Katie Drafall - Veterinary Science
I never imagined I would have the opportunity to study abroad. All I expected at Martin was to go to classes, get a degree, and get a job afterwards. The chance to join the UTM Siena trip was a once in a lifetime opportunity that helped me grow from a very reserved individual to someone that is eager to experience more, engage with others, and made me even more open minded.
Joseph Pelren - Geology and Chemistry double major
I had a great time with the UTM in Siena program! I was able to intern at an earth science museum and go on several geology-related excursions with faculty and students from the University of Siena. I gathered some rocks in the field on one of these trips, and am currently working on a senior thesis project built from those samples. It was a very enriching experience from both a personal and professional perspective.

Allison Zelenski - Sociology
My time in Siena was truly one of the best experiences of my life. Being fully immersed in an amazing historical city taught me to simply be more observant about even the familiar that may surround us. The adventures I was able to embark on changed my wider perspective of culture and lifestyle that will continue to follow me throughout life and that I will forever be thankful for.

Joshua Callahan - Fashion
Studying abroad in Italy was a blessing and an eye opening experience. I learned to appreciate the smallest of things that we may overlook day to day because not every family, city, and country has the cultural practices that we take for granted. I gained so much personal knowledge and grew spiritually throughout the summer. Opening the mind and the understanding to “Why” things are the way they are through history is an experience everyone should have!