Student Government Association

The Student Government Association at the University of Tennessee Martin is here for you. We want your questions, concerns, and comments so that we may develop this campus to better serve the students.

The Student Government Association would not be here today without the time and effort from our past and present members. We are a student-run organization, and our title is simple: We are a liaison between the students and the administration. We represent every student at UT Martin, Online, and at our Extended Campuses.

Every student matters and contributes to improving all of our branches of student government. You elected the SGA representatives. Now, it is our duty be your voice and provide you with an enjoyable college atmosphere where all the students can grow and prosper.

Our office is located in The Student Life Office in the University Center (UC Room 245), where we have SGA members throughout most of the day. We love UT Martin, and we want you to have the best experience during your time here. Please always feel free to share your concerns, ideas, and suggestions with our administration. The email addresses of the current Executive Officers are listed below.

Feel free to join us at any Senate meeting every other Thursday night at 5:30 P.M. in the Legislative Chambers located in the University Center.

SGA Meeting Minutes and Passed Legislation can be found on the SGA OneSpace page.

2025 – 2026 SGA Elections

SGA is hosting their annual election cycle during March and April 2025, with Election Day set for April 8th, 2025.

Get involved in SGA and represent your fellow students!

Elections Rules and Documents:

SGA Elections will be conducted online via Runway on Tuesday, April 8th from 10:00am – 6:00pm.

All election questions should be directed to:

SGA Election Commissioner: Ethan Bell -

SGA Advisor: John Abel –

Executive Council


Madeleine Griffey

Vice President

Taylor Cantrell

Secretary General

Scarlett Cook

Press Secretary

Preston Pooler

Freshman Council

Freshman Council is how new students get involved with SGA at UT Martin. Students apply and are interviewed by the current SGA Leadership. 25-30 students are selected each fall to serve. Applications for the 2025-2026 Freshman Council will open in May 2025.

Student Government Association
John Abel, SGA Advisor
245 University Center
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN 38238