Name(s) of Buildings: Industrial Arts Building; Engineering Building; Agricultural-Engineering Building; Cooper Hall; Crisp Hall

Construction Dates:
1929-1930; post-fire reconstruction 1941-1942; 1989
not recorded; $81,000; not known
Brief History:
Construction of Crisp Hall was completed in 1930 and was originally used for the offices and classrooms of the Industrial Arts program. In 1941, a fire completely gutted the building and destroyed all but the exterior walls. Funds for the building's reconstruction were immediately sought and with the support of Governor Prentice Cooper the structure was rebuilt and later renamed in his honor in 1969. The building served as the offices and classrooms of the Engineering Department between 1942 and 1961, prior to the building of Engineering Physical Science Building. It later served as the offices of the Agricultural Engineering program and as overflow classrooms from 1962 to the early 1970's. Since the early 1970's, Campus Safety and Security have resided in the building and in 1989 the campus Computer Center relocated to the same site.
In 1996 Cooper Hall was renamed to Crisp Hall in honor of Harry L. Crisp, Sr., a distinguished businessman from the region.