1989.                                                                                                                    e.) Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges.Union City: Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge. Print.                                                   f.) Bald Eagle and Waterfowl Tours. Tiptonville: Reelfoot Lake State Park. Print.                                                                                                   g.) "Reelfoot Lake Eagle Tours and Nature (Scenic) Tours." Lake County Banner October 23, 1991.                                                                               h.) Brannon, John. "Reelfoot tourism council presents audit findings." Union City Daily Messenger May 15, 1995.                          i.) Brannon, John. "Resort manager still concerned about tourism council finances." Union City Daily Messenger May 22, 1995.            j.) "Writers converge on lake." Lake County Banner September 1987.                                                                                                                     k.) "Reelfoot Lake." Spav. n.p. n.d. Web. 
21 Transportation
a.) "Nice Horses And Good Mules For Sale At All Times." The Commercial Appeal September 1895.                                                                      b.) "Union City and Reelfoot Lake Stage Line." The Commercial Appeal April 19, 1901.                                                                                                        c.) "Union City, Reelfoot Lake, and Tiptonville Stage Line!" The Commercial Appeal July 4, 1902.                                                                                   d.) "Cross the Mississippi." Tiptonville Times June 14, 1935.               e.) "Bus Service Between Tiptonville and Portageville, MO." Lake County Banner December 12, 1947.                                                                                 f.) "Ferry Reopens as River Falls." Lake County Banner February 22, 1952. 
22 Truman, H.S. 
a.) "President at Reelfoot Lake." Lake County Banner October 12,1945.                                                                                                            b.) "Truman's Trip Here Recalled." Lake County Banner June 29, 1951.                                                                                                            c.) "Writer recalls President at Ridgely." Lake County Banner October 5, 1988. 
23 Tug Wreck (Keystone Lumber Co.) Site Located By Lexie Leonard
a.) "Steam-Navigation." 
24 Turtling
a.) "Reelfoot Turtles to be Sold at Fair." Tiptonville Times July 27, 1934.                                                                                                                          b.) "30,000 Turtles Sought at Reelfoot Lake." Tiptonville Times July 6, 1934.                                                                                                                    c.) "Tennessee turtles to be protected by new regulation." Jackson Sun January 30, 1992.                                                                                        d.) "Onion, Lake county turtlers exempted." Union City Daily Messenger May 1, 1992.                                                                                  e.) "Reelfoot Turtles Travel Nation-By Train." Lake County Banner May 26, 1950.                                                                                                         f.) Brannon, John. "Turtling at Reelfoot now illegal." Union City Daily Messenger May 8, 1995.                                                                      g.) Brannon, John. "Stolen, empty traps affecting turtle study." Union City Daily Messenger May 9, 1995.                                                 h.) Brannon, John. "Turtlers at lake face fines." Union City Daily Messenger May 10, 1995.                                                                                 i.) "Legislators credited for saving turtle industry." Union City Daily Messenger May 12, 1995.                                                                        j.) Brannon, John. "Turtles still plentiful says Reelfoot resident." Union City Daily Messenger May 23, 1995.                                                 k.) Baird, Woody. "State taking a look at Reelfoot turtle trade." The Daily Messenger June 28, 1995.                                                                 l.) Brannon, John. "Turtler: Lake's turtle population threatened more by raccoons." Union City Daily Messenger May 15, 1995. 
25 Union City
a.) "Union City and Her People Past and Present Activities." The Commercial Appeal April 18, 1930.                                                                             b.) "Union City Historical and Biographical Sketch." The Commercial Appeal July 29, 1927.                                                                               c.) "Union City History." The Commercial Appeal July 22, 1927.                     d.) Hickman Courier July 28, 1882.                                                                     e.) Hickman Courier May 28, 1880.                                                                f.) "A Trip to Union City." Hickman Courier March 2, 1877.                  g.) Hickman Courier November 16, 1872.                                                               h.) "Union City Items." Hickman Courier May 1, 1869.
26 Upper Mud Basin (Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge)
27 Use of Name: Reelfoot
a.) "Reelfoot Leads the Racers." New York Times October 18, 1908.    
28 User Fees
a.) "Reelfoot user fees 'unfair': inn owner." The Jackson Sun August 21, 1991.                                                                                                                  b.) Christ, Mark. "$2 user's fee may fund Reelfoot restoration." The Commercial Appeal September 30, 1983.                                                      c.) McClain, Kathleen. "User fee is proposed in rescue of Reelfoot." Press-Scimitar September 29, 1983. 
29 U.S. Corps of Engineers
a.) "District chief honored." The Lake County Banner June 27, 1990. 
30 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1999. 
31 U.S. Geol. Survey Maps and Photos Descriptions, Sources, Etc. 
a.) Land Use and Land Cover and Associated Maps. Arlington, VA: Branch of Distribution U.S. Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                b.) U.S. Department of the Interior/Geological Survey. A Brief History of the U.S. Geological Survey. Denver: Federal Center. Print.                                                                                                                       c.) Yochelson, E. L. and C. M. Nelson. Images of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1879-1979. Denver: Western Distribution Branch U.S. Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                                           d.) Measuring the Nation. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                                          e.) Intermediate-Scale Base Maps. U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                        f.) Understanding Color-Infrared Photographs and False-Color Composites.U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                       g.) Map Scales. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                           h.) How to Order Maps on Microfilm. U. S. Department of Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                                             i.) The Map and Chart Information System. U.S. Department of Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                     j.) Advance Materials. U. S. Department of Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                         k.) Out-of-Print Maps. U.S. Department of Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                         l.) Map Accuracy. U.S. Department of Geological Survey. Print.                                         m.) How to Order Aerial Photographs. U.S. Department of Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                                        n.) Looking for an Old Map. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                                           o.) Mini Catalog of Map Data. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey. Print.                                                                                                                                                       p.) Topographic Maps. U. S. Department of the Interior/ Geological Survey. Print. 
32 Vanderwood, Paul J. 
a.) Vanderwood, Paul J. Night Riders of Reelfoot Lake. Memphis State University Press. Print. 
33 Vaughn, Tom
a.) Vaughn, Tom. "A Lake Formed by Quakes is a Marvel for Fishermen." The New York Times April 22, 2006.
Box 66 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Vegetation Control (1)
2 Vegetation Control (2)
3 Vegetation Control (3)
4 Vegetation Control (4)
a.) "315 acres sprayed at Reelfoot." Union City Daily Messenger April 17, 1996.                                                                                                       b.) "Don't let 'purple plague' bug you; bug it back, scientists suggest." Jackson Sun July 10, 1995.                                                           c.) "TWRA makes plans to spray Reelfoot Lake." Union City Daily Messenger January 20, 1995.                                                                               d.) "Spraying at Reelfoot focus of meeting." Union City Daily Messenger January 17, 1995.                                                                                 e.) "Vegetation at lake taking over." Union City Daily Messenger January 21, 1994.                                                                                                            f.) "TWRC approves lake spraying." Union City Daily Messenger January 28, 1994.                                                                                                           g.) "Reelfoot's pondweed to highlight discussion." Union City Daily Messenger January 24, 1994.                                                                         h.) Krone, Kathy. "Pondweed gives Buck Basin pasture-like look." State Gazette May 17, 1993.                                                                            i.) Henson , J. W. Key For Reelfoot Macrophyte Plants of Aquatic, Marsh, and Marsh-Swamp Transition Habitats. 1990.                          j.) The Uses and Properties Endothall As An Aquatic Algicide and Herbicide. Philadelphia: Agchem Pennwalt. Print.                               k.) Submersed Aquatic Weeds and Algae Guide. Philadelphia: Atochem North America. Print. 
5 Vegetation Control (5)
a.) Rude, Kathleen. "Beware Of The Purple Plague." Ducks UnlimitedMay/June 1988: 30-32. Print.                                                       b.) Leslie JR., Andrew J. and Larry E. Nall, and Jess M. Van Dyke. "Effects of Vegetation Control by Grass Carp on Selected Water-Quality Variables in Four Florida Lakes." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112 (1983): 777-787. Print.                        c.) Johnson, Jim. "Reelfoot Ecology Workshop." September 1972.  d.) White, Joe D. "Reelfoot Test Plot Treatment on Reelfoot Lake (1963)." June 16, 1964.                                                                                      
6 Vegetation Control (6)
a.) Burbank, James H. "An Evaluation of the Aquatic Pest Plant Control Program at Reelfoot Lake." Tennessee Game and Fish Commission. November 23, 1961.                                                                           b.) Biologist, Section of Wetland Ecology, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland. Memo to Managerm Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge, Box 295, Samburg, Tennessee. 22 August 1961.                                                                                                           c.) Stigletz, Walter O., James H. Burbank, Robert M. Tarrant. "Preliminary Report on Evaluation of Aquatic Pest Plant Control at Reelfoot Lake." March 2, 1961.                                                                         d.) United States. United States Department of Interior. United States Government Printing Office. Improving Duck Marshes by Weed Control. By Alex C. Martin and Ray C. Erickson. Washington: Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 1957. Print.                           e.) "Lake Level Is Lowered." Lake County Banner September 5, 1952.                f.) "Duck Hunters, Fishermen Gain From New Lake Project." Lake County Banner November 2, 1951.                                                                                 g.) "U.T. Professors Do Research at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner August 24, 1951.                                                                                                         h.) "Lake Lillies Are Being Cut Now." Lake County Banner May 22, 1942. 
7 Vegetation Reconstruction (from Shelford)  1954
a.) Shelford, V.E. "Floodplain Forest Biotic Communities in the Deciduous Forest and Grassland Biomes." The Ecology of North America. (1963). Print.                                                                                       
8 Violence
a.) Lewis, Emmett. "1918 train robbery near here recalled." Lake County Banner Septmber 18, 1991.                                                                                                                                                                                            b.) "John R. Donnel Drowned in Reelfoot Lake Tragedy." Lake County Banner April 13, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                 c.) "Bodies of Drowing Victims Recovered." Lake County Banner February 23, 1951.                                                                                                                                                                          d.) "Youth Is Sought." Lake County Banner January 26, 1951.                                                                                  e.) "Reelfoot Lake Claims Victim." Lake County Banner April 7, 1950.                                                    f.) "2nd Highwayman Waives Prelim." Lake County Banner September 16, 1949.                                                                                                                                                                       g.) "LEO Miller Drowns Sunday." Lake County Banner September 2, 1949.                                                         h.) "Apprehend One of Hold-Up Men." Lake County Banner September 2, 1949.                                                                                                                                                                              i.) "Lake Robbers Reported Still In Area Monday." Lake County Banner August 19, 1949.                                                                                                                                                                          j.) "Seeking Men Staging Holdup." Lake County Banner August 12, 1949.                                                   k.) "Harlan Ramsey Dies Tragically." Lake County Banner March 4, 1949.                                                 l.) "Murder Charge Hearing is Held." Tiptonville Times June 7, 1935.                                            m.) "Robert I. Pope, Memphis Citizen Killed Saturday." The Commercial Apepal December 1, 1933.                                                                                                                                                                          n.) "Body of Dyersburg Man Found in Reelfoot Lake Sunday." The Commercial Appeal November 30, 1933.                                                                                                                                                                                         o.) "Truck Over Turns Man Drowns Near Spillway." The Commercial Appeal September 4, 1931.                                                                                                                                                                         p.) "Lynching Record For The First Six Months of 1931." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1931.                                                                                                                                                                              q.) "Girl Drinks Poison." The Commercial Appeal August 29, 1930.                                                                             r.) "Fulton Man Drowned in Bayou." The Commercial Appeal July 4, 1930.                                                     s.) "Reelfoot Feud Crops Out as Women Meet in St. Louis Kitchen." The Commercial Appeal August 16, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                     t.) "Two Men Killed In Gun Battle At Lake Sunday." The Commercial Appeal March 22, 1929.                                                                                                                                                                           u.) "Sam T. Denton Dies From Injuries Received In Fight At Samburg Sunday Night." The Commercial Appeal December 14, 1928.                                                                                                                                          v.) "Dyer Man Dies From Exposure at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal December 28, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
w.) "Four Drown As Boat Sinks In Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 29, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                        x.) "S. Applewhite Famed Reelfoot Guide, Killed." The Commercial Appeal August 3, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                            y.) "14 Year Old Boy Kills Father." Tiptonville Times August 3, 1928.                                                       z.) "Three Babes Drown When Boat Capsizes." The Commercial Appeal April 15, 1927.                                                                                                                                                                                        aa.) "Roy Parkerson Gets Two Years for the Killing of Wallace." The Commercial Appeal May 25, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                                      bb.) "Monroe Wallace Killed in Fight By R. Parkerson." The Commercial Appeal May 4, 1928.                                                                                                                                                                       cc.) "Leech Slayer is Found Drowned in Lake Slough." The Commercial Appeal March 11, 1927.                                                                                                                                                             dd.) "Man Drowned As Car Takes Dive Into Lake." The Commercial Appeal December 24, 1926.                                                                                                                                                            ee.) "Officers Crash Into Pedding Wagon Monday." The Commercial Appeal August 27, 1926.                                                                                                                                                                            ff.) "Death Claims One When Auto Leaves Reelfoot Levee." The Commercial Appeal July 9, 1926.                                                                                                                                                                                          gg.) "Man Dies From Injury In Auto Crash At Lake." The Commercial Appeal July 2, 1926.                                                                                                                                                                            hh.) "Rufe Roney at Samburg Killed." The Commercial Appeal October 30, 1925.                                                                                                                                                                          ii.) "Dick Downing Killed." The Commercial Appeal May 29, 1925.                                                                     jj.) "One Killed, Two May Die in Kentucky Feud." The Commercial Appeal December 9, 1922.                                                                                                                                              kk.) "Grooms Found Dead." The Commercial Appeal May 2, 1919.                                                                       ll.) "Killed on Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal May 23, 1916.                                                         mm.) "Pleasure Boat Capsized Four Persons Drowned." The Commercial Appeal May 19, 1916.                                                                                                                                                                  nn.) "Mysterious Death." The Commercial Appeal June 30, 1911.                                                                       oo.) "For Murder at Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal May 19, 1911.                                                            pp.) "Hanged To Tree." The Commercial Appeal September 16, 1910.                                                                        qq.) "Martin Leonard Killed." The Commercial Appeal August 26, 1910.                                                             
rr.) "Lake County Negros Shoot Two Officers." The Commercial Appeal November 27, 1908.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ss.) "Shantyboat Murderer." The Commercial Appeal November 22, 1901.                                                                                                                                                                                              tt.) "Mix-Up at Reelfoot." The Commercial August 16, 1901.                                                                        uu.) The Independent January 10, 1896.                                                                                                                vv.) The Independent November 29, 1895.                                                                                                                                                                                         ww.) "Don't You Forget It." Hickman Courier December 15, 1882.                                                                     xx.) "Vermifuge." Hickman Courier November 24, 1882.                                                                                      yy.) "By Express." Hickman Courier November 17, 1882.                                                                                         zz.) Hickman Courier June 9, 1882.                                                                                                             aaa.) Hickman Courier March 31, 1882.                                                                                                               bbb.) "James C. Harris and the Atkinsons." Hickman Courier November 4, 1881.                                                                                                                                                                             ccc.) "Murder Near Tiptonville." Hickman Courier July 29, 1881.                                                             ddd.) Hickman Courier May 13, 1881.                                                                                                              eee.) Hickman Courier August  8, 1879.                                                                                                                        fff.) Hickman Courier June 27, 1879.                                                                                                                      ggg.) "One Little Girl Drowned and One Arrowly Rescued." The Hickman Courier May 9, 1879.                                                                                                                                                                                         hhh.) "Outrageous Rape Case." The Hickman Courier June 28, 1878.                                                iii.) "More Bloody Work In Lake." The Hickman Courier May 3, 1878.                                                                                                                        jjj.) "Darnell's Side of the "Court Bulldozing." The Hickman Courier August 31, 1877.                                                                                                                                                                            kkk.) "Bloody Work-- One Man Killed." The Hickman Courier August 11, 1876.                                                                                                                  lll.) "The Other Side." The Hickman Courier August 24, 1877.                                                                  mmm.) "A Terrible Tragedy." The Hickman Courier August 21, 1874.                                                    nnn.) "A Fiendish Murder." The Hickman Courier June 6, 1874.                                                       ooo.) "Suicide of a Young Lad Because His Daddy Writes Him." The Hickman Courier May 30, 1874.                                                                                                                                                                           ppp.) "River Pirates." The Hickman Courier August 24, 1872.                                                                   qqq.) "More Thieves." The Hickman Courier August 24, 1872.                                                                 rrr.) "Harton's Confession." The Hickman Courier January 6, 1872.                                                         sss.) "A Clan of Robbers." The Hickman Courier November 11, 1871.                                                     ttt.) "Window Shades, ten cents a piece, New York Store." The Hickman Courier December 23, 1871.                                                                                                                                                                                      uuu.) "More Hanging." The Hickman Courier April 15, 1871.                                                                vvv.) "The Gnats Killing Horses." The Hickman Courier April 15, 1871.                                                                                                                            www.) Hickman Courier March 20, 1869.
9 Visiting Groups
a.) LeVerrier Itinerary 1999
10 Walker's Line and Winchester Line
a.) "Walker's Line and Winchester Line." TNGenWeb. n.p. n.d. Web. 9 September 1998. 
11 Wallace, A.G. 
a.) "Reelfoot Lake's Oldest Fisherman Celebrates His 86th Anniversary." Lake County Banner August 12, 1952. 
12 Walnut Log
a.) Supplement to the Hickman Courier September 19, 1902.                       b.) "New Hotel at Walnut Log." The Commercial Appeal April 25, 1919.                                                                                                               c.) "Medicos Meet Oct. 17-18." The Commercial Appeal September 14, 1923.                                                                                                                    d.) "Three Gallons Liquor Captured." The Commercial Appeal October 3, 1924.                                                                                                                 e.) "P.C. Ward Died at Walnut Log." The Commercial Appeal April 17, 1931. f.) "Grinnel Event Winner Named." Lake County Banner May 30, 1952.                                                                                                                  g.) "Life on 'The Log,'" The Commercial Appeal January 18, 1970.            h.) "Reelfoot Nature's Cupboard Supplies Sport, Way of Life." The Commercial Appeal October 17, 1965.                                                                   i.) Thomas, William. "Life on the wild side to end for squatters." The Commercial Appeal February 19, 1986.                                                        j.) "State to end way of life on bayou." The Commercial Appeal February 19, 1986.                                                                                                                        k.) Thomas, William. "Life on the wild side to end for squatters." The Commercial Appeal February 19, 1986.                                                      l.) "Squatters on Reelfoot Lake under state's order to move." The Tennessean February 21, 1986.                                                                           m.) Bowden, Kevin. "Walnut Log Residents Will Discuss Secrets of Turtling, Basketry." Daily Messenger June 18, 1986.                             n.) Charlier, Tom. "Crosscurrents stir up murk at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 29, 1991.                                                      o.) Forrester, Rebel C. "Names On The Land." The Daily Messenger May 15, 1991. 
13 Wang, F.  2002
a.) Application of Remote Sensing in the Study of Water Quality of the Reelfoot Lake, TN 
14 Wapanocca NATL Wildlife Refuge Crittenden Co., Arkansas
a.) Huffman, Robert T. "The Origin of Grassy Lake." Arkansas Academy of Science Proceedings. 28 (1974): 32-33. Print.                  b.) "Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge Master Plan." U.S. Department of the Interior March 3, 1849.                                                   c.) United States Department of the Interior. Fishery Management Program. Crittenden County: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1985. Print.                                                                                                                 d.) Johnson, Jim. "Wapanocca NWR Water Management Plan."    
15 Ward, P.C. 
a.) "P.C. Ward Died at Walnut Log." The Commercial Appeal April 17, 1931. 
16 Washout
a.) Hutchinson, Al. "Beaches at Reelfoot Lake." Message to June 6, 1999. E-mail.                                                   b.) Curry, Tilden. "Lake County Drainage and Water Pollution Problem."  Memo to Walter Lambert. 
17 Washout (Artifact)
a.) Sliger, Andy. "Petrified Bone (I think)." Message to February 9, 2000. E-mail.                                             b.) Smith, Wintfred. "Artifact from the Washout." Message to February 8, 2000. E-mail.                                            c.) Marcy, Sammy. "Petrified Bone (I think)." Message to January 28, 2000. E-mail. 
18 Waste Treatment 
a.) Wastewater Collection and Treatment For The South Shore of Reelfoot Lake. Memphis: Allen and Hoshall Consulting Engineers. August 1, 1972. Print.  
19 Water Chemistry (misc)
Box 67 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Waterfowl 
a.) "Cold Weather Sends Ducks to Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal October 31, 1930.                                                                                                       b.) "Ducks Flock to Reelfoot Lake Waters." The Commercial Appeal November 6, 1931.                                                                                                                    c.) "Why Does Duck Hunter Spend Hours In Cold, Wet Marshes?" Lake County Banner February 13, 1953.                                                                      d.) "Winter Wings Over Lake Isom." Southern Living. 19 (1984): 30. Print.                                                                                                                          e.) Reynolds, Henry. "'Keep Out' posted around herons' home." The Commercial Appeal October 21, 1984.                                                         f.) Jones, Evan. "TWRA creates new waterfowl refuge at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner November 8, 1989.                                                                   g.) Wilson, Taylor. "Reelfoot Lake's duck tradition." The Jackson Sun November 12, 1992.                                                                                              h.) Gasaway, Don. "Tennessee waterfowl outlook encouraging." River Country Outdoors. 5 (4): 18-20. December 1992. Print.           i.) Jones, Evan. "Put Reelfoot duck season with rest of state-- and leave it!" Lake County Banner November 18, 1998.                                                   j.) "Pelicans Visit." Lake County Banner January 18, 1995. 
2 Water Level
a.) Brannon, John. "Guide: Drought threatens hunting." The Messenger September 2, 1999. 
3 Water Quality 
a.) Water-Quality Monitoring of Reelfoot Lake. Nashville: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. September, 1984.     b.) "McKinney named environmental chief." Tennessean December 27, 1987.                                                                                                                        c.) "Water Resources in Tennessee: Current Conditions." Nashville: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division. February, 1989.                                                                                                         d.) "Characterization of Inflow of Pesticides and Nutrients from Storm Runoff Into Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee." Nashville: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. September, 1987.                                                                                                                          e.) "Reconnaissance of the Impact of Agricultural Chemicals on Ground-Water Quality." Nashville: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division. September, 1987. 
4 Water Quality 
a.) Summary of Public Comments and Responses. December, 1997.                                                                                                                                                                   b.) Tennessee Water Quality Control Board
5 Water Quality Control Act of 1971                                                                     General Water Quality Criteria                                                                            State of Tennessee
a.) Tennessee (State). Legislature. Assembly. The Water Quality Control Act of 1971. 
6 Watershed Planning Obion/Miss. R. Tenn. Dept. Environment. Conserv. 
a.) Wetlands and Agriculture. Washington: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1995. Print.                                                                                       b.) American Wetlands. Washington: Terrene Institute. Print.          c.) Guide to the Corps Regulatory Program. Memphis. Print.              d.) TDEC Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, 2000. Print.                                                                                                               e.) Tennessee's Watershed Management Approach. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, 1999. Print.                                                                                                                         f.) Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Invites you to the Obion and Mississippi River Watersheds Meeting. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, 2000. Print.  
7 Watershed Project  (Reelfoot-Indian CK)
a.) "Ask Soil Conservation District in Obion County."  Lake County Banner April 19, 1940.                                                                                        b.) "Erosion Control Approved." Lake County Banner June 13, 1941.                                                                                                                           c.) Action Program for Abatement of Siltation into Reelfoot Lake. December 4, 1958.                                                                                                           d.) Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Project. September, 1960.                  
8 Watershed
a.) "The Case for Reinvesting in the Reelfoot Watershed." NACDnet. n.p. n.d. Web. May 16, 2001. 
9 Water Management 
10 Water Supply, Treatment
a.) "Tiptonville's Fine Water." The Commercial September 2, 1910.             b.) "Ugh, Ugh, Such Water-- But It's All For The Best And Progress." Lake County Banner July 19, 1936. 
11 Weather  2003
a.) "Gradual thaw ends cold snap." Lake County Banner January 29, 2003.                                                                                                              b.) "Reelfoot Lake puts on its winter coat." Lake County Banner January 29, 2003. 
12 Weather Records
a.) Jones, Evan. "Geese a welcome sight during hard winter." Lake County Banner January 10, 2001.                                                                                b.) "The Icemen Cometh." Lake County Banner January 3, 2001.                   c.) "Heavy Rains Flood Houses at Troy Sunday." The Commercial Appeal September 3, 1926.                                                                                                          d.) "June Rainfall May Wreck 1927 Record." Tiptonville Times June 28, 1935.                                                                                                                   e.) "June is Discouraging." Lake County Banner June 9, 1939.                      f.) "Weather Didoes Continue." Lake County Banner April 19, 1940.          g.) "Weather Station is Moved to Samburg by Mr. Adams." Lake County Banner May 22, 1942.                                                                                 h.) "June Was Wet, May Was Worse." Lake County Banner July 20, 1951.                                                                                                                             i.) "Ferry Reopens as River Falls." Lake County Banner February 22, 1952.                                                                                                                    j.) "Heavy Rains Hamper Start of Drive-In." Lake County Banner March 27, 1953.                                                                                                                   k.) "Wind Damage Slight Here." Lake County Banner March 27, 1953.                                                                                                                       l.) "Federal Property Stolen-- FBI to hunt lake vandals." Lake County Banner September 17, 1986.                                                                                     m.) "Flakes as big as goose feathers!" Lake County Banner January 26, 2000.
13 Websites
a.) "Reelfoot Lake." Britannica Online. <> Accessed February 12, 1999. 
14 West Nile Viruses  2002
a.) "Dead Birds Discovered; Most believe WNV here." Lake County Banner August 14, 2002. 
15 West Tennessee Historical Society
16 West Tennessee Land Co. 
a.) Board of Directors of the West Tennessee Land Co. Meetings of Board of Directors, West Tennessee Land Co.August 11, 1997.            b.) "To Control Fisheries." The Commercial Appeal July 16, 1902.   c.) "Directors Meet." The Commercial Appeal November 1, 1907.             d.) "Land Suit Deal." The Commercial Appeal October 25, 1907.            e.) "Reelfoot Fish Co. Dissolved." The Commercial Appeal May 8, 1908.                                                                                                                   f.) "Reelfoot Lake Fishing." The Commercial Appeal March 20, 1908.                                                                                                                 g.) "Several Grants." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1909.                             h.) "Committee Work Ends." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1909.                                                                                                                    i.) "The Committee Entertained." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1909.                                                                                                                j.) "Take a Reasonable View." The Commercial Appeal May 26, 1909.                                                                                                               k.) "The Lake." The Commercial Appeal April 2, 1909.                                           l.) "Bills Pass." The Commercial Appeal April 30, 1909.                                        m.) "Hard at Work." The Commercial Appeal March 19, 1909.                              n.) "'Little Girl With Big Voice.'"                                                                       o.) "To Attack The Title." The Commercial Appeal October 15, 1909.                  p.) "Reelfoot Parties and Reelfoot Lore." The Commercial Appeal July 21, 1911.                                                                                                                           q.) "Burdick States Case." The Commercial September 19, 1913.                r.) "Hillsman Taylor Offers Lake Land." The Commercial June 15, 1923.                                                                                                                          s.) "Chief Stockholder West Tenn. Land. Co." The Commercial November 16, 1923.                                                                                                        
17 Western Tennessee Tributories Project
18 Wetlands, General 
a.) Whitehead, Clifton J. Memo to All Participants. April 26, 1984. b.) "Notes on Wetlands." Tennessee Conservationist volume 4. July/August, 1984.                                                                                                c.) Stanley, George. "A place and space for wetlands." Ducks Unlimited March/April 1985: 17-19, 41-45. Print.                                   d.) Locker, Richard. "Alexander orders state to protect fragile wetlands from destruction." The Commercial Appeal April 4, 1985.  e.) "Rescue of Refuge." The Commercial Appeal June 21, 1985.        f.)Exec. Order No. 65, 3 C.F.R. (1985). Print.                                               g.) "Some exemptions to EPA wetlands rule." Lake County Banner June 27, 1990.                                                                                                       h.) "Campbell, Charles. "'Wetlands definition changed." The Daily Messenger May 15, 1991.                                                                                i.) Charlier, Tom. "Tenn. environmental group offers wetlands compromise." The Commercial Appeal February 15, 1991.                          j.) Locker, Richard. "Opposing sides on wetlands issue for Tenn. wade in." The Commercial February 27, 1991.                                                  k.) "Stevens, William K. "Bids to save wetlands produce hits, misses." The Commercial Appeal October 29, 1991.                                          l.) Dahnke, Ellen. "Wetlands are still a murky problem in Tennessee." The Tennessean December 22, 1991.                                          m.) "Wetlands: Swamped with Problems." The Tennessean December 22, 1991.                                                                                                          n.) "Soil Conservation Service to be Lead Agency in Wetlands Decisions." Tennessee Farm Bureau News February, 1994. 
19 Wildlife Management Area Reelfoot Lake (map) 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Wildlife Management Area. Department of Tennessee Wildlife Resources, 2002. Print. 
20 White, Leslie
a.) Biological Field Station. Mississippi: The University of Mississippi. Print.                                                                                                 b.) Knight, Luther A.  A History and General Description of The University of Mississippi Biological Field Station.Mississippi: The University of Mississippi, 1996. Print.                                                            c.) Huneycut, M. B. A Guide to Representative Plants. Mississipppi: The University of Mississippi, 1996. Print.                                                
21 Winston, Ray F.  2000
22 Woodard Hall, Robertson Co. 
a.) "Woodard Farm receives bicentennial designation." Robertson Co. Times April 3, 1996. 
23 Writers
24 Wyatt, Dessie Roberson  2002
a.) "Dessie Roberson Wyatt, 89 from Reelfoot pioneer family." Lake County Banner February 6, 2002. 
Box 68 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Tree Ring Evidence of a 22-Year Rhythm of Drought Area in Western United States and its Relationship to the Hale Solar Cycle
a.) Stockton, Charles W. and David M. Meko. Tree Ring Evidence of a 22-Year Rhythm of Drought Area in Western United States and Its Relationship to the Hale Solar Cycle. Silver Spring: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Data and Information Service. Print. 
2 A Revision of the Burrowing Spiders of the Genus Geolycosca 
a.) Wallace, H.K. "A Revision of the Burrowing Spiders of the Genus Geolycosa (Araneae, Lycosidae)." The American Midland Naturalist 27 (1942): 1-62. Print. 
3 Reelfoot Lake topographical maps- Camps- Motels 1959
4 A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Higher Aquatic Plants, Periphyton, and Phytoplankton in a Large, Shallow Lake
a.) Wetzel, Robert G. "A Comparative Study of the Primary Productivity of Higher Aquatic Plants, Periphyton, and Phytoplankton in a Large, Shallow Lake." Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 49 (1964): 1-61. Print. 
5 Races, Associations, and Stratification of Pelagic Daphnids in Some Lakes of Wisconsin and Other Regions of the United States and Canada. -Richard Woltereck
a.) Woltereck, Richard. "Races, Associations and Stratification of Pelagic Daphnids in Some Lakes of Wisconsin and Other Regions of the United States." Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 27 (1932): 487-522. Print. 
6 Transactions of American Microscopial Society -Gilbert M. Smith
a.) Smith, Gilbert M. "A Comparative Study of the Species of Volvox." Transactions of American Microscopial Society 63 (1944): 265-311. Print. 
7 Breeding Systems, Reproductive Methods, and Species Problems in Protozoa -T.M. Sonneborn 
a.) Sonneborn, T. M. Breeding Systems, Reproductive Methods, and Species Problems in Protozoa. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1957. Print. 
8 A Biological Reconnaissance of the Pelican River 
a.) Reedstrom, Donald C. "A Biological Reconnaissance of the Pelican River." Minnesota Department of Conservation Division of Game and Fish Section of Technical Services Publication No. 62. March, 1969. 
9 Life History of Lethocerus Americans -K.P. Rankin 
a.) Rankin, K.P. "Life History of Lethocerus Americanus (Leidy)* (Hemiptera-Belostomatidae)." The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 22 (1935): 479-491. Print.                                                               
10 A Biological Survey of the Pelican RiverWatershed Becker, Clay and Other Tail Counties
a.) Reedstrom, Donald C. "A Biological Reconnaissance of the Pelican River." Minnesota Department of Conservation Division of Game and Fish Section of Technical Services Publication No. 65. February, 1969. 
11 Can Plankton Production Proceed During Winter Darkness in Subartic Lakes?
a.) Rodhe, Wilhelm. "Can plankton production proceed during winter darkness in subarctic lakes?" 
12 Structure of Zooplankton Populations in the Littoral Macrophyte Zone of Some Colorado Lakes -Robert W. Pennak 
a.) Pennak, Robert W. "Structure of Zooplankton populations in the littoral macrophyte of some colorado lakes." Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 85 (1966): 329-349. 
13 The Limnobiochemistry if Devils Lake, North Dakota
a.) Neel, Joe K., John W. Vennes, David W. Anderson, James D. Knauss, and Gary L. Buchli. The Limnobiochemistry of Devils Lake, North Dakota. Rep. Grand Forks: North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute, 1969. Print.
14 Biodynamics of Water Level Decline and Restoration in the Devils Lake Area, North Dakota -Joe K. Neel 
a.) Neel, Joe K. Biodynamics of Water Level Decline and Restoration in the Devils Lake Area, North Dakota. Grand Forks: The Institute for Ecological Studies. Print. 
15 The Inverted Microscope Method of Estimating Algal Numbers and the Statistical Basis of Estimations by Counting -J.W.B. Lund, C. Kipling and E.D. LeCren
a.) Lund, J. W. G., C. Kipling, and E.D. Le Cren. "The Inverted Microscope Method of Estimating Algal Numbers and the Statistical Basis of Estimations by Counting." Hydrobiologia 11 (1958): 143-170. Print. 
16 A Wrinkler Procedure for Making Precise Measurements of Oxygen Concentration for Productivity and Related Studies
a.) Bryan, J. R., J. P. Riley, P. J. LeB. Williams. "A Winkler Procedure for Making Precise Measurements of Oxygen Concentration for Productivity and Related Studies." J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 21 (1976): 191-197. Print. 
17 Effects of Temperature on Growth of Zooplankton, and the Adaptive Value of Vertical Migration
a.) McLaren, Ian A. "Effects of Temperature on Growth of Zooplankton, and the Adaptive Value of Vertical Migration." Journal Fisheries Research Board of Canada 20 (1963): 685-727. Print. 
18 Physical factors involved in the vertical migration of plankton
a.) Harris, John E. "Physical Factors involved in the Vertical Migration of Plankton." Quarterly Journal of Microscopial Science 94 (1953): 537-550. 
19 Alternation of Generations in the Rotifer 
a.) Miller, Helen M. "Alternation of Generations in the Roifer Lecane Inermis Bryce 60 (1931): 345-381. Print. 
20 Roy Waldo Miner                                                                                                       -Fragile Creations of the Deep                                                                          -The Protozoa                                                                                                            -A Drama of the Microscope
a.) Miner, Roy Waldo. A Drama of the Microscope.New York: The American Museum of Natural History, 1945. Print.                              b.) Miner, Roy Waldo. "Universe Through a Microscope The Protozoa." Reprinted from Natural History 50 (1942): 1-11. Print.  c.) Miner, Roy W. "Fragile Creatures of the Deep." Guide Leaflet Series of The American Museum of Natural History No. 98. Print.    
Box 69 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 A Laboratory Study of Vertical Migration
a.) Harris J. E. and Ursula K. Wolfe. "A laboratory study of vertical migration." Department of Zoology, University of Bristol May 25, 1955. 
2 Paleolimnology -David G. Frey
a.) Frey, David G. "Paleolimnology." International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology 20 (1974): 95-123. Print. 
3 The Preparation of Marine Phytoplankton for Microscopic Examination and Enumeration on Molecular Filters
a.) Holmes, Robert W. The Preparation of Marine Phytoplankton for Microscopic Examination and Enumeration on Molecular Filters. Rep. no. 433. Washington, D.C.: United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 1962. Print.
4 Rotifer Ecology and Embryological Induction
a.) Gilbert, John J. "Rotifer Ecology and Embryological Induction." Reprinted from Science 151 (1966): 1234-1237. Print. 
5 1963 Mictic Female Production in the Rotifer Brachionus Calyciflorus
a.) Gilbert, John J. "Mictic Female Production in the Rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus." The Journal of Experimental Zoology 153 (1963): 113-124. Print. 
6 Contact Chemoreception, Mating Behavior and Sexual Isolation in the Rotifer Genus Brachionus
a.) Gilbert, John J. "Contact Chemoreception, Mating Behaviour, and Sexual Isolation in the Rotifer Genus Brachionus." Journal of Experimental Biology 40 (1963): 625-641. Print. 
7 Some Factors in the Competition or Antagonism Among Bacteria, Algae, and Aquatic Weeds
a.) Fitzgerald, George P. "Some Factors in the Competition or Antagonism Among Bacteria, Algae, and Aquatic Weeds." J. Phycol. 5 (1969): 351-359. Print. 
8 The Cladocera of Nebraska
a.) Fordyce, Charles. "The Cladocera of Nebraska." University of Nebraska Studies from the Zoology Laboratory 42 (1901): 119-174. 
9 A Survey of the Epigean Triclad Turbellarians of Tennessee
a.) Darlington, Julian T. and Clay M. Chandler. "A Survey of the Epigean Triclad Turbellarians of Tennessee." The American Midland Naturalist 88 (1972): 158-166. Print.                                        
10 The Chironomidae of Alabama with descriptions of Six New Species
a.) Dendy, J. S. and James E. Sublette. "The Chironomidae (Tendipedidae: Diptera) of Alabama with Descriptions of Six New Species." Annals Entomological Society of America 52 (1959): 507-519. Print. 
11 Fate of Typical Lake Plankton in Streams -David C. Chandler
a.) Chandler, David C. "Fate of Typical Lake Plankton in Streams." Ecological Monographs 7 (1937): 448-479. Print. 
12 The Distribution and Ecology of Bacteria in Freshwater 
a.) Collins, Vera G. "The Distribution and Ecology of Bacteria in Freshwater." Proc. Soc. For Water Treatment and Examination 12 (1963): 40-73. Print. 
13 The Giant Water Bugs
a.) Cummings, Carl. "The Giant Water Bugs." The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 21 (1933): 197-219. Print. 
14 A New Mounting Medium for Diatoms
a.) Czarnecki, David B. and Harvey D. Williams. "A New Mounting Medium for Diatoms." Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 90 (1972): 73. Print. 
15 Daphnia: Carolina Tips
a.) Buikema, Arthur L. "Daphnia." Carolina Tips 40 (1977): 37-40. Print. 
16 Predation, Body Size, and Composition of Plankton
a.) Brooks, John L. and Stanley I. Dodson. "Predation, Body Size, and Composition of Plankton." Science 150 (1965): 28-35. 
17 Turbulance as an Environmental Determinant of Relative Growth in Daphnia -John L. Brooks
a.) Brooks, John L. "Turbulence as an Environmental Determinant of Relative Growth in Daphnia." Nat. Acad. Sci. 33 (1947): 141-149. Print. 
18 Cyclomorphosis in Daphnia -John L. Brooks
a.) Brooks, John L. "Cyclomorphosis in Daphnia." Ecological Monographs 16 (1946): 409-447. Print. 
19 The application of micro-autoradiographic techniques to ecological studies
a.) Brock, M. Louise and Thomas D. Brock. "The application of micro-autoradiographic techniques to ecological studies." Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 15 (1968): 1-29. Print. 
20 Transmission of Solar Radiation by the Waters of Inland Lakes; Second Report 
a.) Birge, E. A. and C. Juday. "Transmission of Solar Radiation By The Waters Of Inland Lakes." Transaction of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 24 (1929): 510-580. Print.                b.) Birge, E. A. and C. Juday. "A Second Report on Solar Radiation and Inland Lakes." Transaction of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 25 (1930): 285-334. Print. 
21 Cladocera
a.) Birge, E. A. "List of Crustacea Cladocera From Madison, Wisconsin." Transaction of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 8 (1891): 379-398. Print. 
22 Bulletin of the Florida State Museum 
a.) Beck Jr., William M. "The Streams of Florida." Bulletin of the Florida State Museum 10 (1965): 92-123. Print. 
23 Dinural Migration of Plankton Crustaceans
a.) Baylor, Edward R. and Frederick E. Smith. "Diurnal Migration of Plankton Crustaceans." University of Oregon Publications, 1957. 
24 Optical density profiles as an aid to the study of microstratified phytoplankton populations in lakes
a.) Baker, A. L. and A. J. Brook. "Optical density profiles as an aid to the study of microstratified phytoplankton populations in lakes." Arch. Hydrobiol. 69 (1971): 214-233. Print. 
25 Primary Productivity, Chemo-organo trophy, and Nutritional Interactions of Epiphutic Algae and Bacteria of Macrophytes in the Littoral of a Lake
a.) Allen, Harold L. "Primary Productivity, Chemo-Organotrophy, and Nutritional Interactions of Epiphytic Algae and Bacteria on Macrophytes in the Littoral of a Lake." Ecology Monographs 41: 97-127. Print.  
26 Measurement of Submarine Daylight
a.) Atkins, W. R. G., G. L. Clarke, H. Pettersson, H.H. Poole, C. L. Utterback and A.  Angstronm. "Measurement of Submarine Daylight." International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Journal Du Conseil 13 (1938): 35-57. Print. 
27 American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
a.) Hicks, Steacy D. "A Method for Recording and Sorting Oceanographic and Limnological Data." American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Spec. Issue 23 (1955). Print. 
28 Light Penetration in Fresh Water
a.) Pearsall W. H. and Philip Ullyott. "Light Penetration into Fresh Water." Journal of Experimental Biology 11 (1934): 89-93. Print. 
29 The Estimation and Characterization of Plankton Populations by Pigment Analysis
a.) Richards, Francis and Thomas G. Thompson. "The Estimation and Characterization of Plankton Populations by Pigment Analysis." Journal of Marine Research 11 (1952): 156-173. Print. 
30 The Role of Sediments in Eutrophication
a.) Moore, Charles A. and Marshall L. Silver. The Role of Sediments in Eutrophication-- A Preliminary Study.Urbana: Department of Materials Engineering University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1972. Print. No. 50. 
Box 70 of 89
File No.  Title Date
1 Cavernicoles: DR. T. C. Barr
a.) Fulcher, Bob. "Tom Barr, Tennessee Cave Expert." The Tennessee Conservationist. January/February 1998: 8-12. Print.                      b.) Barr Jr., Thomas C. "New Cavernicolous Species of Agonum (Rhadine) from Texas (Coleoptera: Carabidae)." The Wasmann Journal of Biology 18 (1960): 137- 145. Print.                                             c.) Barr Jr., Thomas C. "A New Genus of Cave Beetle (Carabidae: Trechini) From Southwestern Virginia with a Key to the Genera of the Trechini of North American North of Mexico." The Coleopterists' Bullentin 14 (1960): 65-70. Print.                                                                d.) Barr Jr., Thomas C. "The Cavernicolous Beetles of the Subgenus Rhadine, Genus Agonum (Coleoptera: Carabidae)." The American Midland Naturalist 64 (1960): 45-65. Print.                                           e.) Barr Jr., Thomac C. "Cave Interventions of the Interior Lowlands and Cumberland." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 34 (1959): 125-126. Print.                                                                                f.) Barr Jr., Thomas Calhoun. "Studies of the Cave Invertebrates of the Interior Lowlands and Cumberland Plateau." 
2 Und. Grad School 1969
3 ASLO Meeting Winnipeg, Manitoba  14-15 June 1971
a.) Abstracts of Papers Submitted for the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. 
4 An Instructional Model to Demonstrate Thermal, Chemical and Biological Stratification
a.) Coler, Robert A. and Louise Romanow. "An Instructional Model to Demonstrate Thermal, Chemical and Biological Stratification." Aibs Education Review 4 (1975): 1-12. Print. 
5 The Cladocera of Taylor Creek Employment, Center Hill Reservoir, Tennessee
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. The Cladocera of Taylor Creek Embayment, Center Hill Reservoir, Tennesee. MA Thesis. Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, 1964. Print. 
6 Sarcona Luter experiments
7 Net Plankton Analysis and List of Aquatic Weeds
8 Maps
9 Data Sheets- Plankton Smith 
10 Lakes of Minnesota
Box 71 of 89
File No. Title  Date
1 Environmental Science Courses and Proposals
a.) Tougas, Jennifer I. "Realizing Environmental Literacy Through Advanced Technology and Experimentation." ASLO Bulletin 6 (1997): 19-20. Print.                                                                                                   b.) "Your Environmental Education Input if Requested." Ellipse 5 (1997): 1-8. Print.                                                                                                                                                                         c.) Naiman, Robert J., John J. Magnuson, Diane M. McKnight, Jack A. Stanford, James R. Karr. "Freshwater Ecosystems and Their Management: A National Initiative." Science 270 (1995): 584-585. Print.                                                                                                                                            d.) Science 269 (1995): 273-448. Print.                                                                                                                  e.) Weis, Judith S. Undergraduate Environmental Science Education. San Antonio: American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1991. Print. 42nd AIBS Annual Meeting.                                                                                                                                                   f.) Smith, W.L. Memo to Faculty of Department of Biological Sciences. November 5, 1990.                                                                                                                                                                                              g.) Smith, W.L. Memo to Dr. Robert M. Smith and Dr. W.A. Sliger. 23 June 1992.                                                                                                                               h.) Smith, W.L. Memo to M. D. Applequist. 27 September 1993.                                                               i.) "Challenges for Limnology in the United States and Canada: An Assessment of the Discipline in the 1990's." ASLO Bulletin 4(2) 1995: 1-19. Print.                                                                                                                             j.) Orginazation of Biological Field Stations and the National Association of Marine Laboratories. A New Horizon for Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories. Crested Butte: Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Print. No. 3.                                                                                                                                                                                  k.) Sliger, Andy. Memo to Reelfoot Environmental Committee. May 16, 1995.                                                                                                                    l.) Rubinstein, Normam. Memo to Members of Coastal and Estuarine Research Community. April 10, 1995.                                                                                                                                               m.) Smith, Robert M. Memo to Science Faculty. April 13, 1995.                                                         n.) Smith, W.L. Memo to W.A. Sliger. October 9, 1990.                                                                                
o.) Smith, W. L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. October 31, 1990.                                                                               p.) Geosciences and Physics Department. Memo to Committee on Undergraduate Curricula. September 25, 1990.                                                                                                                                     q.) Weis, Judith S. "The status of undergraduate programs in environmental science." Environ. Sci. Technol. 24 (8) 1990: 1116-1121. Print.                                                                                                                  r.) Smith, W.L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. October 8, 1990.                                                                                  s.) The Offical Journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals 14 (4) 1992: 277-375. Print. 
2 Kentucky Council on Archives
a.) Duff, Jeffrey Michael. "Newsletter of the Kentucky Council on Archives." The Kentucky Archivist 8(1) 1986: 1-25. Print.                    b.) "The Kentucky Library and Museum." The Fanlight 3(3) 1986: 1-8. Print.                                                                                                                     c.) Growing Up Victorian: A Family Activity Book. Bowling Green: The Kentucky Museum and The National Endowment for the Humanities, 1983. Print. 
3 Slide Programming A-V EQPT Recording and Playback
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Steve Rogers. February 10, 1995.     b.) Gemini 2000 Owner's Handbook. Sausalito: Pacific Micro Systems Inc.. Print.                                                                                              c.) Integrated Stereo Amplifier TA-1055 Owner's Instruction  Manual. Japan: Sony Corporation. Print.                                                              d.) JVC Instruction Book Model RD-1695. Maspeth: JVC America. Print. 
4 BIOL 463 Reelfoot Lake: ITS Development and Ecology
5 Fall Retreat, TENN. Council for the Social Studies
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Selected Literature Relating to Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee."                                                                                                                                     b.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Reelfoot Lake A Chronological Listing of Events Which Have Affected It's Development."                                     c.) "Fall Retreat, Tenn. Council for the Social Studies Meeting 27-28 September 2002, at Natchez Trace State Park."                                               d.) "History and Development of Reelfoot Lake."                                 e.) "Natchez Trace State Park." n.p. n.d. Web. August 27, 1956.                                                                                                                             f.) Tennessee Council for the Social Studies 11(1) 2002: 1-7. Print. 
6 River (Miss. R) The River: Sounds, Scenes, and Stories Dyersburg State Community College Dr. D. Strong
a.) "The River: Sounds, Scenes, and Stories Dyersburg State Community College 26 March 1994."                                                             b.) "Contract to be issued for river impact study." The Commercial Appeal August 7, 1991.                                                                                       c.) The River: Sounds, Scenes, and Stories. Dyersburg: Dyersburg State Community College, 1994. Print. 
7 Water Quality Study- Proposal, SCS                                                                    Obion-Forked Deer River System, 1995
a.) United States Department of Agriculture. Service Contract Act of 1965, As Amended Labor Standards Provisions. 
8 Interlibrary Loans
a.) Guide to the Online Public Access Catalog. Martin: The University of Tennessee at Martin. Print.                                               
9 Museum, Reelfoot Lake Tenn. Dept. Conservation Interpretive Center Research Package 
a.) Webber, Dan. Memo to Bob Mainfort. February 8, 1985.                   b.) Webber, Dan. Memo to Don Charpio. February 25, 1985.            c.) Dalton, Nancy. Memo to Mr. Mike Gower. October 29, 1984.     d.) Smith, Wintfred L. "A Proposal for the Preparation of an Interpretive Research Document for the Reelfoot Lake Interpretive Center." 
Box 72 of 89
File Title Date
1 Tenn. Acad. Sci. Reelfoot Lake Program
a.) Summer '79 Session of the Tech Aqua Consortium. Cookeville: Tech Aqua Biological Station. Print.                                                              b.) Brinkley, R. E. Memo to Dr. Joel Shore. February 18, 1976.          c.) Tanner, Raymond L. Memo to Executive Committee Tennessse Academy of Science. February 24, 1977.                                                     d.) Pafford, William. Memo to Executive Committee, TAS. March 15, 1977.                                                                                                                e.) Pafford, William N. Memo to Members of Executive Committee, TAS. March 14, 1977.                                                                                 f.) Brinkley, R. E. Memo to Dr. Joel Shore. February 18, 1976.             g.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Report of the Director of the Reelfoot Lake Project." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 50(1) 1975: 1. Print.                                                                                                                     
2 Reelfoot Lake Program  Summer 1989
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Ecology Programs for Teachers."                                b.) "The University of Tennessee at Martin Summer Programs at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee Program I, June 4-16, 1989." 
3 Sci. Field Stations Liason Tenn. Acad. Sci. 
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. "A Report on the Biological Field Stations of Tennessee."                                                                                                           b.) Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Paved by the Sixty-Seventh General Assembly, 1931. Published by Authority. Printing Dept., Tenn. Industrial School, Nashville.                                                                                                                                              c.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Executive Committee, Tennessee Academy of Science. April 23, 1976.                                                                                                                                d.) Brinkley, R. E. Memo to Dr. Joel Shore. February 18, 1976.                                          e.) Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Sixty-Seventh General Assembly, 1931. Published by Authority. Printing Department, Tennessee Industrial School, Nashville.                                                                                                                        f.) Summer '80 Session of the Tech Aqua Consortium. Cookeville: Tech Aqua Biological Station. Print.                                                                                                                              g.) Smith, Wintfred L. "A Report on the Biological Field Stations of Tennessee."                                                                                                             h.) Summer '76 Session of the Tech Aqua Consortium. Cookeville: Tech Aqua Biological Station. Print.                                                                                                                               i.) Program of the Eighty Eighth Annual Meeting. Jackson: Tennessee Academy of Science, INC., 1978. Print.                                                                                                                      j.)  Constitution and Bylaws of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Inc.                                                                                                                    k.) Nelson, Diane R. Memo to Chairpersons of Standing Committes of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Inc.                                                                                                   l.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Biological Field Stations of Tennessee, A Survey of Facilites and Activites."                                                                                                                              m.) Smith, Wintfred. "Report-- Biological Station Liaison."                                                   n.)  Smith, Wintfred. "Tennessee Academy of Science Reelfoot Lake Program Report."                                                                                                                                                                    o.) "Tennessee Academy of Science, Inc. Executive Meeting."                                           p.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Report of the Director of the Reelfoot Lake Program." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 52(1) 1977: 1-2. Print.                                                                                                                q.)  Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science54(2) 1979:41-81. Print. 
4 Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center (RLRTC) 2000
a.) The Newsletter of the Organization of Biological Field Stations2001 (1): 1-15. Print.                                                                          b.) Department of Biological Sciences and Planning Document February 19, 2001.                                                                                                c.) Hofstra University Marine Laboratory Newsletter 18 (1): 1-4. Print.                                                                                                                          d.) The Newsletter of the Organization of Biological Field Stations 2000 (2): 1-38. Print.                                                                                            e.) The Newsletter of the Organization of Biological Field Stations 2000 (1): 1-21. Print.                                                                                           f.) Smith, W. L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. May 11, 2000.                               g.) Friends of West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges Membership Campaign 2000.Dyersburg: Friends of West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges. Print.                                              
5 Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center 
a.) Smith, W. L. Memo to Biology Faculty. March 15, 1977.                                                 b.) Smith, W. L. Memo to Mr. Nick Dunagan. March 17, 1977.                                          c.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Henry Guigou. March 16, 1977.                                               d.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Capital Campaign Nucleus Gift File. March 16, 1977.                                                                                                                                                                       e.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Mr. Nick Dunagan. May 3, 1977.                                        f.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Mr. Nick Dunagan. May 3, 1977.                                       g.) White, N. Memo to Mr. Clayton Dekle. June 17, 1977.                                                 h.) White, N. Memo to Clayton Deckle. June 17, 1977.                                                            i.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Dr. Jack Mays. July 13, 1977.                                             j.) A Proposal for the Establishment of a Teaching-Research Biological Station at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Department of Biological Sciences University of Tennessee at Martin.                                                                                                                                  k.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Dr. Jack Mays. July 13, 1977.                                            l.) A Proposal for the Establishment of a Teaching-Research Biological Station. Department of Biological Sciences University of Tennessee at Martin.                                                                                         m.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Dr. Jimmy Trentham, Dr. Jack Mays, Dr. Ted James, Dr. Joe Johnson, Mr. Charles Brakebill, Mr. Mickey Bilbrey, and Mr. Maury Atkinson.                                                                                                                                               n.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Dr. Jack Mays. July 13, 1977.                                              o.) Gaither, Steve. "State grant to aid UTM at Reelfoot."                                                     p.) Wambles, Johnson. "Funds are appropriated for lab." The Pacer October 9 1986.                                                                                                                                                                          q.) "UTM to convert old wildlife building." Lake County Banner March 11, 1987.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                r.) "Center ready at Samburg." Lake County Banner June 17, 1987.                                           s.) Huston, Jerry. "Opening of lab boosts research at Reelfoot Lake." The Commercial Appeal August 28, 1987.                                                                                                       t.) Huston, Jerry. "Research station opens at Reelfoot."                                                        u.) Bowden, Kevin. "Samburg wet lab key to future." Union City Daily Messenger August 28, 1987.                                                                                                                                             v.) "New Laboratory." Tiptonville Tennessee Banner September 2, 1987.                                 w.) "Lake research center opens." The Lake County Banner September 2, 1987.                                                                                                                                                                                   x.) "Reelfoot has new research station." Torchbearer 27(1) 1988.                                                                                                                      y.) "Use of Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center." Biology Notes 1999.
6 Biological Staion (Tenn. Acad. Sci.) 
a.) "Reelfoot Ramblings." Tiptonville Times August 18,1933.                b.) "Reelfoot Biology Station Proposed." The Commercial Appeal October 30, 1925.                                                                                                                          c.) "Reelfoot Lake Biological Station." Science 76 (1966):208. Print. d.) "Announcement of the Memphis Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 1932 7(2): 125-126. Print.                                                                       e.) "Scientists Dedicate Biological Station at Walnut Log." The Commercial Appeal May 5, 1933.                                                                                     f.) "Reelfoot Ramblings." Tiptonville Times August 18, 1933.                  g.) "Work is ended at Reelfoot Station." Tiptonville Times October 6, 1933.                                                                                                                           h.) Bliss, A. R. 1935. Report of the direction of the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station for 1933-1934. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 9: 19-23. Print.                                                              i.) "Reelfoot Biological Station Will Study Filling in of Lake's Basin." Lake County Banner June 9, 1939.                                                            j.) Sharbel, Kelly. "Mysterious Ecology of Reelfoot Lake Being Explored." The Jackson Sun December 9, 1973. 
7 Samburg Reelfoot Rural Ministries Thrift Store Senior Center
8 Jamie Hamilton, Jr. Carla Vreys
a.) Sliger, Andy. Memo to Department of Public Safety. February 5, 1998.                                                                                                                     b.) Pitts, David. Memo to Chancellor Margaret Perry. August 6, 1997.                                                                                                                           c.) Vreys, Carla, Natascha Steffanie, and Hugo Gevaerts. "Digestion of spermatophere contents in the female genital system of the hermaphroditic flatworm Dugesia gonocephala (Tricladida, Paludicola)." Invertebrate Biology116 (4): 286-293.                              d.) Smith, Wintfred. Memo to Dr. Nick Dunagan. December 4, 1997.                                                                                                                          e.) Smith, W. L. Memo to T. D. Pitts. October 27, 1997.                           f.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Dr. Nick Dunagan. December 4, 1997.                                                                                                                          
Box 73 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Greater Reelfoot Region Research Group (1)
a.) "Looking for a Few Good Teachers- Meaningful and Practical Environmental Experiences." Martin: University of Tennessee at Martin.                                                                                                                           b.) Tennessee Science Teachers Association 2003 16(1): 1-7. Print.
2 Greater Reelfoot Region Research Group (2)
a.) "Digital Water Education Library." Casper: Digital Water Education Library.                                                                                                b.) "Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences." Montgomery Bell State Park.                                                                          c.) "Explore a World of Diversity." Science Scope 26 (3):2-85.          d.) "Earth System Science Education Alliance 2002-2004 Online Courses for Teachers." NASA                                                                          
3 Greater Reelfoot Region Research Group (3)
a.) Gale, Paula M. "Tentative Chapter Outline: Impact of Soils and Land Use in the Reelfoot Lake Watershed."                                               b.) Gibson, Michael. "Tentative Chapter Outline: Geologic History of the Reelfoot Lake Region."                                                                        c.) Smith, Wintfred. "Tentative Chapter Outline- A Cultural History of the Reelfoot Region."                                                                             d.) Gibson, Michael and Wintfred Smith. "Proposal for the Development of a Field Camp at Reelfoot Lake Utilizing the Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center (RLRTC)." July, 2001.  e.) Compiled by Wintfred Smith. "References From Reelfoot Lake Database, July 2002."                                                                                         f.) "Chapter 22 Ecological Subregions of the United States." fs.fed. Forest Service, n.d. Web. June 25, 2002.                                                    g.) Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 77. 1 (2002): 1-42. Print.                                                                                                                       h.) "TSTA- Spreading the "News." Tennessee Science Teachers Association Annual Conference 2002 
4 Study and Education in the Reelfoot Environment (SERE) Meeting June 25-27, 2003 RLRTC Samburg, TN
a.) "Study and Education in the Reelfoot Environment (SERE) Revised Schedule." Samburg: Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center. June 25-27, 2003.                                                                            b.) "Southwest Environmental Research and Education." SERE. SERE. n.d. Web. June 23, 2003.                                                                               
5 Teams Meeting 4-6 April 2003 Montgomery Bell State Park 
a.) Environmental Education Grants Program: FY 2003.                        b.) Vachon, Nicole. "TEAMS meeting." Montgomery Bell State Park April 6, 2003.                                                                                                  c.) "TEAMS." Montgomery Bell State Park: TEAMS Meeting 6 April 2003.                                                                                                                         d.) Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command. Weather Talk. Stennis Space Center: Public Affairs Office. Print.                  e.) Naval Meterology and Oceanography Command. Ocean Talk. Stennis Space Center: Public Affairs Office. Print. 
6 RLRTC 2003
a.) Wilson, Edward O. "A Global Biodiversity Map." Science 289: 2279. 2000. Print.                                                                                                             b.) "Taxonomic Revival." Science 289: 2306-2308. 2000. Print.          c.) The United States Antarctic Program. Arlington: National Science Foundation.                                                                                                    d.) "Anarctica."                                                                                                        e.) Study and Education in the Reelfoot Environment (SERE). Samburg: Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center. June 25-27, 2003.                                                                                                                     f.) "A proposal to Replace GRRRG, an acronym for Greater Reelfoot Region Research Group, with SERE, an acronym for Study and Education in the Reelfoot Environment."                                                   g.) GRRRG (Greater Reelfoot Region Research Group). Planning for Development of Field Experiences and Workshop at Reelfoot Lake. 26 April 2003.                                                                                            
7 GRRRG Meeting 25-27 April 2003 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Teacher Workshop (GRRRG) (Grant Program Planning 01/31/03)                                                                                               b.) "Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE)." NSF. NSF, n.d. Web. November 6, 2001.                                                                                             
Box 74 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 RLRTC 1988 (1)
a.) Smith, W.L. Memo to T.D. Pitts. November 1, 1998.                                            b.) Smith, W. L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. October 29, 1993.                                c.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Joe Hill. December 16, 1996.                      d.) Smith, W.L. Memo to W.A. Sliger. August 9, 1996.                                  e.) Smith, W.L. Memo to W.A. Sliger. October 24, 1991.                                  f.) "The University of Tennessee at Martin Biology Notes." Department of Biological Sciences 1995.                                                    g.) Smith, W.L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. March 1, 1994. 
2 RLRTC 1988 (2)
a.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Reelfoot Rural Ministries File. June 23, 1993.                                                                                                                   b.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Joe Croom. March 12, 1993.                       c.) Smith, Bob. Memo to Dean Sutherland. February 16, 1993.       d.) Smith, W. L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. February 1, 1993.                  e.) Sliger, Andy. Memo to Robert Smith. August 22, 1990.                         f.) Sliger, Andy. Memo to Robert Smith. August 22, 1990.                      g.) The University of Tennessee at Martin Biology Notes 1 (2): 1-9. Print.                                                                                                                            h.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Ed White. August 10, 1989.                         
3 RLRTC 1988 (3)
a.) Croom, Allen B. Memo to Phil Dane, Ann Hamilton, Bea Burress, Beth Maloan, Carol Dean, Carol Mann, Dru Crawley. January 11, 1989.                                                                                                                 b.) Smith, W. L. Memo to T. D. Pitts. September 22, 1997.                                c.) Smith, W. L. Memo to W. A. Sliger. May 1, 1997.                               d.) Smith, W. L. Memo  to W. A. Sliger. November 15, 1994.            
4 Project: STARSHIP
5 Reelfoot Lake Core Teacher Training Workshop
a.) "Wetlands Overview." United States Environmental Protection Agency                                                                                                                       b.) "Types of Wetlands." United States Environmental Protection Agency                                                                                                                     c.) "Functions and Values of Wetlands." United States Environmental Protection Agency                                                                d.) "Teaching About Wetlands." United States Environmental Protection Agency                                                                                               e.) "Aquatic Plants (By Family) Submersed."                                            
6 A Proposal for the Preparation of a Summary Environmental Report on Reelfoot Lake and Its Watershed with a Historical Description of their Development  18-Mar-81
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. "A Proposal for the Preparation of a Summary Environmental Report on Reelfoot Lake and Its Watershed, with a Historical Description of their Development."  b.) Ashe, Deborah. Memo to Dr. Francis Gross. September 14, 1981.                                                                                                                   c.) James, Ted R. Memo to Ms. Cynthia Sparks. March 5, 1982.         
7 Research Proposal: Proposal for funding to study Reelfoot Lake 1978-1979
a.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Mr. Mickey Bilbrey. March 15, 1978.  b.) Bilbrey, Mickey. Memo to Mr. Nick Dunagan. April 19, 1978.   c.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Dr. Wintfred Smith. October 3, 1978.  d.) Bilbrey, Mickey. Memo to Mr. Nick Dunagan. September 28, 1978.                                                                                                                       e.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to Biology Faculty, C. Harding (Chemistry) and T. McCutchen (Geosciences). October 15, 1978.            f.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Dr. Charles Harding, Dr. Harry Houff, Mr. Tom McCutchen, Dr. Carroll Slack, Dr. J. Wesley Henson, Dr. Ted James, and Dr. Ron Satz. January 9, 1979.                                                   g.) "A Proposal Summary to the Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust from The University of Tennessee."                                                             h.) Bilbrey, Mickey. Memo to Mr. Nick Dunagan. January 30, 1979. i.) "A Proposal Summary to Exxon Corporation from The University of Tennessee."                                                                                                   j.) Dunagan, Nick. Memo to Dr. Wintfred Smith. April 3, 1979.             
8 Dr. Mike Turner
Box 75 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Teams
a.) "Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges Amphibian and Reptile List." Union City:  Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge      b.) "Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges Mammal List." Union City: Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge. Print.                 c.) "Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge." Union City: Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges. Print.                                              d.) "The Pearl Button." Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences 2003 2 (2): 1-5. Print.                                                        e.)"The Pearl Button." Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences 2003 2 (4): 1-5. Print.                                                                    f.) "The Pearl Button." Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences 2003 2 (3): 1-5. Print.                                                               g.) "The Pearl Button." Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences 2003 2 (1): 1-5. Print.                                                               h.) Tennessee Science Teachers Associaton Sciencing Quarterly 2003 16 (2): 1-9. Print.                                                                                                                                  INSIDE GREEN FOLDER                                                                                          i.) "Current." The Journal of Marine Education 2002 18 (1): 1-33. Print.                              
2 Reelfoot Lake Slide Program (2) 
a.) "Reelfoot Lake State Park offers interesting winter programs." Lake County Banner January 8, 2003.                                                                   b.) "Tenn Notes." Newsletter of the Tennessee Chapter of the Nature Conservancy 2006 17 (1): 1-12. Print.                                                     c.) Inside Towa Membership Directory 1994. Franklin: Tennessee Outdoor Writers Association. 1994. Print.                                               d.) Reelfoot Lake. Samburg: Reelfoot Lake Tourist Council. Print.  
3 Reelfoot Lake Slide Program (2) 
a.) Tennessee Outdoor Writers Association Newsletter 46 (8): 1. Print.                                                                                                                       b.) Sieber, Stan. Memo to Wintfred Smith, Tom McCutchen, David Pitts, Wes Henson, Bill Nelson, Andy Sliger, Walter Haden and Helmut Wenz.  October 7, 1987.                                                                           c.) "Towa Fall Meeting." Tennessee Outdoor Writers Association Newsletter 46 (7): 1-2. Print.                                                                          d.) "Beta Beta Beta presents slide show and lecture." The All State November 5, 1986.                                                                                                           e.) "TCL Files Suit." Tennessee Out-of-Doors February, 1986.            f.) Northwest Tennessee Heritage Festival. Bradford: Skullbone Printing Service. Print.                                                                                        
4 Reelfoot Lake Slide Program (3)
a.) "Tennessee Community Heritage Project: A First-Year Report." Touchstone 1984 1 (2): 1-15. Print. 
5 Reelfoot Lake Slide Program (4)
a.) Tennessee Academy of Science: Program of the Ninety-Second Meeting. Martin: The University of Tennessee at Martin. Print. 
6 Reelfoot Lake Slide Program (5)
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. Memo to AIDP Office. May 30, 1980. 
7 Program: Reelfoot Lake
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. "History and Development of Reelfoot Lake."                                                                                                                          b.) Smith, Wintfred L. "Reelfoot Lake A Preliminary Chronology." July 1983.                                                                                                                 c.) Art Sparks, CPA. Memo to Dr. Wintfred Smith. May 4, 1998.       
8 Presentation at Obion Co. Museum, Union City, TN  7-Jun-98
Box 76 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (1) 
2 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (2) 
3 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (3) 
4 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (4) 
5 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (5) 
6 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (6) 
7 H2O Qual. Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (7)
Box 77 of 89
File No. Title  Date
1 H2O Quality Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (8)
2 H2O Quality Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (9)
3 H2O Quality Monitor Printouts (Duplicates) (10)
4 Regional Natural History Center
5 TAS Tenn. Acad. Sci. 13 November 2003 Reelfoot Lake Symposium 
a.) Proposal for Core Teacher Training Workshop Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center (RLRTC). Samburg. June 11-13, 2004.                                                                                                                           b.) Proposal for Teacher and Student Field Study Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center (RLRTC). Samburg. May 1, 2004.         c.)  Paula Keener-Chavis. "Ocean Sciences Education Opportunities for Teacher Preparation and Teacher Enhancement/ Professional Development." The Journal of Marine Education 17 (2): 18-21. Print.                                                                                             d.) "Proposal for Core Teacher Training Workshop Reelfoot Lake Research and Teaching Center (RLRTC). Samburg. June 11-13, 2004.                                                                                                                        e.) Study and Education in the Reelfoot Environment (SERE)               f.) Prepared by David Pitts. "Reelfoot Lake Science Center Working Proposal for 5 September 2003 Planning Session."           
7 Environmental Science Proposal 2003
a.) Report CENS Sub-committee on Environmental Science.
8 Riparian Rights
9 Reelfoot Lake Symposium Tenn. Acad. Sci. 
10 Teams at TSTA Cool Springs 14 November 2003 14-Nov-03
a.) "Understanding Invasive Aquatic Weeds: Classroom and Homework Activities." Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc.          b.) Kroll, Courtney. "Court's Column." The Pearl Button Tennessee Educators of Aquatic and Marine Sciences 3 (3): 1. Print.                    
11 SERE Meeting 13 September 2003 RLRTC Samburg, TN 13-Sep-03
a.) Notes from the Field6 (2002): 1-12. Print.                                          
Box 78 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 October  1954
2 November 1954
3 December 1954
4 January 1955
5 February 1955
6 March 1955
7 April 1955
8 No Name
9 Miscellaneous Receipts
10 Miscellaneous
a.) Petit, Ged. "Troubled Water." Tennessee Wildlife Magazine January-February 1984: 1-4. Print.                                                                 b.) Tennessee's Reelfoot Lake Map and Guide. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Conservation, Division of State Parks. Print.                                                                                                                       c.) Reelfoot Lake State Resort Park. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Conservation. Print.                                                          d.) Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges Master Plan. Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Print.    e.) Carlyle Lake. US Army Corps of Engineers. Print.                             f.) Rend Lake. US Army Corps of Engineers. Print.                                 g.) Carlyle Lake Hunting Guide. US Army Corps of Engineers. Print. h.) McClain, Kathleen and Fred Brown. "Hydroelectric plant approved for study." Press-Scimitar August 25, 1983. Print.             i.) Lewis, Bob. "Is it too late to save Reelfoot Lake?" The Jackson Sun July 18, 1983. Print. 
11 1941 Lease or 1941 Commission
a.) H.R. 297, 147-149 (1941) (enacted). Print.                                             b.) H.R. 731, 178 (1941) (enacted). Print.                                                    
12 Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
13 Obion County Regional Planning Commission 
a.) Obion County Planning Program Status Report. December 1983.                                                                                                                           b.) Annual Performance Report and Program Design for Obion County Regional Planning Commission  
14 Newspaper Articles (originals)
a.) "Planners Propose Big Development of State-owned Facilities at Reelfoot Lake." The Lake County Banner September 11, 1969. Print.                                                                                                                         b.) Lewis, Bob. "Is it too late to save Reelfoot Lake?" The Jackson Sun July 18, 1983. Print. 
15 Newspaper Articles (originals) 
a.) "Mild Days Encourage Late November Fishermen at Reelfoot." Lake County Banner December 9, 1982. Print.                                      b.) "Ducks Scarce--" Lake County Banner December 9, 1982. Print.          c.) "State heeds pleas for Reelfoot aid." The Lake County Banner December 9, 1982. Print.                                                                                                 d.) "Task force opens inquiry into neglected, dying Reelfoot Lake." The Lake County Banner August 17, 1983. Print.                                  e.) Brown, Fred. "Commitment needed quickly to save scenic Reelfoot Lake from vanishing." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 5, 1983. Print.                                                                                             f.) "Speed Reelfoot rescue." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 6, 1983. Print.                                                                                                        g.) Cavness, Gale. "Management Plan For Reelfoot Established at Nashville Meet." Daily Messenger October 27, 1983. Print.            h.) "Saving a lake." The Commercial Appeal March 4, 1984. Print. i.) Mansur, Michael. "Draining basins and billfolds." The Commercial Appeal March 4, 1984. Print. 
16 Reelfoot Lake Management Report
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Management Report." Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency Nashville: Ellington Agriculture Center. 1983. 
17 Projects Completed as of 3/8/84
18 Reelfoot Lake Development Council 
19 Reelfoot Task Force Folder 1
a.) Reelfoot Lake Monitoring Work Plan                                                       b.) House Joint Resolution No. 24                                                                c.) McClain, Kathleen. "Reelfoot task force takes key first step." Press-Scimitar. Print.                                                                                          d.) Brown, Fred. "A question of responsibility." Memphis Press-Scimitar May 30, 1983. Print.                                                                           e.) McClain, Kathleen. "End of long road seen in bid to save Reelfoot." Memphis Press-Scimitar. Print.                                                f.) Brown, Fred. "Commitment needed quickly to save scenic Reelfoot Lake from vanishing." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 5, 1983. Print.                                                                                                  g.) "Speed Reelfoot Rescue." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 6, 1983. Print.                                                                                                        h.) McClain, Kathleen. "Timetable pushed for Reelfoot dam project." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 8, 1983. Print.              i.) McClain, Kathleen. "Reelfoot taskforce accord secures go-ahead for dam." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 9, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                         j.) "Reelfoot results." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 10, 1983. Print.                                                                                                             
20 Reelfoot Lake Task Force Folder 2
a.) "Reelfoot progress." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 31, 1983. Print.                                                                                                           b.) Tennessee Wildlife January/February 1984: 1-25. Print.                c.) Ebien, Tom. "Tennessee laments slow death of ancient lake." Atlanta Journal Constitution May 20, 1984. Print. 
21 Zoning Resolution 
a.) Revised Zoning Resolution Reelfoot Lake Planning Region 
Box 79 of 89
File No.  Title  Date
1 Rural Clean Water Project 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Project Annual Progress Report                                                                                                                    b.) Appendix B: Water Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Trend Analysis                                                                                                      c.) First Update to the Reelfoot Lake Report. Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Water Management October 1983.                                                                                                             d.) Brown, Fred. "Commitment needed quickly to save scenic Reelfoot Lake from vanishing." Memphis Press-Scimitar. Print.                e.) "Speed Reelfoot rescue." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 6, 1983. Print.                                                                                                             f.) McClain, Kathleen. "End of long road seen in bid to save Reelfoot." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 9, 1983. Print.                    g.) Christ, Mark. "Schedule Altered On Silt Catchers." The Commercial Appeal September 9, 1983. Print.                                                     h.) "Farmers' Aid Asked." The Commerical Appeal September 10, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                          i.) Locker, Richard. "Lake's future may cost millions." The Commercial Appeal October 27, 1983. Print.                                                   j.) Cavness, Gale. "Management Plan for Reelfoot Established at Nashville Meet." The Messenger. Print.                                                     k.) "Presentation of the General Findings of the 1982-84 Clean Lakes Study of the Upper Buck Basin." Division of Water Managment March, 1984. 
2 Sedimentation
a.) Mansur, Michael. "Supporter says Reelfoot Lake victim of dump." The Commercial Appeal April 24, 1984. Print.                           b.) "Lakeside Lament." The Commercial Appeal April 25, 1984. Print.   
3 Planning
a.) Plan for Comprehensive Development                                             b.) Plan for Comprehensive Development                                               
4 Budget
a.) H.R. 1162, 870-873 (1983) (enacted). Print.                                          b.) Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts Budget Request 
5 Navigable Water- Reelfoot Lake
a.) Reelfoot Lake Declared Navigable Body by Supreme Court        b.) "Webster v. Harris." Tennessee Reports 111. (1902): 668-704. Print.                                                                                                                         c.) "Reelfoot Lake Case." Tennessee Reports. (1913):575-659. Print. 
6 Reelfoot Boat Channels
a.) "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitation/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment Supporting Information." U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service.                                                                                                                   b.) "Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitation/ Maintenance Environmental Assessment." U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. 
7 Western Tennessee Tributaries 
a.) Western Tennessee Tributaries, Tennessee and Kentucky. Memphis: U.S. Army Engineer District. 
8 Cookie Cutter 
a.) Clearwater Farms Specialists in Fish Culture for Aquatic Weed Control. Sheridan: Clearwater Farms Specialists in Fish Culture for Aquatic Weed Control. Print.                                                                        b.) Mud Cat. St. Louis Park: Mud Cat Division/National Car Rental System, Inc.. Print.                                                                                              c.) Aquatic Weed Harvester. St. Louis Park: Mud Cat Division/ National Car Rental System, Inc.. Print.                                                    
9 Fish, Fishing
a.) Carman, Doyle V. "White Amur cleans up area lakes." Mid South Sportsman. Print.                                                                                 b.) Lancaster, Bill. "Mayor's Amurs Bound for Canal Zone." Arkansas Gazette May 29, 1977. Print.                                                      c.) "Success of Spillway Tests Lessened by Net Failure." Union City Daily Messenger April 19, 1965. Print.                                                        d.) "Ditch Blocks Return of Fish." Union City Daily Messenger April 21, 1965. Print.                                                                                                       e.) "Making Tests at Spillway." Union City Daily Messenger April 12, 1965. Print.                                                                                                     f.) "Many Fish Try to Enter Lake." Union City Daily Messenger April 14, 1965. Print.                                                                                                     g.) "Florida." The Sunshine Bass July, 1982
10 Eagles
a.) "Getting There." Mother Earth News October 1983. Print.                                               b.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot Lake." Lebanon Demo. December 28, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                                          c.) "Lake draws eagles, tourists." December 28, 1983.                                                                                    d.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot Lake." Tullahoma News December 28, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                            e.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Mckenzie Banner December 28, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                                                f.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Brownsville States Graphic December 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                                    g.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Lynchburg NewsDecember 29, 1983.                                                                                                                            h.)  "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." The Herald GazetteDecember 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                                                          i.) "Return of Eagles Major Event at Reelfoot." Grundy County Herald December 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                    j.)"Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." December 29, 1983. Print.                                  k.) "Annual Return of Bald Eagles Attracts Crowds to Reelfoot State Park." The Herald-Chronicle December 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                l.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Union City Messenger December 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                                             m.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Dyer Reporter December 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                         n.) "Bald Eagles Back at Reelfoot Lake." The Review-Appeal December 29, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                             o.) Bartholomew, David. "Hideaway." Union City Daily Messenger December 30, 1983. Print.                                                                                                                                                  p.) "Bald eagles always stop at Tennessee resort park." Appleton, Wis. Post Crescent January 1, 1984. Print.                                                                                                            q.) "Reelfoot Lake a Winter Haven for Bald Eagles." January 1, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                          r.) "Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Kingsport Times News January 1, 1984.                                                                                                                   s.) "Bald eagles once again flock to Reelfoot Lake." Gatlinburg Press January 4, 1984.                                                                                                                                                                                t.) "State Park Offeres Close Look at Eagle." Morristown Cit. Trib. January 4, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                                                u.) "Bald eagles return to Reelfoot Lake." January 4, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                                                                                
v.) "Bald eagles return to Reelfoot Lake." Humboldt Cor. Chron. January 4, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                            w.) "Bald eagles return to Reelfoot Lake." Bulletin-Times January 4, 1984. Print.                                                                                                           x.) "Bald Eagles return to Reelfoot Lake." Rogersvl. Rev. January 5, 1984. Print.                                                                                                              y.) "Winter Signals Return of Eagles." Collierville  Hrid. January 5, 1984. Print.                                                                                                             z.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Greeneville Sun January 2, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                                 aa.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Chatt. Nws. Fr. Prs. January 8, 1984. Print.                                                                                                     bb.) "Nation's Symbol-- Bald eagles return to Reelfoot Lake; tours available." Savannah Cour. January 19, 1934. Print.                          cc.) "Bald Eagles Return to Reelfoot." Hohenwald Hlrd. February 2, 1984. Print.                                                                                                      dd.) "Tennessee refuge a winter sanctuary for eagles." Orlando, FL Sentinel February 19, 1984. Print.    
11 Sewer System Problem 
a.) Sanitary Survey Report                                                                              b.) Reelfoot Lake Shores Sanitary Survey Report                                    c.) "Reelfoot sewage-- disgraceful." Lake County Banner June 19, 1980. Print.                                                                                                             d.) "Health Hazard Feared Due to Lake Sewage." Union City Daily Messenger. Print.                                                                                                           e.) "Sewage plan vital to development of lake." Lake County Banner September 4, 1980. Print. 
12 Capitol Maintenance Project
a.) Project Status Report                                                                                   b.) National Park Service
13 Archaeology 
a.) Prichard, Mack S. "Conserving Our Forgotten Heritage."            b.) Prichard, Mack S. "The Archaeological Parks."                                  c.) "Archaeological Site Acquisition Recommendations Presented to the Reelfoot Lake Task Force." Department of Conservation Division of Archaeology. 
14 User Fees
a.) McClain, Kathleen. "User fee proposed for Reelfoot." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 29, 1983. Print.                                                        b.) "Footing the Reelfoot bill." Memphis Press-Scimitar September 30, 1983. Print.                                                                                                             
15 Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Project
Box 80 of 89
File No. Title  Date
1 Research: Reelfoot Drawdown 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Rural Clean Water Project. Agricultural Extension Service. Print.                                                                                                     b.) "Drawdown has damaged Lake Ecology." The Daily Messenger July 22, 1985. Print.                                                                                               c.) Reelfoot Lake A Fish Habitat Management Proposal.                   d.) Public Notice An Explanation of the Major Drawdown for Reelfoot Lake                                                                                                      e.) Major Summer Drawdown A Fish Management Plan for Reelfoot Lake                                                                                                        f.) "Water Quality Monitoring of Reelfoot Lake."                                  g.) "Effects of Dewatering and Refilling Reelfoot Lake on Ground-Water Levels in the Alluvial Aquifer Surrounding the Lake and Baseflow of Nearby Streams."                                                                        h.) Reelfoot Lake Continued Monitoring                                                  i.) Tentative Agenda                                                                                            j.) Reelfoot Lake Zoning Resolution 
2 Mitch King- Aerid Photographs USF and WS
a.) The Sky's The Limit! Sioux Falls: EROS Data Center. Print. 
3 Reelfoot Lake Area and Vol. 
4 Very Measurement (Aerial)
5 Reelfoot Lake: A Preliminary Chronology 
6 EPA Aerial Photos 31-Aug-84
a.) Reelfoot Lake Natural Area Plan (Outline Draft)                           b.) Reelfoot Lake Continued Monitoring Work Plan                             c.) Outline Reelfoot Cursory Evaluation                                                     d.) Project Proposal                                                                                           e.) Presentation of the General Findings of the 1982-84 Clean Lakes Study of the Upper Buck Basin                                                            f.) Experimental Seedling Grant Program                                                 g.) Reelfoot Lake Natural Area Plan                                                              
7 Project Proposal: Continuation of Hydrological Data Collection at Reelfoot Lake
a.) Continuation of Hydrologic Data Collection at Reelfoot Lake
8 Draft: Reelfoot Lake: An Assessment for a Fish Habitat Improvement Proposal 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Sediment Consolidation Study                                 b.) Reelfoot Lake An Assessment for a Fish Habitat Improvement Proposal (Draft) 
9 Reelfoot Miscellaneous 
a.) May 1984-April 1985 Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake With Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Pesticides in Bottom Material in Tributary Streams-- Basic Data Report. Nashville: Tennesse Wildlife Resources Agency, and the Tennessee Department of Health and Environment, Division of Water Management 1985. Print. 
10 Newspaper article from Jackson Sun 26 July 1985: Reelfoot Resident Savor Wins
a.) Yadamec, G.J. "Reelfoot residents savor win." The Jackson Sun July 26, 1985. Print. 
11 United States Department of the interior Geological Survey
a.) Robbins, Clarence H. Water Budget and Estimated Suspended-Sediment Inflow for Reelfoot Lake, Obion and Lake Counties, Northwestern Tennessee, May 1984-April 1985. 
12 Study of Marsh Encrochment into Reelfoot Lake 
a.) Churchwell, Robbie. "A Study pf Marsh Encroachment into Reelfoot Lake." 
13 Dr. Henson's Paperwork
a.) Sliger, Dr. Wilburn and Dr. J. Wesley Henson. Benthic Macroinvertebrates and A quatic Macrophytes of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. 
14 Ecological Assessment of Macrophyton
a.) Ecological Assessment of Macrophyton: Collection, Use, and Meaning of Data. Philadelphia: ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1983. Print.  
15 U.S. Corp of Engineering Rangers Conference
16 Reelfoot Miscellaneous: Concerning Research and Drawdown
a.) H.R. 1798, 1-4 (1986) (enacted). Print.                                                  b.) Proposed Drawdown of Upper Mud Basin                                        c.) Preliminary Proposal to Conduct Research at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee March 13, 1986.                                                                             d.) Leslie Jr, Andrew J. "Literature Review of Drawdown for Aquatic Plant Control." Aquatics. 12-18. Print.                                                     e.) Reddy, K.R., D.L. Sutton, and G. Bowes. "Freshwater Aquatic Plant Biomass Production in Florida." Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings 42 (1983): 28-40. Print.                                        f.) Bailey, William M. "Operational Experiences with the White Amur in Weed Control Programs." The Proceedings of a Symposium on Water Quality Management through biological control. 75-77. Print.                                                                                                            g.) "Vegetation at lake taking over." Union City Daily Messenger January 21, 1994. Print. 
Box 81 of 89
File Title  Date 
1 Sedimentation in Reelfoot Lake
a.) McIntyre, S.C., J.W. Naney, and J.C. Lance. "Sedimentation in Reelfoot Lake." 
2 Identification of Aquatic Macrophytes in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
a.) Fauss, L. Mike. "Identification of Aquatic Macrophytes in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee."                                                                          b.) Aerial Photographic Inventory of Aquatic Macrophytes Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee August, 1983. 
3 Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States
a.) Cowardin, Lewis M., Virginia Carter, Francis C. Golet, and Edward T. LaRoe. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979. Print. 
4 Publications Used For Research
a.) Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1 (1982): 343-444. Print.             b.) McHenry, J. Roger, Charles M. Cooper, and Jerry C. Ritchi. "Sedimentation in Wolf Lake, Lower Yazoo River Basin, Mississippi." Journal of Freshwater Ecology 1 (1982): 443-558. Print. 
5 Publications Used For Research
a.) Denton, Gregory M., Carole S. Freeman, and Katherine A. Larrieu. The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee 1996 305(b) Report. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Water Pollution Control, 1996. Print.    b.) Petit, Ged. "Troubled Waters." Tennessee Wildlife Magazine (1984). Print.                                                                                                           c.) "Report on Reelfoot Lake Investigations 1988-89." 
6 Reelfoot Miscellaneous
a.) Fredrickson, Leigh H. "Management of Seasonally Flooded Impoundments for Wildlife." Washington D.C.: United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, 1982. Print.  b.) Tiner Jr., Ralph W. Wetlands of the United States: Current Status and Recent Trends. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984. Print.                                                                                      c.) Joint Agency Plan Aquatic Plant Management on Guntersville Reservoir                                                                                                              d.) Fortney, David. "Earthquake." Kirksville, MO., Express and News November 21, 1990. Print. 
7 Mis
a.) Denton, Gregory M. and Martha Hunter. Results of a 1989 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey of Reelfoot Lake. Nashville: Division of Water Pollution Control, 1991. Print.                                 b.) Bingham, Bradley W. and Thomas H. Roberts. A Characterization of Selected Types of Palustrine Wetlands in Tennessee. Nashville: Tennessee State Planning Office, 1994. Print. 
8 Tennessee Wetlands Conservation Strategy
a.) Governor's Interagency Wetlands Committee and its Technical Working Group. Tennessee Wetlands Conservation Strategy. Nashville: Tennessee Environmental Policy Office, 1996. Print. 
Box 82 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Correspondents on Lake No. 9 (Reelfoot Lake) Study
2 Proposed Reelfoot Lake Study
a.) "Characterization of Inflow of Pesticides and Nutrients from Storm Runoff Into Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee." U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division.                                                             b.) Joint Funding Agreement between Tennessee Department of Health and Environment and United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey for Investigation of Water Resources and Water Use                                                                                                       c.) Suspended-Sediment Yields in the Reelfoot Lake Basin                d.) Reelfoot Basin Sediment Monitoring Program                                   e.) Sediment Transport and Yields within the Reelfoot Lake Basin f.)Kung, Hsiang-te and Jerry Garrett. "Sediment Loads in Reelfoot Creek Watershed, Tennessee."                                                                     g.) "Impacts of Retention Ponds on Channel Geometry and Sediment Yields in the Reelfoot Lake Basin."                                         h.) Water Quality and Watershed Research Laboratory Agricultural Research Service. "Sedimentation Survey of Reelfoot Lake."                                                                                                                       i.) Reelfoot Lake and Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Strategy
3 Reference- Reading Material for Reelfoot Lake Project
a.) George Bunch v. Donald Hodel Case No. 85-1110. 2-35. U.S. District Court. 9 July 1985. Print.                                                                   b.) Information Briefing on the Reelfoot Lake- Lake No. 9 Area of Western Tennessee October 1985                                                                c.) Simulation Approaches to Understanding Ground Water-Surface Relationships and Water Budgets in Florida Lakes             d.) Information Report Reelfoot Lake: Water Supply Alternatives Introduction                                                                                                           e.) Henderson, S.E. and R.D. Hayes, and Y.E. Stoker/ "Hydrolic Description of Lake Carroll, Hillsborough County, Florida."             f.) Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey             g.) German, Edward R. "The Hydrology of Lake Rousseau, West-Central Florida." U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District.                                  h.) Taylor, G.F. "Hydrology of Lake Panasoffkee, Sumter County, Florida."                                                                                                                  i.) Bush, P. W. "Hydrology of the Oklawaha Lakes Area of Florida." United States Geological Survey in cooperation with Southwest Florida Water Management District and the Bureau of Geology Florida Department of Natural Resources. 
4 Reelfoot Lake Technical Committee Meetings
a.) Major Summer Drawdown A Fish Management Plan for Reelfoot Lake                                                                                                      b.) Public Notice An Explanation of the Major Drawdown for Reelfoot Lake                                                                                                           c.) Reelfoot Lake Continued Monitoring Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Water Management 
5 Reelfoot Lake (VSF and WSEIS Conference) 
a.) Reelfoot Lake Workshop Overview                                                     b.) Goals and Objectives Reelfoot Lake Water Management Program                                                                                                                 c.) Alternatives and their Effects                                                                  d.) Workgroup Notes from the Reelfoot Lake Workshop                  e.) Reelfoot Lake Water Management Officials
Box 83 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Reelfoot Data- Clarence Robbins
a.) May 1984- April 1985 Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Pesticides in Bottom Material in Tributary Streams-- Basic Data Report. Rep. no. 85. Nashville: U.S. Geological Survey, 1985. Print.                                   b.) Chemical Field Instrumentation                                                             c.) Lake Optics Terminology                                                                          d.) Introduction to Physical and Chemical Sample Collection             e.) Task Group on Biology and Microbiology.  "Methods for Collection and Analysis of Aquatic Biological and Microbiological Samples."                                                                                                              f.) Guidelines and Techniques for Obtaining Water Samples That Accurately Represent the Water Chemistry of an Aquifer. Rep. no. 82-1024. Lakewood: U.S. Geological Survey, 1982. Print.                          g.) Greeson, Phillip E. "Microbiology of the Aquatic Environment. Geological Survey Circular 848-E. Print.                                                    h.) Greeson, Phillip E. "Infectious Waterborne Diseases." Geological Survey Circular 848-D. Print.                                                      i.) Slack, K.V. "Classification of Lakes and Reservoirs." Southeast Region Workshop on Lake Sampling and Data Analysis. January 13, 1986.                                                                                                                          j.)  Examples of Keying Aquatic Plants (Class Handout) 
2 Reelfoot Lake: Final Report- Manuscript
3 Reelfoot Lake: Final Report- Manuscript
4 Reelfoot Lake: Final Report- Manuscript
5 Acid Rain and Sensitive Lakes
6 Assessment for Water Level Management 
a.) Reelfoot Lake-- An Assessment for Water Level Management. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Region I. April, 1985. 
7 Birds
8 Charts
a.) Figure 2. Stage-duration curve for Reelfoot Lake November 1970 to September 1983.                                                                                                b.) Figure 9. Variation of the model-calculated ground-water inflow to Reelfoot Lake and root mean square error as affected by changes in recharge rate.                                                                                                   c.) Figure 10. Variation of the model-calculated ground-water inflow to Reelfoot Lake and root mean square error as affected by changes in the aquifer transmissivity.                                                                         d.) Figure 11. Variation of the model-calculated ground-water inflow to Reelfoot Lake and root mean square error as affected by changes in the constant flux rate.
9 Correspondents Part 1
10 Correspondents Part 2
Box 84 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Correspondence on Lake No. 9 (Reelfoot Lake) Study, Political (USGS, TN, KY)
2 Interrelation of Ground Water
a.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1983 (North Reelfoot Creek at HWY 22, NR Clayton).                                    b.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1984 (North Reelfoot Creek at HWY 22, NR Clayton).                                      c.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1985 (North Reelfoot Creek at HWY 22, NR Clayton).                                    d.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1986 (North Reelfoot Creek at HWY 22, NR Clayton).                                       e.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1984 (Indian Creek near Samburg).                                                                       f.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1982 (Indian Creek near Samburg).                                                                        g.) Suspended- Sediment verus Discharge, Water Year 1983 (Indian Creek near Samburg).                                                                       h.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1986 (South Reelfoot Creek near Clayton).                                                         i.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1985 (South Reelfoot Creek near Clayton).                                                           j.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1984 (South Reelfoot Creek near Clayton).                                                         k.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1986 (Running Slough near Ledford, KY).                                                              l.) Suspended- Sediment verus Discharge, Water Year 1985 (Running Slough near Ledford, KY).                                                              m.) Suspended- Sedminet verus Discharge, Water Year 1984 (Running Slough near Ledford, KY).                                                            
n.) Suspended- Sediment versus Discharge, Water Year 1983 (Running Slough near Ledford, KY).                                                              o.) Figure 11-- Variation of the model- calculated ground-water inflow to Reelfoot Lake and root  mean square error as affected by changes in the constant flux rate.                                                        p.) Figure 1.-- Location of Reelfoot Lake, streamflow gaging stations, rainfall stations, lake-stage gages, observation wells, and physiographic features.                                                                           q.) Figure 3.-- Generalized water-level contours and direction of ground-water flow for September, 1984.                                                r.) Figure 4.-- Generalized water-level contours and direction of ground-water flow for December, 1984.                                                  s.) Figure 5.-- Finite-difference grid and model boundaries for the Reelfoot Lake study area for the November-December simulation period.                                                                                                                      t.) Figure 6.-- Finite-difference grid and model boundaries for the Reelfoot Lake study area for the August-September simulation period.                                                                                                                   u.) Figure 7.-- Differences between model-calculated and observed water levels for the November-December, 1984 simulation period.                                                                                                 v.) Figure 8.-- Differences between model-calculated and observed water levels for August-September, 1984 simulation period.                                                                                                                   
w.) Figure 12.-- Model-calculated ground-water level declines for August-September period for proposed lake-level lowering of 5.8 feet below normal pool. Based on a pool elevation of 280.5 feet above sea level.                                                                                                 x.) Figure 13.-- Model-calulated ground-water level increases for November-December period for proposed lake-level increase of 1.0 foot above normal pool. Based on pool elevation of 282.8 feet above sea level.                                                                                                  y.) Figure 2.-- stage-duration curve for Reelfoot Lake November, 1970 to September, 1983.                                                                                     z.) Figure 9.-- Variation of the model-calculated ground-water inflow to Reelfoot Lake and root mean square error as affected by changes in recharge rate.                                                                               aa.) Figure 10.-- Variation of the model-calculated ground-water inflow to Reelfoot Lake and root menu square error as affected by changes in the aquifer transmissivity.                                  
3 General Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake Basin, Obion & Lake Counties, Northwestern TN
a.) General Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake Basin, Obion and Lake Counties, Northwestern Tennessee. Rep. no. 85-4097. Nashville: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, 1985. Print.
4 Simulation Approaches to Understanding Ground Water- Surface Water Relationships and Water Budgets in Florida Lakes
5 Meterology
a.) Publications American Meteorological Society. November 1969: 1-13. Print.                                                                                                  b.) Thornthwaite, C.W. "An Approach Toward a Rational Classification of Climate." The Geographical Review: 56-94. Print.  c.) Polowchak, Van M. and H.A. Panofsky. "The Spectrum of Daily Temperatures as a Climate Indicator." Monthly Weather Review 96.9 (1968): 596-600. Print.                                                                   d.)  Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. (1963). Weather Analysis for Crop Drying. [Bulletin]. Columbia: D.B. Brooker and J.D. McQuigg.                                                                                                    
6 National Weather Service Handbook No. 2
7 New Madrid Earthquake Region
8 Newspaper Articles: Reelfoot Lake
a.) Brown, Fred. "Fate of Reelfoot remains a mystery." The Commercial Appeal June 24, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                       b.) Mansur, Michael. "Official neglect destroying lake, residents claim." The Commercial Appeal April 6, 1984. Print.                                                                                           c.) Mansure, Michael. "Officials wonder if water diversion ruined Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 18, 1984. Print.                                                                               d.) "Reelfoot restudy." The Commercial Appeal June 22, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                          e.) "Study aiming to help Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal June 28, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                                                      f.) Mansur, Michael. "Impact study urged on Reelfoot's woes." The Commercial Appeal June 19, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                       g.) Christ, Mark. "Lake's spillway releases protest." The Commercial Appeal May 28, 1985. Print.                                                                                                                                   h.) "Reelfoot restudy." Commercial Appeal June 22, 1984. Print.                                i.) Cavness, Gail. "Lake Plan Angers Landowners." The Messenger December 4, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                                            j.) Sanford, Otis L. "Water's up Judge halts lake drawdown." The Commercial Appeal July 10, 1985. Print.                                                                                                                       k.) Gaither, Steve. "Repair of leaky Reelfoot spillway ordered." The Commercial Appeal May 20, 1986. Print.                                                                                                                 l.) Gaither, Steve. "Corps' best-laid plans go away, leaving town in a mess." The Commercial Appeal August 26, 1986. Print.                                                                                     m.) Brown, Fred. "Fate of Reelfoot remains a mystery." The Commercial Appeal June 24, 1984. Print.                                                                                                                                     n.) Sullivan, Nick. "Proposal by TWRA may lower Reelfoot." Tennessee Outdoors.                                                                                                                                                                          o.) "Study aiming to help Reelfoot." The Commercial Appeal.                              
p.) Christ, Mark. "Permit clouds project." The Commercial Appeal October 12, 1985. Print.                                                                                                                                                          q.) Hiles, Bill. "Corps could face millions in fines." The State Gazette News Staff October 11, 1985. Print.                                                                                                                                       r.) Christ, Mark. "Corps to conduct new study of problems on Reelfoot Lake if funding is approved."                                                                                                                                     s.) Gaither, Steve. "Rep. Gill accuses Corps of Engineers of blocking study on Reelfoot water." The Commercial Appeal May 17, 1986. Print. 
9 Preliminary Report on Reelfoot Lake
10 Proposals and Reports
a.) Kung, Hsiang-te and Jerry Garrett. "Sediment Loads in Reelfoot Creek Watershed, Tennessee."                                                                b.) "Preliminary Annual Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Constituents in Stream-Bottom Material."                                                                  c.) Figure 1.-- Reelfoot Lake is in the Mississippi River flood plain in the Northwest corner of Tennessee.                                                    d.) Figure 1.-- Location of monitoring stations.                                  e.) Hydrologic Conditions                                                                          f.) Summary of Past and Current Studies at Reelfoot Lake                g.) Effects of the Diversion System in the Vicinity of Lake No. 9 on the Water Supply to Reelfoot Lake                                                        h.) Effects of the Lake No. 9 Pumping Station and Gated-Culvert Drain on the Water Supply to Reelfoot Lake                                        i.) For Water-Quality, Sediment, and Dendroecological Studies at Reelfoot Lake                                                                                              j.) Preliminary Annual Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Constituents in Stream-Bottom Material 
11 Samburg, Tennessee Lake No. 9 Pumping Station Maps
12 Reelfoot Basin Monitoring
a.) Hayes, Larry R. Reelfoot Basin Hydrologic Monitoring Program for RCWP. Rep. N.p.: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division, n.d. Print.                                                                                     b.) Reelfoot Basin Hydrologic Monitoring Program for RCWP. Rep. N.p.: U.S. Geological Survey 
13 Reelfoot Lake Evaporation Study 1987
Box 85 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 Reelfoot Lake Maps
2 Reelfoot Lake Purchase Orders and Account Charges
3 Water Levels- Surface Water
4 Water Resources Investigations Report WRIR 85-4285 
a.) Annual Water Budget Computed for Reelfoot Lake                       b.) Robbins, Clarence H. "May 1984- April 1985 Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow."                             c.) Robbins, Clarence H. "Water Budget and Estimated Suspended- Sediment Inflow for Reelfoot Lake, Obion and Lake Counties, Northwestern Tennessee, May 1984- April 1985." (visuals included)
5 Reelfoot Spillway Near Tiptonville 
6 Bayou Nean Walnut Log, Tennessee 
7 Weather Instruments
a.) LI-COR Update 4.1 (1988):1-2. Print.                                                   b.) Ultraviolet Radiometer (Photometer). Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                               c.) Precision Infrared Radiometer (Pyrgeometer). Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                  d.) Normal Incidence Pyrheliometer. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                                  e.) Solar Tracker. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.          f.) Angstrom Pyrheliometer. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                                                            g.) Absolute Cavity Pyrheliometer. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                                                    h.) Precision Spectral Pyranometer. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                                                     i.) Black and White Pyranometer. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                                                                     j.) Electronic Integrator. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.  k.) Shadow Band Stand. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print. l.) Model No. 455 Instantaneous Solar Radiation Meter. Newport: The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Print.                                                        m.) Manual for Instrument Shelter. Sacramento: Weathermeasure Weathertronics Division of Qualimetrics, Inc. Print.                       n.) Manual for HI-Q Barographs. Sacramento: Weathermeasure Weathertronics Division of Qualimetrics, Inc. Print.                       o.) Manual for HI-Q Hygrothermograph. Sacramento: Weathermeasure Weathertronics Division of Qualimetrics, Inc. Print.                                                                                                             
8 Weather Instruments
a.) LI-200SB Pyranometer Sensor Instruction Manual. Lincoln: LI-COR. Print.                                                                                                  b.) LI-200S Pyranometer Sensor Instruction Manual. Lincoln: LI-COR, inc. Print.                                                                                                    c.) Wind and Temperature Instruments. Traverse City: R. M. Young Company. Print.                                                                                        d.) 101 Thermistor Probe Instruction Manual. Logan: Campbell Scientific. Print. 
9 Weather Instruments 
a.) YSI Model 2014 Barometer. Logan: Campbell Scientific. Print.    b.) Model WVU-21 and Model WVU-7 Ventilated Psychrometer Instruction Manual. Logan: Campbell Scientific, Inc. Print.                        c.) 21X Micrologger. Logan: Campbell Scientific, Inc. Print.            d.) R.M. Young Company. Traverse City: R. M. Young Company. Print.                                                                                                            e.) Instruction Book for Hygrothermography. Baltimore: Belfort Instrument Company. Print. 
Box 86 of 89
File No. Title Date
1 1373-1382
a.) Eschmeyer, R. W. "The Status of Legal Restrictions in Fish Conservation."                                                                                          b.) Eschmeyer, R. W. "The Fisheries Picture-- With Special Reference to TVA Impoundments."                                                          c.) Eschmeyer, R. W. "The TVA 'Year-Round Fishing' Experiments."  d.) Wiebe, A. H., and Paul Bryan. "Commerical Fishing- TVA Impoundments- Alabama."                                                                     e.) Tarzell, Clarence M., and Paul Bryan. "Changes in the Commercial Fishery on the Tennessee River."                                       f.) Palay, Sanford L. "Neurosecretion." The Journal of Comparative Neurology 79.2 (1943): 247-275. Print.                                               g.) Wiebe, A. H. "The Rough Fish Problem in TVA Waters."              h.) Tarzwell, Clarence M. "Fish Populations in the Backwaters of Wheeler Reservoir and Suggestions for Their Management." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 71 (1941): 201-214. Print.                                                                                                            i.) Tarzwell, Clarence M. "The Possibilities of a Commerical Fishery in the TVA Impoundments and its Value in Solving the Sport and Rough Fish Problems." Transactions of The American Fisheries Society 73 (1943): 137-157. Print. 
2 1383-1392
a.) Reighard, Jacob. "the Breeding Habits of the River Chub, Nocomis Micropogon (Cope)." Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 28 (1942): 397-423. Print.                                                                                                       b.) Langlois, T. H. "The Role of Legal Restrictions in Fish Management." Transactions of the Ninth North American Wildlife Conference, 1994.                                                                                      c.) Dill, William A., and Leo Shapovalov. "California Fresh Water Fishes and Their Possible use for Aquarium Purposes." California Fish and Game 25.4 (1939): 313-324. Print.                                                                                                                                d.) Smith, M. W. "The Fish Population of Lake Jesse, Nova Scotia." Nova Scotian Institute Science 19.4 (1938): 389-427. Print.                                                                              e.) Schloemer, Clarence L., and Ralph Lorch. "The Rate of Growth of the Wall-eyed Pike, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), in Wisconsion's Inland Waters, with Special Reference to the Growth Characteristics of the Trout Lake Population." Copeia 4 (1942): 201-211. Print.                                                                                           f.) Frey, David G. "Studies on Wisconsin Carp." Copeia 4 (1942): 214-223. Print.                                                                                                                                                                             g.) Pantulu, V. Rayappa. "On the Use of Pectoral Spines for the Determination of Age and Growth of Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton Buch)." Extrait Du Journal Du Conseil International Pour L'exploration De La Mer 27.2 (1962): 192-216. Print.                                                                                                                                                 h.) Juday, Chancey. "Fish Records for Lake Wingra." Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 31 (1938): 533-534. Print.                                                                                                   i.) Dill, William A., and Chester Woodhull. "A Game Fish for the Salton Sea, the Ten Pounder." California Fish and Game 28.4 (1942): 171-174. Print.                                                                               j.) Brett, J. R. "Some Lethal Temperature Relations of Algonquin Park Fishes." Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory 63 (1944): 5-49. Print. 
3 1551-1560
a.) Hubbs, Carl L. "Sewage Treatment and Fish Life." Sewage Works Journal 5.6 (1933): 1003-1040. Print.                                                  b.) Hubbs, Carl L., and John D. Black. "Percid Fishes Related to Poecilichthys Variatus, with Descriptions of Three New Forms." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology 416 (1940): 1-30. Print.                                                                                                             b.) Rich, Willis H. "Seasonal Variations in Weight of Columbia River Chinook Salmon." Copeia 1 (1940): 34-43. Print.                      c.) Croker, Richard S. "The California Mackerel Fishery." California State Fisheries Laboratory 125: 3-149. Print.                                         d.) Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. "The Commercial Fish Catch of California for the Year 1935." Fish Bulletin No. 49: 9-93. Print. e.) Hile, Ralph, Paul E. Eschmeyer, and George F. Lunger. "Decline of the Lake Trout Fishery in Lake Michigan." Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service 52.60 (1951): 77-95. Print.                            f.)  Hubbs, Carl L., John R. Greeley, and Clarence M. Tarzwell. "Methods for the Improvement of Michigan Trout Streams." Bulletin of the Institute for Fisheries Research No. 1 (1932): 2-52. Print.                                                                                                            g.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Gerald P. Cooper. "Minnows of Michigan." Cranbook Institute of Science No. 8 (1936): 5-95. Print.                     h.) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Board of Fish Commissioners. "Biennial Report."                                                                                      i.) "Icthyological Notes." Copeia No. 4 (1938). Print. 
4 1561-1570
a.) Tarzwell, Clarence M. "Lake and Stream Improvement in Michigan." Proceedings, North American Wildlife Conference, February 3-7, 1936: 429-434. Print.                                                                                   b.) Tarzwell, Clarence M. "Experimental Evidence on The Value of Trout Stream Improvement in Michigan." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 66 (1936): 177-187. Print.                                   c.) Tarzwell, Clarence M. "Factors Influencing Fish Food and Fish Production in Southwestern Streams." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 67 (1937):246-255. Print.                                                    d.) Schultz, Leonard P. and Richard T. Smith. "Is Inopsetta ischyra (Jordan and Gilber), from Puget Sound, Washington, a hybrid flatfish?" Copeia 1936 (4): 199-203. Print.                                              e.) Schultz, Leonard P. "The Spawning Habits of the Chub, Mylocheilus Caurinus- A Forage Fish of Some Value." Transactions of American Fisheries Society Investment Building 65 (1935): 143-147. Print.                                                                                                                 f.) Raney, Edward C. "The Breeding Behavior of the Common Shiner, Notropis cornutus (Mitchill)." Zoological Society 25 (1940): 1-14. Print.                                                                                                             g.) Breder Jr., C.M. "The Reproductive Habits of the Common Catfish, Ameiurus Nebulosus (Le Sueur), with a Discussion of their Significance in Ontogeny and Phylogeny." Zoologica 19.4 (1935): 143-185. Print.                                                                                                         h.) Clark, Frances N. "Interseasonal and Intraseasonal Changes in Size of the California Sardine (Sardinops caerulea)." Fish Bulletin No. 47: 5-28. Print.                                                                                                  i.) Clark, Frances N. "Fishing Localities for the California Sardine, Sardinops caerulea, 1928-1936." Fish Bulletin No. 48: 5-8. Print. 
5 1571-1580
a.) Clark, G. H. "Fluctuations in the Abundance of Striped Bass (Roccus lineatus) in California." Fish Bulletin No. 39: 5-18. Print.  b.) "The Spawning Migration of the Salmon." Science 92.2390 (1940): 1-4. Print.                                                                                       c.) Miller, Lawrence F. and Paul Bryan. "Fish and Migration in Backwater Areas on Wheeler Reservior." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 23.3 (1948): 236-242. Print.                                                         d.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lachner. "Age and Growth of the Rustyside Sucker, Thoburnia rhothoeca (Thoburn)." The American Midland Naturalist 36.3 (1946): 675-681. Print.                                 e.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lancher. "Age, Growth, and Habits of the Hog Sucker, Hypentelium nigricans (Le Sueur), in New York." The American Midland Naturalists 36.1 (1946): 76-86. Print.  f.) Hubbs, Carl L. and C. L. Turner. "Studies of the Fishes of the Order Cyprinodontes." Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, Univeristy of Michigan, No. 42. (1939): 7-57. Print.             g.) Clark, Frances N. "Interseasonal and Intraseasonal Changes in Size of the California Sardine (Sardinops caerulea)." Fish Bulletin No. 47: 5-28. Print.                                                                                        h.) Walford, Lionel A. "Handbook of Common Commercial and Game Fishes of California." Fish Bulletin No. 28: 77-104. Print.      i.) Clark, Frances N. "Measures of Abundance of the Sardine, Sardinops caerulea,in California Waters." Fish Bulletin No. 53 (1939): 7-41. Print. 
6 1581-1590
a.) "Ichthyological Notes." Copeia No. 4 (1941): 271-272. Print.   b.) Raney, Edward C. "Poecilichthys Kanawhae, A New Darter from the Upper New River System in North Carolina and Virginia." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 434 (1941): 1-16. Print.                                                                                                     c.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lachner. "Studies of the Summer Food, Growth, and Movements of Young Yellow Pike-Perch, Stitzostedion V. Vitreum, In Oneida Lake, New York." The Journal of Wildlife Management 6.1 (1942): 1-16. Print.                                     d.) Raney, Edward C. "Poecilichthys Kanawhae, A New Darter From The Upper New River System in North Carolina and Virginia." Occasional Papers of the Museum of ZoologyNo. 434 (1941): 1-16. Print.                                                                                                            e.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lachner. "Age and Growth of Johnny Darters, Boleosoma nigrum olmstedi (Storer) and Boleosoma longimanum (Jordan)." The American Midland Naturalist 29.1 (1943): 229-238. Print.                                                  f.) Hubbs, Carl L. and John D. Black. "The Subspecies of the American Percid Fish, Poecilichthys Whipplii." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 429 (1941): 1-25. Print.                      g.) Ortenburger, A. I. and Carl L. Hubbs. "A Report on the Fishes of Oklahoma, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species." Oklahoma Academy of Science 6 (1926): 123-141. Print.                     h.) Smith, M. W. " Copper Sulphate and Rotenone as Fish Poisons." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 69 (1939): 141-157. Print.                                                                                                           
7 1631-1640
a.) Lavenberg, Robert J. "Normichthys Yahganorum, A New Searsiid Fish from Antarctic Waters." Contributions in Science 90 (1965): 1-7. Print.                                                                                                                b.) Hubbs, Carl L. "Studies of Cyprinodont Fishes. XXII. Variation in  Lucania parva, its Establishment in Western United States, and Description of a New Species from an Interior Basin in Coahuila, Mexico." Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology No. 127 (1965): 5-99. Print.                                                                                                   c.) Raney, Edward C. and William H. Massman. "Ichthyology-- the fishes of the tidewater section of the Pamunkey River, Virginia." Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43.12 (1953): 424-432. Print.                                                                                                  d.) "On the Probable Identity of Magrias Amissus, a Deep-Water Notothenioid Fish from the Chilean Coast." Copeia No. 3 (1962): 657-659. Print.                                                                                                                e.) Briggs, John C. "A New Clingfish of the Genus Lepadichthys from the New Hebrides." Copeia 2 (1962): 424-425. Print.                                f.) Casey, John G. "Anglers' Guide to Sharks of the Northeastern United States Maine to Chesapeake Bay."                                              g.) Wineera, J. S. "The Body Wall and Musculature of the Marine Triclad Palombiella Stephensoni (Palombi, 1938)." Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington No. 58 (1972):1-29. Print.                                                                                                      h.) Zoology Publications from Victoria Univerisity of Wellington Nos. 49-51 (1969):1-49. Print.                                                                                        i.) Chandler, Jack H. "An Improved Chemical Delivery Apparatus for Use in Intermittent-flow Bioassays."                                                     j.) Sliger, W. A. "Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Uptake and Discharge by the Marine Mussel Mytilus edulis."                                    
8 1641-1650
a.) Lavenberg, Robert J. "A New Species of Searsiid Fish, Normichthys Campbell, from the Eastern North Pacific Ocean."     b.) Smith, Lavett. "Hermaphroditism in Some Serrandid Fishes from Bermuda." Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 44 (1959): 111-119. Print.                                                             c.) Morrow, James E. "A Thresher Shark from Long Island Sound." Postilla Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History No. 24 (1955). Print.                                                                                                            d.) Hutton, Robert F. "The Florida Shark Story." State of Florida Board of Conservation Educational Series No. 13 (1959): 2-37. Print. e.) Simmons, Ernest G. and H. Dickson Hoese. "Studies of the Hydrography and Fish Migrations of Cedar Bayou, A Natural Tidal Inlet on the Central Texas Coast." Institute of Marine Science 6 (1959): 57-79. Print.                                                                                   f.)  Moe Jr., Martin A. and George T. Martin. "Fishes Taken in Monthly Trawl Samples Offshore of Pinellas County, Florida, with New Additions to the Fish Fauna of the Tampa Bay Area."               g.) Caldwell, David K. "Western Atlantic Fishes of the Family Priacanthidae." Copeia No. 2 (1962): 417-424. Print.                      h.) Berry, Frederick H. and Louis R. Rivas. "Data on Six Species of Needlefishes (Belonidae) from Western Atlantic." Copeia No. 1 (1962): 152-160. Print. 
9 1651-1660
a.) Cate, R.H., T.L. Archer, R.D. Eikenbary, K. J. Starks, and R. D. Morrison. "Parasitization of the Greenbug by Aphelinus asychis and the Effect of Feeding by the Parasitoid on Aphid Mortality."                                                                                          b.) Maritn, N.V. "Long-Term Effects of Diet on the Biology of the Lake Trout and the Fishery in Lake Opeongo, Ontario."                                                                                           c.)  David, A. "Early Life-History of the Cobitid Fish, Botia dayi Hora." 14.1 (1961): 39-45. Print.                                                                                                                                  d.) "Tetraploid Origin of the Karyotype of Catostomid Fishes." Science 175 (1972): 644-646. Print.                                                                                                                               e.) Smith, Gerald R. and Richard K. Koehn. "Phenetic and Cladistic Studies of Biochemical and Morphological Characteristics of Catostomus." Systematic Zoology 20.3 (1971): 282-297. Print.                                                                                                 f.) "Status and Provenance of the Scorpaenid Fish, Scorpaena Microlepis Gunter." Copeia No. 1 (1970): 193-196. Print.                                                                          g.) Bailey, Reeve M. "Occella to Supersede Occa for a Genus of Agnoid Fishes."                                                                                           h.) Gilbert, Carter R. and Reeve M. Bailey. "Systematics and Zoogeography of the American Cyprinid Fish Notropis (Opsopoeodus) Emiliae." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 664 (1972): 1-35. Print.                                                                                                                                                                     i.) Smith, G.R. and J. G. Lundberg. "The Sand Draw Fish Fauna." Bulletin American Museum of Natural History 148 (1972): 40-54. Print.                                                                                                            j.) Bearden, Charles M. "Distribution and Abundance of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogon Undulatus, in South Carolina." Contributions from Bears Bluff Laboratories No. 40 (1964): 3-23. Print. 
Box 87 of 89
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1 1323-1332
a.) Bryan E. H. "Some Hawaiian Fishes Found Nowhere Else." Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institution 10.1 (1935): 65-80. Print.                                                                                                             b.) Jobes, Frank W. "The Age, Growth, and Distribution of the Longjaw Cisco, Leucichthys Alpenae Koelz, in Lake Michigan." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 76 (1946): 215-247. Print.                                                                                                            c.) Dobie, John. "Minnow Propagation." Conservation Bulletin No. 13 (1948): 1-24. Print.                                                                              d.) "Ichthyological Notes." Copeia No. 1 (1945): 26. Print.              e.) Bailey, Reeve M. "Hadropterus Nasutus, A New Darter from Arkansas." Ocassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 440 (1941):1-8. Print.                                                                                        f.) Fry, F. E. J. "Effects of the Environment on Animal Activity." University of Toronto Studies Biological Series, No. 55 (1947): 5-60. Print.                                                                                                              g.) Raney, Edward C. "Poecilichthys Kanawhae, A New Darter from the Upper New River System in North Carolina and Virginia." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 434 (1941): 1-16. Print.                                                                                                      h.) Biennial Report of the State Game and Fish Commission to the Legislature of Mississippi                                                                         i.) Wickliff, E. L. "Report of the Committee on American Fish Policy."                                                                                                         j.) O'Donnell, John. "Annotated List of the Fishes of Illinois." Division of the Natural History Survey 20 (1935): 473-492. Print. 
2 1661-1670
a.) Gill, Theodore. "On the Generic Characteristics of Prionotus Stearnsii." Proceedings of the United States National Museum 28. 1396 (1905): 339-342. Print.                                                                                  b.) Ricker, William E. "Hybrid Sunfish for Stocking Small Ponds." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 75 (1945): 84-96. Print.                                                                                                               c.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Edward C. Raney. "Systematic Notes on North American Siluroid Fishes of the Genus Schilbeodes." No. 487 (1944): 1-36. Print.                                                                                                          d.) Uyeno, Teruya and Robert Rush Miller. "Middle Pliocene Cyprinid Fished from the Bidahochi Formation." Copeia No. 1 (1965): 28-41. Print.                                                                                                    e.) Guest, William C. and Gordon Gunter. "The Sea Trout or Weakfishes of the Gulf of Mexico." Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Technical Summary No. 1 (1958): 1-37. Print.                            f.) Whitmore, Cecil M. "A Microcytic Anemia of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Resulting from Diets Deficient in Vitamin E."                        g.) Major, Richard L. and Herbert H. Shippen. "Synopsis of Biological Data on Pacific Ocean Perch, Sebastodes alutus." Fisheries Synopsis No. 79. Print.                                                                                     h.) "Synopsis of Biological Data on the Chum Salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 41.                                                                                                                  i.) Tibbo, S.N. "Herring- the 'Golden Goose' of the Sea." Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., General Series Circular No. 55 (1970). Print.                                                                j.) Vetter, John P. "Practical considerations in color photomicrography." American Laboratory 5 (4) April 8, 1973: 8-24. Print. 
3 1671-1680
a.) "Cell Membranes: A New Look at How They Work." Science 175 (1972): 1348-1350. Print.                                                                                b.) Mathisen, Ole A. "Growth of Sockeye Salmon in Relation to Abundance in the Kvichak District, Bristol Bay, Alaska." FiskDir, Skr. Ser. HavUnders., 15: 172-185. Print.                                                                 c.) Miles, Harry M. "Renal Function in Migrating Adult COHO SALMON." Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 1971, Vol. 38A, pp. 787 to 826.          d.) Limb, G. R. and A. M. Dollar. "Quantitative Determination of Cystine and Oxidized Glutathione with Benzenethiol." Analytical Biochemistry 29.1 (1969): 100-106. Print.                                                      e.) Hoese, H. Dickson. "Sharks and Rays of Virginia's Seaside Bays." Chesapeake Science 3.3 (1962): 166-172. Print.                               f.) Simmons, Ernest G. "An Ecological Survey of the Upper Laguna Madre of Texas." Institute of Marine Science 4.2 (1957: 156-200. Print.                                                                                                             g.) Stickney, Robert R. and David B. White. "Effects of Salinity on the Growth of Paralichthys Iethostigma Postlarvae Reared under Aquaculture Conditions."                                                                            h.) Cardwell, Rick D., James B. Saddler, and Lynwood S. Smith. "Hematological Effects of Dennison Tagging Upon Juvenile Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha)." Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 38 (1971): 497-508. Print.                                                                                                 i.) Bailey. Reeve M., Howard Elliott Winn, and C. Lavett Smith. "Fishes From The Escambia River, Alabama and Florida, With Ecologic And Taxonomic Notes." The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 106 (1954): 109-164. Print.                                                        j.) DeWitt, Hugh H. "A New Genus and Species of Zoarcid Fish from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica." Copeia No. 4 (1962): 819-826. Print.  
4 1681-1690
a.) DeWitt, Hugh H. "A New Antarctic Nototheniid Fish with Notes on Two Recently Described Nototheniiforms." Copeia No. 4 (1962): 826-833. Print.                                                                                             b.) Agranoff, Benard W. "Memory and Protein Synthesis." Scientific American 216.6 (1967): 115-122. Print.                                                          c.) Levine, Seymour. "Sex Differences in the Brain." Scientific American 214. 4 (1966): 84-90. Print.                                                           d.) Solomon, Arthur K. "Pumps in the Living Cell." Scientific American (1962): 2-9. Print.                                                                                              e.) Raney, Edward C. William S. Woolcott, and Albert G. Mehring. "Migratory Pattern and Racial Structure of Atlantic Coast Striped Bass." Transactions of the Nineteenth North American Wildlife Conference, March 8, 9, and 10, 1954. Print.                                                   f.) Vladykov, V. D. and D. H. Wallace. "Populations of the Shad Along the Atlantic Coast Region." American Fisheries Society 67 (1937): 52-66. Print.                                                                                      g.) Lindsey, C.C. "Sympatric Occurence of Two Species of Humpback Whitefish in Squanga Lake, Yukon Territory." J. Fish. Res. BD, Canada, 20 (3), 1963. Print.                                                                                            h.) Hurley, Donal A. "The Commerical Fishery For American Eel, Anguilla rostrata(LeSueur), in Lake Ontario." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 102.2 (1973): 369-377. Print.                              i.) Robins, C. Richard and Edward C. Raney. "Studies of the Catostomid Fishes of the Genus Moxostoma, With Descriptions of Two New Species."                                                                                     j.) Ihssen, P. 1973. Inheritance of Thermal Resistance in Hybrids of Salvelinus fontinalis and S. namaycush. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 401-408. Print. 
5 1691-1700
a.) Miller, Robert R. "Two New Fishes, Gila Bicolor Snyderi and Catostomus Fumeiventris, From The Owens River Basin, California." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 667 (1973):1-19. Print.                                                                                       b.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Robert Rush Miller. "Dionda Erimyzonops, A New, Dwarf Cyprinid Fish Inhabiting the Gulf Coastal Plain of Mexico." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 671 (1974): 1-17. Print.                                                    c.) Smith, G.R. "Analysis of Several Hybrid Cyprinid Fishes from Western North America." Copeia No. 3: 395-410. Print.                                                                                           d.) Lawrie, A. H. "The Sea Lamprey in the Great Lakes." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 99.4 (1970): 766-775. Print.                                                         e.) Donaldson, Lauren R. and Kelshaw Bonham. "Effects of Chronic Exposure of Chinook Salmon Eggs and Alevins to Gamma Irradiation." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 99.1 (1970): 112-119. Print.                                                                              f.) Kwain, Wen-Hwa and Hugh R. MacCrimmon. 1969.  Further Observations on the Response of Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, to Overhead Light. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26: 3233-3237. Print.                                                                                                 g.) Tait, J.S. A Method of Selecting Trout Hybrids (Salvelinus fontinalis x S. namaycush) for Ability to Retain Swimbladder Gas. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 27: 39-45. Print.                                                                                                                                                      h.) Cleve, Richard V. and Sayed Z. El-Sayed. "Age, Growth, and Productivity of an English Sole (Parophrys vetulus) Population in Puget Sound, Washington." Pacific Marines Fisheries Commission Bulletin 7 (1969): 52-71. Print.                                                                 i.) Taub, Frieda B. "Gnotobiotic models of freshwater communities." Verb. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17 (1969): 485-496. Print.                                                                                                                j.) Mathisen, Ole A. and Tor Gunnerod. 1969. Variance components in the estimation of potential egg despostition of sockeye salmon escapements. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26: 655-670. Print. 
6 1701-1710
a.) Taub, Frieda B. "A Biological Model of a Freshwater Community: A Gnotobiotic Ecosystem." Liminology and Oceanography 14.1 (1969): 136-142. Print.                                        b.) Burgner, Robert L., Charles J. DiCostanzo, Robert J. Ellis, George Y. Harry, Jr., Wilbur L. Hartman, Opra E. Kerns, Jr., Ole A. Mathisen, and William F. Royce. "Biological Studies and Estimates of Optimum Escapements of Sockeye Salmon in the Major River Systems in Southwestern Alaska." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin 67 (2): 405-459. Print.                                                     c.) Baker, Alan n. "Spawrning and Development of the New Zealand Sprat, Sparattus Antipodum (Hector)."                                                  d.) Miller, Robert Bush. "Five New Species of Mexican Poeciliid Fishes of the Genera Poecilia, Gambusia, and Poeciliopsis." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 672 (1975): 1-43. Print.                                                                    e.) Ayles, G. B. and A. H. Berst. "Parental Age and Survival of Progeny in Splake Hybrids (Salvelinus fontinalis x S. namaycush)." f.) Christie, W.J. & H. A. Regier. "Temperature as a Major Factor Influencing Reproductive Success of Fish-- Two Examples."Rapports et Proces-Verbaux 164 (1973): 208-218. Print. g.) "Investigations in Fish Control." United States Department of the Interior.                                                                                                       
7 1711-1720
a.) Willford, Wayne A. "18. Toxicity of 22 Therapeutic Compounds to Six Fishes." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                               b.) Marking, Leif L. and James W. Hogan. "Toxicity of Bayer 73 to Fish." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                 c.) Willford, Wayne A. "Toxicity of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) to Fish." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                 d.) Hasselberg, Robert J. "Labor-saving Devices for Bioassay Laboratories." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                e.) Allen, John L. "Residues of MS- 222 in Northern Pike, Muskellunge, and Walleye." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                            f.) Marking, Leif L. "Methods of Estimating the Half-Life of Biological Activity of Toxic Chemicals in Water." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                      g.) Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington No. 54 to 57. Print.                                                                                                                                                                     h.) Summerfelt, Robert C. and William M. Lewis. "Repulsion of Green Sunfish by Certain Chemicals." Journal Water Pollution Control Federation (1967): 2030-2038. Print.                                                                                                                                          i.) Marking, Lief L. "Toxicity of MS-222 to Selected Fishes." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                                                                   j.) Schoetther, Richard A. and Arnold M. Julin. "Efficacy of MS-222 as an Anesthetic on Four Salmonids." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                            k.) Walker, Charles R. and Richard A. Schoettger. "Method for Determining MS-222 Residues in Fish." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                             l.) Walker, Charles R. and Richard A. Schoettger. "Residues of MS-222 in Four Salmonids Following Anesthesia." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                      m.) Schoettger, Richard A. "Annotated Bibliography on MS-222." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                                                   n.) Schoettger, Richard A., Charles R. Walker, Leif L. Marking, and Arnold M. Julin. "MS-222 as an Anesthetic for Channel Catfish: Its Toxicity, Efficacy, and Muscle Residues." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                            o.) Schoettger, Richard A. and Arnold M. Julin. "Efficacy of Quinaldine as an Anesthetic." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                    p.) Marking, Leif L. "Toxicity of Quinaldine to Selected Fishes." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                                                       
q.) Locke, David O. "Quinaldine as an Anesthetic for Brook Trout, Lake Trout, and Atlantic Salmon." Investigations in Fish Control. Print.                                                                                                                   r.) Ruck, J. G. "Development of Tripterygion Capito and T. Robustum (Pisces: Tripterygiidae)." Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington No. 63 (1973): 1-10. Print.                                                                                                                        s.) Ruck, J. G. "Development of the clingfishes, Diplocrepis puniceus and Trachelochismus pinnulatus (Pisces: Gobiesocidae)." Zoology Publications from Victoria Univeristy of Wellington No. 64 (1973): 1-12. Print.                                                                                                            t.) Stubbs, John M. "Electro Fishing Using a Boat as the Negative."                               u.) Henderson, Croswell. "Acute Toxicity of Pesticides to Fish and Mammals."                                                                                                                         
8 1721-1730
a.) Hanson, Willis D. and Joe G. Dillard. "Contribution of Striped Bass to the Fishery of Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri."                       b.) Hubert, Wayne A. "Age and Growth of Three Black Bass Species in Pickwick Reservoir."                                                                             c.) Ryck, Jr., Frank. "The Effect of Scouring Floods on the Benthos of Big Buffalo Creek, Missouri."                                                                  d.) Skov, Loren C. "Serum Esterase Variation in Channel Catfish: Genetic and Population Analysis."                                                        e.) Buchanan, Johnny P. "Separation of the Subspecies of Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides Salmoides, and M. S. Floridanus and Intergrades by Use of Meristic Characters."           f.) Schubel, J.R. "Effects of Suspended Sediment on the Development and Hatching Success of Yellow Perch and Striped Bass Eggs."                                                                                                       g.) Zweiacker, Paul L. and Robert C. Summerfelt. "Seasonal Variation in Food and Diel Periodicity in Feeding of Northern Largemouth Bass, Micropterus s. salmoides (Lacepede), in an Oklahoma Reservoir."                                                                             h.) DeLamater, Edward D. and Walter R. Courtenay, Jr. "Studies on Scale Structure of Flatfishes I. The Genus Trinectes, with Notes on Related Forms."                                                                                           i.) Henderson, E. B. and B. G. Whiteside. "Population Dynamics of the Green Sunfish Male X Redear Sunfish Female Hybrid as Compared with Its Reciprocal Cross and Parental Species." 
Box 88 of 89
1 1601-1610
a.) Hart, J.S. "The Cardiac Output of Four Freshwater Fish." Canadian Journal of Research D, 21:77-84. Print.                                                                                                                     b.) Wiebe, A. H. "Notes on the Exposure of Several Species of Pond Fishes to Sudden Changes In pH." Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 50.4 (1931): 380-393. Print.                                                                                                                        c.) Powers, Edward B., Howard H. Rostorfer, Lula Mae Shipe, and Theresa Hickman Rostorfer. "The Relation of Respiration of Fishes to Environment. XII. Carbon Dioxide Tension as a Factor in Various Physicological Respiratory Responses in Certain Fresh Water Fishes." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 13.3 (1938): 220-245. Print.                                                                                             d.) Taft, A. C. and Leo Shapovalov. "A Biological Survey of Streams and Lakes in the Klamath and Shasta National Forests of California."                                                                                                e.) Eddy, Samuel. "Limnological Notes on Lake Superior." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science 11 (1943): 34-39. Print.                                                                                                             f.) Sprules, Wm. M. "An Ecological Investigation of Stream Insects in Algonquin Park, Ontario." Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory, No. 69 (1947): 1-81. Print.                                                                                                                                                                        g.) Hile, Ralph and Chancey Juday. "Bathymetric Distribution of Fish in Lakes of the Northeastern Highlands, Wisconsin." Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 33 (1941): 147-187. Print.                                                                        h.) Carr, J.R., A.F. "A New Species of Cyprinodon from Lake Eustis, Florida." Copeia No. 3 (1936): 160-163. Print.                                                                                                    i.) Schultz, Leonard P. "The Breeding Habits of Salmon and Trout." Smithsonian Report (1937): 365-376. Print.  
2 1611-1620
a.) Bailey, Reeve M. and Mary Fitzgibbon Dimick. "Cottus Hubbsi, A New Cottid Fish from the Columbia River System in Washington and Idaho."Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 513: 1-18. Print.                                                                                                  b.) Raney, Edward C. and Carl L. Hubbs. "Hadropterus Notogrammus, a New Percid Fish From Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 216 (1948): 1-26. Print.                                                                             c.) Wiebe, A. H. "The Pond Culture of Black Bass." Bulletin No. 8 (1935): 3-56. Print.                                                                                                                                                                              d.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Robert R. Miller. "Studies of the Fishes of the Order Cyprinodontes XVII. Genera and Species of the Colorado River System." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 433 (1941): 1-9. Print.                                                                               e.) Frey, David G. and Lawrence Vike. "A Creel Census on Lakes Waubesa and Kegonsa, Wisconsion, IN 1939." Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 33 (1941): 339-362. Print.                                                                                                      f.) "A Method for Measuring the Activity of Fishes." Ecology 22.3 (1941): 329-331. Print.                                                                                                                                                                 g.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lachner. "Thoburnia hamiltoni, a New Sucker from the Upper Roanoke River System in Virginia." Copeia No. 4 (1946): 218-226. Print.                                                                                                                                                     h.) Schaefer, Milner B. and John C. Marr. "Contributions to the Biology of the Pacific Tunas." Fishery Bulletin 44 Vol. 51 (1948): 187-206. Print.                                                                                              i.) Needham, P. R. and Daniel W. Slater. "Seasonal Changes in Growth, Mortality, and Condition of Rainbow Trout Following Planting." The American Fisheries Society 73 (1943): 117-124. Print.                                                                                       j.) Ricker, W. E. "Relation of 'Catch per Unit Effort' to Abundance and Rate of Exploitation." J. Fish. Res. BD. Can. 5.1 (1940):43-68. Print. 
3 1621-1630
a.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Reeve M. Bailey. "Blind Catfishes from Artesian Waters of Texas." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 499 (1947): 1-15. Print.                                                       b.) Fry, F. E. J. and J. S. Hart. "Cruising Speed of Goldfish in Relation to Water Temperature." J. Fish. Res. BD. Can. 7 (4) 1948: 169-175. Print.                                                                                                              c.) Smith, Lloyd L. and Beatrice S. Smith. "Survival of Seven to Ten Inch Planted Trout in Two Minnesota Streams." The American Fisheries Society 73 (1943): 108-116. Print.                                          d.) Bailey, Reeve M. "The Fishes of the Merrimack Watershed." Biological Survey of the Merrimack Watershed Survey Report No. 3(1938): 149-185. Print.                                                                           e.) "Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish." Water Research Pergamon Press 7 (1973): 929-941. Print.                            f.) "An Electrode for Detecting Movement in Gradient Tanks." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 101.4 (1972): 714-715. Print.                                                                                                     g.) Waller, William T. and John Cairns, Jr. "The Use of Fish Movement Patterns to Monitor Zinc in Water." Water Research Pergamon Press 6 (1972):257-269. Print.                                                h.) Smith, L. S., and T. W. Newcomb. 1970. A modified version of the Blazka respirometer and exercise chamber for large fish. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 27: 1321-1324. Print.                                                   i.) Harris, Eugene. "Confidence Limits for the LD50 Using the Moving Average-Angle Method."                                                              j.) Litchfield, J.T. "A Method for Rapid Graphic Solution of Time-Per Cent Effect Curves." 
4 1591-1600
a.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Robert R. Miller. "Studies of the Fishes of the Order Cyprinodontes XVII. Genera and Species of the Colorado River System." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 433 (1941):1-9. Print.                                                                                 b.) Bailey, Reeve M. "Hadropterus Nasutus, A New Darter From Arkansas." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 440 (1941): 1-8. Print.                                                                                      c.) "Icythylogocial Notes." Copeia No. 4 (1940): 270-271. Print.                                    d.) Davis, H.S. and Estelle C. Lazar. "A New Fungus Disease of Trout." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 70 (1940):264-271. Print.                                                                             e.) Davis, H. S. "The Management of Trout Streams." Transactions of the Sixth North American Wildlife Conference, 1941, American Wildlife Institute: 169-179. Print.                                                                                                                                                             f.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lachner. "Autumn Food of Recently Planted Young Brown Trout in Small Streams of Central New York." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Vol. 71 (1941): 106-111. Print.                                                                                g.) Raney, Edward C. "Propagation of the Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus Nuchalis Regius Girard) in Ponds." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 71 (1941): 215-218. Print.                                                                                                         h.) Spoor, William A. "On the Sexual Dimorphism of Catastomus commersonni (Lacepede)." Copeia No. 4 (1935): 167-171. Print.                                                                      i.) Raney, Edward C. and Ernest A. Lachner. "Summer Food of Chrysemys picta marginata, in Chautauqua Lake, New York." Copeia No. 2 (1942): 83-85. Print.                                                                        j.) Hile, Ralph. "Summary of Investigations on the Morphometry of the Cisco, Leucichtys Artedi (Le Suer), In the Lakes of the Northeastern Highlands, Wisconsin." 
5 1403-1412
a.) Fry, F. E. J. "A Method for the Calculation of the Growth of Fishes from Scale Measurements." Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Laboratory, No. 61 (1943): 7-66. Print.                                                                                                                                       b.) Stroud, Richard H. "The Status of the Yellow Bass in TVA Waters." The Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 22.1 (1947): 79-86.. Print.                                                                                   c.) Eddy, Samuel. "The Growth Rate of Wall-Eyed Pike (Stizostedion Vitreum (Mitchill) in Various Lakes of Minnesota." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science 7 (1939): 44-48. Print.                                                                                   d.) Hile, Ralph. "Standardization of Methods of Expressing Lengths and Weights of Fish." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 75 (1945): 157-164. Print.                                                                                                                                                              e.) Denmead, Talbott. "A Summary of Game Fish Laws for 1937-38 with Special Reference to Black Bass." Fishery Circular No. 27 (1938): 1-50. Print.                                                                                        f.) Schultz, Leonard P. "Can the Weight of Whales and Large Fish be Calculated?" Journal of Mammalogy 19.4 (1938): 480-487. Print.                                                                                                                 g.) Carlander, Kenneth D. "Age, Growth, Sexual Maturity, and Population Fluctuations of the Yellow Pike-Perch, Stizostedion Vitreum Vitreum (Mitchill), with Reference to the Commercial Fisheries, Lake of the Woods, Minnesota." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 73 (1943): 90-107. Print.                             h.) Smith Jr., Lloyd L. and John B. Moyle. "Factors Influencing Production of Yellow Pike-Perch, Stizostedion Vitreum, in Minnesota Rearing Ponds." The American Fisheries Society 73 (1943): 243-261. Print.                                                                               i.) Eddy, Samuel. "The Growth Rate of Wall-Eyed Pike (Stizostedion Vitreum (Mitchill) in Various Lakes of Minnesota." Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science 7 (1939): 44-48. Print.  
6 1413-1422
a.) Hess, A. D. and Clarence M. Tarzwell. "The Feeding Habits of Gambusia Affinis Affinis, with Special Reference to the Malaria Mosquito, Anopheles Quadrimaculatus." The American Journal of Hygiene 35.1 (1942): 142-151. Print.                                                                                                                                                                      b.) Smith, M. W. "A Preliminary Note on the Fish Population of Lake Jesse, Nova Scotia." Transactions of American Fisheries Society 65 (1935): 297-299. Print.                                                                                                                                                                          c.) Harkness, W. J. K. and F. E. J. Fry. "Game Fish Management in Algonquin Park Lakes." Transactions of the Seventh North American Wildlife Conference (1942): 398-404. Print.                                                                                                                              d.) Safford, Virginia. "Asphyxiation of Marine Fish With and Without Co2 and Its Effect on the Gas Content of the Swimbladder." Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 16.2 (1940): 165-173. Print.                                                                                e.) Marr, John C. "Age, Length, and Weight Studies of Three Species of Columbia River Salmon (Oncorhynchus Keta, O. Gorbuscha, and O. Kisutch)." Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin 2.6 (1943): 157-248. Print.                                                                                                               f.) "The Smallmouth Black Bass in the Maritime Provinces." Atlantic Biological Station No. 86: 3-4. Print.                                                                                                                          g.) Black, Virginia S. "The Effect of Asphyxiation Under Various Tensions of Carbon Dioxide on the Swim Bladder Gases of Some Freshwater Fish." Canadian Journal of Research D,20: 209-219. Print.                                                                                                                h.) Ide, F. P. "Availability of Aquatic Insects as Food of the Speckled Trout, Salvelinus Fontalis." Transactions of the Seventh North American Wildlife Conference (1942): 442-450. Print.                                                                                                      i.) Smith, M. W. "A Preliminary Account of the Fish Populations in Certain Nova Scotian Lakes." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 67 (1937): 179-183. Print.                                                                                                                                                             j.) Smith, M. W. "Treatment of Potter's Lake, New Brunswick, with Rotenone." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 70 (1940): 348-355. Print. 
7 Capitol Maintenance Project
a.) Morgan, W. S. G. and P. C. Kuhn. "A Method to Monitor the Effects of Toxicants Upon Breathing Rate of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides Lacepede)." Water Research 8 (1974): 67-77. Print.                                                                                                     b.) Hubbs, Carl L. "Fish Management: Looking Forward." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 66 (1936):51-55. Print.                                                                                                             c.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Trautman, Milton B. "The Need for Investigating Fish Conditions in Winter." Transactions of American Fisheries Society 65 (1935): 51-56. Print.                                                                                                                                                             d.) Dendy, Jack S. "Predicting Depth Distribution of Fish in Three TVA Storage-Type Reservoirs." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 75 (1945): 65-71. Print.                                                                                                                                                                  e.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Gerald P. Coope. "Age and Growth of the Long-Eared and the Green Sunfishes in Michigan." Papers of tje Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 20 (1934): 669-696. Print.                                                                                                                f.) Schultz, Leaonard P. and Earl D. Reid. "The American Atlantic Toadfishes of the Genus Opsanus." Copeia No. 4 (1937): 211-212. Print.                                                                                                            g.) Langlois, T. H.. "Hand Feeding Bass." Bulletin No. 94 (1936). Print.                                                                                                              h.) Hasler, Arthur D. "Observations on the Winter Perch Populations of Lake Mendota." Ecology 26.1 (1945): 90-94. Print.                                                                                i.) Langlois, T. H.. "Standard Method of Computing Bass Production." Transactions of American Fisheries Society Investment Building 64 (1934): 164-166. Print.                                                                                                                                                                j.) Tarzwell, Clarence M. "The Fish Population of a Small Pond in Nothern Alabama." Transactions of the Fifth North American Wildlife Conference, 1940: 245-251. Print.                                                                                                                                                   k.) Langlois, T. H. "Opening Address." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 70 (1940): 18-20. Print. 
8 1293-1302
a.) Trautman, Milton B. "The Effects of Man-Made Modifications on the Fish Fauna in Lost and Gordon Creeks, Ohio, Between 1887-1938." Ohio Journal of Science 39.5 (1939): 275-288. Print.              b.) Trautman, Milton B. "Fluctuations in Lengths and Numbers of Certain Species of Fishes Over a Five-Year Period in Whitmore Lake, Michigan." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 70 (1940): 193-208. Print.                                                                               c.) Trautman, Milton B. "Fish Distribution and Abundance Correlated with Stream Gradients as a Consideration in Stocking Programs." Transactions of the Seventh North American Wildlife Conference (1942): 211-223. Print.                                                          d.) Doan, Kenneth H. "The Winter Fishery in Western Lake Erie, with a Census of the 1942 Catch." Ohio Journal of Science 44.2 (1944): 69-74. Print.                                                                                      e.) Hudgins, Bert. "The South Bass Island Community."                         f.) Scharrer, Ernst. "The Histology of the Meningeal Myeloid Tissue in the Ganoids Amia and Lepisosteus." The Anatomical Record 88.3 (1944): 291-310. Print.                                                                               g.) Langlois, T. H. "Sociological Succession." Ecology 18.3 (1937): 458-461. Print.                                                                                                h.) Roach, Lee S. "Buckeye Lake White Bass." Ohio Journal of Science43.6 (1943): 263-266. Print.                                                           i.) "Notes and Comment." Ecology 17.1 (1936): 177-178. Print.         j.) Langlois, T. H.. "Bait Culturists Guide." Bulletin No. 137 (1937): 3-19. Print. 
9 1303-1312
a.) Newcombe, Curtis L. "Report of the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory of the College of William and Mary Commission of Fisheries."                                                                                                      b.) Eddy, Samuel. "Little-Known Fishes of Minnesota." Minnesota Department of Conservation Bulletin No. 9(1945): 4-40. Print.          c.) Wiebe, A. H. "The Oxygen Consumption of Largemouth Black Bass (Huro Floridana) Fingerling." Transactions of American Fisheries Society 63 (1933): 208-214. Print.                                                         d.) Wiebe, A. H. "What Are The Prospects For The Continuation of Sport Fishing in Tennessee Valley Authority Waters." Transactions of the Fifth North American Wildlife Conference (1940): 131-136. Print.                                                                                                                 e.) Roach, Lee S. "Fish Population of Buckeye Lake as Determined by Trap Nets." Ohio Journal of Science 42.6 (1942): 237-245. Print.     f.) Powers, Edwim B., Howard H. Rostorfer, and Theresa H. Rostorfer. "The pH, Carbon Dioxide Tension, an the Hemoglobin Percentages of Venous Blood of Various Fresh Water Fishes." Ohio Journal of Science 29.1 (1939): 1-9. Print.                                                g.) Rostorfer, Howard H. "The Gas Content of the Swimbladder of the Rock Bass, Ambloplites Rupestris, in Relation to Hydrostatic Pressure." Biological Bulletin 32.1 (1942): 138-153. Print.               h.) Battle, Helen. "The Embryology and Larval Development of the Goldfish (Carassius Auratus L.) from Lake Erie." Ohio Journal of Science 40.2 (1940): 82-93. Print.                                                             i.) Baker, C.L. and M.V. Parker. "The Fishes of Reelfoot Lake." Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 13 (1958): 160-163. Print. 
10 1313-1322
a.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Eugene R. Kuhne. "A New Fish of the Genus Apocope from a Wyoming Warm Spring." Occasional Papers of the Mueseum of Zoology No. 343 (1937): 1-21. Print.                                b.) Davis, H. S. "Care and Diseases of Trout." United States Department of the Interior Research Report No. 12 (1946): 1-92. Print.                                                                                                                 c.) Fulton, Kenneth I. "Thirty-Seventh Biennial Report of the Division of Fish and Game for the Years 1940-1942."                       d.) Dill, William A. "The Fishery of the Lower Colorado River." California Fish and Game 30.3 (1944): 109-211. Print.                        e.) Godsil, H. C. and Robert D. Byers. "A Systematic Study of the Pacific Tunas." Fish Bulletin No. 60 (1944): 1-131. Print.                      f.) Wiebe, A.H. and Alfred M. McGavock. "The Ability of Several Species of Fish to Survive on Prolonged Exposure to Abnormally High Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen." Transactions of American Fisheries Society 62 (1932): 267-274. Print.                            g.) Hubbs, Carl L. and Edward C. Raney. "Systematic Notes on North American Siluroid Fishes of the Genus Schilbeodes." Occassional Papers of the Museum of Zoology No. 487 (1944):1-36. Print.                                                                                                                                   h.) Shapovalov, Leo. "Trout and Salmon Marking in California." California Fish and Game 23.3 (1937): 205-207. Print.                       i.) Tiller, R. E. "Fisheries Management Plan Productive." Fisheries Management Plan Productive Education Series No. 6 (1945): 3-8. Print. 
Box 89 of89
File No.  Title Date
1 Hydrology of Lake Sallie, Northwestern Minnesota, with special attention to ground water-surface water interactions, By Mark Stuart McBride
a.) McBride, Mark Stuart. "Hydrology of Lake Sallie, Northwestern Minnesota, with Special Attention to Ground Water-- Surface Water Interactions." 
2 Smith, Wintfred L. and T. David Pitts 1982                                          Reelfoot Lake: Summary Report 1982
a.) Smith, Wintfred L. and David Pitts. "Reelfoot Lake: A Summary Report." 
3 Sobcommittee on Sedimentation of the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data
a.) Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference 1986                                                                                           b.) Dendy, F.E., S. J. Ursic, and A. J. Bowie. "Sediment Sources and Yields from Upland Watersheds in North Mississippi."                     c.) Dendy, F.E. "Sediment Yield from a Mississippi Delta Cotton Field." Journal of Environmental Quality 10.4 (1981): 482-486. Print.                                                                                                               d.) Murphree, Carl E. and C. K. Mutchler. "Sediment Yield from a Flatland Watershed." TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 24.4 (1981): 966-969. Print. 
4 U.S. Corps of Engineers 1987 1987
a.) Pertinent Data on Reelfoot Lake Reconnaissance Study
5 Trophic Classification of Lakes Using Landsat-1 (ERTS-1) Multispectral Scanner Data
a.) Boland, D. H. P.. Trophic Classification of Lakes Using Landsat-1 (ERTS-1) Multispectral Scanner Data. Corvallis: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, 1976. Print.
6 Water Quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986 1976-1986
a.) Denton, Gregory M. Water Quality at Reelfoot Lake 1976-1986. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Health and Enviroment Offivce of Water Management, 1987. Print. 
7 Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitation/ Maintenance Supporting Information
a.) Talley, Thomas S., J. Mitch King, Robert Willis, Wendell Crews, Glen Stanley, Dr. Wintfred Smith. Reelfoot Lake Boat Channel Construction/ Rehabilitation/ Maintenance Supporting Information. Cookeville: U. S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984. Print.  
8 Water Quality Analyses Task Series 300 Report Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
a.) FTN Associates, Ltd. Water Quality Analyses Task Series 300 Report Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Atlanta: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Compliance Branch, 1987. Print. 
9 Summary of the Sedimentation Studies of Reelfoot Lake 1982-1986
a.) Denton, Gregory M. Summary of the Sedimentation Studies of Reelfoot Lake, 1982-1986. Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Office of Water Management, 1986. Print. 
10 A Clean Lakes Study: The Upper Buck Basin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
a.) A Clean Lakes Study: The Upper Buck Basin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Water Management, 1984. Print. 
11 A Clean Lakes Study: The Upper Buck Basin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
a.) A Clean Lakes Study: The Upper Buck Basin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Division of Water Management, 1984. Print. 
12 Reelfoot Lake: An Assessment for Water Level Management
a.) Reelfoot Lake: An Assessment for Water Level Management. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, 1985. Print. 
13 Water Management Alternatives at Reelfoot Lake: Results of a Workshop
a.) Roelle, James and William Seitz. Water Management Alternatives at Reelfoot Lake: Results of a Workshop. Washington: U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, 1986. Print.                                                                                                           
14 Estimates of Consumptive Use and Ground-Water Return Flow Using Water Budgets in Parker Valley, Arizona and California, 1981-84
a.) Owen-Joyce. Sandra J.. Estimates of Consumptive Use and Ground-Water Return Flow Using Water Budgets in Parker Valley, Arizona and California, 1981-84. Tucson: U.S. Geological Survey, 1988. Print. 
15 Sedimentation in Reelfoot Lake
a.) McIntyre, S.C., J.W. Naney, and J.C. Lance and G. M. Denton. Sedimentation in Reelfoot Lake. Nashville: Tennessee Department of Health and Environment Office of Water Management, 1986. Print. 
16 Soil Survey Obion County Tennessee
a.) Soil Survey Obion County Tennessee. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. Print. 
17 May 1984-April 1985 Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Pesticides in Bottom Material in Tributary Streams-- Basic Data Report
a.) Robbins, Clarence H., Jerry W. Garrett, and Delores M. Mulderink. May 1984- April 1985 Water Budget of Reelfoot Lake with Estimates of Sediment Inflow and Concentrations of Pesticides in Bottom Material in Tributary Streams-- Basic Data Report. Nashville: U. S. Geological Survey, 1985. Print. 
18 A Practical Field Technique For Measuring Reservoir Evaporation Utilizing Mass-Transfer Theory
a.) Harbeck, G. Earl. A Practical Field Technique for Measuring Reservoir Evaporation Utilizing Mass-Transfer Theory. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1962. Print. 
19 Effects of Wetlands on Quality of Runoff Entering Lakes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota
a.) Brown, R. G.. Effects of Wetlands on Quality of Runoff Entering Lakes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota.St. Paul: U.S. Geological Survey and Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area, 1985. Print.
20 Meromictic Lakes and Varved Lake Sediments in North America
a.) Anderson, Roger Y., Walter E. Dean, J. Platt Bradbury, and David Love. Meromictic Lakes and Varved Lake Sediments in North America. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1985. Print. 
21 Soil Survey Lake County, Tennessee
a.) Soil Survey Lake County, Tennessee. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. Print. 
22 Stages and Discharges of the Mississippi River and Tributaries in the Memphis District 1980 1980
a.) Stages and Discharges of the Mississippi River and Tributaries in the Memphis District. Vicksburg: U.S. Army Engineer District, Memphis Corps of Engineers, 1980. Print. 
23 Tennessee Rare Wildlife Volume 1: The Vertebrates
a.) Eagar, Daniel C. and Robert M. Hatcher. Tennessee's Rare Wildlife Volume 1: The Vertebrates. Tennessee Wildlife Resources and Tennessee Conservation Department. Print. 
24 Reelfoot Lake Fifty Year Management Plan
a.) Johnson, Jim W., Paul Brown, Tim Broadbent, and Harold Hurst. Reelfoot Lake Fifty Year Management Plan. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, 1986. Print. 
25 Methods for the Assessment and Prediction of Mineral Mining Impacts on Aquatic Communities: A Review and Analysis Worksop Proceedings
a.) Mason, William T. Methods for the Assessment and Prediction of Mineral Mining Impacts on Aquatic Communities: A Review and Analysis Workshop Proceedings .Harpers Ferry: Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior, 1978. Print.  
26 Water Quality Analyses Task Series 300 Report Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
a.) FTN Associates , Ltd. Water Quality Analyses Task Series 300 Report Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Atlanta: WAPORA, Inc., 1987. Print. 
27 The Rare Plants and Flora of Reelfoot Lake
a.) Guthrie, Milo. "The Rare Plants and Flora of Reelfoot Lake." 1987.