Name(s) of Buildings: Hall-Moody Administration Building and Administration Building

Construction Dates: 1958-1959
Cost: $573,000
Brief History:
With the postwar growth in students and programs, by the 1950's the administrative division of the University had long outgrown its space in the Old Administration Building, which was constructed at the turn of the century and initially housed the Hall-Moody offices and class space. The new Administration Building was completed in 1959 as an administrative and classroom space. The central offices of the Dean (now chancellor), bursar, registrar, and personnel shared the building with the academic departments of education, business administration, English, French, and home economics. The classrooms were moved to new quarters. On February 2, 1968, the building was named the Hall-Moody Administration Building in recognition of the institution's predecessor, the Hall-Moody Institute (founded on the site in 1900 and named for two locally prominent Baptists preachers). At the same time Hall-Moody was declared to be UTM's predecessor and its alumni was accorded status as UTM alumni. In 1974, the building was modernized and remodeled.