Advanced Placement Exam (score 3, 4, or 5) | UTM COURSE |
Art History | ARTH 210-211 |
Art: 2D and Design (4 or 5 only and after individual assessment) | ART 120 |
Art: 3D and Design (4 or 5 only and after individual assessment) | ART 130 |
Art: Drawing (4 or 5 only and after individual assessment) | ART 140-150 |
Biology (3) | BIOL 110-120 |
Biology (4 or 5 only) | BIOL 130-140 |
Calculus AB Exam (3,4,5) or Calculus BC Exam (3) | MATH 251 |
Calculus BC Exam (4,5) | MATH 251-252 |
Chemistry (4,5) | CHEM 121-122 |
Chinese Language and Culture | No Credit |
Computer Science A (4,5) | CSCI 221 |
Computer Science Principles (4,5) | CSCI 220 |
Economics: Macroeconomics | ECON 201 |
Economics: Microeconomics | ECON 202 |
English Language and Composition (3) or English Literature and Composition (3) | ENGL 111 |
English Language and COmposition (4,5) or English Literature and Composition (4,5) | ENGL 111-112 |
Environmental Science | ESCI LD |
French Language and Culture (3) | FREN 341 |
French Language and Culture (4,5) | FREN 341-342 |
German Language and Culture (3) | GERM 341 |
German Language and Culture (4,5) | GERM 341-342 |
Government and Politics: Comparative | POSC 341 |
Government and Politics: US | POSC 210 |
History: European | HIST LD |
History: Modern World | HIST 121-122 |
History: US | HIST 201-202 |
Human Geography | GEOG 202 |
Italian Language and Culture | No Credit |
Japanese Language and Culture (3) | JAPN 341 |
Japanese Language and Culture (4,5) | JAPN 341-342 |
Latin | LATIN LD |
Music Theory | Credit awarded by individual assessment |
Music Theory Aural Subscore | Credit awarded by individual assessment |
Music Theory nonaural Subscore | Credit awarded by individual assessment |
Physics 1 (4,5) | PHYS 211 |
Physics 2 (4,5) | PHYS 212 |
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (4,5) | PHYS 221 |
Physics C: Mechanics (4,5) | PHYS 220 |
Physchology | PSYC 101 |
Pre-Calculus (3,4,5) | MATH 185 |
Research | No Credit |
Seminar | No Credit |
Spanish Language and Culture (3) | SPAN 111 (3 credit hours) |
Spanish Language and Culture (4) | SPAN 122 (3 credit hours) |
Spanish Language and Culture (5) | SPAN 222 (3 credit hours) |
Statistics | MATH 210 |
State Dual Credit Test | UTM COURSE |
5943: Agri Bus Finance (70%) | AGEC 110 |
5987: Criminal Justice (70%) | CJ 200 |
5997: Heatlh Info Technology (75%) | HLTH LD |
3124: College Algebra (75%)if 2013-14 and 2014-15; 3136: Pre-Calculus (75%) | MATH 140 |
3136: Statistics (75% prior to Fall 2022), (70% Fall 2022-forward) | MATH 210 |
5954: Greenhouse Mgt (70%) | PLSC 110 |
3432: Sociology (70%) | SOC 201 |
American History (75%) | HIST 201 |
American History II (75% starting Fall 2023) | HIST 202 |
Modern World History (70%) | HIST 122 |
Introduction to Plant Science (70%) | PLSC 110 |
Psychology (70%) | PSYC 101 |
Speech and Communication (75%) | MMSC 230 |
AS or A Level scores | UTM COURSE |
Environmental Management (Min score E) | NRM LD |
Global Perspectives AS Level (Min score C) | INST 200 |
History-International AS Level (Min score C) | HIST LD |
Marine Science 2 A Level (Min score E) | GEOL LD |
Psychology A or AS Level (Min score E) | PSYC 101 |
English - Literature (A Level) C or better | ENGL LD, LD (3,3) |
Spanish (A Level) - Grade C | SPAN 111 |
Spanish (A Level) - Grade B | SPAN 111 and SPAN 122 |
Spanish (A Level) - Grade A | SPAN 122 and SPAN 222 |
Spanish - First Language (AS Level Only) - C or better | SPAN 111 and SPAN 122 |
Spanish - Language (AS Level Only) - C or Better | SPAN 111 and SPAN 122 |
Spanish - Literature (AS Level Only) - C or Better | SPAN 111 and SPAN 122 |