Name(s) of Buildings: Physical Education/Convocation Center; Main Physical Education Building; Elam Center

Construction Dates:
1962-1963; 1973-1975
$643,000, $6,336,181
Brief History:
Growth through the 1950s had made the old Physical Education Building outdated. Construction began in 1962 west of Mt. Pelia Road to build a new facility to meet the demands of the expanding university. The complex was completed in the summer of 1963. It consisted of classrooms, offices, locker rooms, two activity rooms, and a gymnasium that could seat 3,500 people. The building was mainly used by the Physical Education and Athletics Department during the 1960's and 1970's. It was also the site for most major events on campus including the annual Carnicus, commencements, basketball games, concerts, etc.
In 1973 the building was enlarged by the addition of an adjacent field house. In 1994, the field house was officially named the Kathleen and Tom Elam Center.